#' Convert formula selector to a named list
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`\cr
#' This function will soon be removed from `broom.helpers`. Please consider
#' [`cards::process_formula_selectors()`] as an alternative.
#' Functions takes a list of formulas, a named list, or a combination of named
#' elements with formula elements and returns a named list.
#' For example, `list(age = 1, starts_with("stage") ~ 2)`.
#' @section Shortcuts:
#' A shortcut for specifying an option be applied to all columns/variables
#' is omitting the LHS of the formula.
#' For example, `list(~ 1)` is equivalent to passing `list(everything() ~ 1)`.
#' Additionally, a single formula may be passed instead of placing a single
#' formula in a list; e.g. `everything() ~ 1` is equivalent to
#' passing `list(everything() ~ 1)`
#' @param x list of selecting formulas
#' @param type_check A predicate function that checks the elements passed on
#' the RHS of the formulas in `x=` (or the element in a named list)
#' satisfy the function.
#' @param type_check_msg When the `type_check=` fails, the string provided
#' here will be printed as the error message. When `NULL`, a generic
#' error message will be printed.
#' @param null_allowed Are `NULL` values accepted for the right hand side of
#' formulas?
#' @inheritParams .select_to_varnames
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.formula_list_to_named_list <- function(x, data = NULL, var_info = NULL,
arg_name = NULL, select_single = FALSE,
type_check = NULL, type_check_msg = NULL,
null_allowed = TRUE) {
# if NULL provided, return NULL ----------------------------------------------
if (is.null(x)) {
# converting to list if single element passed --------------------------------
if (inherits(x, "formula")) {
x <- list(x)
# checking the input is valid ------------------------------------------------
.check_valid_input(x = x, arg_name = arg_name, type_check = type_check)
# convert to a named list ----------------------------------------------------
len_x <- length(x)
named_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = len_x)
for (i in seq_len(len_x)) {
if (rlang::is_named(x[i])) {
named_list[i] <- list(x[i])
} else if (rlang::is_formula(x[[i]])) {
named_list[i] <-
data = data,
var_info = var_info,
arg_name = arg_name,
select_single = select_single,
type_check = type_check,
type_check_msg = type_check_msg,
null_allowed = null_allowed
) |>
} else {
.formula_select_error(arg_name = arg_name)
x = named_list[i][[1]], arg_name = arg_name, type_check = type_check,
type_check_msg = type_check_msg, null_allowed = null_allowed
named_list <- purrr::flatten(named_list)
# removing duplicates (using the last one listed if variable occurs more than once)
rd <- function(x) {
x <- rev(x)
x <- !duplicated(x)
tokeep <- names(named_list) |> rd()
result <- named_list[tokeep]
if (isTRUE(select_single) && length(result) > 1) {
.select_single_error_msg(names(result), arg_name = arg_name)
.select_single_error_msg <- function(selected, arg_name) {
if (!rlang::is_empty(arg_name)) {
"Error in `{arg_name}=` argument--select only a single column. ",
"The following columns were selected, ",
"{paste(sQuote(selected), collapse = ', ')}"
) |>
cli::cli_abort(call = NULL)
"Error in selector--select only a single column. ",
"The following columns were selected, ",
"{paste(sQuote(selected), collapse = ', ')}"
) |>
cli::cli_abort(call = NULL)
.check_valid_input <- function(x, arg_name, type_check) {
if (
!rlang::is_list(x) &&
!(rlang::is_vector(x) && rlang::is_named(x))
) {
err_msg <-
"Error processing the `{arg_name %||% ''}` argument. ",
"Expecting a list or formula.\n",
"Review syntax details at",
if (tryCatch(, list(x)), error = function(e) FALSE)) {
x_string <-
) %||% as.character(deparse(x)),
error = function(e) NULL
if (!is.null(x_string) && length(x_string) == 1 && nchar(x_string) <= 50) {
err_msg <-
stringr::str_glue("Did you mean `everything() ~ {x_string}`?"),
sep = "\n\n"
cli::cli_abort(err_msg, call = NULL)
# checking the type/class/NULL of the RHS of formula
.rhs_checks <- function(x, arg_name,
type_check, type_check_msg,
null_allowed) {
function(rhs, lhs) {
if (!null_allowed && is.null(rhs)) {
"Error processing `{arg_name %||% ''}` argument for element '{lhs[[1]]}'. ",
"A NULL value is not allowed."
) |>
cli::cli_abort(call = NULL)
# check the type of RHS ------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(type_check) && !is.null(rhs) && !type_check(rhs)) {
"Error processing `{arg_name %||% ''}` argument for element '{lhs[[1]]}'. ",
type_check_msg %||% "The value passed is not the expected type/class."
) |>
cli::cli_abort(call = NULL)
.single_formula_to_list <- function(x, data, var_info, arg_name,
select_single, type_check, type_check_msg,
null_allowed) {
# for each formula extract lhs and rhs ---------------------------------------
# checking the LHS is not empty
f_lhs_quo <- .f_side_as_quo(x, "lhs")
if (rlang::quo_is_null(f_lhs_quo)) f_lhs_quo <- rlang::expr(everything())
# extract LHS of formula
lhs <- .select_to_varnames(
select = !!f_lhs_quo,
data = data,
var_info = var_info,
arg_name = arg_name,
select_single = select_single
# evaluate RHS of formula in the original formula environment
rhs <- .f_side_as_quo(x, "rhs") |> rlang::eval_tidy()
# checking if RHS is NULL ----------------------------------------------------
# converting rhs and lhs into a named list
~ list(rhs) |> rlang::set_names(.x)
) |>
#' Variable selector
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`\cr
#' This function will soon be removed from `broom.helpers`. Please consider
#' [`cards::process_selectors()`] as an alternative.
#' Function takes `select()`-like inputs and converts the selector to
#' a character vector of variable names. Functions accepts tidyselect syntax,
#' and additional selector functions defined within the package
#' @param select A single object selecting variables, e.g. `c(age, stage)`,
#' `starts_with("age")`
#' @param data A data frame to select columns from. Default is NULL
#' @param var_info A data frame of variable names and attributes. May also pass
#' a character vector of variable names. Default is NULL
#' @param arg_name Optional string indicating the source argument name. This
#' helps in the error messaging. Default is NULL.
#' @param select_single Logical indicating whether the result must be a single
#' variable. Default is `FALSE`
#' @return A character vector of variable names
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.select_to_varnames <- function(select, data = NULL, var_info = NULL,
arg_name = NULL, select_single = FALSE) {
if (is.null(data) && is.null(var_info)) {
cli::cli_abort("At least one of {.arg data} or {.arg var_info} must be specified.")
select <- rlang::enquo(select)
# if NULL passed, return NULL
if (rlang::quo_is_null(select)) {
# if var_info is provided, scope it
if (!is.null(var_info)) data <- scope_tidy(var_info, data)
# determine if selecting input begins with `var()`
select_input_starts_var <-
!rlang::quo_is_symbol(select) && # if not a symbol (ie name)
eval(as.list(rlang::quo_get_expr(select)) |> purrr::pluck(1)),
error = function(e) FALSE
# performing selecting
res <-
if (select_input_starts_var) {
# `vars()` was deprecated on June 6, 2022, gtsummary will stop
# exporting `vars()` at some point as well.
"Use of {.code vars()} is now {.strong deprecated} and support will soon be removed.",
"Please replace calls to {.code vars()} with {.code c()}."
) |>
# `vars()` evaluates to a list of quosures; unquoting them in `select()`
names(dplyr::select(data, !!!rlang::eval_tidy(select)))
} else {
names(dplyr::select(data, !!select))
error = function(e) {
if (!is.null(arg_name)) {
error_msg <- stringr::str_glue(
"Error in `{arg_name}=` argument input. Select from ",
"{paste(sQuote(names(data)), collapse = ', ')}"
} else {
error_msg <- as.character(e)
} # nocov
cli::cli_abort(error_msg, call = NULL)
# assuring only a single column is selected
if (select_single == TRUE && length(res) > 1) {
.select_single_error_msg(res, arg_name = arg_name)
# if nothing is selected, return a NULL
if (length(res) == 0) {
#' Generate a custom selector function
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @param variable_column string indicating column variable names are stored
#' @param select_column character vector of columns used in the `select_expr=` argument
#' @param select_expr unquoted predicate command to subset a data frame to select variables
#' @param fun_name quoted name of function where `.generic_selector()` is being used.
#' This helps with error messaging.
#' @details
#' `.is_selector_scoped()` checks if a selector has been properly registered
#' in `env_variable_type$df_var_info`.
#' @return custom selector functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.generic_selector <- function(variable_column, select_column, select_expr, fun_name) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.17.0", ".generic_selector()")
# ensuring the proper data has been scoped to use this function
if (!.is_selector_scoped(variable_column, select_column)) {
cli_alert_danger("Cannot use selector '{fun_name}()' in this context.")
cli::cli_abort("Invalid syntax", call = NULL)
# selecting the variable from the variable information data frame
filter_complete_cases <- function(x) {
dplyr::filter(x, stats::complete.cases(x))
env_variable_type$df_var_info |>
dplyr::select(all_of(c(variable_column, select_column))) |>
filter_complete_cases() |>
dplyr::filter({{ select_expr }}) |>
dplyr::pull(dplyr::all_of(variable_column)) |>
#' @rdname dot-generic_selector
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.is_selector_scoped <- function(variable_column, select_column) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.17.0", ".is_selector_scoped()")
exists("df_var_info", envir = env_variable_type) &&
all(c(variable_column, select_column) %in% names(env_variable_type$df_var_info))
# scoping the variable characteristics
.scope_var_info <- function(x) {
# removing everything from selecting environment
rm(list = ls(envir = env_variable_type), envir = env_variable_type)
if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
# saving var_info to selecting environment, where it may be utilized by selecting fns
env_variable_type$df_var_info <- x
# function that converts a meta_data tibble to a tibble of variable names (to be used in selecting)
.var_info_to_df <- function(x) {
# converting variable name and class into data frame so users can use `where(predicate)`-types
if (inherits(x, "data.frame") && all(c("variable", "var_class") %in% names(x))) {
# keep unique var names
x <-
dplyr::select(x, all_of(c("variable", "var_class"))) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>
df <-
x$variable, x$var_class,
function(var, class) {
"numeric" = data.frame(pi),
"character" = data.frame(letters[1]),
"factor" = data.frame(datasets::iris$Species[1]),
"ordered" = data.frame(factor(datasets::iris$Species[1], ordered = TRUE)),
"integer" = data.frame(1L),
"Date" = data.frame(Sys.Date()),
"POSIXlt" = data.frame(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())),
"POSIXct" = data.frame(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())),
"difftime" = data.frame(Sys.Date() - Sys.Date())
) %||%
data.frame(NA) |>
} else if (inherits(x, "data.frame") && "variable" %in% names(x)) {
# if a data.frame
df <- purrr::map_dfc(unique(x$variable), ~ data.frame(NA) |> purrr::set_names(.x))
} else if (rlang::is_vector(x) && !is.list(x)) {
# if only a vector of names were passed, converting them to a data frame
df <- purrr::map_dfc(unique(x), ~ data.frame(NA) |> purrr::set_names(.x))
# return data frame with variables as column names
# extract LHS/RHS of formula as quosure. attached env will be the formula env
.f_side_as_quo <- function(x, side = c("lhs", "rhs")) {
side <- match.arg(side)
f_expr <-
"lhs" = rlang::f_lhs(x),
"rhs" = rlang::f_rhs(x)
f_quo <- rlang::quo(!!f_expr)
attr(f_quo, ".Environment") <- rlang::f_env(x)
# there are a couple of places the users input may result in an error.
# this function prints an informative error msg with correct syntax example
.formula_select_error <- function(arg_name) {
example_text <- formula_select_examples[[arg_name %||% "not_an_arg"]] %||%
"label = list(age ~ \"Age, years\")",
"statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ \"{mean} ({sd})\")",
"type = list(c(response, death) ~ \"categorical\")"
# printing error for argument input
if (!is.null(arg_name)) {
"There was a problem with the {.code {arg_name}=} argument input."
} else {
cli_alert_danger("There was a problem with one of the function argument inputs.")
cli_alert_info("Below is an example of correct syntax.")
cli::cli_abort("Invalid argument syntax", call = NULL)
formula_select_examples <- list(
labels = "labels = list(age ~ \"Age, years\", response ~ \"Tumor Response\")",
label = "label = list(age ~ \"Age, years\", response ~ \"Tumor Response\")",
type = "type = list(age ~ \"continuous\", where(is.integer) ~ \"categorical\")",
statistic = c(
"statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ \"{mean} ({sd})\",",
"all_categorical() ~ \"{n} / {N} ({p}%)\")"
"statistic = list(age ~ \"{median}\")"
digits = c("digits = list(age ~ 2)", "digits = list(all_continuous() ~ 2)"),
value = c("value = list(grade ~ \"III\")", "value = list(all_logical() ~ FALSE)"),
test = c("test = list(all_continuous() ~ \"t.test\")", "test = list(age ~ \"kruskal.test\")")
# set new environment for new tidyselect funs
env_variable_type <- rlang::new_environment()
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