
Defines functions infocii infoCIfTI info_cifti xml_cifti header_cifti get_data_meta_from_cifti_xml get_intn_meta_from_cifti_xml get_misc_meta_from_cifti_xml check_cifti_type substructure_table supported_intents

Documented in check_cifti_type get_data_meta_from_cifti_xml get_intn_meta_from_cifti_xml get_misc_meta_from_cifti_xml header_cifti info_cifti infoCIfTI infocii substructure_table supported_intents xml_cifti

#' The NIFTI intents supported by \code{ciftiTools}
#' Table of CIFTI file types (NIFTI intents) supported by \code{ciftiTools}.
#' See https://www.nitrc.org/forum/attachment.php?attachid=334&group_id=454&forum_id=1955
#'  for information about the different NIFTI intents.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with each supported file type along the rows, and
#'  column names "extension", "intent_code", "value", and "intent_name"
#' @export
supported_intents <- function(){
  df <- data.frame(rbind(
    c("dtseries.nii", "NIFTI_INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_DENSE_SERIES",   3002, "ConnDenseSeries"),
    c("dscalar.nii",  "NIFTI_INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_DENSE_SCALARS",  3006, "ConnDenseScalar"),
    c("dlabel.nii",   "NIFTI_INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_DENSE_LABELS",   3007, "ConnDenseLabel")
  colnames(df) <- c("extension", "intent_code", "value", "intent_name")

#' Substructure table
#' Table of labels for cortex hemispheres (left and right) and subcortical
#'  substructures. The same labels used by the HCP data are here, plus "Other".
#'  Names from the CIFTI format ("CIFTI_STRUCTURE_*") and the names used by
#'  \code{ciftiTools} are given.
#' The names used by \code{ciftiTools} are based on those in
#'  \code{FT_READ_CIFTI} from the FieldTrip MATLAB toolbox.
#' @return A data.frame with each substructure along the rows. The first
#'  column gives the CIFTI format name and the second column gives the
#'  \code{ciftiTools} name.
#' @export
substructure_table <- function(){
  table <- data.frame(rbind(
    c("CORTEX_LEFT",                "Cortex-L"),
    c("CORTEX_RIGHT",               "Cortex-R"),
    c("ACCUMBENS_LEFT",             "Accumbens-L"),
    c("ACCUMBENS_RIGHT",            "Accumbens-R"),
    c("AMYGDALA_LEFT",              "Amygdala-L"),
    c("AMYGDALA_RIGHT",             "Amygdala-R"),
    c("BRAIN_STEM",                 "Brain Stem"),
    c("CAUDATE_LEFT",               "Caudate-L"),
    c("CAUDATE_RIGHT",              "Caudate-R"),
    c("CEREBELLUM_LEFT",            "Cerebellum-L"),
    c("CEREBELLUM_RIGHT",           "Cerebellum-R"),
    c("DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_LEFT",  "Diencephalon-L"),
    c("DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_RIGHT", "Diencephalon-R"),
    c("HIPPOCAMPUS_LEFT",           "Hippocampus-L"),
    c("HIPPOCAMPUS_RIGHT",          "Hippocampus-R"),
    c("PALLIDUM_LEFT",              "Pallidum-L"),
    c("PALLIDUM_RIGHT",             "Pallidum-R"),
    c("PUTAMEN_LEFT",               "Putamen-L"),
    c("PUTAMEN_RIGHT",              "Putamen-R"),
    c("THALAMUS_LEFT",              "Thalamus-L"),
    c("THALAMUS_RIGHT",             "Thalamus-R"),
    c("OTHER",                      "Other")
  colnames(table) <- c("Original_Name", "ciftiTools_Name")
  table$Index <- seq_len(nrow(table))

#' Check CIFTI type
#' Check that a CIFTI's NIFTI intent matches its file name extension.
#' @param intent The NIFTI \code{intent_code}, as a numeric integer
#' @param extn The file name extension, e.g. "dtseries.nii"
#' @return If the intent is supported, returns \code{TRUE}.
#'  If the intent is not supported, an error is raised.
#' @keywords internal
check_cifti_type <- function(intent, extn){
  intent_idx <- which(supported_intents()$value == intent)
  extn_idx <- which(supported_intents()$extension == extn)
  if (length(extn_idx) < 1) {
    if (length(intent_idx) < 1){
        "This CIFTI file has intent code", intent, "and extension", extn,
        "neither of which is supported by ciftiTools (yet).",
        "Only the following types are:\n\t",
        paste(supported_intents()$value, collapse="\n\t "),
        "\nRespectively, they correspond to these file extensions:\n\t",
        paste(supported_intents()$extension, collapse="\n\t ")
    } else {
        "This CIFTI file has extension", extn, "which is not yet supported by ciftiTools.",
        "Only the following types are:\t",
        paste(supported_intents()$extension, collapse="\n\t "),
        "\nThe intent code", intent, "is supported but does not match the extension.",
        "Was the file named incorrectly?",
        "Continuing anyway with the intent code", intent, "and correct extension",
  } else {
    if (length(intent_idx) < 1){
        "This CIFTI file has intent code", intent, "which is not yet supported by ciftiTools.",
        "Only the following types are:\n\t",
        paste(supported_intents()$value, collapse="\n\t "),
        "\nThe extension", extn, "is supported but does not match the intent code.",
        "Was the file named incorrectly?"
    } else {
      if (intent_idx != extn_idx) {
          "This CIFTI file has intent code", intent, "and extension", extn,
          "which do not match. Was the file named incorrectly?",
          "Continuing anyway with the intent code", intent, "and correct extension",
  TRUE #list(intent=intent, extn=supported_intents()extension[intent_idx])

#' Extract misc metadata from CIFTI
#' Extract misc metadata from CIFTI header XML ("Metadata" entry)
#' @param xml List representing "Metadata" entry XML
#'  (\code{xifti$CIFTI$Matrix$MetaData})
#' @param intent The CIFTI's NIFTI intent code. Not used right now, but may be later.
#'  Default: \code{3000} (NIFTI_INTENT_UNKNOWN)
#' @return The metadata, a list
#' @keywords internal
get_misc_meta_from_cifti_xml <- function(xml, intent=3000) {
  xml <- do.call(rbind, xml)
  meta <- lapply(xml[,2], function(x){x[[1]]})
  names(meta) <- lapply(xml[,1], function(x){x[[1]]})

#' Extract intent-specific metadata from CIFTI
#' Extract intent-specific Metadata from CIFTI header XML (first "MatrixIndicesMap" entry)
#' @param xml List representing "MatrixIndicesMap" entry XML
#'  (\code{xifti$CIFTI$Matrix[[2]]})
#' @param intent The CIFTI's NIFTI intent code
#' @return The metadata, a list
#' @keywords internal
get_intn_meta_from_cifti_xml <- function(xml, intent=3000) {
  if (intent == 3002) {
    if ("SeriesStart" %in% names(attributes(xml))) {
      tnames <- c("SeriesStart", "SeriesStep", "SeriesUnit")
    } else {
      tnames <- c("TimeStart", "TimeStep", "TimeStepUnits")
    meta <- list(
    if (meta$time_unit == "nifti_units_sec") { meta$time_unit <- "second" }
  } else if (intent == 3006) {
    meta <- list(
          function(x){ ifelse(length(x$MapName) < 1, "", x$MapName[[1]]) },
  } else if (intent == 3007) {
    xml <- xml[names(xml) == "NamedMap"]
    labs <- vector("list", length(xml))
    for (ii in seq_len(length(xml))) {
      xml_ii <- xml[[ii]]
      labs[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(xml_ii$LabelTable, function(x){as.numeric(attributes(x))}))
      rownames(labs[[ii]]) <- as.character(vapply(xml_ii$LabelTable, function(x){x[[1]]}, ""))
      colnames(labs[[ii]]) <- c("Key", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha")
      labs[[ii]] <- as.data.frame(labs[[ii]])
    names(labs) <- vapply(xml, function(x){x$MapName[[1]]}, "")
    meta <- list(names=names(labs), labels = labs)
  } else { stop("Internal error: CIFTI intent not supported.") }

#' Extract data-related metadata from CIFTI
#' Extract data-related metadata from CIFTI header XML (second "MatrixIndicesMap" entry)
#' @param xml List representing "MatrixIndicesMap" entry XML
#'  (\code{xifti$CIFTI$Matrix[[3]]})
#' @param intent The CIFTI's NIFTI intent code. Not used right now, but might be
#'  used later. Default: \code{3000} (NIFTI_INTENT_UNKNOWN)
#' @return The metadata, a list
#' @keywords internal
get_data_meta_from_cifti_xml <- function(xml, intent=3000) {


  bs_names <- as.character(lapply(xml, function(x){attr(x, "BrainStructure")}))
  bs_names <- gsub("CIFTI_STRUCTURE_", "", bs_names)

  meta <- list(

  # Left Cortex
  if ("CORTEX_LEFT" %in% bs_names) {
    meta$brainstructures <- c(meta$brainstructures, "left")
    c_idx <- xml[[which(bs_names=="CORTEX_LEFT")]]
    # MSC data uses "NodeIndices" instead of the standard "VertexIndices"
    ind <- ifelse("VertexIndices" %in% names(c_idx), "VertexIndices", "NodeIndices")
    snum <- paste0("SurfaceNumberOf", ifelse(ind=="VertexIndices", "Vertices", "Nodes"))
    v <- strsplit(gsub("\n", "", c_idx[[ind]][[1]]), " ")[[1]]
    v <- 1 + as.numeric(v[v != ""])
    meta$cortex_left_mwall <- seq_len(attr(c_idx, snum)) %in% v

  # Right Cortex
  if ("CORTEX_RIGHT" %in% bs_names) {
    meta$brainstructures <- c(meta$brainstructures, "right")
    c_idx <- xml[[which(bs_names=="CORTEX_RIGHT")]]
    ind <- ifelse("VertexIndices" %in% names(c_idx), "VertexIndices", "NodeIndices")
    snum <- paste0("SurfaceNumberOf", ifelse(ind=="VertexIndices", "Vertices", "Nodes"))
    v <- strsplit(gsub("\n", "", c_idx[[ind]][[1]]), " ")[[1]]
    v <- 1 + as.numeric(v[v != ""])
    meta$cortex_right_mwall <- seq_len(attr(c_idx, snum)) %in% v

  # Subcortex metadata
  if ("Volume" %in% names(xml)) {
    meta$brainstructures <- c(meta$brainstructures, "subcortical")

    vol_tmat <- strsplit(
      xml$Volume$TransformationMatrixVoxelIndicesIJKtoXYZ[[1]], "\n"
    vol_tmat <- vol_tmat[vol_tmat != ""]
    vol_tmat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(vol_tmat, function(x){as.numeric(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]])}))
    meta$subcort_trans_mat <- vol_tmat

    meta$subcort_trans_units <- as.numeric(
      attr(xml$Volume$TransformationMatrixVoxelIndicesIJKtoXYZ, "MeterExponent")
    if (length(meta$subcort_trans_units) > 0) {
      if (meta$subcort_trans_units == -3) {
        meta$subcort_trans_units <- "mm"
      } else if (meta$subcort_trans_units == -2) {
        meta$subcort_trans_units <- "cm"
      } else if (meta$subcort_trans_units == 0) {
        meta$subcort_trans_units <- "m"
      } else {
        meta$subcort_trans_units <- paste0("10^(", meta$subcort_trans_units, ") m")
    } else {
      meta["subcort_trans_units"] <- list(NULL)

    meta$subcort_dims <- as.numeric(
      strsplit(attr(xml$Volume, "VolumeDimensions"), ",")[[1]]

  # Subcortical
  sub_names <- substructure_table()$Original_Name[3:nrow(substructure_table())]
  bs_subcort <- bs_names %in% sub_names
  if (any(bs_subcort)) {
    subcort_dat <- vector("list", length(sub_names))
    for (ii in seq_len(length(sub_names))) {
      sub_name <- sub_names[ii]
      xml_idx <- which(bs_names == sub_name)
      # stopifnot(length(xml_idx) > 1) # By CIFTI definition, only one match should be present.
      if (length(xml_idx) > 0) {
        subcort_dat[[ii]] <- cbind(do.call(
            strsplit(xml[[xml_idx]]$VoxelIndicesIJK[[1]], "\n")[[1]], " "
          ), as.numeric)
          # Add two to skip cortex L/R. Line after already adds the other 1.
        ), ii+1)
    # Add one to start indexing at 1 instead of zero
    subcort_dat <- do.call(rbind, subcort_dat) + 1
    meta$subcort_labs <- coordlist_to_vol(subcort_dat, fill=0)

  # Unsupported
  unsupported_bs <- c(
  if (any(bs_names %in% unsupported_bs)) {
      "Some brainstructures present in the CIFTI file are not supported by ciftiTools:",
      paste(bs_names[bs_names %in% unsupported_bs], collapse=" ")


#' Get NIFTI header (of a CIFTI)
#' Wrapper for Connectome Workbench command
#'  \code{-nifti-information [fname] -print-header}
#' @inheritParams cifti_fname_Param
#' @return The header, as a character vector
#' @keywords internal
header_cifti <- function(cifti_fname){
  cmd <- paste("-nifti-information", sys_path(cifti_fname), "-print-header")
  out <- run_wb_cmd(cmd, intern=TRUE, ignore.stdout=FALSE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
  if (length(out) == 0) {
      "Workbench command '", paste(sys_path(ciftiTools.getOption("wb_path")), cmd), 
      "' failed. This might happen when trying to read a CIFTI file located ",
      "on the cloud, in which case you can try downloading the CIFTI locally, ",
      "reading it in, and then deleting the local copy. This might also happen ",
      "if the CIFTI file is corrupted/invalid."

#' Get XML of a CIFTI
#' Wrapper for Connectome Workbench command
#'  \code{-nifti-information [fname] -print-xml}
#' @inheritParams cifti_fname_Param
#' @return The XML as a list
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml as_list
#' @keywords internal
xml_cifti <- function(cifti_fname){
  cmd <- paste("-nifti-information", sys_path(cifti_fname), "-print-xml")
  out <- run_wb_cmd(cmd, intern=TRUE, ignore.stdout=FALSE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
  if (length(out) == 0) {
      "Workbench command '", paste(sys_path(ciftiTools.getOption("wb_path")), cmd), 
      "' failed."
  as_list(read_xml(paste(out, collapse="\n")))

#' Get CIFTI metadata
#' Get CIFTI metadata from the NIFTI header and XML using the Connectome
#'  Workbench command \code{-nifti-information}. The information is formatted as
#'  the \code{meta} component in a \code{"xifti"} object
#'  (see \code{\link{template_xifti}}), and includes:
#'  \enumerate{
#'    \item medial wall masks for the left and right cortex
#'    \item the subcortical labels (ordered spatially)
#'    \item the subcortical mask
#'    \item other NIFTI intent-specific metadata
#'  }
#' Additional metadata depends on the type of CIFTI file:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{"dtseries"}{
#'      \describe{
#'        \item{time_start:}{   Start time}
#'        \item{time_step:}{   The TR}
#'        \item{time_unit:}{   Unit of time}
#'      }
#'    }
#'    \item{"dscalar"}{
#'      \describe{
#'        \item{names:}{   Name of each data column}
#'      }
#'    }
#'    \item{"dlabels"}{
#'      \describe{
#'        \item{names:}{(   Names of each data column.)}
#'        \item{labels:}{(   List of \eqn{L \times 5} data.frames. Row names are the label names. Column names are Key, Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. List entry names are the names of each data column.)}
#'      }
#'    }
#'  }
#' @inheritSection labels_Description Label Levels
#' @inheritParams cifti_fname_Param
#' @return The metadata component of a \code{"xifti"} for the input CIFTI file
#' @family reading
#' @export
#' @section Connectome Workbench:
#' This function interfaces with the \code{"-nifti-information"} Workbench command.
info_cifti <- function(cifti_fname){

  # Check if this CIFTI is supported.
  cifti_fname <- format_path(cifti_fname, mode=4)
  if (!is.fname(cifti_fname)) { 
    stop("`", cifti_fname, "` is not an existing file.") 

  extn <- get_cifti_extn(cifti_fname)
  if (!(extn %in% c("dscalar.nii", "dlabel.nii", "dtseries.nii"))) {
    warning("The file `", basename(cifti_fname), "` is not named as a CIFTI of supported intent. If it's not a CIFTI, an error will occur.")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # -nifti-information ---------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  cif_head <- header_cifti(cifti_fname)
  cif_xml <- xml_cifti(cifti_fname)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Parsing --------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Header
  ## sform and qform not typically used; instead, subcortical orientation
  ## is given by the TransformationMatrixIJKtoXYZ element in the XML
  #sform <- as.numeric(gsub("sform_code:", "", cif_head[grepl("sform_code", cif_head)]))
  #qform <- as.numeric(gsub("qform_code:", "", cif_head[grepl("qform_code", cif_head)]))
  intent <- as.numeric(gsub("intent_code:", "", cif_head[grepl("intent_code", cif_head)]))
  ## Validate intent with file extension
  check_cifti_type(intent, extn)

  # XML
  Matrix_xml <- names(cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix)
  ## General CIFTI / Misc. metadata
  if ("MetaData" %in% Matrix_xml) {
    misc <- get_misc_meta_from_cifti_xml(cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix$MetaData, intent)
  } else {
    misc <- NULL
  ## Extension-specific metadata
  ii <- which(Matrix_xml == "MatrixIndicesMap")[1]
  intn <- get_intn_meta_from_cifti_xml(cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix[[ii]], intent)
  ## Data
  ii <- which(Matrix_xml == "MatrixIndicesMap")[2]
  ### For MSC data
  if ("Volume" %in% Matrix_xml) {
    cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix[[ii]] <- c(cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix["Volume"], cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix[[ii]])
  data <- get_data_meta_from_cifti_xml(cif_xml$CIFTI$Matrix[[ii]], intent)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formatting -----------------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  meta <- template_xifti()$meta

  meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask["left"] <- list(data$cortex_left_mwall)
  meta$cortex$medial_wall_mask["right"] <- list(data$cortex_right_mwall)
  if (!is.null(data$subcort_labs)) {
    meta$subcort$mask <- data$subcort_labs != 0
    # Add back slices so subcortical dimensions match NIFTI header
    mask_pad <- cbind(0, data$subcort_dims-dim(meta$subcort$mask))
    meta$subcort <- list(
      labels = factor(
      mask = pad_vol(meta$subcort$mask, mask_pad, fill=FALSE),
      trans_mat = data$subcort_trans_mat,
      trans_units = data$subcort_trans_units

  meta$cifti$intent <- intent
  meta$cifti$brainstructures <- data$brainstructures
  meta$cifti <- c(meta$cifti, intn, list(misc=misc))


#' @rdname info_cifti
#' @export
infoCIfTI <- function(cifti_fname){

#' @rdname info_cifti
#' @export
infocii <- function(cifti_fname){

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ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.