
Defines functions launch_chrome_impl launch_chrome inform_if_chrome_not_found find_chrome_linux find_chrome_mac find_chrome_windows find_chrome

Documented in find_chrome

#' Local Chrome process
#' This is a subclass of [`Browser`] that represents a local browser. It extends
#' the [`Browser`] class with a [`processx::process`] object, which represents
#' the browser's system process.
#' @export
Chrome <- R6Class("Chrome",
  inherit = Browser,
  public = list(
    #' @description Create a new Chrome object.
    #' @param path Location of chrome installation
    #' @param args A character vector of command-line arguments passed when
    #'   initializing Chrome. Single on-off arguments are passed as single
    #'   values (e.g.`"--disable-gpu"`), arguments with a value are given with a
    #'   nested character vector (e.g. `c("--force-color-profile", "srgb")`).
    #'   See
    #'   [here](https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/)
    #'   for a list of possible arguments. Defaults to [`get_chrome_args()`].
    #' @return A new `Chrome` object.
    #' @seealso [`get_chrome_args()`]
    initialize = function(path = find_chrome(), args = get_chrome_args()) {
      if (is.null(path)) {
        stop("Invalid path to Chrome")
      res <- launch_chrome(path, args)
      private$host <- ""
      private$process <- res$process
      private$port <- res$port
      private$path <- path
    #' @description Browser application path
    get_path = function() private$path
  private = list(
    path = NULL

#' Find path to Chrome or Chromium browser
#' @description
#' \pkg{chromote} requires a Chrome- or Chromium-based browser with support for
#' the Chrome DevTools Protocol. There are many such browser variants,
#' including [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/),
#' [Chromium](https://www.chromium.org/chromium-projects/),
#' [Microsoft Edge](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge) and others.
#' If you want \pkg{chromote} to use a specific browser, set the
#' `CHROMOTE_CHROME` environment variable to the full path to the browser's
#' executable. Note that when `CHROMOTE_CHROME` is set, \pkg{chromote} will use
#' the value without any additional checks. On Mac, for example, one could use
#' Microsoft Edge by setting `CHROMOTE_CHROME` with the following:
#' ```r
#' Sys.setenv(
#'   CHROMOTE_CHROME = "/Applications/Microsoft Edge.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Edge"
#' )
#' ```
#' When `CHROMOTE_CHROME` is not set, `find_chrome()` will perform a limited
#' search to find a reasonable executable. On Windows, `find_chrome()` consults
#' the registry to find `chrome.exe`. On Mac, it looks for `Google Chrome` in
#' the `/Applications` folder (or tries the same checks as on Linux). On Linux,
#' it searches for several common executable names.
#' @examples
#' find_chrome()
#' @returns A character vector with the value of `CHROMOTE_CHROME`, or a path to
#'   the discovered Chrome executable. If no path to is found, `find_chrome()`
#'   returns `NULL`.
#' @export
find_chrome <- function() {
  if (Sys.getenv("CHROMOTE_CHROME") != "") {

  path <-
    if (is_mac()) {

    } else if (is_windows()) {

    } else if (is_linux()) {
        searched_for = "`google-chrome` and `chromium-browser` were",
        extra_advice = "or adding one of these executables to your PATH"

    } else {
      message("Platform currently not supported")


find_chrome_windows <- function() {
      path <- utils::readRegistry("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\chrome.exe\\")
    error = function(e) {

find_chrome_mac <- function() {
  path_default <- "/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome"
  if (file.exists(path_default)) {


find_chrome_linux <- function() {
  possible_names <- c(

  for (path in possible_names) {
    path <- Sys.which(path)
    if (nzchar(path)) {


inform_if_chrome_not_found <- function(
  searched_for = "Google Chrome was",
  extra_advice = ""
) {
  if (!is.null(path)) return(invisible(path))

    searched_for, " not found. ",
    "Try setting the `CHROMOTE_CHROME` environment variable to the executable ",
    "of a Chromium-based browser, such as Google Chrome, Chromium or Brave",
    if (nzchar(extra_advice)) " ",


launch_chrome <- function(path = find_chrome(), args = get_chrome_args()) {
  if (is.null(path)) {
    stop("Invalid path to Chrome")

  res <- with_random_port(launch_chrome_impl, path = path, args = args)

launch_chrome_impl <- function(path, args, port) {
  p <- process$new(
    command = path,
    args = c(
      paste0("--remote-debugging-port=", port),
      paste0("--remote-allow-origins=", port),
    supervise = TRUE,
    stdout = tempfile("chrome-stdout-", fileext = ".log"),
    stderr = tempfile("chrome-stderr-", fileext = ".log")

  connected <- FALSE
  timeout <- getOption("chromote.timeout", 10)
  end <- Sys.time() + timeout
  while (!connected && Sys.time() < end) {
    if (!p$is_alive()) {
        "Failed to start chrome. Error: ",
        paste(readLines(p$get_error_file()), collapse = "\n")
        # Find port number from output
        output <- readLines(p$get_error_file())
        output <- output[grepl("^DevTools listening on ws://", output)]
        if (length(output) != 1) stop() # Just break out of the tryCatch

        output_port <- sub("^DevTools listening on ws://[0-9\\.]+:(\\d+)/.*", "\\1", output)
        output_port <- as.integer(output_port)
        if (is.na(output_port) || output_port != port) stop()

        con <- url(paste0("", port, "/json/protocol"), "rb")
        if (!isOpen(con)) break  # Failed to connect

        connected <- TRUE
      warning = function(e) {},
      error = function(e) {}


  if (!connected) {
      paste("Chrome debugging port not open after", timeout, "seconds."),
      class = "error_stop_port_search"

    process = p,
    port    = port

#' Remote Chrome process
#' @export
ChromeRemote <- R6Class("ChromeRemote",
  inherit = Browser,
  public = list(
    #' @description Create a new ChromeRemote object.
    #' @param host A string that is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. `""`
    #' represents all IPv4 addresses and `"::/0"` represents all IPv6 addresses.
    #' @param port A number or integer that indicates the server port.
    initialize = function(host, port) {
      private$host <- host
      private$port <- port

Try the chromote package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

chromote documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.