#' Tidying methods for mixed effects models
#' These methods tidy the coefficients of mixed effects models
#' of the \code{lme} class from functions of the \code{nlme} package.
#' @param x An object of class \code{lme}, such as those from \code{lme}
#' or \code{nlme}
#' @return All tidying methods return a \code{data.frame} without rownames.
#' The structure depends on the method chosen.
#' @name nlme_tidiers
#' @inheritParams tidy.merMod
#' @examples
#' if (require("nlme") && require("lme4")) {
#' data("sleepstudy", package="lme4")
#' ## original model
#' \dontrun{
#' lmm1 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random=~ Days|Subject, sleepstudy)
#' }
#' ## load stored object
#' load(system.file("extdata","nlme_example.rda", package="broom.mixed"))
#' tidy(lmm1)
#' tidy(lmm1, effects = "fixed")
#' tidy(lmm1, = TRUE)
#' tidy(lmm1, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.8)
#' tidy(lmm1, effects = "ran_pars")
#' tidy(lmm1, effects = "ran_vals")
#' tidy(lmm1, effects = "ran_coefs")
#' head(augment(lmm1, sleepstudy))
#' glance(lmm1)
#' startvec <- c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350)
#' nm1 <- nlme(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal),
#' data = Orange,
#' fixed = Asym + xmid + scal ~1,
#' random = Asym ~1,
#' start = startvec)
#' tidy(nm1)
#' tidy(nm1, effects = "fixed")
#' head(augment(nm1, Orange))
#' glance(nm1)
#' gls1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary,
#' correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Mare))
#' tidy(gls1)
#' glance(gls1)
#' head(augment(gls1))
#' }
#' @rdname nlme_tidiers
#' @param effects One or more of "var_model", "ran_pars", "fixed", "ran_vals",
#' and/or "ran_coefs".
#' @return \code{tidy} returns one row for each estimated effect, either
#' random or fixed depending on the \code{effects} parameter. If
#' \code{effects = "ran_vals"} (or \code{"ran_pars"}), it contains the columns
#' \item{group}{the group within which the random effect is being estimated}
#' \item{level}{level within group}
#' \item{term}{term being estimated}
#' \item{estimate}{estimated coefficient}
#' \item{estimated}{This column is only included if some parameters are fixed.
#' TRUE if the residual error is estimated and FALSE if the residual error
#' is fixed.}
#' If \code{effects="fixed"}, \code{tidy} returns the columns
#' \item{term}{fixed term being estimated}
#' \item{estimate}{estimate of fixed effect}
#' \item{std.error}{standard error}
#' \item{statistic}{t-statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{P-value computed from t-statistic}
#' If \code{effects="var_model"} (the \code{weights} argument to the model),
#' \code{tidy} returns the columns defined in the help for \code{tidy.varFunc}.
#' @importFrom nlme getVarCov intervals
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
## @importFrom dplyr tibble select full_join
#' @export
tidy.lme <- function(x, effects = c("var_model", "ran_pars", "fixed"),
scales = NULL, = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95,
...) {
## R CMD global var check
lower <- upper <- NULL
effect_names <- c("var_model", "ran_pars", "fixed", "ran_vals", "ran_coefs")
if (length(miss <- setdiff(effects, effect_names)) > 0) {
stop("unknown effect type ", miss)
## R CMD check false positives
term <- estimate <- .id <- level <- std.error <- NULL
if (!is.null(scales)) {
if (length(scales) != length(effects)) {
"if scales are specified, values (or NA) must be provided ",
"for each effect"
ret_list <- list()
if ("fixed" %in% effects) {
# return tidied fixed effects
ret <- summary(x)[["tTable"]] %>%
data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>%
rename_regex_match() %>%
if ( {
cifix <- intervals(x, level = conf.level, which = "fixed")[["fixed"]] %>%
data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(lower, upper) %>%
setNames(c("conf.low", "conf.high")) %>%
ret <- dplyr::full_join(ret, cifix, by = "term")
ran_effs <- sprintf("ran_%s", c("pars", "vals", "coefs"))
ret_list$fixed <- ret %>%
if ("ran_pars" %in% effects) {
if (is.null(scales)) {
rscale <- "sdcor"
} else {
rscale <- scales[effects == "ran_pars"]
if (!rscale %in% c("sdcor", "vcov")) {
stop(sprintf("unrecognized ran_pars scale %s", sQuote(rscale)))
grplen <- attr(x$modelStruct$reStruct, "plen")
multilevel <- (length(grplen) > 1)
nonlin <- inherits(x, "nlme")
if (multilevel || nonlin) {
"ran_pars not yet implemented for ",
if (multilevel) {
"multiple levels of nesting"
} else {
"nonlinear models"
ret <- dplyr::tibble()
} else {
vc <- nlme::getVarCov(x)
ran_prefix <- switch(rscale,
vcov = c("var", "cov"),
sdcor = c("sd", "cor")
## construct appropriate sd/cor names from dimnames
nmvec <- outer(
colnames(vc), rownames(vc),
function(x, y) {
ifelse(x == y,
x, y
lwrtri <- function(x) {
x[lower.tri(x, diag = TRUE)]
nmvec <- c(
sprintf("%s_%s", ran_prefix[1], "Observation")
grpnames <- c(rep(names(grplen), grplen), "Residual")
if (rscale == "vcov") {
vals <- c(lwrtri(vc), sigma(x)^2)
} else {
vals <- cov2cor(vc)
diag(vals) <- sqrt(diag(vc))
vals <- c(lwrtri(vals), sigma(x))
ret <- dplyr::tibble(
effect = "ran_pars",
group = grpnames,
term = c(nmvec),
estimate = c(vals)
if ( {
ii <- intervals(x, level = conf.level, which = "var-cov")$reStruct
trfun <- function(z) {
nm <- rownames(z)
nm <- sub(
"\\(", "_",
")$", "",
sub(",", ".", nm)
## ugh, swap order of vars in cor term
corterms <- grepl("^cor", nm)
re <- "_([^\\.]+)\\.(.+)$"
nm[corterms] <-
sub(re, "_\\2.\\1", nm[corterms],
perl = TRUE
term = nm, conf.low = z[, "lower"],
conf.high = z[, "upper"]
ci <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(ii, trfun), .id = "group")
if (rscale != "sdcor") {
## FIXME: transform/recompute from scratch
warning("confidence intervals for ran pars only available on sdcor scale")
ci$conf.low <- ci$conf.high <- NA
## FIXME: also do confint on residual
## (Once FIXED, also FIX the test "tidy works on nlme/lme fits" in test
## file tests/testthat/test-nlme.R, see FIXME note in the test itself).
ret <- dplyr::full_join(ret, ci, by = c("group", "term"))
} ## if not multi-level model
if (attr(x$modelStruct, 'fixedSigma')) {
mask_residual <- ret$group == "Residual"
if (sum(mask_residual) != 1) {
stop("More than one residual estimate found, please report this as a bug") # nocov
ret$estimated <- !mask_residual
ret_list$ran_pars <- ret
if ("ran_vals" %in% effects) {
ret_list$ran_vals <-
ranef(x) %>%
if ("ran_coefs" %in% effects) {
ret_list$ran_coefs <-
stats::coef(x) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("level") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = term, value = estimate, -level)
## FIXME: group?
if ("var_model" %in% effects) {
# x$modelStruct$varStruct will be NULL if the model does not use a
# varStruct, so this will return an empty tibble. So, we don't need to test
# that varStruct is actually there.
ret_list$var_model <- tidy(x$modelStruct$varStruct)
ret <- bind_rows(ret_list, .id = "effect") %>%
dplyr::select(any_of(c("effect", "group", "level", "term",
"estimate", "estimated", "std.error", "df",
"statistic", "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high")))
if ("estimated" %in% names(ret)) {
# NA in the estimated column at this point indicates that part of the mdoel
# was estimated, but the "estimated" column was not set in that sub-part of
# the tidier.
ret$estimated <- tidyr::replace_na(ret$estimated, TRUE)
#' @rdname nlme_tidiers
#' @param data original data this was fitted on; if not given this will
#' attempt to be reconstructed
#' @param newdata new data to be used for prediction; optional
#' @template augment_NAs
#' @return \code{augment} returns one row for each original observation,
#' with columns (each prepended by a .) added. Included are the columns
#' \item{.fitted}{predicted values}
#' \item{.resid}{residuals}
#' \item{.fixed}{predicted values with no random effects}
#' @importFrom broom augment augment_columns
#' @export
augment.lme <- function(x, data = x$data, newdata, ...) {
if (is.null(data)) {
stop("augment.lme must be called with an explicit 'data' argument for this (n)lme fit because of an inconsistency in nlme.")
# move rownames if necessary
if (missing(newdata)) {
newdata <- NULL
ret <- augment_columns(x, data, newdata, = NULL)
# add predictions with no random effects (population means)
predictions <- stats::predict(x, level = 0)
if (length(predictions) == nrow(ret)) {
ret$.fixed <- predictions
return(tibblify(ret, var = NULL))
#' @importFrom dplyr across mutate
#' @export <- function(x, row.names, optional=TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...) {
where <- NULL
## see
## this is better than utils::globalVariables() which is global ...
group <- term <- level <- estimate <- NULL ## NSE arg checking
if (!missing(row.names)) stop(sQuote("row.names"),
" argument not implemented")
if (length(list(...)>0)) warning("additional arguments ignored")
## see ? optional==FALSE corresponds to check.names==TRUE
## "check_unique" is the tibble default, "universal" behaves like
## check.names == TRUE
name_repair <- if (optional) "check_unique" else "universal"
melt <- function(x) purrr::map_dfr(as.list(x),
~tibble(level = rownames(x), estimate = .), .id = "term")
grps <- attr(x, "grpNames")
if (length(grps)==1) x <- list(x)
mm <- purrr::map(x, melt)
res <- purrr::map2_dfr(.x = mm, .y = grps, ~mutate(.x, group = .y)) %>%
dplyr::select(group, term, level, estimate)
if (stringsAsFactors) {
res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.character), as.factor))
#' @rdname nlme_tidiers
#' @param ... extra arguments (not used)
#' @return \code{glance} returns one row with the columns
#' \item{sigma}{the square root of the estimated residual variance}
#' \item{logLik}{the data's log-likelihood under the model}
#' \item{AIC}{the Akaike Information Criterion}
#' \item{BIC}{the Bayesian Information Criterion}
#' \item{deviance}{returned as NA. To quote Brian Ripley on R-help
#' \url{},
#' "McCullagh & Nelder (1989) would be the authorative [sic] reference, but the 1982
#' first edition manages to use 'deviance' in three separate senses on one
#' page." }
#' @export
glance.lme <- function(x, ...) {
finish_glance(x = x)
#' @rdname nlme_tidiers
#' @export
tidy.gls <- function(x, = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95,
...) {
. <- Value <- Std.Error <- `t-value` <- `p-value` <- NULL ## glob var checks
ret <- (summary(x)[["tTable"]]
%>% ## have to convert to df *first*
%>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "term")
%>% as_tibble()
%>% dplyr::rename(
estimate = Value,
std.error = Std.Error,
statistic = `t-value`,
p.value = `p-value`
if ( {
cc <- (confint(x, level=conf.level)
%>% setNames(c("conf.low","conf.high"))
ret <- dplyr::bind_cols(ret,cc)
#' @export
glance.gls <- function(x, ...) {
ss <- summary(x)
df = dims[["p"]],
df.residual = dims[["N"]] - dims[["p"]]
#' @rdname nlme_tidiers
#' @export
augment.gls <- function(x, data = nlme::getData(x), newdata, ...) {
# move rownames if necessary
if (missing(newdata)) {
newdata <- NULL
ret <- augment_columns(x, data, newdata, = NULL)
# varFunc tidiers ####
#' Tidy variance structure for the \code{nlme} package.
#' Returns a tibble with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{group}{type of varFunc, along with the right hand side of the formula
#' in parentheses e.g. \code{"varExp(age | Sex)"}.}
#' \item{term}{terms included in the formula of the variance model, specifically
#' the names of the coefficients. If the value is fixed, it will be appended
#' with \code{" ; fixed"}.}
#' \item{estimate}{estimated coefficient}
#' \item{estimated}{This column is only included if some parameters are fixed.
#' TRUE if the parameter is estimated and FALSE if the parameter is fixed.}
#' }
#' @param x An object of class \code{varFunc}, such as those used as the
#' \code{weights} argument from the \code{nlme} package
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return If the \code{varFunc} is uninitialized or has no parameters, the
#' function will return an empty tibble. Otherwise, it will return a tibble with
#' names described in the details section.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require("nlme")) {
#' ChickWeight_arbitrary_group <- datasets::ChickWeight
#' ChickWeight_arbitrary_group$group_arb_n <-
#' 1 + (
#' as.integer(ChickWeight_arbitrary_group$Chick) >
#' median(as.integer(ChickWeight_arbitrary_group$Chick))
#' )
#' ChickWeight_arbitrary_group$group_arb <- c("low", "high")[ChickWeight_arbitrary_group$group_arb_n]
#' fit_with_fixed <-
#' lme(
#' weight ~ Diet * Time,
#' random = ~Time | Chick,
#' data =ChickWeight_arbitrary_group,
#' weights=varIdent(fixed=c("low"=5), form=~1|group_arb)
#' )
#' # Show all parameters
#' tidy(fit_with_fixed)
#' # Exclude fixed parameters
#' tidy(fit_with_fixed) %>%
#' filter(across(any_of("estimated"), ~.x))
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
tidy.varFunc <- function(x, ...) {
aux <- coef(x, unconstrained = FALSE, allCoef = TRUE)
if (length(aux) == 0) {
"Variance function structure of class", class(x)[1],
"with no parameters, or uninitialized"
x_formula <- stats::as.formula(x)
if (!is.null(x_formula)) {
group_text <- sprintf("%s(%s)", class(x)[1], as.character(x_formula)[2])
} else {
group_text <- class(x)[1]
term_text <- names(aux)
ret <-
if (any(attr(x, "whichFix"))) {
# Detect fixed parameters based on name. Name order may differ from the
# order in the 'whichFix' attribute, so matching must be done by name.
ret$estimated <- !(ret$term %in% names(attr(x, "fixed")))
#' @rdname tidy.varFunc
#' @export
tidy.varComb <- function(x, ...) {
# A varComb object is a named list ("A", "B", "C", ...) of varFunc objects
ret <-
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