
Defines functions `%*%.caracas_symbol` `%*%.default` `%*%` Math.caracas_symbol Ops.caracas_symbol mat_mult_elementwise matrix_ele_power get_pyobj

Documented in Math.caracas_symbol Ops.caracas_symbol

get_pyobj <- function(e, method) {
  o <- if (method == "") {
    reticulate::py_eval(as.character(e), convert = FALSE)
  } else {

# x <- v
# power <- y
matrix_ele_power <- function(x, power = 1) {
  if (!symbol_is_matrix(x)) {
    x <- matrify(x)
  # Ensure same dimensions
  if (symbol_is_matrix(power)) {
    # Repeat 'x' or 'power'?
    # Either both are same size, or one must be re-used:
    # 1) Same size:
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim(x), dim(power)))) {
      # No-op
    } else if (prod(dim(power)) == 1L) {
      # Power really atomic -> make same size as x

      power <- as_character_matrix(power)[1L, 1L]
      p2 <- x # For right dimensions
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
        for (j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
          p2[i, j] <- power
      power <- as_sym(p2)
    } else if (prod(dim(x)) == 1L) {
      # x really atomic -> make same size as power

      x <- as_character_matrix(x)
      if (symbol_is_matrix(x)) {
        x <- x[1L, 1L]
      x2 <- power # For right dimensions
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(power))) {
        for (j in seq_len(ncol(power))) {
          x2[i, j] <- x
      x <- as_sym(x2)
    } else {
      stop("Non-conformable dimensions")
  } else {
    if (!grepl("^S\\(.+\\)$", power)) {
      # S(): Sympify
      # Means that this will be e.g. (S(1))/(1) = 1 instead of 1/1 = 1.0 (numeric)
      power <- paste0("S(", power, ")")
    # power not matrix, so x is (one must be)
    p2 <- as_character_matrix(x)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
      for (j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
        p2[i, j] <- as.character(power)
    power <- as_sym(p2)
  stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(dim(x), dim(power))))
  out <- as_character_matrix(x)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    for (j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
      out[i, j] <- paste0("(", x[i, j], ")**(", power[i, j], ")")
  # rx <- apply(as_character_matrix(x), 2, function(xx) {
  #   paste0("(", xx, ")**(", power, ")")
  # })

mat_mult_elementwise <- function(o1, o2) {

  ## https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/22353
  ## https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/22362/
  # if (FALSE) {
  #   e1 <- as_sym(paste0("x", 1:3))
  #   e1
  #   e2 <- as_sym(2:4)
  #   e2
  #   o1 <- e1$pyobj
  #   o2 <- e2$pyobj
  # }
  ## FIXME (SH): Seems obsolete now
  ## if (sympy_version() == "1.9") {
  ##   r1 <- o1["_rep"]
  ##   r2 <- o2["_rep"]

  ##   d <- r1$unify(r2)
  ##   d <<- d
  ##   z <- d[0]$mul_elementwise(d[1]) # Python 0-indexed
  ##   w <- z$to_Matrix()
  ##   return(construct_symbol_from_pyobj(w))
  ## } 
  # Else: Other (previous and later versions)
  z <- get_sympy()$matrix_multiply_elementwise(o1, o2)

#' Math operators
#' @param e1 A `caracas_symbol`.
#' @param e2 A `caracas_symbol`.
#' @concept simple_algebra
#' @export
Ops.caracas_symbol = function(e1, e2) {
  if (!(.Generic %in% c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^"))) {
    stop("Function '", .Generic, "' not yet implemented for caracas_symbol")
  # E.g. -4 etc...
  if (missing(e2)) {
    o1 <- get_pyobj(e1, .Method[1L])
    txt <- paste0(.Generic, "(", as.character(o1), ")")
    s <- eval_to_symbol(txt)

  # LHS may be constant, e.g. 2*x: e1 is a number 2
  o1 <- get_pyobj(e1, .Method[1L])
  # RHS may be constant, e.g. x*2: e2 is a number 2
  o2 <- get_pyobj(e2, .Method[2L])
  op <- if (.Generic == "^") {
  } else {
  e1_is_mat <- symbol_is_matrix(as.character(o1))
  e2_is_mat <- symbol_is_matrix(as.character(o2))

  ## str(list(o1=o1, o2=o2))
  ## str(list(e1_is_mat=e1_is_mat, e2_is_mat=e2_is_mat))
  if (e1_is_mat && e2_is_mat) {
    dim_e1 <- dim(e1)
    ##cat("mat && mat\n")    
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim_e1, dim(e2))) && any(dim_e1 == 1L)) {
      # Component wise operation
      if (.Generic == "*") {
        z <- mat_mult_elementwise(o1, o2)
      else if (.Generic == "/") {
        e2 <- reciprocal_matrix(e2)
        o2 <- e2$pyobj        
        z <- mat_mult_elementwise(o1, o2)
  if (.Generic %in% c("+", "-", "*", "/")) {
    if (e1_is_mat && !e2_is_mat) {
      ##cat("mat || !mat\n")
      if (.Generic == "/") {
        e2 <- as_sym(scalar_to_matrix(paste0("1/(", as.character(e2), ")"), dim(e1)), 
                     # To carry along properties of variables
                     declare_symbols = FALSE)
        o2 <- e2$pyobj
        e2_is_mat  <- TRUE
        .Generic <- "*"
      } else {
        e2 <- as_sym(scalar_to_matrix(as.character(e2), dim(e1)), 
                     # To carry along properties of variables
                     declare_symbols = FALSE)
        o2 <- e2$pyobj
        e2_is_mat  <- TRUE
      # e2 <- as_sym(scalar_to_matrix(as.character(e2), dim(e1)))
      # o2 <- e2$pyobj
    } else if (!e1_is_mat && e2_is_mat) {
      ###cat("!mat && mat\n")
      e1 <- as_sym(scalar_to_matrix(as.character(e1), dim(e2)),
                   # To carry along properties of variables
                   declare_symbols = FALSE)
      o1 <- e1$pyobj
      e1_is_mat  <- TRUE

  ## cat("HERE\n"); str(list(o1=o1, o2=o2)); str(list(e1_is_mat=e1_is_mat, e2_is_mat=e2_is_mat))
  # Component-wise * / ^ for matrices
  # +/- is handled with normal operators
  if ((e1_is_mat || e2_is_mat) && .Generic %in% c("*", "/", "^")) {
     ## cat("mat || mat\n")
    if (.Generic == "*") {

        ## print(o1)
        ## print(o2)
        z <- mat_mult_elementwise(o1, o2)
    } else if (.Generic == "/") {
      e2 <- reciprocal_matrix(e2)
      o2 <- e2$pyobj

      z <- mat_mult_elementwise(o1, o2)
    } else if (.Generic == "^") {
      w <- matrix_ele_power(e1, e2)
    } else {

  cmd <- paste0("(", as.character(o1), ")", op, 
                "(", as.character(o2), ")")

  x <- eval_to_symbol(cmd)

  ## if (e1_is_mat && e2_is_mat) {
  ##   dim_e1 <- dim(e1)
  ##   if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim_e1, dim(e2))) && any(dim_e1 == 1L)) {
  ##     # Component wise operation
  ##     if (.Generic == "*") {
  ##       z <- get_sympy()$matrix_multiply_elementwise(o1, o2)
  ##       cat("we are done...\n")
  ##       return(construct_symbol_from_pyobj(z))
  ##     }
  ##   } else if (!(.Generic %in% c("+", "-", "*"))) {
  ##     stop("Only +, -, * (component-wise) and %*% are valid for matrix-matrix/matrix-vector operations")
  ##   }
  ## }
    ## else if (!(.Generic %in% c("+", "-"))) {
    ##   stop("Only +, -, * (component-wise) and %*% are valid for matrix-matrix/matrix-vector operations")
    ## }

Math_transtab <- matrix( c(
  #R			Python
  "abs",  "Abs",
  "sin",		"sin",
  "cos",		"cos",
  "tan",		"tan",

  "tanh",               "tanh",
  ## "coth",               "coth",
  "asin",	  	"asin",
  "acos",	  	"acos",
  "atan",    	        "atan",
  "asinh", 	        "asinh",
  "acosh", 	        "acosh",
  "atanh",   	        "atanh",

  "exp", 	  	"exp",
  "log", 	  	"log",
  "sqrt", 	        "sqrt",
  "gamma",              "gamma"
), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
colnames(Math_transtab) <- c("R", "Python")
#paste0(Math_transtab[, 1], "()", collapse = ", ")

#' Math functions
#' If `x` is a matrix, the function is applied component-wise.
#' @param x `caracas_symbol`.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to methods
#' @concept simple_algebra
#' @export
Math.caracas_symbol = function(x, ...) {

  i <- match(.Generic, Math_transtab[, 1L])

  if (is.na(i)) {
    stop("Function '", .Generic, "' not yet implemented for caracas_symbol")

  fn <- Math_transtab[i, 2L]
  sympy <- get_sympy()

  if (is.null(sympy[fn])) {
    stop(paste0("Could not find function '", fn, "' in Python"))

  if (symbol_is_matrix(x)) {
    y <- x$pyobj$applyfunc(sympy[fn])
    z <- construct_symbol_from_pyobj(y)
  y <- sympy[fn](x$pyobj)
  z <- construct_symbol_from_pyobj(y)


#' Matrix multiplication
#' @param x Object `x`
#' @param y Object `y`
#' @name matrix-products
#' @seealso [base::%*%()]
#' @concept linalg
#' @export
`%*%` <- function(x, y) {

#' @concept linalg
#' @export
`%*%.default` <- function(x, y) {
  return(base::`%*%`(x, y))

#' Matrix multiplication
#' @param x Object `x`
#' @param y Object `y`
#' @name matrix-products
#' @seealso [base::%*%()]
#' @concept linalg
#' @export
`%*%.caracas_symbol` <- function(x, y) {
  if (!inherits(x, "caracas_symbol")) {
    stop(paste0("'x' ", TXT_NOT_CARACAS_SYMBOL))
  if (!inherits(y, "caracas_symbol")) {
    stop(paste0("'y' ", TXT_NOT_CARACAS_SYMBOL))
  if (inherits(x$pyobj, "sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr.MatrixExpr") || 
      inherits(y$pyobj, "sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr.MatrixExpr")) {
    s <- get_sympy()
    y <- s$MatMul(x$pyobj$doit(), y$pyobj$doit())$doit()
    y <- y$as_explicit()
    z <- construct_symbol_from_pyobj(y)
  z <- paste0("(", as.character(x$pyobj), ") * (", as.character(y$pyobj), ")")
  y <- eval_to_symbol(z)

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caracas documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.