#' @importFrom stats optim model.frame model.matrix model.response IQR median quantile mad
#' @importFrom robustbase lmrob lmrob.control
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors png rainbow
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @title Maximum Likelihood estimator for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Find the maximum likelihood, using numerical optimization with \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy
#' @inheritParams cauphylm
#' @return A list, with the maximum likelihood rate parameter, and the likelihood value.
#' @references
#' Rothenberg T. J., Fisher F. M., Tilanus C. B. 1964. A Note on Estimation from a Cauchy Sample. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 59:460–463.
#' @seealso cauphylm
#' @keywords internal
fitCauchy.internal <- function(phy, X, y,
model = c("cauchy", "lambda"),
method = c("reml", "random.root", "fixed.root"),
starting.value = list(x0 = NULL, disp = NULL, lambda = NULL),
lower.bound = list(disp = 0, lambda = 0),
upper.bound = list(disp = Inf, lambda = 1),
root.edge = 100,
optim = c("local", "global"),
method.init.disp = "Qn", ...) {
# Checks
y <- checkTraitTree(y, phy)
checkDuplicates(y, phy)
model <- match.arg(model)
method <- match.arg(method)
## Root edge
if (method == "random.root") {
if (!is.null(phy$root.edge)) warning("The root edge of the tree is specified, but will be overridden by the `root.edge` argument of the function.")
phy$root.edge <- root.edge
## Regression matrix for fixed root
if (is.null(X) && method == "fixed.root") {
X <- matrix(rep(1, length(y)), nrow = length(y))
colnames(X) <- "coef1"
# starting values
start.values <- getStartingValues(model, phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method)
start.values <- transform_values(start.values)
# lower
lower.default <- list(coef = -Inf,
disp = 0,
lambda = 0)
lower.values <- getBounds(model, phy, X, y, lower.bound, lower.default)
lower.values <- transform_values(lower.values)
# upper
upper.default <- list(coef = Inf,
disp = Inf,
lambda = maxLambda(phy))
upper.values <- getBounds(model, phy, X, y, upper.bound, upper.default)
upper.values <- transform_values(upper.values)
# param names
param_names <- getParamNames(model, X)
# root tip for reml
rootTip <- NULL
if (method == "reml") {
rootTip <- which.min(colSums(cophenetic.phylo(phy)))
## Actual fit
minus_like <- switch(method,
reml = minusLikelihoodREML,
fixed.root = minusLikelihoodFixedRoot(X),
random.root = minusLikelihoodRandomRoot)
res <- fit_function(minus_like, phy, y, X, model, start.values, lower.values, upper.values, optim = optim, rootTip = rootTip)
res$rootTip <- rootTip
transform_values <- function(param) {
param["disp"] <- log(param["disp"])
if (!["lambda"])) param["lambda"] <- log(param["lambda"])
back_transform_values <- function(param) {
param["disp"] <- exp(param["disp"])
if (!["lambda"])) param["lambda"] <- exp(param["lambda"])
# transform_hessian <- function(hessian, param) {
# param["disp"] <- log(param["disp"])
# if (!["lambda"])) param["lambda"] <- log(param["lambda"])
# return(param)
# }
#' @title Maximum Likelihood estimator for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Find the maximum likelihood.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy
#' @param minus_like a function giving the minus likelihood of the model.
#' @param rootTip root tip for the reml.
#' @return A list, with the maximum likelihood rate parameter, and the likelihood value.
#' @keywords internal
fit_function <- function(minus_like, tree, trait, X, model, start.values, lower.values, upper.values, optim, rootTip) {
param_names <- names(start.values)
# opt
opt <- do_optim(minus_like, start.values, lower.values, upper.values, optim = optim,
param_names = param_names, tree = tree, trait = trait, Xdesign = X, model = model, rootTip = rootTip)
# result
sol <- opt$solution
names(sol) <- param_names
sol <- back_transform_values(sol)
# parameters
return(list(param = sol,
logLikelihood = -opt$objective))
#' @title Minus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Gives the minus likelihood function, with fixed root.
#' @param Xdesign the design matrix
#' @return A function
#' @keywords internal
minusLikelihoodFixedRoot <- function(Xdesign) {
if (ncol(Xdesign) == 1 && sum(Xdesign) == nrow(Xdesign)) {
#' @title Minus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Gives the minus likelihood function, with fixed root.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy.internal
#' @param param the parameters where to evaluate the function
#' @param param_names the parameter names
#' @param Xdesign the design matrix
#' @return The value of minus the log-likelihood.
#' @keywords internal
minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_mu <- function(param, param_names, tree, trait, Xdesign, model, rootTip) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- back_transform_values(param)
phy_trans <- transformBranchLengths(tree, model, param)
# tree_height <- max(node.depth.edgelength(phy_trans))
# return(length(phy_trans$tip.label) * log(param["disp"] * 100 / tree_height) - logDensityTipsCauchy(phy_trans, trait / param["disp"] / 100 * tree_height, param[1], 0.01 * tree_height, method = "fixed.root"))
return(-logDensityTipsCauchy(phy_trans, trait, param[1], param["disp"], method = "fixed.root", do_checks = FALSE))
#' @title Minus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Gives the minus likelihood function, with fixed root, lm model
#' @inheritParams minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_mu
#' @return The value of minus the log-likelihood.
#' @keywords internal
minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_lm <- function(param, param_names, tree, trait, Xdesign, model, rootTip) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- back_transform_values(param)
centralTips <- drop(Xdesign %*% param[grepl("coef", names(param))])
phy_trans <- transformBranchLengths(tree, model, param)
return(-logDensityTipsCauchy(phy_trans, trait - centralTips, 0, param["disp"], method = "fixed.root", do_checks = FALSE))
#' @title Minus Likelihood function for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Gives the minus likelihood function, with random root.
#' @inheritParams minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_mu
#' @return The value of minus the log-likelihood.
#' @keywords internal
minusLikelihoodRandomRoot <- function(param, param_names, tree, trait, Xdesign, model, rootTip) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- back_transform_values(param)
phy_trans <- transformBranchLengths(tree, model, param)
return(-logDensityTipsCauchy(phy_trans, trait, root.value = 0.0, disp = param["disp"], method = "random.root", do_checks = FALSE))
#' @title Minus REML function for a Cauchy model
#' @description
#' Gives the minus REML function.
#' @inheritParams minusLikelihoodFixedRoot_mu
#' @return The value of minus the log-REML.
#' @keywords internal
minusLikelihoodREML <- function(param, param_names, tree, trait, Xdesign, model, rootTip) {
names(param) <- param_names
param <- back_transform_values(param)
phy_trans <- transformBranchLengths(tree, model, param)
# tree_height <- max(node.depth.edgelength(phy_trans))
# return((length(phy_trans$tip.label) - 1) * log(param["disp"] * 1000 / tree_height) - logDensityTipsCauchy(tree = phy_trans, tipTrait = trait / param["disp"] / 1000 * tree_height, root.value = NULL, disp = 0.001 * tree_height, method = "reml", rootTip = rootTip))
return(-logDensityTipsCauchy(tree = phy_trans, tipTrait = trait, root.value = NULL, disp = param["disp"], method = "reml", rootTip = rootTip, do_checks = FALSE))
#' @title Initialization of the position parameter.
#' @description
#' Initialize using the trimmed mean of the trait.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy
#' @return The initial position parameter.
#' @references
#' Rothenberg T. J., Fisher F. M., Tilanus C. B. 1964. A Note on Estimation from a Cauchy Sample. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 59:460–463.
#' Rousseeuw P.J., Croux C. 1993. Alternatives to the Median Absolute Deviation. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 88:1273–1283.
#' @keywords internal
initPositionParameter <- function(trait) {
return(mean(trait, trim = 0.76))
#' @title Initialization of the dispersion parameter.
#' @description
#' Initialize the dispersion parameter.
#' @param center the center parameter of the distribution
#' @param method.init.disp the robust estimator method
#' @details
#' Constants are taken from Rousseeuw & Croux, 1993.
#' @references
#' Rousseeuw P.J., Croux C. 1993. Alternatives to the Median Absolute Deviation. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 88:1273–1283.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy
#' @return The initial dispersion parameter.
#' @keywords internal
initDispersionParameter <- function(tree, trait, center, method.init.disp = c("Qn", "Sn", "MAD", "IQR"), method) {
if (is.null(center)) center <- initPositionParameter(trait)
# root_edge <- tree$root.edge
# if (is.null(root_edge)) root_edge <- 0.0
# root_edge <- 0.0
norm_trait <- (trait - center) / diag(ape::vcv(tree))
method.init.disp <- match.arg(method.init.disp)
res <- switch (method.init.disp,
IQR = 0.5 * IQR(norm_trait),
MAD = mad(norm_trait, center = 0, constant = 1),
Sn = robustbase::Sn(norm_trait, constant = 0.7071),
Qn = robustbase::Qn(norm_trait, constant = 1.2071)
#' @title Initialization of the lambda parameter.
#' @description
#' Initialize the lambda parameter.
#' @param disp_hat the previously estimated dispersion
#' @param tol the percentage of tip pairs to keep for the computation. Default to 0.1.
#' @inheritParams fitCauchy
#' @details
#' Use linear combinations of cherries to get a first estimate of lambda.
#' @return The initial lambda parameter.
#' @keywords internal
initLambdaParameter <- function(tree, trait, disp_hat, tol = 0.1) {
## Tree distance matrices
dist_phylo <- cophenetic.phylo(tree)
vcv_tree <- vcv(tree)
tree_heights <- diag(vcv_tree)
## Keep only tol % closest tip paris
thershold <- quantile(dist_phylo[upper.tri(dist_phylo, diag = FALSE)], tol)
tip_pairs <- which(upper.tri(dist_phylo) & dist_phylo <= thershold, arr.ind = TRUE)
## Normalize tip pairs differences
diff_tips <- abs(trait[tip_pairs[, 1]] - trait[tip_pairs[, 2]])
diff_tips <- diff_tips - disp_hat * (tree_heights[tip_pairs[, 1]] + tree_heights[tip_pairs[, 2]])
diff_tips <- diff_tips / (- 2 * disp_hat * apply(tip_pairs, 1, function(tt) vcv_tree[tt[1], tt[2]]))
## Estimation
lambda_estim <- median(diff_tips)
lambda_estim <- abs(lambda_estim)
## Bounds
max_lambda <- maxLambda(tree)
# if (lambda_estim < 0) return(0)
if (lambda_estim > max_lambda) return(max_lambda)
#' @importFrom phylolm transf.branch.lengths
#' @title Transform branch lengths
#' @description
#' Transform branch lengths for pagel lambda model
#' @param model the model
#' @param phy the phylogenetic tree
#' @param param the parameters
#' @keywords internal
transformBranchLengths <- function(phy, model, param) {
phy_trans <- phy
phy_trans$root.edge <- NULL
if (model == "lambda") phy_trans <- phylolm::transf.branch.lengths(phy_trans, model = model, parameters = list(lambda = param["lambda"]))$tree
phy_trans$root.edge <- phy$root.edge
#' @title Maximum lambda value
#' @description
#' Find maximum lambda value.
#' Function taken from \code{phytools:::maxLambda}.
#' @param phy the phylogenetic tree
#' @keywords internal
maxLambda <- function (phy) {
if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) stop("tree should be an object of class \"phylo\".")
if (is.ultrametric(phy)) {
h <- ape::node.depth.edgelength(phy)
return(max(h[phy$edge[, 2]]) / max(h[phy$edge[, 1]]))
else return(1)
#' @title Get starting values
#' @description
#' Get starting values given the model.
#' @param model the model
#' @param phy the phylogenetic tree
#' @param X model matrix
#' @param y the response vector
#' @param starting.value the input starting values
#' @keywords internal
getStartingValues <- function(model, phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method) {
tmp_fun <- switch(model,
cauchy = getStartingValuesCauchy,
lambda = getStartingValuesLambda
ss <- tmp_fun(phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method)
names(ss) <- getParamNames(model, X)
#' @title Get starting values for a Cauchy
#' @description
#' Get starting values for a Cauchy process
#' @inheritParams getStartingValues
#' @keywords internal
getStartingValuesCauchy <- function(phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method) {
# starting values
if (!is.null(X)) {
# intercept only
if (ncol(X) == 1 && all.equal(sum(X), nrow(X))) {
if (is.null(starting.value$x0)) {
start.coef <- initPositionParameter(y)
} else {
start.coef <- starting.value$x0
if (!(is.null(dim(start.coef)) & length(start.coef) == 1 & is.numeric(start.coef))) stop("Starting value for x0 should be a real number.")
} else {
start.coef <- robustbase::lmrob.S(X, y, control = robustbase::lmrob.control())$coefficients
} else {
start.coef <- NULL
# disp
if (is.null(starting.value$disp)) {
start.disp <- initDispersionParameter(phy, y, start.coef, method.init.disp = method.init.disp, method = method)
} else {
start.disp <- starting.value$disp
if (!(is.null(dim(start.disp)) && length(start.disp) == 1 && is.numeric(start.disp) && start.disp > 0)) stop("Starting value for the dispersion should be a positive real number.")
start.values <- c(start.coef, start.disp)
#' @title Get starting values for a Cauchy Lambda
#' @description
#' Get starting values for a Cauchy Lambda process
#' @inheritParams getStartingValues
#' @keywords internal
getStartingValuesLambda <- function(phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method) {
## Cauchy parameters
start.cauchy <- getStartingValuesCauchy(phy, X, y, starting.value, method.init.disp, method)
disp_hat <- ifelse(length(start.cauchy) == 2, start.cauchy[2], start.cauchy[1])
## Lambda
if (is.null(starting.value$lambda)) {
start.lambda <- initLambdaParameter(phy, y, disp_hat)
} else {
start.lambda <- starting.value$lambda
if (!(is.null(dim(start.lambda)) && length(start.lambda) == 1 && is.numeric(start.lambda) && start.lambda >= 0 && start.lambda <= 1)) stop("Starting value for the lambda parameter should be between 0 and 1.")
return(c(start.cauchy, start.lambda))
#' @title Get bounds
#' @description
#' Get bounds given the model.
#' @param model the model
#' @param phy the phylogenetic tree
#' @param X model matrix
#' @param y the response vector
#' @param values the input values for the bound
#' @param default.values the default values for the bound
#' @keywords internal
getBounds <- function(model, phy, X, y, values, default.values) {
tmp_fun <- switch(model,
cauchy = getBoundsCauchy,
lambda = getBoundsLambda
ss <- tmp_fun(phy, X, y, values, default.values)
names(ss) <- getParamNames(model, X)
#' @title Get bound for a Cauchy process
#' @description
#' Get bounds for a Cauchy process
#' @inheritParams getBounds
#' @keywords internal
getBoundsCauchy <- function(phy, X, y, values, default.values) {
if (is.null(values$disp)) {
bound.disp <- default.values$disp
} else {
bound.disp <- values$disp
if (!(is.null(dim(bound.disp)) && length(bound.disp) == 1 && is.numeric(bound.disp) && bound.disp >= 0)) stop("Upper and lower values for the dispersion should be positive real numbers.")
if (!is.null(X)) {
bound.coef <- rep(default.values$coef, ncol(X))
} else {
bound.coef <- NULL
bound.values <- c(bound.coef, bound.disp)
#' @title Get bounds for a Cauchy Lambda
#' @description
#' Get bounds for a Cauchy Lambda process
#' @inheritParams getBounds
#' @keywords internal
getBoundsLambda <- function(phy, X, y, values, default.values) {
if (is.null(values$lambda)) {
bound.lambda <- default.values$lambda
} else {
bound.lambda <- values$lambda
if (!(is.null(dim(bound.lambda)) && length(bound.lambda) == 1 && is.numeric(bound.lambda) && bound.lambda >= 0 && bound.lambda <= 1)) stop("Bounds for the lambda parameter should be between 0 and 1.")
return(c(getBoundsCauchy(phy, X, y, values, default.values), bound.lambda))
#' @title Get parameter names
#' @description
#' Get the names of the parameters depending on the model.
#' @param model model
#' @param X model matrix
#' @keywords internal
getParamNames <- function(model, X) {
if (!is.null(X)) {
coef_name <- paste0("coef", 1:ncol(X))
} else {
coef_name <- NULL
if (model == "cauchy") {
return(c(coef_name, "disp"))
} else if (model == "lambda") {
return(c(coef_name, "disp", "lambda"))
#' @title Check Matrix Parameter
#' @description
#' Check that the parameters are compatible with the tree. Throws an error if not.
#' @param trait (named) vector or matrix of traits being tested.
#' @param tree A phylogenetic tree.
#' @param name name of the trait. Default to 'trait'.
#' @keywords internal
checkTraitTree <- function(trait, tree, name = "trait") {
N <- length(tree$tip.label)
if (is.null(dim(trait))) { # trait is a vector
if (length(trait) != N) {
stop(paste0("`", name, "` should have the same length as the number of taxa in the tree."))
if ((is.null(tree$tip.label) || is.null(names(trait)))){
stop(paste0("`", name, "` and/or the tips of the phylogeny are not named. I could not check for consistency. Please give names consistent names to the tree tip labels and the row names of matrix `", name, "` to avoid any ambiguity."))
} else {
if (!all(tree$tip.label == names(trait))){
# Match
tree_data_cor <- match(tree$tip.label, names(trait))
data_tree_cor <- match(names(trait), tree$tip.label)
if (anyNA(tree_data_cor)) {
# Species in the tree NOT in data
stopMessage <- paste0("Species '", paste(tree$tip.label[], collapse = "', '"), "' are in the tree but not in ", name, ".")
if (anyNA(data_tree_cor)) {
# Species in data NOT in the tree
stop(stopMessage, "\n ", "Species '", paste(names(trait)[], collapse = "', '"), "' are in ", name, " but not in the tree.")
if (length(unique(tree_data_cor)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
stop(paste0("`", name, "` names do not match the tip labels."))
warning(paste0("`", name, "` was not sorted in the correct order, when compared with the tips label. I am re-ordering it."))
trait <- trait[tree_data_cor]
} else { # trait is a matrix
if (nrow(trait) != N) {
stop(paste0("`", name, "` should have as many rows as the number of taxa in the tree."))
if ((is.null(tree$tip.label) || is.null(rownames(trait)))){
stop(paste0("`", name, "` and/or the tips of the phylogeny are not named. I could not check for consistency. Please give names consistent names to the tree tip labels and the row names of matrix `", name, "` to avoid any ambiguity."))
} else {
if (!all(tree$tip.label == rownames(trait))){
# Match
tree_data_cor <- match(tree$tip.label, rownames(trait))
data_tree_cor <- match(rownames(trait), tree$tip.label)
if (anyNA(tree_data_cor)) {
# Species in the tree NOT in data
stopMessage <- paste0("Species '", paste(tree$tip.label[], collapse = "', '"), "' are in the tree but not in ", name, ".")
if (anyNA(data_tree_cor)) {
# Species in data NOT in the tree
stop(stopMessage, "\n ", "Species '", paste(rownames(trait)[], collapse = "', '"), "' are in ", name, " but not in the tree.")
if (length(unique(tree_data_cor)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
stop(paste0("`", name, "` names do not match the tip labels."))
warning(paste0("`", name, "` was not sorted in the correct order, when compared with the tips label. I am re-ordering it."))
trait <- trait[tree_data_cor, , drop = FALSE]
#' @title NLOPT optimization
#' @description
#' Perform the optimization
#' @param minus_like the function to be minimized
#' @param start.values vector of starting values
#' @param lower.values vector of lower values
#' @param upper.values vector of upper values
#' @param options_nloptr options to be passed to \code{nloptr}
#' @param optim should a global optimization be performed first ?
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to minus_like
#' @keywords internal
do_optim <- function(minus_like, start.values, lower.values, upper.values,
options_nloptr = list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", "xtol_rel" = 1e-8, "maxeval" = 1000),
optim = c("local", "global"), ...) {
init_local <- start.values
optim <- match.arg(optim)
global <- optim == "global"
if (global) {
local_opts <- list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", xtol_rel = 1e-04, ftol_rel = 1e-5)
opts_nlopt <- list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS", "xtol_rel" = 1e-02, "maxeval" = 100)
opts_nlopt[["local_opts"]] <- local_opts
box_values <- abs(start.values) * 5
opt_global <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = start.values, eval_f = minus_like,
lb = pmax(start.values - box_values, lower.values),
ub = pmin(start.values + box_values, upper.values),
opts = opts_nlopt, ...)
init_local <- opt_global$solution
opt <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = init_local, eval_f = minus_like,
lb = lower.values, ub = upper.values,
opts = options_nloptr, ...)
# local around init
# opt_fun <- function(algo, xtol_rel, x0) {
# opt <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = x0, eval_f = minus_like,
# lb = lower.values, ub = upper.values,
# opts = list("algorithm" = algo, "xtol_rel" = xtol_rel, "maxeval" = 1000))
# return(opt)
# }
# all_opts <- lapply(optim.algo, opt_fun, xtol_rel = 1e-3, x0 = start.values)
# best_algo <- which.min(sapply(all_opts, function(opt) opt$objective))
# sol <- all_opts[[best_algo]]$solution
# names(sol) <- param_names
# opt <- opt_fun(optim.algo[[best_algo]], xtol_rel = 1e-8, x0 = sol)
# opt <- opt_fun("NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", xtol_rel = 1e-08, x0 = opt_global$solution)
#' @title Check For Duplicated Entries
#' @description
#' Check that the trait are compatible with the tree. Throws an error if not.
#' Assumes that the trait and tree tips are in the same order, using function
#' \code{\link{checkTraitTree}}.
#' @param trait (named) vector or matrix of traits being tested.
#' @param tree phylogenetic tree.
#' @keywords internal
checkDuplicates <- function(trait, tree) {
if (anyDuplicated(trait + diag(vcv(tree)))) stop("The trait vector has duplicated entries on tips that are equidistant from the root. The algorithm cannot currently handle this case. Please consider adding some noise to the tip trait values.")
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