
Defines functions cf_station tidy_names

Documented in cf_station

#' @include dataFrame.R
# Internals ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Create tidy names
# This function is used for the show method to create nicer looking row names
# that don't take up the whole width of the page.
# names   : the names
# max_len : max number of characters in the name excluding spaces
tidy_names = function(names, max_len = 20){
  names = gsub("\\.+", " ", names)
  names_list = strsplit(names, " ")
  cumsum_char = lapply(names_list, function(x) cumsum(nchar(x)))
  which_lt = lapply(cumsum_char, "<", max_len)
  nice_names = sapply(mapply("[", names_list, which_lt, SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
                      paste, collapse = " ")
  cut_off = sapply(lapply(which_lt, "!"), any)
  nice_names[cut_off] = paste(nice_names[cut_off], "[..]")

# cfStation class ---------------------------------------------------------

# The Clifro Station Class
# This class represents cliflo stations that can be passed into the final
# query.
#' @importFrom methods setClass
setClass("cfStation", contains = "dataFrame")

# Initializer -------------------------------------------------------------

#  Initializer for the cfStation datatype
# The main aim for the initializer is to order the open stations by opening date
# and the closed stations by closing date and remove duplicated stations.
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @importFrom lubridate now
setMethod("initialize", "cfStation", function(.Object, df){

    if (any(duplicated(df[3])))
        df = df[ - which(duplicated(df[3])), ]
    df_list = as.list(df)
    names(df_list) = NULL

    .Object@names = c("name", "network", "agent",
                      "start", "end", "open",
                      "distance", "lat", "lon")

    start_diff = now() - df_list[[4]]
    end_diff = now() - df_list[[5]]
    ordered_stations = order(end_diff, -start_diff)
    .Object@.Data = lapply(df_list, "[", ordered_stations)
    .Object@row.names = paste(seq_along(df_list[[1]]))

# Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------

#' The Clifro Station Object
#' Create a \code{cfStation} object containing station information for one or
#' more CliFlo stations.
#' A \code{cfStation} object is created by the constructor function
#' \code{cf_station}. The unique agent numbers of the stations are all that is
#' required to create a \code{cfStation} object using the \code{cf_station}
#' function. The rest of the station information including the name, network and
#' agent ID, start and end dates, coordinates, as well as other data is scraped
#' from CliFlo.
#' This function is used for when the agent numbers are already known. For help
#' creating \code{cfStation} objects when the agent numbers are unknown see the
#' \code{\link{cf_find_station}} function.
#' @param ... comma separated agent numbers
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html xml_text xml_find_all
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom lubridate dmy floor_date now
#' @rdname cfStation-class
#' @name cfStation-class
#' @aliases cfStation
#' @aliases cf_station
#' @return \code{cfStation} object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{cf_find_station}} for creating \code{cfStation} objects
#' when the agent numbers are not known and \code{vignette("cfStation")}
#' for working with clifro stations including spatial plotting in \R. For saving
#' \code{cfStation} objects as KML files refer to the vignette or
#' \code{\link{cf_save_kml}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a cfStation object for the Leigh 1 and 2 Ews stations
#' leigh.st = cf_station(1339, 1340)
#' leigh.st
#' # Note, this can also be achieved using the '+' operator
#' leigh.st = cf_station(1339) + cf_station(1340)
#' leigh.st
#' # Add another column showing how long the stations have been open for
#' leigh.df = as(leigh.st, "data.frame")
#' leigh.df$ndays = with(leigh.df, round(end - start))
#' leigh.df
#' # Save the stations to the current working directory as a KML to visualise
#' # the station locations
#' cf_save_kml(leigh.st)
#' }
cf_station = function(...){
  agent = c(...)
  if (length(agent) == 0)
    agent = 3925

  agent = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(agent))
  if (any(is.na(agent)))
    stop("agents must be numeric")

  if (any(agent %% 1 != 0))
    stop("agent numbers must be integer")

  uris = paste0("https://cliflo.niwa.co.nz/pls/niwp/wstn.stn_details?cAgent=",

  if (any(duplicated(agent))){
    uris = uris[!duplicated(agent)]
    agent = agent[!duplicated(agent)]
  stations_response = lapply(uris, GET)
  stations_html = lapply(stations_response, read_html)
  station_details = lapply(stations_html, function(x) {
    html_text(html_nodes(x, "td.extrdata"))[c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 22, 24)]
  which.na = sapply(station_details, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
  if (sum(which.na) == length(agent))
    stop("the agent numbers do not represent any CliFlo stations")

  if (sum(which.na) != 0){
    if (sum(which.na) == 1){
      message(paste("agent number", agent[which.na], "does not exist - ignoring"))
    } else {
      message(paste("agent numbers", paste(agent[which.na], collapse = ", "),
                    "do not exist - ignoring"))
    station_details = station_details[!which.na]

  start_date = dmy(as.character(sapply(station_details, "[", 6)),
                   tz = "Pacific/Auckland")
  end_date = as.character(sapply(station_details, "[", 7))

  open_station = end_date == "-"
  final_date = rep(floor_date(now(tzone = "Pacific/Auckland"), "day"), 

  if (any(!open_station))
    final_date[!open_station & !is.na(open_station)] = dmy(end_date[!open_station & !is.na(open_station)],
                                    tz = "Pacific/Auckland")

  ## options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        name = as.character(sapply(station_details, "[", 3)),
        network = as.character(sapply(station_details, "[", 2)),
        agent = as.numeric(sapply(station_details, "[", 1)),
        start.date = start_date,
        end.date = final_date,
        open.station = open_station,
        distance = numeric(length(open_station)),
        lat = as.numeric(sapply(station_details, "[", 4)),
        lon = as.numeric(sapply(station_details, "[", 5)),
        check.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

# Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
          signature(object = "cfStation"),
            cfstation_df = data.frame(object)
            rownames(cfstation_df) = paste0(object@row.names, ")")

#' @importFrom methods setMethod new
#' @rdname clifroAdd
#' @aliases +,cfStation,cfStation-method
          signature(e1 = "cfStation",
                    e2 = "cfStation"),
          function(e1, e2){
              new.obj = new("cfStation",
                            name = c(as.character(e1@.Data[[1]]),
                            network = c(as.character(e1@.Data[[2]]),
                            agent = c(e1@.Data[[3]], e2@.Data[[3]]),
                            start_date = c(e1@.Data[[4]], e2@.Data[[4]]),
                            end_date = c(e1@.Data[[5]], e2@.Data[[5]]),
                            open_station = c(e1@.Data[[6]], e2@.Data[[6]]),
                            distance = c(e1@.Data[[7]], e2@.Data[[7]]),
                            latitude = c(e1@.Data[[8]], e2@.Data[[8]]),
                            longitude = c(e1@.Data[[9]], e2@.Data[[9]]),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @rdname Extract
#' @aliases [,cfStation,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
          signature(x = "cfStation"),
          function (x, i, j, drop = TRUE)
            if (!missing(j))
              x = data.frame(x)[i, j, drop = drop]
              x@.Data = lapply(x@.Data, "[", i)
              x@row.names = paste(seq_along(i))

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clifro documentation built on May 24, 2021, 9:06 a.m.