
Defines functions as.ClickClust as.transactions as.moltenTransactions frequencies predict.ClickstreamClusters summary.ClickstreamClusters print.ClickstreamClusters print.Clickstreams summary.Clickstreams .printClickstream .printClick randomClickstreams .randomClickstream writeClickstreams .writeClickstream as.clickstreams .isEqualLength .listEntryToVector readClickstreams

Documented in as.ClickClust as.clickstreams as.moltenTransactions as.transactions frequencies predict.ClickstreamClusters print.ClickstreamClusters print.Clickstreams randomClickstreams readClickstreams summary.ClickstreamClusters summary.Clickstreams writeClickstreams

#' Reads a List of Clickstreams from File
#' Reads a list of clickstream from a csv-file. Note that non-alphanumeric characters will be removed.
#' @param file The name of the file which the clickstreams are to be read from.
#' Each line of the file appears as one click stream. If it does not contain an
#' absolute path, the file name is relative to the current working directory,
#' \code{\link{getwd}}.
#' @param sep The character separating clicks (default is \dQuote{,}).
#' @param header A logical flag indicating whether the first entry of each line
#' in the file is the name of the clickstream user.
#' @return A list of clickstreams. Each element is a vector of characters
#' representing the clicks. The name of each list element is either the header
#' of a clickstream file or a unique number.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.Clickstreams}}, \code{\link{randomClickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' csf <- tempfile()
#' writeLines(clickstreams, csf)
#' cls <- readClickstreams(csf, header = TRUE)
#' unlink(csf)
#' print(cls)
#' @export readClickstreams
readClickstreams = function(file, sep = ",", header = FALSE) {
    count = max(count.fields(file, sep = sep))
    dat = read.table(
        file, sep = sep, header = F, fill = T, stringsAsFactors = F, col.names =
    if (header) {
        nams = dat[, 1]
        dat = dat[,-1]
    dat2 = as.data.frame(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", as.matrix(dat)))
    colnames(dat2) = colnames(dat)
    rownames(dat2) = rownames(dat)
    ddat = data.table(dat2)
    len = length(dat2[,1])
    ldat = as.list(as.data.frame(t(ddat)))
    ldat = llply(
        .data = ldat, .fun = function(x)
            as.character(x[x != "" & !is.na(x)])
    if (header) {
        names(ldat) = nams
    } else {
        names(ldat) = seq(1, len, 1)
    class(ldat) = "Clickstreams"

.listEntryToVector = function(entry, count) {
    blankCount = count - length(entry)
    blanks = rep("", blankCount)
    return(c(entry, blanks))

.isEqualLength = function(obj) {
    equal = ifelse(length(unique(lengths(strsplit(obj, ",")))) == 1, T, F)

#' Converts a character vector or a character list into a clickstream list.
#' Converts a character vector or a character list into a clickstream list. Note that non-alphanumeric characters will be removed.
#' @param obj The character vector or character list which will be converted into a clickstream list.
#' Each line of the vector must represent exactly one click stream.
#' @param sep The character separating clicks (default is \dQuote{,}).
#' @param header A logical flag indicating whether the first entry of each entry
#' in the character vector is the name of the clickstream.
#' @return A list of clickstreams. Each element is a vector of characters
#' representing the clicks. The name of each list element is either extracted from the
#' character vector or a unique number.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.Clickstreams}}, \code{\link{randomClickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' print(cls)
#' @export as.clickstreams
as.clickstreams = function(obj, sep = ",", header = TRUE) {
    if (is.list(obj)) {
        if (length(obj) == 0) {
            stop("Variable obj must include elements.")
        } else if (!is.character(obj[[1]])) {
            stop("Variable obj is not in correct format.")
    } else if (is.vector(obj)) {
        if (length(obj) == 0) {
            stop("Variable obj must include elements.")
        } else if (!is.character(obj)) {
            stop("Variable obj is not in correct format.")
    } else {
        stop("Variable obj is not in correct format.")
    if (.isEqualLength(obj)) {
        dat = as.list(as.data.frame(sapply(obj, FUN = function(x) return(unlist(strsplit(x, split = sep))))))
        if (header) {
            nams = sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x[1]))
            dat = as.list(as.data.frame(sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x[-1]))))
        } else {
            nams = seq(1, length(obj), 1)
            dat = as.list(as.data.frame(sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x))))
    } else {
        dat = sapply(obj, FUN = function(x) return(unlist(strsplit(x, split = sep))))
        if (header) {
            nams = sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x[1]))
            dat = sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x[-1]))
        } else {
            nams = seq(1, length(obj), 1)
            dat = sapply(dat, FUN = function(x) return(x))
    cols = max(lengths(dat))
    df = as.data.frame(t(sapply(dat, FUN = .listEntryToVector, cols)))
    row.names(df) = nams
    dat = as.data.table(df)
    dat2 = as.data.frame(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", as.matrix(dat)))
    colnames(dat2) = colnames(dat)
    rownames(dat2) = rownames(dat)
    ddat = data.table(dat2)
    len = length(dat2[,1])
    ldat = as.list(as.data.frame(t(ddat)))
    ldat = llply(
        .data = ldat, .fun = function(x)
            as.character(x[x != "" & !is.na(x)])
    if (header) {
        names(ldat) = nams
    } else {
        names(ldat) = seq(1, len, 1)
    class(ldat) = "Clickstreams"

.writeClickstream = function(name, clickstreamList, file, header, sep, quote) {
    clickstream = clickstreamList[[name]]
    if (header)
        clickstream = c(name, clickstream)
        t(clickstream), file = file, sep = sep, append = T, row.names = F, col.names =
            F, quote = quote

#' Writes a List of Clickstreams to File
#' Writes a list of clickstream to a csv-file.
#' @param clickstreamList The list of clickstreams to be written.
#' @param file The name of the file which the clickstreams are written to.
#' @param sep The character used to separate clicks (default is \dQuote{,}).
#' @param header A logical flag indicating whether the name of each clickstream
#' element should be used as first element.
#' @param quote A logical flag indicating whether each element of a clickstream
#' will be surrounded by double quotes (default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{readClickstreams}}, \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' clusters <- clusterClickstreams(cls, order = 0, centers = 2)
#' writeClickstreams(cls, file = "clickstreams.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
#' # Remove the clickstream file
#' unlink("clickstreams.csv")
#' @export writeClickstreams
writeClickstreams = function(clickstreamList, file, header = TRUE, sep =
                                 ",", quote = TRUE) {
        .data = names(clickstreamList), .fun = .writeClickstream, clickstreamList, file, header, sep, quote

.randomClickstream = function(i, states, startProbabilities, transitionMatrix, meanLength) {
    if (is.matrix(transitionMatrix)) {
        transitionMatrix = as.data.frame(transitionMatrix)
    names(transitionMatrix) = states
    row.names(transitionMatrix) = states
    len = 0
    while (len == 0) {
        len = rpois(1, meanLength)
    start = runif(1, 0, 1)
    cs = cumsum(startProbabilities)
    previous = states[length(cs[cs < start]) + 1]
    chain = previous
    if (len > 1) {
        for (i in seq(2, len, 1)) {
            nextState = runif(1, 0, 1)
            if (sum(transitionMatrix[,previous]) > 0) {
                cs = cumsum(transitionMatrix[,previous])
                previous = states[length(cs[cs < nextState]) + 1]
                chain = c(chain, previous)
            } else {

#' Generates a List of Clickstreams
#' Generates a list of clickstreams by randomly walking through a given
#' transition matrix.
#' @param states Names of all possible states.
#' @param startProbabilities Start probabilities for all states.
#' @param transitionMatrix Matrix of transition probabilities.
#' @param meanLength Average length of the click streams.
#' @param n Number of click streams to be generated.
#' @return Returns a list of clickstreams.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitMarkovChain}}, \code{\link{readClickstreams}},
#' \code{\link{print.Clickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' # generate a simple list of click streams
#' states <- c("a", "b", "c")
#' startProbabilities <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.3)
#' transitionMatrix <- matrix(c(0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.2, 0.8, 0), nrow = 3)
#' cls <- randomClickstreams(states, startProbabilities, transitionMatrix, meanLength = 5, n = 10)
#' print(cls)
#' @export randomClickstreams
randomClickstreams = function(states, startProbabilities, transitionMatrix, meanLength, n =
                                  100) {
    s1 = sum(aaply(
        .data = transitionMatrix, .margins = 2, .fun = sum
    ) == 1)
    s2 = sum(aaply(
        .data = transitionMatrix, .margins = 2, .fun = sum
    ) == 0)
    if (!is.character(states))
        stop("states has to be a character vector")
    if (!is.numeric(startProbabilities))
        stop("startProbabilities has to be numeric")
    if (!is.matrix(transitionMatrix) &&
        stop("transitionMatrix has to be a matrix or data frame")
    if (!is.numeric(meanLength))
        stop("meanLength has to be numeric")
    if (!is.numeric(n))
        stop("n has to be numeric")
    if (sum(startProbabilities) != 1)
        stop("The sum of startProbabilities has to be equal to 1")
    if (s1 + s2 < length(states)) {
            "The colums in transitionMatrix must sum up to 0 (absorbing states) or 1 (all other)"
    clickstreamList = alply(
        .data = seq(1,n,1), .margins = 1, .fun = .randomClickstream, states, startProbabilities, transitionMatrix, meanLength
    class(clickstreamList) = "Clickstreams"

.printClick = function(click) {

.printClickstream = function(pos, clickstreams) {
    clickstream = clickstreams[pos]
    cat(": ")
    a_ply(.data = clickstream, .margins = 1, .fun = .printClick)

#' Prints a Summary of a Clickstreams Object
#' Prints a summary of a \code{Clickstreams} object.
#' @param object A \code{Clickstreams} object (see \code{\link{readClickstreams}}).
#' @param ...  Ignored parameters.
#' @method summary Clickstreams
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{readClickstreams}}, \code{\link{randomClickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' summary(cls)
#' @export 
summary.Clickstreams = function(object, ...) {
    clicks = table(unlist(object))
    cat("Observations: ")
    cat("Click Frequencies:")

#' Prints a Clickstreams Object
#' Prints a \code{Clickstreams} object
#' @param x A list of clickstreams.
#' @param ...  Ignored parameters.
#' @method print Clickstreams
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{readClickstreams}}, \code{\link{randomClickstreams}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' print(cls)
#' @export 
print.Clickstreams = function(x, ...) {
        .data = seq(1, length(x), 1), .margins = 1, .fun = .printClickstream, x

#' Prints a ClickstreamClusters Object
#' Prints a \code{ClickstreamClusters} object. A \code{ClickstreamClusters}
#' object represents the result of a cluster analysis on a list of clickstreams
#' (see \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}).
#' @param x A \code{ClickstreamClusters} object (see \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}).
#' @param ...  Ignored parameters.
#' @method print ClickstreamClusters
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}},
#' \code{\link{summary.ClickstreamClusters}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' clusters <- clusterClickstreams(cls, order = 0, centers = 2)
#' print(clusters)
#' @export 
print.ClickstreamClusters = function(x, ...) {

#' Prints a Summary of a ClickstreamCluster Object
#' Prints a summary of a \code{ClickstreamCluster} object. A
#' \code{ClickstreamClusters} object represents the result of a cluster
#' analysis on a list of clickstreams (see \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}).
#' @param object A \code{ClickstreamClusters} object returned by
#' \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}.
#' @param ...  Ignored parameters.
#' @method summary ClickstreamClusters
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}},
#' \code{\link{print.ClickstreamClusters}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' clusters <- clusterClickstreams(cls, order = 0, centers = 2)
#' summary(clusters)
#' @export 
summary.ClickstreamClusters = function(object, ...) {
    for (i in 1:dim(object$centers)[1]) {
        cat("Cluster ", i, ":\n", sep = "")
        transition = data.frame(matrix(object$centers[i,], ncol = length(object$states)))
        if (sqrt(dim(object$centers)[2]) == length(object$states)) {
            row.names(transition) = object$states
        names(transition) = object$states
    cat("Total SS:", object$totss, "\n")
    cat("Within SS:", object$withinss, "\n")
    cat("Total Within SS:", object$tot.withinss, "\n")
    cat("Between SS:", object$betweenss, "\n")

#' Predicts the Cluster for a Given Pattern Object
#' Predicts the cluster for a given \code{Pattern} object. Potential clusters
#' need to be identified with the method \code{clusterClickstreams} before
#' predicting the cluster.
#' @param object A \code{ClickstreamClusters} object containing the
#' clusters. \code{ClickstreamClusters} represent the result of a
#' cluster analysis on a list of clickstreams (see
#' \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}}).
#' @param pattern Sequence of a user's initial clicks as \code{Pattern} object.
#' @param ...  Ignored parameters.
#' @method predict ClickstreamClusters
#' @return Returns the index of the clusters to which the given \code{Pattern}
#' object most probably belongs to.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{clusterClickstreams}},
#' \code{\link{print.ClickstreamClusters}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' clusters <- clusterClickstreams(cls, order = 0, centers = 2)
#' pattern <- new("Pattern", sequence = c("h", "c"))
#' predict(clusters, pattern)
#' @export 
predict.ClickstreamClusters = function(object, pattern, ...) {
    if (object$order == 0) {
        pos = as.numeric(aaply(
            .data = as.character(pattern@sequence), .margins = 1, .fun = function(x)
                which(dimnames(object$centers)[[2]] == x)
        likelihood = aaply(.data = object$centers[,pos], .margins = 1, .fun =
        return(as.numeric(which(likelihood == max(likelihood))))
    } else {
        transitions = .getSingleTransition(pattern@sequence, object$order, object$states)
        sim = aaply(.data=object$centers, .margins=1, .fun=function(x) cor(x, transitions))
        return(as.numeric(which(sim == max(sim))))

#' Generates a Data Frame of State Frequencies for All Clickstreams in a List of Clickstreams
#' Generates a data frame of state frequencies for all clickstreams in a list of clickstreams.
#' @param clickstreamList A list of clickstreams.
#' @return A data frame containing state frequencies for each clickstream.
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{transactions}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' frequencyDF <- frequencies(cls)
#' @export frequencies
frequencies = function(clickstreamList) {
    clickVector = unlist(clickstreamList, use.names = FALSE)
    states = unique(as.character(clickVector))
    frequencies = t(sapply(
        clickstreamList, FUN = function(x) {
            transition = rep(0, length(states));
            names(transition) = states;
            freq = table(x);
            transition[names(freq)] = freq;

#' Coerces a Clickstream Object to a Transactions Object
#' Coerces a \code{Clickstream} object to a \code{transactions} object.
#' @param clickstreamList A list of clickstreams.
#' @return An instance of the old class \code{\link[arules]{transactions}}
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{frequencies}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' trans <- as.moltenTransactions(cls)
#' @export as.moltenTransactions
as.moltenTransactions = function(clickstreamList) {
    transactionID = unlist(lapply(
        seq(1, length(clickstreamList), 1),
        FUN = function(x)
            rep(names(clickstreamList)[x], length(clickstreamList[[x]]))
    ), use.names = F)
    sequenceID = unlist(lapply(
        seq(1, length(clickstreamList), 1),
        FUN = function(x)
            rep(x, length(clickstreamList[[x]]))
    eventID = unlist(lapply(
        clickstreamList, FUN = function(x)
    ), use.names = F)
    transactionInfo = data.frame(transactionID, sequenceID, eventID)
    tr = as(as.data.frame(unlist(clickstreamList, use.names = F)), "transactions")
    transactionInfo(tr) = transactionInfo
    itemInfo(tr)$labels = itemInfo(tr)$levels 

#' Coerces a Clickstream Object to a Transactions Object
#' Coerces a \code{Clickstream} object to a \code{transactions} object.
#' @param clickstreamList A list of clickstreams.
#' @return An instance of the class \code{\link[arules]{transactions}}
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{frequencies}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' trans <- as.transactions(cls)
#' @export as.transactions
as.transactions = function(clickstreamList) {
    tr = as(unclass(clickstreamList), "transactions")

#' Coerces a Clickstream Object to a ClickClust Object
#' Coerces a \code{Clickstream} object to a \code{ClickClust} object.
#' @param clickstreamList A list of clickstreams.
#' @return A list consisting of a dataset X and a vector of initial states y
#' @author Michael Scholz \email{michael.scholz@@th-deg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{frequencies}}
#' @examples
#' clickstreams <- c("User1,h,c,c,p,c,h,c,p,p,c,p,p,o",
#'                "User2,i,c,i,c,c,c,d",
#'                "User3,h,i,c,i,c,p,c,c,p,c,c,i,d",
#'                "User4,c,c,p,c,d",
#'                "User5,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,p,p,i,p,o",
#'                "User6,i,h,c,c,p,p,c,p,c,d")
#' cls <- as.clickstreams(clickstreams, header = TRUE)
#' X <- as.ClickClust(cls)
#' @export as.ClickClust
as.ClickClust = function(clickstreamList) {
    S = llply(.data = clickstreamList, .fun = function(x) {as.numeric(as.factor(x))})
    X = click.read(S)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

clickstream documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.