
Defines functions validAlpha validPower validBoolean validCharacter validNumeric validNumericOrCensored validList validAtomicVec validArgMatch validDotsArg validDotsArgs getDotsArgName parsePartialName reportInvalidArg validEqualLength validArgMatch validArgDigits validArgModel

Documented in getDotsArgName parsePartialName reportInvalidArg validAlpha validArgDigits validArgMatch validArgMatch validArgModel validAtomicVec validBoolean validCharacter validDotsArg validDotsArgs validEqualLength validList validNumeric validNumericOrCensored validPower

## $Id: valid.R 5596 2014-07-16 22:17:15Z bpikouni $ UTC

## Functions for verifying input arguments to functions

validAlpha <- function(x) {
  ## PURPOSE: Alpha represents the probability of a false positive in
  ## statistical hypothesis testing (Type I error) and needs to
  ## follow the condition below.
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if(!(is.numeric(x) && (length(x)==1) && (x > 0) && (x < 1))) {
    stop(cgMessage("alpha needs to be a strictly numeric single",
                   "value that is greater than 0",
                   "and less than 1. Traditional practice uses the",
                   "default setting of 0.05."
  else return(TRUE)

validPower <- function(x) {
  ## PURPOSE: Power represents the probability of a true positive in
  ## statistical hypothesis testing and needs to
  ## follow the condition below.
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if(!(is.numeric(x) && (length(x)==1) && (x > 0) && (x < 1))) {
    stop(cgMessage("Power needs to be a strictly numeric single",
                   "value that is greater than 0",
                   "and less than 1. Traditional practice uses the",
                   "default setting of 0.80."
  else return(TRUE)

validBoolean <- function(arg) {
  ## PURPOSE: Simple check that a valid boolean value was specified
  argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))

  if(!is.logical(arg)) {
    stop(cgMessage("The argument ", argname, " needs to be",
                   "set to boolean TRUE or FALSE.",
                   "The current value seems to be ", arg, "."
  else return(TRUE)

validCharacter <- function(arg) {
  ## PURPOSE: Simple check that a valid boolean value was specified
  argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))

  if(!is.character(arg)) {
    stop(cgMessage("The argument ", argname, " needs to be",
                   "of type character.",
                   "The current value seems to be ", arg, "."
  else return(TRUE)

validNumeric <- function(arg, positive=FALSE, integer=FALSE) {
  ## PURPOSE: Simple check that a numeric value was specified
  if(missing(arg)) {
      stop(cgMessage("The argument ",
                     " is missing and need to be specified."))
  argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))

  if(any(!is.numeric(arg))) {
      stop(cgMessage("All values of the argument ", argname, " need to be a",
                     if(positive) "greater than zero" else "",
                     "numeric value"))
  if(positive && any(arg <= 0))  {
      stop(cgMessage("All values of the argument ", argname, " need to be of",
                     "positive value."))
  if(integer && any(arg%%1 != 0))  {
      stop(cgMessage("All values of the argument ", argname, " need to be of",
                     "integer value."))

validNumericOrCensored <- function(x) {
  ## PURPOSE: Is every value in the vector coerceable from character to numeric value, or
  ## represents a censored observation via <x or >x ?
  ## Beware that this assumes no missing values and thus does not test for them.
  for(i in seq(along=x)) {
    thevalue <- x[i]
    if(!is.na(as.numeric(thevalue))) return(TRUE)
    else if(regexpr("^\\d+\\.*\\d*$", trimWhiteSpace(thevalue), perl=TRUE))
    else {
      stop(cgMessage("The observation ", x[i],
                     "does not seem to be either coerceable to numeric or",
                     "representative of a censored representation such",
                     "as '<x' or '>x'."))

validList <- function(arg, names=NULL, argname=NULL) {
  ## PURPOSE: Simple check that a list was specified
  if(is.null(argname)) argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))
  if(!is.list(arg)) {
    stop(cgMessage("The argument ", argname,
                   " needs to be of mode list."))
  if(!is.null(names)) {
    numberofnames <- length(names)
    names.arg <- unique(names(arg))
    matchednames <- 0
    for(i in seq(along=(names.arg))) {
      if(!is.na(pmatch(names.arg[i], names))) {
        matchednames <- matchednames + 1
    if(matchednames < numberofnames) {
      stop(cgMessage("At least one of the names",
                     "needed in the list called", argname,
                     "is not correctly specified or is missing in the function call."))

validAtomicVec <- function(arg, lengthminreq=2) {
  ## PURPOSE: Simple check that a atomic vector of minimum length was specified
  argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))
  if(!is.atomic(arg) || length(arg) < lengthminreq) {
    stop(cgMessage("The argument ", argname,
                   " needs to be an atomic vector",
                   if(!is.null(lengthminreq)) "of length at least ", lengthminreq))
  else return(TRUE) 

validArgMatch <- function(arg, choices, argname=NULL) {
  ## PURPOSE: Check choices for an argument,
  ## allowing for partial matching
  argname <- if(!is.null(argname)) argname else deparse(substitute(arg))
  arg <- try(match.arg(arg, choices))
  if(class(arg)=="try-error") {
    choicestr <- paste(paste("\"", choices, "\"", sep=""),
                       collapse=" or ")
    choicestr <- paste(choicestr, ".", sep="")
    stop(cgMessage("The", argname, "argument",
                   "needs to be one of", choicestr))
  else return(arg)

validDotsArg <- function(dots, arg, choices, default=NULL) {
  if(!is.na(pmatch(arg, names(dots)))) {
    argname <- arg
    arg <- eval(parse(text=paste("dots$",arg,sep="")))
    arg <- validArgMatch(arg, c(choices, default), argname=argname)
  else {
    arg <- default

validDotsArgs <- function(dots, names) {
  if(length(dots)==0) return(TRUE)
  dots.names <- names(dots)
  ## If dots is only of length 1 and not named
  if(is.null(dots.names)) {
    stop(cgMessage("There seems to be an unassigned value",
                   "in the dots arguments portion of the function",
  ## Otherwise
         function(x, names) {
           if(is.na(pmatch(x, names))) {
             stop(cgMessage("The", x, "argument",
                            "is not used for this function,",
                            "and can not be in the function call."))

getDotsArgName <- function(dots, name) {
  dots.names <- names(dots)
  ## Check this for a better way
  ## indx <- try(which(pmatch(dots.names, name)==1), silent=TRUE)
  indx <- which(pmatch(dots.names, name)==1)
  thearg <- NA ## initialization
  ## if(!inherits(indx, "try-error") && any(!is.na(indx))) {
  if(any(!is.na(indx))) {
    thearg <- stripmiss(dots.names[indx])

parsePartialName <- function(names, fullname, prefix=NULL) {
  indx <- try(pmatch(names, fullname), silent=TRUE)
  thearg <- parsedarg <- NA ## initialization
  if(!inherits(indx, "try-error") && any(!is.na(indx))) {
    thearg <- stripmiss(names[as.logical(indx)])
    parsedarg <- parse(text=paste(prefix, thearg, sep=""))    

reportInvalidArg <- function(argname) {
  stop(cgMessage("The", argname, "argument",
                 "does not appear to be specified",
                 "with a value as needed in the function call."))

validEqualLength <- function(vec1, vec2) {
  if(length(vec1)!=length(vec2)) {
    vec1name <- deparse(substitute(vec1))
    vec2name <- deparse(substitute(vec2))
    stop(cgMessage(paste("The vectors", vec1name, "and", vec2name,
                         "need to be of the same length."), tryAgain))

validArgMatch <- function(arg, choices, argname=NULL) {
  ## PURPOSE: Check choices for an argument,
  ## allowing for partial matching
  argname <- if(!is.null(argname)) argname else deparse(substitute(arg))
  arg <- try(match.arg(arg, choices))
  if(class(arg)=="try-error") {
    choicestr <- paste(paste("\"", choices, "\"", sep=""),
                       collapse=" or ")
    choicestr <- paste(choicestr, ".", sep="")
    stop(cgMessage("The", argname, "argument",
                   "needs to be one of", choicestr))
  else return(arg)

validArgDigits <- function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  if(!(is.numeric(x) && is.element(x, 0:4))) {
    stop(cgMessage("The digits argument needs to be",
                   "set to one of NULL, 0, 1, 2, 3,",
                   "or 4."))
  else return(x)

validArgModel <- function(...) {
  dotsnames <- names(list(...))
  if(!is.null(dotsnames) && pmatch(dotsnames, "model", nomatch=FALSE) ) {
    stop(cgMessage("The model argument is not relevant",
                   "since it is designed only for",
                   "lm (ols) or rlm (rr) fitted models.")

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