
context("Tests for data helper functions")

test_that("validate_newdata handles factors correctly", {
  fit <- brms:::rename_pars(brms:::brmsfit_example1)
  fit$data$fac <- factor(sample(1:3, nrow(fit$data), TRUE))
  newdata <- fit$data[1:5, ]
  expect_silent(brms:::validate_newdata(newdata, fit))
  newdata$visit <- 1:5
  expect_error(brms:::validate_newdata(newdata, fit),
               "Levels '5' of grouping factor 'visit' cannot")
  newdata$fac <- 1:5
  expect_error(brms:::validate_newdata(newdata, fit),
               "New factor levels are not allowed")

test_that("validate_data returns correct model.frames", {
  dat <- data.frame(y = 1:5, x = 1:5, z = 6:10, g = 5:1)

  bterms <- brmsterms(y ~ as.numeric(x) + (as.factor(z) | g),
                      family = gaussian())
  mf <- brms:::validate_data(dat, bterms = bterms)
  expect_true(all(c("x", "z") %in% names(mf)))

  bterms <- brmsterms(y ~ 1 + (1|g/x/z), family = gaussian())
  mf <- brms:::validate_data(dat, bterms = bterms)
  expect_equal(mf[["g:x"]], paste0(dat$g, "_", dat$x))
  expect_equal(mf[["g:x:z"]], paste0(dat$g, "_", dat$x, "_", dat$z))

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brms documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:35 a.m.