makeElipseCoords <- function(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, b = 1, a = 1, alpha = 0, pct.range = c(0,1), len = 50){
rad.range <- 2 * pi * pct.range
theta <- seq(rad.range[1], rad.range[2], length.out=len)
x <- x0 + a * cos(theta) * cos(alpha) - b * sin(theta) * sin(alpha)
y <- y0 + a * cos(theta) * sin(alpha) + b * sin(theta) * cos(alpha)
plotClock <- function(hour, minute, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1){
circleXY <- makeElipseCoords(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, b = 1.1*r, a = 1.1*r, alpha = 0,
pct.range = c(0,1), len = 50)
quarHourTickMarksXY <- makeElipseCoords(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, b = 1.05*r, a = 1.05*r, alpha = (pi/2),
pct.range = c((12*4-1)/(12*4),0), len = 12*4)
hourLabelsXY <- makeElipseCoords(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, b = .9*r, a = .9*r, alpha = (pi/2),
pct.range = c(11/12,0), len = 12)
text(hourLabelsXY[,1],hourLabelsXY[,2],seq(1,12), cex=.5)
minuteV <- minute/60
minuteVXY <- makeElipseCoords(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, b = r, a = r, alpha = 0,
pct.range = (.25 - rep(minuteV,2)), len = 1)
hourV <- hour/12
hourVXY <- makeElipseCoords(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, b = .7*r, a =.7*r, alpha = 0,
pct.range = (.25 - rep(hourV,2)), len = 1)
## function to grab par's usr param for use in subsequence plots
usr2lims <- function(adj=.04){
par.usr <- par('usr')
xlims <- par.usr[c(1,2)]
ylims <- par.usr[c(3,4)]
adj <- adj - adj^2 *2 # this simplifies the math below
xlims <- xlims + c(adj,-adj) * diff(xlims)
ylims <- ylims + c(adj,-adj) * diff(ylims)
return(list(x=xlims, y=ylims))
#annulus() #donut or ring plot
vennMatrix <- function(l){
## much of the code in this function was inspired by parts of Yongmin Sun's doVennDiagram function
stop("The list 'l' must have named elements")
l.all <- unique(,lapply(l, as.character)))
l.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(l.all), ncol = length(l))
colnames(l.mat) <- names(l)
rownames(l.mat) <- l.all
for(i in 1:length(l.all))
for(nm in names(l))
l.mat[i,nm] <- l.all[i] %in% l[[nm]]
textplot <- function(..., x=1, y=1){
plot(x, y, pch='', bty='n',xaxt='n',yaxt='n', xlab='', ylab='')
text(x, y, ...)
mvlabs <- function(df, n=nrow(df), x='x', y='y', l='lab', cols=colors()[grep("dark",colors())], ...){
for(i in (1:n)+1){
## identify point to move
idx <- identify(x=df[,x], y=df[,y], labels=df[,l],n=1)
## locate new location to move to
locs <- locator(n=1)
## move the point (refresh the plot?)
df[idx, x] <- locs$x[1]
df[idx, y] <- locs$y[1]
#points(x=df[idx, x], y=df[idx, y], col=colors()[i])
text(x=df[idx, x], y=df[idx, y], labels=as.character(df[idx,l]), col=cols[i], ...)
labsegs <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, buf=.3, ...){
a <- x1 - x0
b <- y1 - y0
c0 <- sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
theta <- atan(b/a)
theta[a<0] <- theta[a<0] + pi
c1 <- c0 - buf
stop('buffer size too large or annotations too close')
a1 <- c1*cos(theta)
b1 <- c1*sin(theta)
x1 <- x0 + a1
y1 <- y0 + b1
heatmatrix <- function(x, values=TRUE, clp=c('bottom','top'), rlp=c('left','right'), xadj=.02, yadj=.3, ylab.cntr=FALSE, cex=1, cex.axis=1, ...){
image(1L:ncol(x), 1L:nrow(x), t(x[nrow(x):1,]), xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ... )
clp2par <- nv(c(1,2),clp)
clp2xadj <- nv(c(-1,1),clp) * xadj
clp2adj <- nv(c(1,0),clp); if(ylab.cntr){ clp2adj <- nv(rep(.5,2),clp)}
clp <- match.arg(clp)
text(x=par("usr")[clp2par[clp]] +clp2xadj[clp], y=nrow(x):1, adj=clp2adj[clp], labels = rownames(x), xpd = TRUE, cex=cex.axis)
rlp2par <- nv(c(3,4),rlp)
rlp2yadj <- nv(c(-1,1),rlp) * yadj
rlp <- match.arg(rlp)
text(x=1:ncol(x), y=par("usr")[rlp2par[rlp]] + rlp2yadj[rlp], adj=.5,
labels = colnames(x), xpd = TRUE, cex=cex.axis)
text(col(x),row(x), round(x[nrow(x):1,],2), cex=cex)
## function modified from stackoverflow (via chan1142)
legend.position <- function(x,y,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL, start=.05, end=.5, incr=.01) {
if (dev.cur() > 1) {
p <- par('usr')
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- p[1:2];x1<-xlim[1];x2<-xlim[2]
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- p[3:4];y1<-ylim[1];y2<-ylim[2]
} else {
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
.sumup.points <- function(f) {
tl <- sum((x <= (x1+(x2-x1)*f)) & (y >= (y2-(y2-y1)*f)))
bl <- sum((x <= (x1+(x2-x1)*f)) & (y <= (y1+(y2-y1)*f)))
tr <- sum((x >= (x2-(x2-x1)*f)) & (y >= (y2-(y2-y1)*f)))
br <- sum((x >= (x2-(x2-x1)*f)) & (y <= (y1+(y2-y1)*f)))
A <- rep(0,4)
fractionations <- seq(start,0.5,by=incr)
for (f in fractionations) {
a <- .sumup.points(f)
A <- rbind(A,a);
if (sum(a!=0)==4) break
corner.means <- apply(A, 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x,nrow(A):1));
# split plot to investigate confounding between modeled variables (inspired by lattice's multi-panel lattice graph)
plot.confound.grid <- function(x,Y='y',X='x',confounder='z',breaks=3, mains='breaks', ...){
oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE);
breaks <- c(quantile( x[,confounder], probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/breaks),na.rm=TRUE))
ecs <- split(x,cut( x[,confounder], breaks=breaks));
ellipsis <- ellipsis.defaults(x=list(...), nl=list(ylab=Y,xlab=X))
mains <- paste(confounder, as.character(names(ecs)))
warning('mains must be a vector of plot titles equal to the breaks')
mains <- rep(mains,length(ecs))
for(i in 1:length(ecs)){
#with(ecs[[i]], plot(get(X),get(Y), opt.args))), c(list(x=ecs[[i]][,X],y=ecs[[i]][,Y], main=mains[i]), ellipsis))
ellipsis.defaults <- function(x, nl){
for(i in seq(along.with=nl)){
if([i], table=names(x)))){
x <- c(unlist(x), nl[i])
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