
Defines functions get_cansim_vector_info get_cansim_data_for_table_coord_periods get_cansim_vector_for_latest_periods get_cansim_vector rename_vectors extract_vector_metadata extract_vector_data

Documented in get_cansim_data_for_table_coord_periods get_cansim_vector get_cansim_vector_for_latest_periods get_cansim_vector_info

STATCAN_TIMEZONE = "America/Toronto"

extract_vector_data <- function(data1){
  result <- purrr::map(data1,function(d){
    vdp <- d$object$vectorDataPoint
    if (length(vdp)==0) {return(NULL)}
    value_data = lapply(vf,function(f){
      x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA
    }) %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
  }) %>%
  if ("REF_DATE_2" %in% names(result)) {
    ref_date_2 <- unique(result$REF_DATE_2) %>% unique
    if (length(ref_date_2)==1 && ref_date_2=="")
      result <- result %>% dplyr::select(-.data$REF_DATE_2)

extract_vector_metadata <- function(data1){
  result <- purrr::map(data1,function(d){
    value_data = lapply(vf,function(f){
      if (is.null(x)) x <- NA
    }) %>%
  }) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(VECTOR=paste0("v",.data$VECTOR)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(title=.data$title_en) %>%


rename_vectors <- function(data,vectors){
  if (!is.null(names(vectors))) {
    vectors2 <- rlang::set_names(names(vectors),paste0("v",as.character(vectors)))
    data <- data %>%

#' Retrieve data for a Statistics Canada data vector released within a given time frame
#' @param vectors The list of vectors to retrieve
#' @param start_time Starting date in \code{YYYY-MM-DD} format, applies to \code{REF_DATE} or \code{releaseTime}, depending on \code{use_ref_date} parameter
#' @param end_time Set an optional end time filter in \code{YYYY-MM-DD} format (defaults to current system time)
#' @param use_ref_date Optional, \code{TRUE} by default. When set to \code{TRUE}, uses \code{REF_DATE} of vector data to filter, otherwise it uses StatisticsCanada's \code{releaseDate} value for filtering the specified vectors.
#' @param refresh (Optional) When set to \code{TRUE}, forces a reload of data table (default is \code{FALSE})
#' @param timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds for downloading cansim table to work around scenarios where StatCan servers drop the network connection.
#' @param factors (Optional) Logical value indicating if dimensions should be converted to factors. (Default set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param default_month The default month that should be used when creating Date objects for annual data (default set to "07")
#' @param default_day The default day of the month that should be used when creating Date objects for monthly data (default set to "01")
#' @return A tibble with data for vectors released between start and end time
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_cansim_vector("v41690973","2015-01-01")
#' }
#' @export
get_cansim_vector<-function(vectors, start_time = as.Date("1800-01-01"), end_time = Sys.time(), use_ref_date = TRUE,
                            refresh = FALSE, timeout = 200,
                            factors = TRUE, default_month = "07", default_day = "01"){
  vectors=gsub("^v","",vectors) # allow for leading "v" by conditionally stripping it
  #if (use_ref_date) end_time=as.Date(pmax(Sys.time(),end_time))+1 else end_time=original_end_time
  if (use_ref_date){
    url = "https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/wds/rest/getDataFromVectorByReferencePeriodRange"
    vectors_string=paste0('vectorIds=',paste(lapply(as.character(vectors),function(x)paste0('"',x,'"')),collapse = ","),"")
    # vectors_string=paste0('"vectorIds":[',paste(purrr::map(as.character(vectors),function(x)paste0('"',x,'"')),collapse = ", "),"]")
    # time_string=paste0('"startRefPeriod": "',strftime(start_time,"%Y-%m-%d",tz=STATCAN_TIMEZONE),
    #                    '","endReferencePeriod": "',strftime(end_time,"%Y-%m-%d",tz=STATCAN_TIMEZONE),'"')
    # body=paste0("{",vectors_string,",",time_string,"}")
  } else {
    vectors_string=paste0('"vectorIds":[',paste(purrr::map(as.character(vectors),function(x)paste0('"',x,'"')),collapse = ", "),"]")
    time_string=paste0('"startDataPointReleaseDate": "',strftime(start_time,STATCAN_TIME_FORMAT,tz=STATCAN_TIMEZONE),
                       '","endDataPointReleaseDate": "',strftime(end_time,STATCAN_TIME_FORMAT,tz=STATCAN_TIMEZONE),'"')
  cache_path <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("cansim_cache_",digest::digest(list(vectors_string,time_string), algo = "md5"), ".rda"))
  if (!file.exists(cache_path)) {
    message(paste0("Accessing CANSIM NDM vectors from Statistics Canada"))
    if (use_ref_date){
      response <- get_with_timeout_retry(paste0(url,"?",body),
                                         timeout = timeout)
    } else {
      response <- post_with_timeout_retry(url, body=body,
                                          timeout = timeout)
    if (is.null(response)) return(response)
    if (response$status_code!=200) {
      stop("Problem downloading data, status code ",response$status_code,"\n",httr::content(response))
    data <- httr::content(response)
    data1 <- Filter(function(x)x$status=="SUCCESS",data)
    data2 <- Filter(function(x)x$status!="SUCCESS",data)
    if (length(data2)>0) {
      message(paste0("Failed to load data for ",length(data2)," vector(s)."))
      data2 %>% purrr::map(function(x){
        message(paste0("Problem downloading data: ",response_status_code_translation[as.character(x$object$responseStatusCode)]))

    if (length(data1)>0)
      result <- extract_vector_data(data1) %>% rename_vectors(vectors)
      result <- tibble::tibble()
  } else {
    message(paste0("Reading CANSIM NDM vectors from temporary cache"))
    result <- readRDS(cache_path)
  # if (use_ref_date) {
  #   result <- result %>%
  #     filter(as.Date(.data$REF_DATE)>=start_time,as.Date(.data$REF_DATE)<=original_end_time)
  # }
  result %>%
    normalize_cansim_values(replacement_value = "val_norm", factors = factors,
                            default_month = default_month, default_day = default_day)

#' Retrieve data for specified Statistics Canada data vector(s) for last N periods
#' Allows for the retrieval of data for specified vector series for the N most-recently released periods.
#' @param vectors The list of vectors to retrieve
#' @param periods Numeric value for number of latest periods to retrieve data for
#' @param refresh (Optional) When set to \code{TRUE}, forces a reload of data table (default is \code{FALSE})
#' @param timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds for downloading cansim table to work around scenarios where StatCan servers drop the network connection.
#' @param factors (Optional) Logical value indicating if dimensions should be converted to factors. (Default set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param default_month The default month that should be used when creating Date objects for annual data (default set to "07")
#' @param default_day The default day of the month that should be used when creating Date objects for monthly data (default set to "01")
#' @return A tibble with data for specified vector(s) for the last N periods
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_cansim_vector_for_latest_periods("v41690973",10)
#' }
#' @export
get_cansim_vector_for_latest_periods<-function(vectors, periods=1,
                                               refresh = FALSE, timeout = 200,
                                               factors = TRUE, default_month = "07", default_day = "01"){
  if (periods*length(vectors)>MAX_PERIODS) {
    warning(paste0("Can access at most ",MAX_PERIODS," data points, capping value to ",periods," periods per vector."))
  vectors=gsub("^v","",vectors) # allow for leading "v" by conditionally stripping it
  vectors_string=paste0("[",paste(purrr::map(as.character(vectors),function(x)paste0('{"vectorId":',x,',"latestN":',periods,'}')),collapse = ", "),"]")
  cache_path <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("cansim_cache_",digest::digest(vectors_string, algo = "md5"), ".rda"))
  if (refresh || !file.exists(cache_path)) {
    message(paste0("Accessing CANSIM NDM vectors from Statistics Canada"))
    response <- post_with_timeout_retry(url, body=vectors_string, timeout = timeout)
    if (is.null(response)) return(response)
    if (response$status_code!=200) {
      stop("Problem downloading data, status code ",response$status_code,"\n",httr::content(response))
    data <- httr::content(response)
    data1 <- Filter(function(x)x$status=="SUCCESS",data)
    data2 <- Filter(function(x)x$status!="SUCCESS",data)
    if (length(data2)>0) {
      message(paste0("Failed to load data for ",length(data2)," vector(s)."))
      data2 %>% purrr::map(function(x){
        message(paste0("Problem downloading data: ",response_status_code_translation[as.character(x$object$responseStatusCode)]))
    if (length(data1)>0)
      result <- extract_vector_data(data1) %>%
      result <- tibble::tibble()
  } else {
    message(paste0("Reading CANSIM NDM vectors from temporary cache"))
    result <- readRDS(cache_path)
  result %>%
    normalize_cansim_values(replacement_value = "val_norm", factors = factors,
                            default_month = default_month, default_day = default_day)

#' Retrieve data for specified Statistics Canada data product for last N periods for specific coordinates
#' Allows for the retrieval of data for a Statistics Canada data table with specific coordinates for the N most-recently released periods. Caution: coordinates are concatenations of table member ID values and require familiarity with the TableMetadata data structure. Coordinates have a maximum of ten dimensions.
#' @param cansimTableNumber Statistics Canada data table number
#' @param coordinate A string of table coordinates in the form \code{""}
#' @param periods Numeric value for number of latest periods to retrieve data for
#' @param refresh (Optional) When set to \code{TRUE}, forces a reload of data table (default is \code{FALSE})
#' @param timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds for downloading cansim table to work around scenarios where StatCan servers drop the network connection.
#' @param factors (Optional) Logical value indicating if dimensions should be converted to factors. (Default set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param default_month The default month that should be used when creating Date objects for annual data (default set to "07")
#' @param default_day The default day of the month that should be used when creating Date objects for monthly data (default set to "01")
#' @return A tibble with data matching specified coordinate and period input arguments
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_cansim_data_for_table_coord_periods("35-10-0003",coordinate="",periods=3)
#' }
#' @export
get_cansim_data_for_table_coord_periods<-function(cansimTableNumber, coordinate, periods=1,
                                                  refresh = FALSE, timeout = 200,
                                                  factors=TRUE, default_month="07", default_day="01"){
  cache_path <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("cansim_cache_",digest::digest(body_string, algo = "md5"), ".rda"))
  if (refresh || !file.exists(cache_path)) {
    message(paste0("Accessing CANSIM NDM vectors from Statistics Canada"))
    response <- post_with_timeout_retry(url, body=body_string, timeout = timeout)
    if (response$status_code!=200) {
      stop("Problem downloading data, status code ",response$status_code,"\n",httr::content(response))
    data <- httr::content(response)
    data1 <- Filter(function(x)x$status=="SUCCESS",data)
    data2 <- Filter(function(x)x$status!="SUCCESS",data)
    if (length(data2)>0) {
      message(paste0("Failed to load metadata for ",length(data2)," tables "))
      data2 %>% purrr::map(function(x){
  } else {
    message(paste0("Reading CANSIM NDM vectors from temporary cache"))
    data1 <- readRDS(cache_path)
  extract_vector_data(data1) %>%
    normalize_cansim_values(replacement_value = "val_norm", factors = factors,
                            default_month = default_month, default_day = default_day)

#' Retrieve metadata for specified Statistics Canada data vectors
#' Allows for the retrieval of metadatadata for Statistics Canada data vectors
#' @param vectors a vector of cansim vectors
#' @return A tibble with metadata for selected vectors
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_cansim_vector_info("v41690973")
#' }
#' @export
get_cansim_vector_info <- function(vectors){
  vectors=gsub("^v","",vectors) # allow for leading "v" by conditionally stripping it
  vectors_string=paste0("[",paste(purrr::map(as.character(vectors),function(x)paste0('{"vectorId":',x,'}')),collapse = ", "),"]")
  response <- post_with_timeout_retry(url, body=vectors_string)
  if (response$status_code!=200) {
    stop("Problem downloading data, status code ",response$status_code,"\n",httr::content(response))
  data <- httr::content(response)
  data1 <- Filter(function(x)x$status=="SUCCESS",data)
  data2 <- Filter(function(x)x$status!="SUCCESS",data)
  if (length(data2)>0) {
    message(paste0("Failed to load metadata for ",length(data2)," tables "))
    data2 %>% purrr::map(function(x){


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cansim documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:07 a.m.