
Defines functions convert_xifti convert_to_dtseries convert_to_dscalar convert_to_dlabel

Documented in convert_to_dlabel convert_to_dscalar convert_to_dtseries convert_xifti

#' @describeIn convert_xifti
#' Give the ".dlabel" intent (code 3007/ConnDenseLabel) to an input
#'  \code{"xifti"}. Will use the same label table for each data column. Can also
#'  be used to re-assign values in the label table, or to change label names.
#' @param x The CIFTI file name or \code{"xifti"} object to convert.
#' @param cifti_target_fname File name for the converted CIFTI. Only used if
#'  \code{x} is a CIFTI file name. If \code{NULL} (default), will use the same
#'  name as \code{x} but with the extension updated.
#' @param levels_old,levels,labels (Optional) \code{levels_old} is a vector of
#'  the original data values. They should all be unique. They may not all occur
#'  in the \code{"xifti"} data, but every datapoint in the \code{"xifti"} must
#'  occur in \code{levels_old}. If \code{levels_old} is not provided it will be set to
#'  the vector of all unique values in the data, in ascending order.
#'  If \code{levels} is not provided, the original values will be re-mapped
#'  to integers from $0$ to $N-1$ (the "Keys" of a "dlabel" CIFTI), with $N$
#'  being the length of \code{levels_old}. Otherwise, \code{levels} can be a
#'  vector the same length as \code{levels_old} specifying the corresponding new
#'  integers to use (rather than $0$ to $N-1$). If \code{x} is already "dlabel",
#'  then by setting \code{levels_old} to the current label table values and
#'  \code{levels} to the desired new values, the data can be re-leveled
#'  (see examples in function documentation). Note that duplicates in 
#'  \code{levels_old} are allowed, to map multiple existing levels to the same 
#'  new level.
#'  New label names can be set with \code{labels}. If provided, it must be a 
#'  character vector with the same length as \code{levels}. If there are 
#'  duplicates in \code{levels}, the first label for a given level will be used.
#'  If \code{labels} is not provided, the new label names will be set to 
#'  \code{levels} if it was provided, and \code{levels_old} if it was not.
#'  Note: \code{NA} and \code{NaN} values are handled a bit differently. Data
#'  locations that are \code{NA} or \code{NaN} will remain unchanged. \code{NA}
#'  and \code{NaN} should not be included in \code{levels_old} or \code{levels}.
#   The function will still try to handle this case, but may result in error.
#' @param nsig Take this many significant digits for the data values. If
#'  \code{Inf} (default), do not round.
#' @param colors (Optional) "ROY_BIG_BL", the name of a ColorBrewer palette
#'  (see \code{RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info} and colorbrewer2.org), the name of
#'  a viridisLite palette, or a character vector of colors. Default:
#'  \code{"Set2"}.
#' @param add_white Append white to the beginning of the colors? Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @param return_conversion_table Return the conversion table along with the
#'  converted \code{"xifti"}? Default: \code{FALSE}. It will give the original
#'  \code{values}, the \code{values_new} (i.e. the "Keys"), and the new
#'  \code{label} names.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example: change label names
#' levels_old <- xii$meta$cifti$labels[[1]]$Key
#' newLabels <- paste0("New Label #", seq(length(levels_old)))
#' xii <- convert_to_dlabel(xii, levels_old=levels_old, levels=levels_old, labels=newLabels)
#' # Example: add an empty level
#' levels_old <- xii$meta$cifti$labels[[1]]$Key
#' levels_old <- c(levels_old, max(levels_old)+1)
#' labels <- c(rownames(xii$meta$cifti$labels[[1]]), "Empty")
#' xii <- convert_to_dlabel(xii, levels_old=levels_old, levels=levels_old, labels=labels)
#' # Example: set all but the lowest value to the same value & re-label
#' levels_old <- xii$meta$cifti$labels[[1]]$Key
#' levels <- ifelse(levels_old==min(levels_old), min(levels_old), min(levels_old)+1)
#' labels <- ifelse(levels_old==min(levels_old), "Minimum", "Not minimum")
#' xii <- convert_to_dlabel(xii, levels_old=levels_old, levels=levels, labels=labels)
#' }
#' @export
convert_to_dlabel <- function(x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  levels_old=NULL, levels=NULL, labels=NULL, nsig=Inf,
  colors="Set2", add_white=TRUE,
  return_conversion_table=FALSE) {

  # If the input is a CIFTI file name, we need to read it into R.
  input_is_xifti <- is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)
  if (!input_is_xifti) {
    x_original <- x
    if (is.null(cifti_target_fname)) {
      cifti_target_fname <- basename(gsub(
        get_cifti_extn(x), "dlabel.nii", x, fixed=TRUE
    x <- read_xifti(x, brainstructures=info_cifti(x)$cifti$brainstructures)


  # Users might want to use this function to re-assign values.
  # if (!is.null(x$meta$cifti$intent) && x$meta$cifti$intent == 3007) {
  #   if (!input_is_xifti) {
  #     file.copy(x_original, cifti_target_fname)
  #     return(cifti_target_fname)
  #   } else {
  #     ciftiTools_warn("The input is already a dlabel `xifti`.\n")
  #     return(x)
  #   }
  # }

  # Get the label levels.
  if (is.null(levels_old)) {
    # Infer the old levels.
    levels_old <- unique(signif(as.vector(as.matrix(x)), nsig))
    # Sort.
    levels_old <- sort(levels_old, na.last=FALSE)
  } else {
    # Check the old levels.
    if (any(duplicated(levels_old))) {
      warning("Removing duplicate `levels_old`.\n")
      levels_old <- unique(levels_old)
    # Notice: no sorting.
  levels_old_hasNA <- any(is.na(levels_old) & !is.nan(levels_old))
  levels_old_hasNaN <- any(is.nan(levels_old))
  valfac_exclude <- list(
    c(NA, NaN)
  )[[1 + levels_old_hasNA*1 + levels_old_hasNaN*2]]
  if (length(levels_old) > 1000) { warning("Over 1000 unique `levels_old` in the `xifti`.\n") }
  levels_old <- levels_old[!is.na(levels_old)]

  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- if (!is.null(levels)) {
    } else {

  if (!is.null(levels)) {
    stopifnot(all(levels[!is.na(levels)] == round(levels[!is.na(levels)])))
    if (length(levels_old) != length(levels)) {
        "`levels_old` is length ", length(levels_old),
        " but `levels` is length `", length(levels), ". ",
          "Note that `NA` `NaN` are handled separately and should not be included in `levels`.",
  } else {
    levels <- seq(length(levels_old))-1

  stopifnot(length(labels) == length(levels))

  conversion_table <- data.frame(

  levels_unique <- conversion_table$levels[!duplicated(conversion_table$levels)]
  labels_unique <- conversion_table$labels[!duplicated(conversion_table$levels)]

  # Convert data to label levels.
  for (bs in names(x$data)) {
    if (is.null(x$data[[bs]])) { next }
    # Round to `nsig` decimal places.
    x$data[[bs]][] <- signif(x$data[[bs]][], nsig)
    # Get the mask of `NaN` levels_old to convert back later.
    valmask_NaN <- if (levels_old_hasNaN) { is.nan(x$data[[bs]][]) } else { NULL }
    # Convert `NA` and `NaN` to `NaN` levels.
    if (levels_old_hasNaN) {
      x$data[[bs]][] <- ifelse(
        is.na(as.vector(x$data[[bs]])) | is.nan(as.vector(x$data[[bs]])),
        NaN, as.vector(x$data[[bs]])
    # Check all current levels (except `NA` and `NaN` if any) are in `levels_old`.
    stopifnot(all(x$data[[bs]][] %in% c(NA, NaN, conversion_table$levels_old)))
    # Reassign from `levels_old` to 1, 2, 3, ..., N.
    x$data[[bs]][] <- as.numeric(factor(
    # Reassign from 1, 2, 3, ..., N to `levels`.
    x$data[[bs]][] <- conversion_table$levels[x$data[[bs]][]]
    # NaN got converted to NA in previous line, so here we convert them back.
    # (NA became NaN and then was converted back to NA--all good there.)
    if (levels_old_hasNaN) { x$data[[bs]][][valmask_NaN] <- NaN }

  # Make color table.
  # [TO DO]: Allow input of custom colors
  N_ <- length(levels_unique)
  if (N_ == 1 && add_white) {
    pal <- data.frame(value=0, color=factor("white", "white"))
  } else {
    pal <- make_color_pal(
      colors=colors, color_mode="qualitative", zlim=ifelse(add_white, N_-1, N_)
    if (length(pal$color) != length(unique(pal$color))) {
      ciftiTools_warn("Some colors are assigned to more than one label.")
    if (add_white) {
      pal$color <- as.character(pal$color)
      pal <- rbind(c("white", 0), pal)
      pal$color <- factor(pal$color, levels=unique(pal$color))
      pal$value <- seq(nrow(pal)) - 1
  if (nrow(pal) < N_) {
    pal <- expand_color_pal(pal, N_)
  } else if (nrow(pal) > N_) {
    pal <- pal[seq(N_),]
    pal$color <- factor(pal$color, levels=unique(pal$color))

  # Format color table in .dlabel style
  col_table <- col2rgb(pal$color, alpha=TRUE)/255
  col_table <- rbind(levels_unique, col_table)
  rownames(col_table) <- c("Key", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha")
  col_table <- as.data.frame(t(col_table))
  rownames(col_table) <- labels_unique
  col_table <- col_table[order(col_table$Key),]

  # Add components to xifti
  T_ <- ncol_xifti(x)
  if (is.null(x$meta$cifti$names)) {
    x$meta$cifti$names <- paste("Column", seq(T_))
  x$meta$cifti$labels <- rep(list(col_table), T_)
  names(x$meta$cifti$labels) <- x$meta$cifti$names

  # Change intent and check it.
  x$meta$cifti$intent <- 3007
  x$meta$cifti[c("time_start", "time_step", "time_unit")] <- NULL

  # Return the result.
  if (!input_is_xifti) { x <-  write_xifti(x, cifti_target_fname) }
  if (return_conversion_table) {
    out <- list(xifti=x, conversion_table=conversion_table)
  } else {
    out <- x

#' @describeIn convert_xifti
#' Give the ".dscalar" intent (code 3006/ConnDenseScalar) to an input
#'  CIFTI file or \code{"xifti"} object. Can also be used to set the names for
#'  each column with \code{names}.
#' @param x The CIFTI file name or \code{"xifti"} object to convert.
#' @param cifti_target_fname File name for the converted CIFTI. Only used if
#'  \code{x} is a CIFTI file name. If \code{NULL} (default), will use the same
#'  name as \code{x} but with the extension updated.
#' @param names The column names. If \code{NULL} (default), will be set to
#'  "Column 1", "Column 2", ... .
#' @export
convert_to_dscalar <- function(x, cifti_target_fname=NULL, names=NULL) {

  input_is_xifti <- is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)
  if (!input_is_xifti) {
    if (is.null(cifti_target_fname)) {
      cifti_target_fname <- basename(gsub(
        get_cifti_extn(x), "dscalar.nii", x, fixed=TRUE

  # `xifti` input
  if (is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)) {
    # if (!is.null(x$meta$cifti$intent)) {
    #   if (x$meta$cifti$intent == 3006) {
    #     ciftiTools_warn("The input is already a dscalar `xifti`.\n")
    #     return(x)
    #   }
    # }

    T_ <- ncol_xifti(x)

    # Change intent.
    x$meta$cifti$intent <- 3006
    x$meta$cifti[c("time_start", "time_step", "time_unit", "labels")] <- NULL
    if (!is.null(names)) {
      if (length(names) != T_) {
        stop("The data has ", T_, " columns but `names` is length ", length(names), ".")
      x$meta$cifti$names <- as.character(names)
    } else {
      x$meta$cifti$names <- paste("Column", seq(T_))



  # CIFTI input
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(x) == 1)

    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- paste("Column", seq(ncol(read_xifti(x, brainstructures=info_cifti(x)$cifti$brainstructures) )))

    cmd <- paste(
      "-cifti-change-mapping", x,
      "ROW", sys_path(cifti_target_fname), "-scalar"

    names_fname <- tempfile()
    writeLines(names, names_fname)
    cmd <- paste(cmd, "-name-file", sys_path(names_fname))


#' @describeIn convert_xifti
#' Give the ".dtseries" intent (code 3002/ConnDenseSeries) to an input
#'  \code{"xifti"} object. Can also be used to set the time metadata.
#' @param x The CIFTI file name or \code{"xifti"} object to convert.
#' @param cifti_target_fname File name for the converted CIFTI. Only used if
#'  \code{x} is a CIFTI file name. If \code{NULL} (default), will use the same
#'  name as \code{x} but with the extension updated.
#' @param time_start,time_step,time_unit (Optional) metadata for the new dtseries
#' @export
convert_to_dtseries <- function(
  x, cifti_target_fname=NULL,
  time_start=0, time_step=1, time_unit=c("second", "hertz", "meter", "radian")) {

  time_start <- as.numeric(time_start[1])
  time_step <- as.numeric(time_step[1])
  time_unit <- match.arg(tolower(time_unit), c("second", "hertz", "meter", "radian"))

  input_is_xifti <- is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)
  if (!input_is_xifti) {
    if (is.null(cifti_target_fname)) {
      cifti_target_fname <- basename(gsub(
        get_cifti_extn(x), "dtseries.nii", x, fixed=TRUE

  if (is.xifti(x, messages=FALSE)) {
    # if (!is.null(x$meta$cifti$intent)) {
    #   if (x$meta$cifti$intent == 3002) {
    #     ciftiTools_warn("The input is already a dtseries `xifti`.\n")
    #     return(x)
    #   }
    # }

    T_ <- ncol_xifti(x)

    # Change intent.
    x$meta$cifti$intent <- 3002
    x$meta$cifti[c("names", "labels")] <- NULL
    x$meta$cifti$time_start <- time_start
    x$meta$cifti$time_step <- time_step
    x$meta$cifti$time_unit <- time_unit



  } else {

    stopifnot(length(x) == 1)

    cmd <- paste(
      "-cifti-change-mapping", sys_path(x),
      "ROW", sys_path(cifti_target_fname), "-series",
      time_step, time_start, "-unit", toupper(time_unit)



#' Convert the intent of a CIFTI file or \code{"xifti"} object
#' @param x The CIFTI file name or \code{"xifti"} object to convert.
#' @param to The desired intent: \code{"dscalar"} (default), \code{"dtseries"},
#'  or \code{"dlabel"}
#' @param cifti_target_fname File name for the converted CIFTI. Only used if
#'  \code{x} is a CIFTI file name. If \code{NULL} (default), will use the same
#'  name as \code{x} but with the extension updated.
#' @param ... Only used if \code{x} is a \code{"xifti"} object. Additional
#'  options specific to the target type and intent, e.g. for
#'  \code{convert_to_dlabel}.
#' @return If \code{x} is a CIFTI, the target is a \code{"dlabel"} and
#'  \code{return_conversion_table}, a length-2 list with the first entry being
#'  the ".dlabel" \code{"xifti"} and the second being the conversion table.
#'  Otherwise, the \code{"xifti"} or the output CIFTI file name is directly
#'  returned.
#' @family manipulating xifti
#' @export
convert_xifti <- function(x, to=c("dscalar", "dtseries", "dlabel"),
  cifti_target_fname=NULL, ...){

  to <- match.arg(to, c("dscalar", "dtseries", "dlabel"))

      dscalar = convert_to_dscalar(x, cifti_target_fname, ...),
      dtseries = convert_to_dtseries(x, cifti_target_fname, ...),
      dlabel = convert_to_dlabel(x, cifti_target_fname, ...)

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ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.