
Defines functions ogimet_hourly

Documented in ogimet_hourly

#' Scrapping hourly meteorological (Synop) data from the Ogimet webpage
#' Downloading hourly (meteorological) data from the Synop stations available in the https://www.ogimet.com/ repository
#' @param date start and finish of date (e.g., date = c("2018-05-01","2018-07-01") ); By default last 30 days are taken
#' @param coords add geographical coordinates of the station (logical value TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param station WMO ID of meteorological station(s). Character or numeric vector
#' @param precip_split whether to split precipitation fields into 6/12/24h
#'  numeric fields (logical value TRUE (default) or FALSE)
#' @importFrom XML readHTMLTable
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#'   # downloading data for Poznan-Lawica
#'   # poznan = ogimet_hourly(station = 12330, coords = TRUE, precip_split = TRUE)
#'   # head(poznan)
#' }

ogimet_hourly = function(date = c(Sys.Date() - 30, Sys.Date()), coords = FALSE, station = c(12326, 12330),  precip_split = TRUE) {

  #options(RCurlOptions = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)) # required on windows for RCurl

  dates = seq.Date(min(as.Date(date)), max(as.Date(date)), by = "1 month") - 1
  dates = unique(c(dates, as.Date(max(date))))

  # initalizing empty data frame for storing results:
  data_station <-
      "Date" = character(),
      "hour" = character(),
      "TC" = character(),
      "TdC" = character(),
      "TmaxC" = character(),
      "TminC" = character(),
      "ddd" = character(),
      "ffkmh" = character(),
      "Gustkmh" = character(),
      "P0hPa" = character(),
      "PseahPa" = character(),
      "PTnd" = character(),
      "Precmm" = character(),
      "Nt" = character(),
      "Nh" = character(),
      "HKm" = character(),
      "InsoD1" = character(),
      "Viskm" = character(),
      "Snowcm" = character(),
      "WW" = character(),
      "W1" = character(),
      "W2" = character(),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  for (station_nr in station) {
    # adding progress bar if at least 3 iterations are needed
    if (length(dates)*length(station) >= 3 ) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dates)*length(station) - 1, style = 3)
#    print(station_nr)
    for (i in length(dates):1) {
      if (length(dates) >= 3 ) paste(setTxtProgressBar(pb, abs(length(dates)*length(station) - i)), "\n")
      year = format(dates[i], "%Y")
      month = format(dates[i], "%m")
      day = format(dates[i], "%d")
      ndays = day
      linkpl2 = paste("https://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?ind=",
                      sep = "")
      if (month == "01") linkpl2 = paste("http://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?ind=",
                                       sep = "")
      temp = tempfile()
      test_url(linkpl2, temp)
      # run only if downloaded file is valid
      if (!is.na(file.size(temp)) & (file.size(temp) > 0)) { 
        #a = getURL(linkpl2)
        a = readHTMLTable(temp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        #a = readHTMLTable(a, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        b =  a[[length(a)]]
        if (is.null(b)) {
          warning(paste0("Wrong station ID: ", station_nr, " You can check station ID at https://ogimet.com/display_stations.php?lang=en&tipo=AND&isyn=&oaci=&nombre=&estado=&Send=Send"))

        cols = gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", as.character(lapply(b[1, ], as.character), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        if (ncol(b) <= length(cols)) {
          colnames(b) = cols
          colnames(b) = c("Date", "hour", colnames(b)[2:(ncol(b) - 1)]) # workaround for adding hour which is wrongly recognized
        } else {
          stop("Could not detect proper column names. Please investigate the URL manually.")
        b = b[-1, ]
        b["station_ID"] =  station_nr
        # to avoid gtools::smartbind function or similar from another package..
        if (ncol(data_station) >= ncol(b)) {
          b[setdiff(names(data_station), names(b))] = NA # adding missing columns
          data_station = rbind(data_station, b)  # joining data
        } else { # when b have more columns then data_station
          if (nrow(data_station) == 0) {
            data_station = b
          } else {
            # adding missing columns
            data_station = merge(b, data_station, all = TRUE)# joining data
        #cat(paste(year, month, "\n"))
        # coords można lepiej na samym koncu dodać kolumne
        # wtedy jak zmienia się lokalizacja na dacie to tutaj tez
        if (coords) {
          coord = a[[1]][2,1]
          data_station["Lon"] = get_coord_from_string(coord, "Longitude")
          data_station["Lat"] = get_coord_from_string(coord, "Latitude")
      } # end of checking for empty files / problems with connection
    } # end of looping for dates
  }# end of looping for stations
  if (nrow(data_station) > 0) {
      data_station = data_station[!duplicated(data_station), ]
    # converting character to proper field representation:
    # get rid off "---" standing for missing/blank fields:
    data_station[which(data_station == "--" | data_station == "---" | data_station == "----" | data_station == "-----", arr.ind = TRUE)] = NA
    # changing time..
    data_station$Date = strptime(paste(data_station$Date, data_station$hour), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", tz = 'UTC')
    data_station$hour = NULL
    # other columns to numeric:
    columns = c("TC", "TdC", "ffkmh",  "Gustkmh", "P0hPa", "PseahPa", "PTnd", "Nt", "Nh",
                "HKm", "InsoD1", "Viskm", "Snowcm", "station_ID")
    columns = colnames(data_station)[(colnames(data_station) %in% columns)]
    suppressWarnings(data_station[, columns] <-
      as.data.frame(sapply(data_station[,columns], as.numeric)))
    #  TODO:
    # changing order of columns and removing blank records:
    if (coords) {
      ord1 = c("station_ID", "Lon", "Lat", "Date", "TC")
      ord1 = c(ord1, setdiff(names(data_station), c("station_ID", "Lon", "Lat", "Date", "TC")))
      ord1 = ord1[!(ord1 %in% c("WW", "W1","W2","W3"))]
      data_station = data_station[, ord1]
    } else {
      ord1 = c("station_ID", "Date", "TC")
      ord1 = c(ord1, setdiff(names(data_station), c("station_ID", "Date", "TC")))
      ord1 = ord1[!(ord1 %in% c("WW", "W1","W2","W3"))]
      data_station = data_station[, ord1]
    # setdiff(names(df), c("station_ID", "Date", "TC"))
    # splitting precipitation into 6-12-24 hours from a default string in the Precmm column:
    if (precip_split) {
      if (all(is.na(data_station$Precmm))) {
        data_station$pr6 = NA
        data_station$pr12 = NA
        data_station$pr24 = NA
      } else {
      data_station$pr6 = precip_split(data_station$Precmm, pattern = "/6")
      data_station$pr12 = precip_split(data_station$Precmm, pattern = "/12")
      data_station$pr24 = precip_split(data_station$Precmm, pattern = "/24")
    # clipping to interesting period as we're downloading slightly more than needed:
    data_station = data_station[which(as.Date(data_station$Date) >= as.Date(min(date)) & as.Date(data_station$Date) <= as.Date(max(date))), ]
    } # end of checking whether object is empty



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climate documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:08 p.m.