
Defines functions .family_custom .family_zero_one_inflated_beta .family_zero_inflated_beta .family_zero_inflated_beta_binomial .family_zero_inflated_binomial .family_zero_inflated_negbinomial .family_zero_inflated_poisson .family_hurdle_cumulative .family_hurdle_lognormal .family_hurdle_gamma .family_hurdle_negbinomial .family_hurdle_poisson .family_acat .family_cratio .family_sratio .family_cumulative .family_cox .family_zero_inflated_asym_laplace .family_asym_laplace .family_von_mises .family_gen_extreme_value .family_wiener .family_exgaussian .family_shifted_lognormal .family_lognormal .family_inverse.gaussian .family_frechet .family_exponential .family_weibull .family_gamma .family_com_poisson .family_discrete_weibull .family_geometric .family_negbinomial2 .family_negbinomial .family_poisson .family_logistic_normal .family_dirichlet2 .family_dirichlet .family_beta .family_multinomial .family_categorical .family_bernoulli .family_beta_binomial .family_binomial .family_skew_normal .family_student .family_gaussian

# This file contains a list for every native family.
# These lists may contain the following elements:
#   links: possible link function (first is default)
#   dpars: distributional parameters of the family
#   type: either real or int (i.e. continuous or discrete)
#   ybounds: area of definition of the response values
#   closed: is the interval closed or open?
#   ad: supported addition arguments
#   include: names of user-defined Stan functions
#     to be included in the Stan code
#   normalized: suffixes of Stan lpdfs or lpmfs which only exist as normalized
#     versions; can also be "" in which case the family is always normalized
#   specials: character vector specialties of some families
#     TODO: create an overview of all specials

.family_gaussian <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus",
              "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "se", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    normalized = c("_time_hom", "_time_het", "_lagsar", "_errorsar", "_fcor"),
    specials = c("residuals", "rescor")

.family_student <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus",
              "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "nu"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "se", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = "fun_logm1.stan",
    normalized = c("_time_hom", "_time_het", "_lagsar", "_errorsar", "_fcor"),
    specials = c("residuals", "rescor")

.family_skew_normal <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus",
              "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "alpha"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "se", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_binomial <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "trials", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    specials = "sbi_logit"

.family_beta_binomial <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit", "identity"
    dpars = c("mu", "phi"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "trials", "cens", "trunc", "index")

.family_bernoulli <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, 1), closed = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    specials = c("binary", "sbi_logit")

.family_categorical <- function() {
    links = "logit",
    dpars = NULL,
    multi_dpars = "mu",  # size determined by the data
    type = "int", ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf),
    closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    specials = c("categorical", "joint_link", "sbi_logit")

.family_multinomial <- function() {
    links = "logit",
    dpars = NULL,
    multi_dpars = "mu",  # size determined by the data
    type = "int", ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf),
    closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "trials", "index"),
    specials = c("multinomial", "joint_link"),
    include = "fun_multinomial_logit.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_beta <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu", "phi"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, 1), closed = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_dirichlet <- function() {
    links = "logit",
    dpars = "phi",
    multi_dpars = "mu",  # size determined by the data
    type = "real", ybounds = c(0, 1),
    closed = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    specials = c("simplex", "joint_link"),
    include = "fun_dirichlet_logit.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_dirichlet2 <- function() {
    links = c("log", "softplus", "squareplus", "identity", "logm1"),
    dpars = NULL,
    multi_dpars = "mu",  # size determined by the data
    type = "real", ybounds = c(0, 1),
    closed = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    specials = c("simplex"),
    include = "fun_logm1.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_logistic_normal <- function() {
    links = "identity",
    dpars = NULL,
    multi_dpars = c("mu", "sigma"),  # size determined by the data
    type = "real", ybounds = c(0, 1),
    closed = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    specials = c("simplex", "logistic_normal", "joint_link"),
    include = "fun_logistic_normal.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_poisson <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "rate", "index"),
    specials = "sbi_log"

.family_negbinomial <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "rate", "index"),
    specials = "sbi_log",
    # experimental use of default priors stored in families #1614
    prior = function(dpar, link = "identity", ...) {
      if (dpar == "shape" && link == "identity") {
        return("inv_gamma(0.4, 0.3)")

# as negbinomial but with sigma = 1 / shape parameterization
.family_negbinomial2 <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "rate", "index"),
    specials = "sbi_log",
    prior = function(dpar, link = "identity", ...) {
      if (dpar == "sigma" && link == "identity") {
        return("gamma(0.4, 0.3)")

.family_geometric <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "rate", "index"),
    specials = "sbi_log"

.family_discrete_weibull <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit", "identity"
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_discrete_weibull.stan"

.family_com_poisson <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_com_poisson.stan",
    specials = "sbi_log"

.family_gamma <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_weibull <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_exponential <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = "mu", type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_frechet <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "nu"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = "fun_logm1.stan"

.family_inverse.gaussian <- function() {
    links = c("1/mu^2", "inverse", "identity", "log", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = "fun_inv_gaussian.stan"

.family_lognormal <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "inverse"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    specials = "logscale"

.family_shifted_lognormal <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "inverse"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "ndt"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    specials = "logscale"

.family_exgaussian <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "beta"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index")

.family_wiener <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "bs", "ndt", "bias"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(FALSE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "dec", "index"),
    include = "fun_wiener_diffusion.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_gen_extreme_value <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "xi"),
    tmp_dpars = "xi", type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = c("fun_gen_extreme_value.stan", "fun_scale_xi.stan"),
    normalized = ""

.family_von_mises <- function() {
    links = c("tan_half", "identity"),
    dpars = c("mu", "kappa"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-pi, pi), closed = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = c("fun_tan_half.stan", "fun_von_mises.stan"),
    normalized = ""

.family_asym_laplace <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "quantile"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "mi", "index"),
    include = "fun_asym_laplace.stan",
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_asym_laplace <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "log", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "quantile", "zi"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = c("fun_asym_laplace.stan", "fun_zero_inflated_asym_laplace.stan")

.family_cox <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_cox.stan",
    specials = c("cox", "sbi_log", "sbi_log_cdf"),
    normalized = ""

.family_cumulative <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"
    dpars = c("mu", "disc"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "thres", "cat", "index"),
    specials = c(
      "ordinal", "ordered_thres", "thres_minus_eta",
      "joint_link", "ocs", "sbi_logit"
    normalized = ""

.family_sratio <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit"  # , "softit"
    dpars = c("mu", "disc"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "thres", "cat", "index"),
    specials = c("ordinal", "cs", "thres_minus_eta", "joint_link"),
    normalized = ""

.family_cratio <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit"  # , "softit"
    dpars = c("mu", "disc"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "thres", "cat", "index"),
    specials = c("ordinal", "cs", "eta_minus_thres", "joint_link"),
    normalized = ""

.family_acat <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"
    dpars = c("mu", "disc"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "thres", "cat", "index"),
    specials = c("ordinal", "cs", "eta_minus_thres", "joint_link"),
    normalized = ""

.family_hurdle_poisson <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "hu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_hurdle_poisson.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_log", "sbi_hu_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_hurdle_negbinomial <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape", "hu"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_hurdle_negbinomial.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_log", "sbi_hu_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_hurdle_gamma <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "inverse", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape", "hu"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_hurdle_gamma.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_hu_logit", "cont_hurdle"),
    normalized = ""

.family_hurdle_lognormal <- function() {
    links = c("identity", "inverse"),
    dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "hu"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_hurdle_lognormal.stan",
    specials = c("logscale", "sbi_hu_logit", "cont_hurdle"),
    normalized = ""

.family_hurdle_cumulative <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx",
      "cloglog", "cauchit", "softit"
    dpars = c("mu", "hu", "disc"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "thres", "cat", "index"),
    specials = c(
      "ordinal", "ordered_thres", "thres_minus_eta",
      "joint_link", "ocs", "sbi_logit", "extra_cat"
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_poisson <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "zi"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_inflated_poisson.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_log", "sbi_zi_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_negbinomial <- function() {
    links = c("log", "identity", "sqrt", "softplus", "squareplus"),
    dpars = c("mu", "shape", "zi"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_inflated_negbinomial.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_log", "sbi_zi_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_binomial <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu", "zi"), type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf), closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "trials", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_inflated_binomial.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_logit", "sbi_zi_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_beta_binomial <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu", "phi", "zi"),
    type = "int",
    ybounds = c(0, Inf),
    closed = c(TRUE, NA),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "trials", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_inflated_beta_binomial.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_zi_logit"),
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_inflated_beta <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu", "phi", "zi"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, 1), closed = c(TRUE, FALSE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "cens", "trunc", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_inflated_beta.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_zi_logit", "cont_hurdle"),
    normalized = ""

.family_zero_one_inflated_beta <- function() {
    links = c(
      "logit", "probit", "probit_approx", "cloglog",
      "cauchit", "softit", "identity", "log"
    dpars = c("mu", "phi", "zoi", "coi"), type = "real",
    ybounds = c(0, 1), closed = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "index"),
    include = "fun_zero_one_inflated_beta.stan",
    specials = c("sbi_zi_logit", "cont_hurdle"),
    normalized = ""

.family_custom <- function() {
    ad = c("weights", "subset", "se", "cens", "trunc", "trials",
           "thres", "cat", "dec", "mi", "index", "vreal", "vint"),
    ybounds = c(-Inf, Inf), closed = c(NA, NA)

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brms documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:35 a.m.