
Defines functions handle_dwd_old

Documented in handle_dwd_old

#' List, download or convert to chillR format data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst database
#' \emph{This function is deprecated and will disappear soon.} Please refer to the
#' \code{\link[chillR]{handle_dwd}} function for the most current functionality.
#' This function accesses the
#' \href{https://www.dwd.de/EN/climate_environment/cdc/cdc_node_en.html}{Deutscher
#' Wetterdienst database} and allows to:\itemize{\item{1) list a number of weather
#' stations that are close to a specific position (geographic coordinates)} \item{2) obtain
#' weather data for one or more weather stations through the station ID} \item{3) 'clean' and
#' 'format' downloaded data, so the records can easily be used in other chillR functions}}
#' @param action is a character string to decide on 3 modes of action for the function.\itemize{
#'  \item{\emph{'list_stations'} returns a data frame with the information on weather stations that
#'  are to the location defined by \code{number_of_stations} and \code{location} parameters.}
#'  \item{\emph{'download_weather'} retrieves the records for one or more weather stations defined
#'  in the \code{location} parameter.}
#'  \item{If the input is a data frame previously downloaded with the mode \emph{'download_weather'},
#'  the function will format the data frame using the chillR structure.}}
#' @param location accepts a numeric vector with two or three elements representing the longitude,
#' latitude, and elevation of a given place or a vector of character strings representing the ID
#' of the weather stations of interest.
#' If \code{action = 'list_stations'}, \code{location} requires the coordinates of the place and
#' optionally the elevation. This vector can be named or not. Valid names are:
#' \code{'y'}, \code{'Y'}, \code{'latitude'}, \code{'lat'}, \code{'Latitude'}, \code{'Lat'},
#' \code{'LATITUDE'}, \code{'LAT'} for latitude, \code{'x'},
#' \code{'X'}, \code{'longitude'}, \code{'long'}, \code{'Longitude'}, \code{'Long'},
#' \code{'LONGITUDE'}, \code{'LONG'} for longitude, and \code{'z'}, \code{'Z'}, \code{'elevation'},
#' \code{'elev'}, \code{'Elevation'}, \code{'Elev'}, \code{'ELEVATION'},
#' \code{'ELEV'} for elevation. If \code{action = 'download_weather'}, \code{location} accepts
#' the ID of the station as character string.
#' @param time_interval numeric vector with two elements, specifying the start and end date
#' of the period of interest. Only required when running in \code{'list_stations'} or
#' \code{'download_weather'} mode. Unlike other functions from the handle family,
#' \code{handle_dwd} allows specifying the date in \code{YEARMODA} format. Default is set to
#' \code{19160101} (the earliest date on record) and the current date.
#' @param station_list accepts a data frame if the list of weather stations has already been
#' downloaded. The list can be passed to the function through this argument. This can save a bit
#' of time, since it can take a bit of time to download the list, which can have several
#' \code{MB}. 
#' @param stations_to_choose_from if the location is specified by geographic coordinates,
#' this argument 
#' determines the number of nearby stations in the list that is returned.
#' @param drop_most boolean variable indicating if most columns should be dropped from the
#' file if a list of data frames is provided to the \code{action} argument. If set to
#' \code{TRUE} (the default), only essential columns for running \code{chillR} functions are
#' retained.
#' @param end_at_present boolean variable indicating whether the interval of interest
#' should end on the present day, rather than extending until the end of the year specified
#' under \code{time_interval[2]} (if \code{time_interval[2]} is the current year).
#' \strong{DEPRECATED} in this function since \code{time_interval} already allows specifying
#' the present day.
#' @param add.DATE is a boolean parameter to be passed to \code{\link{make_all_day_table}}
#' if \code{action} is a collection of outputs (in the form of list) from the function in the
#' downloading format.
#' @param quiet is a boolean parameter to be passed to
#' \code{\link[utils:download.file]{download.file}} if \code{action = "download_weather"}.
#' @param add_station_name is a boolean parameter to include the name of the respective weather
#' station in the resulting data frame in case the function is used in the downloading or
#' formatting mode.
#' @return 
#' If \code{action = 'list_stations'}, the function returns a data frame with
#' \code{'stations_to_choose_from'} rows and 9 columns. This data frame contains information
#' about the weather stations (Latitude, Longitude, among others). If
#' \code{action = 'download_weather'}, the function returns a list of length according to the
#' length of the \code{location} parameter. Each list, is a list of two elements; a data frame
#' containing the data downloaded from the database and character string representing the
#' respective database ('dwd'). If the \code{action} is provided with the list generated by
#' the function in the downloading mode, the function will return a list of data frames structured
#' according to the chillR format. If \code{drop_most} is set to \code{TRUE}, the function will
#' keep only the relevant variables.
#' @note
#' Many databases have data quality flags, which may sometimes indicate that data aren't reliable.
#' These are not considered by this function!
#' @author Eduardo Fernandez and Eike Luedeling
#' @references 
#' Fernandez, E., Whitney, C., and Luedeling, E. 2020. The importance of chill model selection
#' - A multi-site analysis. European Journal Of Agronomy 119: 126103
#' @keywords utilities weather-data 
#' @examples 
#' # The following lines may take longer than required to pass the
#' # CRAN checks. Please, un-comment them to run the example
#' # stations <- handle_dwd_old(action = "list_stations", 
#' #                        location = c(latitude = 53.5373, longitude = 9.6397),
#' #                        time_interval = c(20000101, 20101231),
#' #                        stations_to_choose_from = 25)
#' # data <- handle_dwd_old(action = "download_weather",
#' #                     location = stations[1 : 3, "Station_ID"],
#' #                     time_interval = c(20000101, 20020601),
#' #                     stations_to_choose_from = 25,
#' #                     station_list = stations,
#' #                     drop_most = TRUE, 
#' #                     add.DATE = FALSE,
#' #                     quiet = TRUE,
#' #                     add_station_name = FALSE)
#' # data_modified <- handle_dwd_old(data, add.DATE = TRUE, drop_most = TRUE)
#' @export handle_dwd_old

handle_dwd_old <- function(action,
                       location = NA,
                       time_interval = c(19160101, Date2YEARMODA(Sys.Date())),
                       station_list = NULL,
                       stations_to_choose_from = 25,
                       drop_most = TRUE,
                       end_at_present = TRUE,
                       add.DATE = FALSE, 
                       quiet = FALSE,
                       add_station_name = FALSE){
  # Add some parameter check
  # Action
  assertthat::assert_that(is.character(action) | is.list(action),
              msg = paste("'action' should be either a character string",
                          "('list_actions' or 'download_weather') or a list",
                          "of two elements ('weather' and 'database').",
                          "Please provide a valid input."))
  if (is.character(action))
    assertthat::assert_that(action %in% c("list_stations", "download_weather"),
              msg = paste("Valid inputs for 'action' are 'list_stations'",
                          "or 'download_weather'. Please select one of these."))
  if (is.list(action))
        action, function(x) 
          names(x) %in% c("weather", "database")))),
      msg = paste("The list provided in the 'action' argument does not comply",
                  "with the required format. The list should contain the",
                  "elements 'weather' and 'database'."))
  # Location
  if (!is.null(names(location)))
      all(names(location) %in%
            c("x", "y", "X", "Y", "longitude", "latitude", "long", "lat",
              "Longitude", "Latitude", "Long", "Lat", "LONGITUDE",
              "LATITUDE", "LONG", "LAT",
              "z", "Z", "elevation", "elev", "Elevation", "Elev",
              "ELEVATION", "ELEV")),
      msg = paste("Please provide valid names for the elements in the location",
                  "argument. Valid names are: 'x', 'X', 'longitude', 'long',",
                  "'Longitude', 'Long', 'LONGITUDE', 'LONG' for longitude;",
                  "'y', 'Y', 'latitude', 'lat', 'Latitude', 'Lat', 'LATITUDE',",
                  "'LAT' for latitude; and 'z', 'Z', 'elevation', 'elev',",
                  "'Elevation', 'Elev', 'ELEVATION', 'ELEV' for elevation."))
  if (all(!is.na(location))){
    if (is.numeric(location))
      assertthat::assert_that(length(location) %in% c(2, 3),
          msg = paste("'location' should be a numeric vector of 2",
                      "(longitude and latitude) or 3 elements (longitude,",
                      "latitude, and elevation). Please provide a valid input."))
    if (!is.numeric(location))
          msg = paste("If 'location' is not numeric, please provide a vector of",
          "character strings representing the station ID for the stations of",
  # Action and location
  if (!is.list(action))
    if (action == "list_stations"){
      assertthat::assert_that(length(location) %in% c(2, 3),
              msg = paste("'action' set to 'list_stations'. Please provide a",
                          "valid input for this action or change the input for",
                          "this parameter. 'location' should be a vector of",
                          "two or three elements: longitude, latitude,",
                          "and elevation."))
              msg = paste("'action' set to 'list_stations'. Please provide a",
                          "valid input for this action or change the input for",
                          "this parameter. 'location' should be a numeric",
  if (!is.list(action))
    if (action == "download_weather"){
              msg = paste("'action' set to 'download_weather'. Please provide",
                          "a valid input for this action or change the input",
                          "for this parameter. 'location' should be one or",
                          "more character string representing the ID of the",
                          "stations of interest."))
  # Time interval
  if (nchar(time_interval[1]) != 8 | nchar(time_interval[2]) != 8)
    stop(paste("Invalid input for the 'time_interval' parameter. Please",
               "introduce a vector of dates in YEARMODA format"),
         call. = FALSE)
  # Stop parameter checking
  # Main block to list the available weather stations (action = 'list_stations')
  if (all(action == 'list_stations')){
    # Assign the latitude, longitude, and elevation according to the named
    # location argument 
    if (!is.null(names(location))){
      latitude <- location[[which(names(location) %in%
                                    c("y", "Y", "latitude", "lat",
                                      "Latitude", "Lat", "LATITUDE", "LAT"))]]
      longitude <- location[[which(names(location) %in%
                                     c("x", "X", "longitude", "long",
                                       "Longitude", "Long", "LONGITUDE", "LONG"))]]
    } else {
      # Define the coordinates based on the vector without names
      longitude <- location[1]
      latitude <- location[2]
    # Get the information of the weather stations.
    stations <- utils::read.csv(
      skip = 2, header = F, colClasses = "character", fileEncoding="latin1")[, 1]
    # Delete the extra white spaces at the end of the characters
    stations <- trimws(stations)
    # Identify the mistakes while importing the data. Those rows starting with
    # numbers instead of letters are the correct rows. This is because the
    # information of the state was passed to the row n+1
    wrong_rows <- which(substr(stations, 2, 2) %in% c(LETTERS, letters))
    # Take back such information to the row n
    stations[wrong_rows - 1] <- paste(stations[wrong_rows - 1],
                                      stations[wrong_rows], sep = "")
    # Remove the extra values due to these mistakes
    stations <- stations[-wrong_rows]
    # Encode the german umlauts
    # stations <- stringr::str_conv(stations, "ISO-8859-1")
    # Make a dataframe of the information about the stations in Germany
    stations <- data.frame(
      Station_name = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 62, 100))),
      Region = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 101, nchar(stations)))),
      Station_ID = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 1, 5))),
      Elevation = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 24, 39))),
      Latitude = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 40, 51))),
      Longitude = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 51, 61))))
    stations$Station_ID <- as.character(stations$Station_ID)
    # As the total number of zip files (containing data) is different from the
    # number given in the station overview list, I had get retrieve the list
    # of zip files in order to identify those stations that have data
    zip_files <- utils::read.csv(
      skip = 7, colClasses = "character", header = FALSE)
    # Remove extra rows by reading an html file as csv
    zip_files <- zip_files[c(1 : (length(zip_files$V1) - 2)),]
    # Make a dataframe of the information of the zip files to facilitate the
    # downloading process
    zip_files <- data.frame(Station_ID = as.character(substr(zip_files, 23, 27)),
                            Begin = as.character(substr(zip_files, 29, 36)),
                            End = as.character(substr(zip_files, 38, 45)))
    zip_files$Station_ID <- as.character(zip_files$Station_ID)
    zip_files$Begin <- as.character(zip_files$Begin)
    zip_files$End <- as.character(zip_files$End)
    # Merge the dataframes on the information of the stations and the dataframe
    # on the zip file information by Station_ID. This keep the rows in both
    # dataframes.
    stations <- dplyr::inner_join(stations, zip_files, by = "Station_ID")
    # Remove those stations which end the record before the begin or those
    # which start after the end defined in the call of the function 
    station_in_period <- stations[-which(stations$End < time_interval[1] |
                                           stations$Begin > time_interval[1]), ]
    # If the procedure above results in no station selected just return the
    # sorted list
    if (nrow(station_in_period) == 0){
      station_in_period <- stations
      warning(paste("No stations selected for the period of interest. The",
                    "complete list will be provided"))}
    # Add the distance to the location of interest
    lat_rad <- latitude*pi/180
    lon_rad <- longitude*pi/180
    lat_rad_stat <- station_in_period$Latitude*pi/180
    lon_rad_stat <- station_in_period$Longitude*pi/180
    station_in_period[, "Distance"] <-
      round(6378.388 * acos(sin(lat_rad) * sin(lat_rad_stat) +
                              cos(lat_rad) * cos(lat_rad_stat) *
                              cos(lon_rad_stat - lon_rad)), 

    # Order the station according to the distance to the point
    stations_sorted <- station_in_period[order(station_in_period$Distance), ]
    # If the elevation is provided, this step will compute the difference between
    # stations
    if (length(location) == 3){
      # Get the elevation from the location vector
      if (!is.null(names(location))){
        # In case the location vector is named, use this
        elevation <- location[[which(names(location) %in%
                                c("z", "Z", "elevation", "elev",
                                  "Elevation", "Elev", "ELEVATION", "ELEV"))]]
      } else {
        # In case the location vector is not named, use this
        elevation <- location[3]
      # Add the difference in elevation between stations
      stations_sorted["Elevation_diff"] <- elevation - stations_sorted$Elevation
    # Return of the function
    return(stations_sorted[c(1 : stations_to_choose_from), ])
  } # Close main bracket of the if block action = 'list_stations'
  # Main block to download the weather data from the selected weather stations
  if (all(action == "download_weather")){
    # Define the station ID based on the location argument
    station_ID <- as.character(location)
    # Check if the user provides the list of weather stations generated with
    # list_stations
    if (is.data.frame(station_list)) station_in_period <- station_list
    # If the list is not provided, this will generate the station_in_period df
    # as above
    if (is.null(station_list)){
      # Get the information of the weather stations.
      stations <- utils::read.csv(
        skip = 2, header = F, colClasses = "character", fileEncoding="latin1")[, 1]
      # Delete the extra white spaces at the end of the characters
      stations <- trimws(stations)
      # Identify the mistakes while importing the data. Those rows starting
      # with numbers instead of letters are the correct rows. This is because
      # the information of the state was passed to the row n+1
      wrong_rows <- which(substr(stations, 2, 2) %in% c(LETTERS, letters))
      # Take back such information to the row n
      stations[wrong_rows - 1] <- paste(stations[wrong_rows - 1],
                                        stations[wrong_rows], sep = "")
      # Remove the extra values due to these mistakes
      stations <- stations[-wrong_rows]
      # Encode the german umlauts
      # stations <- stringr::str_conv(stations, "ISO-8859-1")
      # Make a dataframe of the information about the stations in Germany
      stations <- data.frame(
        Station_name = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 62, 100))),
        Region = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 101, nchar(stations)))),
        Station_ID = as.character(trimws(substr(stations, 1, 5))),
        Elevation = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 24, 39))),
        Latitude = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 40, 51))),
        Longitude = as.numeric(trimws(substr(stations, 51, 61))))
      stations$Station_ID <- as.character(stations$Station_ID)
      # As the total number of zip files (containing data) is different from the
      # number given in the station overview list, I had get retrieve the list
      # of zip files in order to identify those stations that have data
      zip_files <- utils::read.csv(
        skip = 7, colClasses = "character", header = FALSE)
      # Remove extra rows by reading an html file as csv
      zip_files <- zip_files[c(1 : (length(zip_files$V1) - 2)), ]
      # Make a dataframe of the information of the zip files to facilitate the
      # downloading process
      zip_files <- data.frame(Station_ID = as.character(substr(zip_files, 23, 27)),
                              Begin = as.character(substr(zip_files, 29, 36)),
                              End = as.character(substr(zip_files, 38, 45)))
      zip_files$Station_ID <- as.character(zip_files$Station_ID)
      zip_files$Begin <- as.character(zip_files$Begin)
      zip_files$End <- as.character(zip_files$End)
      # Merge the dataframes on the information of the stations and the
      # dataframe on the zip file information by Station_ID. This keep the rows
      # in both dataframes.
      stations <- dplyr::inner_join(stations, zip_files, by = "Station_ID")
      # Remove those stations which end the record before the begin or those
      # which start after the end defined in the call of the function 
      station_in_period <- stations[-which(stations$End < time_interval[1] |
                                             stations$Begin > time_interval[2]), ]
      # If the procedure above results in no station selected just return the
      # sorted list
      if (nrow(station_in_period) == 0){
        station_in_period <- stations
        warning(paste("No stations selected for the period of interest.",
                      "The complete list will be provided"))}
    # primer dataframe to include the complete period of interest
    primer <- data.frame(YEARMODA = c(time_interval[1], time_interval[2]),
                         Year = c(as.numeric(substr(time_interval[1], 1, 4)),
                                  as.numeric(substr(time_interval[2], 1, 4))),
                         Month = c(as.numeric(substr(time_interval[1], 5, 6)),
                                   as.numeric(substr(time_interval[2], 5, 6))),
                         Day = c(as.numeric(substr(time_interval[1], 7, 8)),
                                 as.numeric(substr(time_interval[2], 7, 8))),
                         Tmin = as.numeric(NA),
                         Tmax = as.numeric(NA),
                         Tmean = as.numeric(NA))
    # Add all rows for the period
    primer <- make_all_day_table(primer, add.DATE = add.DATE)
    # Add YEARMODA value for future use in merging dataframes
    primer["YEARMODA"] <- primer$Year * 10000 + primer$Month * 100 + primer$Day
    # Remove Tmin, Tmax and Tmean from the primer dataframe to make it clearer
    if (add.DATE){
      primer <- primer[, c("DATE", "YEARMODA", "Year", "Month", "Day")]} else {
        primer <- primer[, c("YEARMODA", "Year", "Month", "Day")]}
    # Downloading the data. Specify the URL where the data is 
    master_URL <- paste0("https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/",
    # Create a temporary directory for saving the downloaded data
    if(!dir.exists("tempdir")) dir.create("tempdir")
    # Depending on the number of elements in the station_ID parameter, this
    # will download the data as a list or a data frame
    stations_to_download <- as.character(station_ID)
    # Make sure all stations_ID are correctly addressed
    stations_to_download <- stations_to_download[stations_to_download %in%
    # Make sure at least 1 ID is correctly provided
    assertthat::assert_that(length(stations_to_download) > 0,
                msg = paste("No available weather stations for the period of",
                            "interest according to the IDs provided. Please",
                            "make sure the IDs were obtained from this",
                            "function in the mode 'list_stations'."))
    # Missing IDs
    missing_ids <- station_ID[which(!(station_ID %in% stations_to_download))]
    # Produce a very customized warning if there are wrong or missing stations ID
    if (length(missing_ids) > 0){
      if (length(missing_ids) == 1){ collap <-
        "" ; id <- "id" ; is <- "is" ; it <- "It"}
      if (length(missing_ids) == 2){ collap <-
        " and " ; id <- "ids" ; is <- "are" ; it <- "They"}
      if (length(missing_ids) >= 3){ collap <-
        ", " ; id <- "ids" ; is <- "are" ; it <- "They"}
      warning(paste("Station", id,
                    paste(missing_ids, collapse = collap),
                    is, "not among the available weather stations.", it,
                    "will be removed from the list."),
              call. = FALSE)
    # Define variable names in the original dataframe before starting the loop
    variables_gers <- c("FM", "FX", "PM", "RSK", "SHK_TAG", "TGK", "TMK",
                        "TNK", "TXK", "UPM", "VPM")
    # Get the data for the number of stations used by calling the function
    # (location argument)
    download_weather_list <- list()
    for (i in 1 : length(stations_to_download)) {
      # URL of the individual station
      URL <- paste(master_URL,
                   station_in_period[which(station_in_period$Station_ID ==
                                             stations_to_download[i]), "Begin"],
                   station_in_period[which(station_in_period$Station_ID ==
                                             stations_to_download[i]), "End"],
                   sep = "")
      # Download the zip file
      utils::download.file(URL, destfile = "tempdir/data.zip", quiet = quiet)
      # Extract, in the temporary directory, just the file containing the data
        files = paste("produkt_klima_tag_",
                        which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
                        which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
                      sep = ""),
        exdir = "tempdir")
      # Import such file. It keeps all the columns
      data <- utils::read.csv(
                which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
                which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
              ".txt", sep = ""), sep = ";",
        colClasses = c("numeric", "numeric",
                       rep("character", length(variables_gers))), 
        na.strings = "-999")[c("STATIONS_ID", "MESS_DATUM", variables_gers)]
      # Remove the empty spaces across columns
      data <- as.data.frame(sapply(data, trimws))
      # Remove possible missings remaining due to empty spaces
      data <- as.data.frame(
        sapply(data, function(x) ifelse(x == "-999", "NA", x)))
      # In the step above, data were imported as character to remove missing
      # values (-999) automatically. This step set all the variables as numeric
      # vectors
      for (variables_ger in c("MESS_DATUM", variables_gers)){
        data[, variables_ger] <-
          suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data[, variables_ger]))}
      # Add colnames in a more or less understandable format
      colnames(data) <- c("Station_ID", "YEARMODA", "Wind_speed",
                          "Wind_speed_max", "ATM_pressure", "Rainfall", "Snow",
                          "Tmin_5cm", "Tmean", "Tmin", "Tmax", "RH", "VPD")
      # Merge weather data with primer data by YEARMODA column 
      data <- dplyr::left_join(primer, data, by = "YEARMODA")
      if (add_station_name){
        # Add station name and station ID to the data
        data["Station_name"] <-
            which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
      data["Station_ID"] <- stations_to_download[i]
      # Collect the outputs for a number of stations
      download_weather_list[[i]] <- list(weather = data,
                                         database = "dwd")
      # Define the name of the element i in the collection list
      names(download_weather_list)[i] <-
          which(station_in_period$Station_ID == stations_to_download[i]),
    # Remove the temporary directory
    unlink("tempdir", recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    # Return the downloaded data 
  } # Close the main if block for action = 'download_weather'
  # Main block to handle weather data already downloaded
  if (is.list(action) & all(unlist(lapply(action,
                                          function(x) x[["database"]] == "dwd")))){
    # Define the vars depending on the different inputs
    if (drop_most){
      weather_vars <- c("Tmin", "Tmean", "Tmax", "Rainfall")} else {
        weather_vars <- c("Wind_speed", "Wind_speed_max", "ATM_pressure", "Rainfall",
                          "Snow", "Tmin_5cm", "Tmean", "Tmin", "Tmax", "RH", "VPD")}
    if (add.DATE){
      time_vars <- c("DATE", "YEARMODA", "Year", "Month", "Day")} else {
        time_vars <- c("YEARMODA", "Year", "Month", "Day")}
    if (add_station_name){
      station_vars <- c("Station_name", "Station_ID")} else {
        station_vars <- c("Station_ID")}
    # Create a list to collect the modified dataframes
    modified_dataframes <- list()
    # Implement a for loop to modify all data frames inside the list
    for (i in 1 : length(action)){
      # add the missing columns
      if (!("DATE" %in% colnames(action[[i]][["weather"]])) & add.DATE){
        action[[i]][["weather"]] <- 
                             add.DATE = TRUE, no_variable_check = TRUE)
      if (!("Station_name" %in% colnames(action[[i]][["weather"]])) & add_station_name){
        action[[i]][["weather"]]["Station_name"] <- names(action)[i]
      # Select the columns 
      modified_dataframes[[i]] <- action[[i]][["weather"]][, c(station_vars,
                                                               time_vars, weather_vars)]
    # Name the elements of the list
    names(modified_dataframes) <- names(action)
  } # Close main if block for action = is.list(action)

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chillR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 1:09 a.m.