
Defines functions DI TwoSGS DDCWcov huberweights mpinv cellHandler

Documented in cellHandler DI

## The cellHandler method

cellHandler <- function(X, mu, Sigma, quant = 0.99) {
  # This is the cellFlagger algorithm starting from a given mu/Sigma. 
  # It returns a binary matrix W where 1 indicates a flagged & imputed cell.
  # Ximp is the imputed matrix, where the imputed values were RECALCULATED
  # using EM after W was constructed.
  # Arguments:
  #   X:     data matrix
  #   mu:    center
  #   Sigma: covariance matrix
  #   quant: quantile used for flagging cells
  # Returns: 
  #   Ximp:       imputed data
  #   W:          matrix indicating which cells were flagged/imputed
  #               (1 = flagged & imputed)
  #   Zres:       matrix with cellwise residuals for the flagged cells
  #   cellPaths:  matrix with paths of individual regressions
  #   cellOrder:  matrix with order of each cell in its path
  #   Zres_num:   numerator of the standardized residuals
  #   Zres_denom: denominator of the standardized residuals
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  d <- dim(X)[2]
  inv.out    <- mpinv(Sigma)
  Sigmai     <- inv.out$Inv
  Sigmaisqrt <- inv.out$InvSqrt
  scales     <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
  predictors <- Sigmaisqrt
  Ximp <- X
  naMask <- is.na(X) + 0
  W <- matrix(0, n, d)
  Zres <- matrix(0, n, d)
  cellPaths <- Zres_num <- Zres_denom <- matrix(0, n, d)
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    x        <- X[i, ] 
    indNA    <- which(naMask[i, ] == 1)
    x[indNA] <- mu[indNA]
    response <- Sigmaisqrt %*% (x - mu)
    weights  <- huberweights(x = (x - mu) / scales, b = 1.5)
    larOut   <- findCellPath_cpp(predictors = predictors,
                                 response = response,
                                 weights = weights,
                                 Sigmai = Sigmai,
                                 naMask = naMask[i, ])
    cellPaths[i, ] <- larOut$ordering
    deltas   <- abs(diff(larOut$RSS))
    badCells <- which(deltas > qchisq(quant, 1))
    if (length(indNA) > 0) {
      badCells <- unique(indNA, badCells)
    if (length(badCells) > 0) {
      badinds  <- larOut$ordering[seq_len(max(badCells))] # maxDelta rule
      # now calculate residuals:
      if (length(badinds) == d) {
        stdresid <- (x - mu) / sqrt(diag(Sigma))
      } else {
        stdresid <- rep(0, d)
        stdresid[badinds] <- abs(larOut$beta[length(badinds) + 1, badinds ]) / 
          sqrt(diag(Sigma[badinds, badinds] - Sigma[badinds, -badinds] %*%
                      solve(Sigma[-badinds, -badinds]) %*% Sigma[-badinds, badinds]))
      badinds <- which(abs(stdresid) > sqrt(qchisq(quant, 1)))
      if (length(indNA) > 0) {
        badinds <- unique(indNA, badinds)
      if (length(badinds) > 0) {
        W[i, badinds] <- 1
        if (length(badinds) == d) {
          Ximp[i, ] <- mu
          Zres_num[i, ] <- (X[i, ] - mu)
          Zres_denom[i, ] <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
          Zres[i, ] <-  Zres_num[i, ] / Zres_denom[i, ]
        } else {
          replacement <- X[i, ]
          replacement[badinds] <- mu[badinds] +  Sigma[badinds, -badinds] %*%
            solve(Sigma[-badinds, -badinds]) %*% (replacement[-badinds] - mu[-badinds])
          Ximp[i, ] <- replacement
          residual  <- X[i, ] - replacement
          Zres_num[i, badinds]   <- residual[badinds]
          Zres_denom[i, badinds] <- sqrt(diag(Sigma[badinds, badinds] - Sigma[badinds, -badinds] %*%
                                                solve(Sigma[-badinds, -badinds]) %*% Sigma[-badinds, badinds]))
          Zres[i, badinds] <- Zres_num[i, badinds] / Zres_denom[i, badinds] 
  indcells <- which(abs(Zres) > sqrt(qchisq(quant, 1)))
  # W[badinds] <- 1
  # indcells <- which(W == 1)
  indNAs   <- which(naMask == 1)
  indcells <- setdiff(indcells, indNAs) # take NA inds out of indcells
  return(list(Ximp = Ximp, indcells = indcells,
              indNAs = indNAs, Zres = Zres,
              cellPaths = cellPaths,
              Zres_denom = Zres_denom))

mpinv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  ## Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of a matrix and its square root.
  ## This is the function ginv from the package MASS.
  # Arguments:
  #   X:   a square matrix
  #   tol: tolerance parameter
  # Returns:
  #   Inv: Moore-Penrose inverse of X
  #   InvSqrt: square root of Inv
  dnx = dimnames(X)
  if (is.null(dnx)) dnx <- vector("list", 2)
  s = svd(X)
  nz = s$d > tol * s$d[1]
  if (any(nz)) {
    outInv <- s$v[, nz] %*% (t(s$u[, nz])/s$d[nz])
    outInvsqrt <- s$v[, nz] %*% (t(s$u[, nz])/sqrt(s$d[nz]))
  } else { 
    outInv <- outInvsqrt <- X
  return(list(Inv = outInv, InvSqrt = outInvsqrt))

huberweights <- function(x, b) {
  # vectorized Huber weight function
  # Arguments:
  #   x: a vector
  #   b: tuning constant
  # Returns:
  #   weights
  highind <- which(abs(x) > b)
  result  <- rep(1, length(x))
  result[highind] <- abs(b / x[highind])

## Initial estimators:

DDCWcov = function(X, maxCol = 0.25, lmin = 1e-04, lmax = NULL) 
  DDC_controlled <- function(X, tolProbCell, maxCol = 0.25) {
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    d <- dim(X)[2]
    DDCout <- DDC(X, list(fastDDC = FALSE, silent = TRUE, 
                          tolProbCell = tolProbCell, standType = "wrap"))
    Wna <- matrix(0, n, d)
    Wna[DDCout$indcells] <- 1
    overflag <- which(colSums(Wna) > maxCol * n)
    if (length(overflag) > 0) {
      for (i in seq_len(length(overflag))) {
        ind <- overflag[i]
        ord <- order(abs(DDCout$stdResid[, ind]), decreasing = TRUE)
        replacement <- rep(0, n)
        replacement[ord[seq_len(floor(maxCol * n))]] <- 1
        Wna[, ind] <- replacement
      DDCout$indcells <- which(Wna == 1)
      DDCout$Ximp <- X
      DDCout$Ximp[DDCout$indcells] <- DDCout$Xest[DDCout$indcells]
      NAcells = which(is.na(DDCout$Ximp))
      DDCout$Ximp[NAcells] <- DDCout$Xest[NAcells]
  iDDC9I.O.Wrap <- function(X, maxCol = 0.25, lmin, lmax) {
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    d <- dim(X)[2]
    DDCout <- DDC_controlled(X, tolProbCell = 0.9, maxCol = maxCol)
    locScale <- list(loc = DDCout$locX, scale = DDCout$scaleX)
    Z <- scale(X, locScale$loc, locScale$scale)
    Zimp <- scale(DDCout$Ximp, locScale$loc, locScale$scale)
    Zorig <- Z
    Zimporig <- Zimp
    Znaorig <- Z
    Znaorig[DDCout$indcells] <- NA
    if (length(DDCout$indrows) > 0) {
      Z <- Z[-DDCout$indrows, ]
      Zimp <- Zimp[-DDCout$indrows, ]
    eig = eigen(cov(Zimp), symmetric = TRUE) 
    keep = which(eig$values >= lmin)
    eigenvectors <- eig$vectors[,keep]
    Zimp_proj <- Zimp %*% eigenvectors # scores
    locscale_proj <- estLocScale(Zimp_proj, silent=TRUE)
    locscale_proj$scale = pmax(locscale_proj$scale, lmin)
    Zimp_proj_w <- wrap(Zimp_proj, locscale_proj$loc, locscale_proj$scale)$Xw
    cov <- eigenvectors %*% cov(Zimp_proj_w) %*% t(eigenvectors)
    cov = truncEig(cov, lmin, lmax)
    cov <- t(cov2cor(cov) * locScale$scale) * locScale$scale
    return(list(locScale = locScale, mu = rep(0, dim(X)[2]), 
                cov = cov, Z = Z, Zorig = Zorig, Zimporig = Zimporig, 
                Znaorig = Znaorig, indrows = DDCout$indrows))
  RR <- function(Z, cov, b = 2, quant = 0.99) { # row rule
    d <- dim(Z)[2]
    MDs <- mahalanobis(pmin(pmax(Z, -b), b), rep(0, d), cov)
    rowinds <- which(MDs/median(MDs) * qchisq(0.5, d) > qchisq(quant, 
  iDDC9I.O.Wrap.RR <- function(X, maxCol = 0.25, lmin, lmax) {
    result <- iDDC9I.O.Wrap(X, maxCol = maxCol, lmin = lmin, lmax = lmax)
    cov <- result$cov
    # cov = truncEig(cov, lmin, lmax)
    locScale <- result$locScale
    Z <- result$Zorig
    Zimp <- result$Zimporig
    Zna <- result$Znaorig
    rowinds <- RR(Z, cov, 2, 0.99)
    if (length(rowinds) > 0) {
      Z <- Z[-rowinds, ]
      Zimp <- Zimp[-rowinds, ]
    return(list(locScale = locScale, mu = rep(0, dim(X)[2]), 
                cov = cov, Z = Z, Zimp = Zimp, Zna = Zna, indrows = rowinds))
  # Start here
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  d <- dim(X)[2]
  if (d > n) 
    stop(paste0("You need at least ", d + 1, " cases to estimate a nonsingular \n", 
                "covariance matrix of size ", d, ", but there are only ", 
                n, " cases.\n", "You need to add cases or remove variables."))
  result <- iDDC9I.O.Wrap.RR(X, maxCol = maxCol, lmin = lmin, lmax = lmax)
  cov <- result$cov
  locScale <- result$locScale
  Z <- result$Z
  Zimp <- result$Zimp
  eig = eigen(cov(Zimp), symmetric = TRUE)
  keep = which(eig$values >= lmin)
  eigenvectors <- eig$vectors[,keep]
  Zimp_proj <- Zimp %*% eigenvectors # scores
  locscale_proj <- estLocScale(Zimp_proj, silent=TRUE)
  locscale_proj$scale = pmax(locscale_proj$scale, lmin)
  Zimp_proj_w <- wrap(Zimp_proj, locscale_proj$loc, locscale_proj$scale)$Xw
  Zcov.raw <- eigenvectors %*% cov(Zimp_proj_w) %*% t(eigenvectors)
  Zcov <- cov2cor(Zcov.raw)
  Zcov = truncEig(Zcov, lmin, lmax)
  cov <- t(t(Zcov) * locScale$scale) * locScale$scale
  return(list(center = locScale$loc, cov = cov, locScale = locScale, 
              Z = Z, Zcov = Zcov, Zcov.raw = Zcov.raw))

TwoSGS <- function(X) {
  # Wrapper around GSE::TSGS
  tsgs.out <- GSE::TSGS(X)
  locScale <- list(loc = tsgs.out@mu, scale = sqrt(diag(tsgs.out@S)))
  Zcov      <- cov2cor(tsgs.out@S)
  Z        <- scale(X, locScale$loc, locScale$scale)
  return(list(locScale = locScale,
              Zcov = Zcov,
              Zcov.raw = Zcov,
              cov = tsgs.out@S,
              Z = Z))

## The Detection Imputation (DI) method:

DI = function(X,
              initEst = "DDCWcov",
              crit = 0.01,
              maxits = 10,
              quant = 0.99,
              maxCol = 0.25,
              checkPars = list()){
  # Computes a covariance matrix on data with possibly
  # both cellwise and casewise outliers.
  # Arguments:
  #   X:          data matrix
  #   initEst:    the initial estimator used
  #   crit:       criterion for convergence
  #   maxits:     maximum number of iterations
  #   quant:      quantile used for flagging cells
  #   maxCol:     maximum number of flagged cells per column
  # Returns: 
  #   center:      final estimate of the center
  #   cov:         final estimate of the covariance matrix
  #   center_init: initial estimate of the center
  #   cov_init:    initial estimate of the covariance matrix
  #   allSigmas:   3-dim array with the covariance estimates of every iteration
  #   Ximp:        imputed data
  #   nbimps:      final number of imputes for each column
  #   W:           matrix indicating which cells were imputed
  # DI uses its own version of CellFlagger since it needs to take 
  # into account maxCol, biascorrections, etc.
  # Check inputs
  if (!is.data.frame(X) & !is.matrix(X)) {
    stop("The input data must be a matrix or a data frame")
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  # parameters for checkDataSet
  if (!"coreOnly" %in% names(checkPars)) {
    checkPars$coreOnly <- FALSE
  if (!"silent" %in% names(checkPars)) {
    checkPars$silent <- FALSE
  if (!"numDiscrete" %in% names(checkPars)) {
    checkPars$numDiscrete <- 5
  if (!"precScale" %in% names(checkPars)) {
    checkPars$precScale <- 1e-12
  if (!"fracNA" %in% names(checkPars)) {
    checkPars$fracNA <- 0.15
  CD_out <- list()
  if (!checkPars$coreOnly) {
    # Check the data set and set aside columns and rows that do
    # not satisfy the conditions:
    CD_out <- checkDataSet(X,
                           fracNA = checkPars$fracNA,
                           numDiscrete = checkPars$numDiscrete,
                           precScale = checkPars$precScale,
                           silent = checkPars$silent)
    X <- CD_out$remX
  mS_cov <- function(X, distances, nbimps) {
    return(list(mu = colMeans(X), cov = cov(X)))
  # Step 1A: initial estimate & standardization
  if (is.list(initEst)) { # initEst is list with mu and Sigma
    locScale_init <- list(loc = initEst$mu,
                          scale = sqrt(diag(initEst$Sigma)))
    mu_init       <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])
    cov_init      <- cov2cor(initEst$Sigma)
    Z             <- scale(X, initEst$mu, sqrt(diag(initEst$Sigma)))
    out_init      <- list()
  } else {
    if (initEst == "TSGS") {
      initEst <- TwoSGS
    } else {
      initEst <- DDCWcov
    out_init      <- initEst(X)
    locScale_init <- out_init$locScale # locScale of X
    mu_init       <- rep(0, ncol(X)) # initial location of Z (should be zeroes)
    cov_init      <- out_init$Zcov.raw # initial cov of Z
    Z             <- out_init$Z
  # Step 1B: initialization
  nbits      <- 0
  convcrit   <- 1
  n          <- dim(Z)[1]
  d          <- dim(Z)[2]
  M          <- floor(maxCol * n) # max number of imputed cells per variable
  mu         <- mu_init
  Sigma      <- cov_init
  invOut     <- mpinv(cov_init)
  Sigmai     <- invOut$Inv
  Sigmaisqrt <- invOut$InvSqrt
  Zimp       <- Z
  naMask     <- is.na(Z) + 0
  # Step 1C: containers for simulation
  mus           <- array(0, dim = c(maxits + 1, d))
  Sigmas        <- array(0, dim = c(maxits + 1, d, d))
  mus[1,]       <- mu_init
  Sigmas[1, , ] <- cov_init
  # Step 2: iteration step
  while ((nbits < maxits) && (convcrit > crit)) {
    # Step 2A: flag 
    # 2A Stage 1: Univariate regressions
    predictors <- Sigmaisqrt
    betamat    <- array(0, c(n, d + 1, d))
    Bmat       <- array(0, c(n, d + 1, d, d)) # matrix containing bias terms
    orderings  <- matrix(0, n, d)
    distances  <- matrix(0, n, d + 1)
    deltas     <- matrix(0, n, d)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      z        <- Z[i, ] 
      indNA    <- which(naMask[i, ] == 1)
      z[indNA] <- mu[indNA]
      Z[i, ]   <- z # needed to calculate the imputed values later on
      response <- Sigmaisqrt %*% (z - mu)
      weights  <- huberweights(x = z - mu, b = 1.5)
      larOut <- findCellPath_cpp(predictors = predictors,
                                 response = response,
                                 weights = weights,
                                 Sigmai = Sigmai,
                                 naMask = naMask[i, ])
      deltas[i, larOut$ordering] <- abs(diff(larOut$RSS))
      deltas[i, larOut$ordering] <- rev(cummax(rev(deltas[i, larOut$ordering])))
      betamat[i, , ] <- larOut$beta
      Bmat[i, , , ]  <- larOut$biasMat
      distances[i, ] <- larOut$RSS
      orderings[i, ] <- larOut$ordering
    # 2A stage 2: sort and iterate through p-values
    # to determine the actual flagged cells
    # Goal of this stage is to take maxCol into account
    tiebraker    <- t(apply(orderings, 1, function(y) order(y))) + seq_len(n) * d
    deltas_order <- order(deltas, tiebraker, # order of deltas in decreasin order
                          decreasing = TRUE) # second argument of order() solves ties
    # Fore imputation of NAs first (unique() keeps order of other cells):
    deltas_order <- unique(c(which(naMask == 1), deltas_order))
    NBimps_col   <- rep(0, d)
    cutpoints    <- rep(1, n) # where to stop the paths (1 = no imputes)
    droppedPaths <- rep(0, n) # which paths are dropped (="locked")
    W            <- matrix(0, n , d)
    for (i in seq_len(length(deltas_order))) {
      idx   <- deltas_order[i]
      delta <- deltas[idx]
      rownb <- (idx - 1) %% n + 1
      if (delta > qchisq(quant, 1)) {
        if (!droppedPaths[rownb]) {# check if case still has an open path
          colnb <- ((idx - 1) %/% n) + 1
          if (NBimps_col[colnb] < M) {
            cutpoints[rownb]  <- cutpoints[rownb] + 1
            NBimps_col[colnb] <- NBimps_col[colnb] + 1
            W[rownb, colnb]   <- 1
          } else {
            droppedPaths[rownb] <- 1
      } else {
        droppedPaths[rownb] <- 1
    #  Step 2B: impute cells
    finalBetas     <- matrix(0, n, d)
    finalBias      <- matrix(0, d, d)
    finalDistances <- rep(0, n)
    finalNbimps    <- cutpoints - 1
    finalW         <- matrix(0, n, d)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      finalBetas[i, ]   <- betamat[i, cutpoints[i], ]
      finalBias         <- finalBias + Bmat[i, cutpoints[i], , ]
      finalDistances[i] <- distances[i, cutpoints[i]]
      finalW[i, ]       <- (abs(betamat[i, cutpoints[i], ]) > 1e-10) + 0
    Zimp <- Z - finalBetas
    # Step 2C: re-estimate the covariance matrix
    muSigmaNew <- mS_cov(Zimp, finalDistances, finalNbimps) 
    mu         <- muSigmaNew$mu
    Sigma      <- muSigmaNew$cov + finalBias / n # add bias matrix
    # Step 2D: bookkeeping and setting up for next iteration
    mus[nbits + 2, ]      <- mu
    Sigmas[nbits + 2, , ] <- Sigma
    invOut     <- mpinv(Sigma)
    Sigmai     <- invOut$Inv
    Sigmaisqrt <- invOut$InvSqrt
    convcrit <- sum((Sigmas[nbits + 2, , ] - Sigmas[nbits + 1, , ])^2) + 
      sum((mus[nbits + 2, ] - mus[nbits + 1, ])^2)
    nbits <- nbits + 1
  } # end of Step2: iteration
  # unstandardize and clean:
  Sigmas <- Sigmas[seq_len(nbits + 1), , ]
  Ximp   <- scale(Zimp, FALSE, 1 / locScale_init$scale)
  Ximp   <- scale(Ximp, -locScale_init$loc, FALSE)
  center_out  <- locScale_init$loc + mu * locScale_init$scale 
  cov_out     <- t(t(Sigma) * locScale_init$scale) * locScale_init$scale
  # icenter_out <- locScale_init$loc
  # icov_out    <- t(t(cov_init) * locScale_init$scale) * locScale_init$scale
  Sigmas      <- apply(Sigmas, 1,
                       function(y) t(t(y) * locScale_init$scale) * locScale_init$scale)
  dim(Sigmas) <- c(d, d, nbits + 1)
  Sigmas      <- aperm(Sigmas, perm = c(3, 1, 2))
  # Do one final run of the cellHandler algorithm
  CH.out <- cellHandler(X, center_out, cov_out, quant = quant)
  return(list(center = center_out,
              cov = cov_out,
              nits = nbits,
              Ximp = CH.out$Ximp,
              indcells = CH.out$indcells,
              indNAs = CH.out$indNAs,
              Zres = CH.out$Zres,
              cellPaths = CH.out$cellPaths,
              Zres_denom = CH.out$Zres_denom,
              checkDataSet_out = CD_out))

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