
Defines functions twostage.admissible twostage.inference oc.twostage.bdry plot.ph2simon print.ph2simon ph2simon

Documented in oc.twostage.bdry ph2simon plot.ph2simon print.ph2simon twostage.admissible twostage.inference

ph2simon <- function(pu, pa, ep1, ep2, nmax = 100) {
  if(nmax > 1000) stop("nmax cannot exceed 1000")
  nmax1 <- nmax + 1
  m <- (nmax * (nmax + 3))/2
  n <- rep(1:nmax, (1:nmax) + 1)
  x <- n * 0
  j <- 1
  for(i in 1:nmax) {
    x[j + (0:i)] <- 0:i
    j <- j + i + 1
  p0 <- dbinom(x, n, pu)
  p1 <- dbinom(x, n, pa)
  cp0 <- 1 - pbinom(x - 1, n, pu)
  cp1 <- 1 - pbinom(x - 1, n, pa)
  zz <- .Fortran("f2bdry",
           bdry = as.integer(rep(0, nmax*4)),
           peten = rep(0, nmax*2),
  ph2 <- list()
  ph2out <- cbind(matrix(zz$bdry,nmax,4),matrix(zz$peten,nmax,2))
  ph2out <- ph2out[ph2out[,5]!=0,]
  if(nrow(ph2out)==0) {
    errmesg <- paste("  No feasible solution found. \n\tIncrease maximum sample size.  Current nmax value = ",nmax,".",sep="")
  dimnames(ph2out) <- list(NULL,c("r1", "n1", "r", "n", "EN(p0)", "PET(p0)"))
  ph2$pu <- pu
  ph2$pa <- pa
  ph2$alpha <- ep1
  ph2$beta <- ep2
  ph2$out <- ph2out
  ph2$nmax <- nmax
  class(ph2) <- "ph2simon"

print.ph2simon <- function(x, ...) {
  xout <- x$out
  nmax <- x$nmax
  n <- nrow(xout)
  nopt <- ((1:n)[xout[,5]==min(xout[,5])])[1]
  #xopt <- xout[c(nopt,1),]
  #dimnames(xopt)[[1]] <- c("Optimal","Minimax")
  xopt <- twostage.admissible(x)
  cat("\n Simon 2-stage Phase II design \n\n")
  cat("Unacceptable response rate: ",x$pu,"\n")
  cat("Desirable response rate: ",x$pa,"\n")
  cat("Error rates: alpha = ",x$alpha,"; beta = ",x$beta,"\n\n")
  print(xopt, digits = 4, ...)
  if(xopt[1,4]>nmax-10) warning(paste("  Optimal sample size too close to nmax. \n  Try increasing nmax (current value = ",nmax,")\n",sep=""))

plot.ph2simon <- function(x, ...) {
  xout <- x$out
  n <- nrow(xout)
  nopt <- ((1:n)[xout[,5]==min(xout[,5])])[1]
  nopt1 <- min(nopt+5,n)
  plot(xout[1:nopt1,4],xout[1:nopt1,5],type="l",xlab="Maximum number of patients",ylab="Expected trial size", ...)

oc.twostage.bdry <- function(pu, pa, r1, n1, r, n){
  pet <- err0 <- pbinom(r1,n1,pu)
  ess <- n1 + (n-n1)*(1-pet)
  err1 <- pbinom(r1,n1,pa)
  for(i in (r1+1):r) {
    err0 <- err0 + dbinom(i,n1,pu)*pbinom(r-i,n-n1,pu)
    err1 <- err1 + dbinom(i,n1,pa)*pbinom(r-i,n-n1,pa)
  out <- c(1-err0, 1-err1, pet, ess)
  names(out) <- c("P(reject H0 | p0)","P(reject H0 | p1)","PET(p0)","EN(p0)")

twostage.inference <- function(x, r1, n1, n, pu, alpha=0.05) {
  out <- list()
  n2 <- n - n1
# UMVUE from Jung & Kim (2004) Stats in Medicine
  xlo <- max(r1 + 1, x - n2)
  xhi <- min(x, n1)
  x1 <- xlo:xhi
  if (x <= r1) pumvue <- x/n1
  else pumvue <- sum(choose(n1-1, x1-1)*choose(n2, x-x1))/sum(choose(n1, x1)*choose(n2, x-x1))
# p-value and CI from Koyama & Chen (2008) Stats in Medicine
  x1 <- (r1+1):n1
  if (x <= r1) p.value <- 1 - pbinom(x-1, n1, pu)
  else p.value <- sum(dbinom(x1, n1, pu)*(1-pbinom(x-x1-1,n2,pu)))
# CI steps: first bracket the LCL and UCL
  pp <- seq(0, 1, by=0.01)
  pval <- rep(0, 101)
  if (x <= r1) {
    pval <- 1 - pbinom(x-1, n1, pp)
  } else {
    x2 <- x - x1 - 1
    pval <- sapply(pp, function(p, x1, x2, n1, n2) {
      sum(dbinom(x1, n1, p)*(1-pbinom(x2,n2,p)))
    }, x1, x2, n1, n2)
# LCL & UCL indices
  ii <- which(pval > alpha)[1]-1
  jj <- which(pval >= 1-alpha)[1]-1
# LCL refinement
  pp0 <- pp[ii] + pp/100
  pval <- rep(0, 101)
  if (x <= r1) {
    pval <- 1 - pbinom(x-1, n1, pp0)
  } else {
    x2 <- x - x1 - 1
    pval <- sapply(pp0, function(p, x1, x2, n1, n2) {
      sum(dbinom(x1, n1, p)*(1-pbinom(x2,n2,p)))
    }, x1, x2, n1, n2)
  LCL <- pp0[which(pval > alpha)[1]]
# UCL refinement
  pp0 <- pp[jj] + pp/100
  pval <- rep(0, 101)
  if (x <= r1) {
    pval <- 1 - pbinom(x-1, n1, pp0)
  } else {
    x2 <- x - x1 - 1
    pval <- sapply(pp0, function(p, x1, x2, n1, n2) {
      sum(dbinom(x1, n1, p)*(1-pbinom(x2,n2,p)))
    }, x1, x2, n1, n2)
  UCL <- pp0[which(pval >= 1-alpha)[1]-1]
  out <- c(pumvue, p.value, LCL, UCL)
  names(out) <- c("pumvue", "p.value", paste(100*alpha, "% LCL", sep=""), paste(100*(1-alpha), "% UCL", sep=""))

# function to get all the admisssible 2 stage designs
twostage.admissible  <- function(x) {
  xout <- x$out
  nmax <- x$nmax
  nopt <- which(xout[,5]==min(xout[,5]))[1]
  # admissible indicator for the rows
  adm = rep(0, nopt)
  adm[1] = 1 # minimax
  adm[nopt] = 1 # optimal
  mss = xout[1:nopt, 4] # max sample size
  ess = xout[1:nopt, 5] # expected sample size
  # search admissible points only if search space is not a singleton
  istart = 1
  while (nopt > istart) {
    # slope of each point from the minimax
    slopes = (ess[(istart+1):nopt] - ess[istart])/(mss[(istart+1):nopt]-mss[istart])
    imin = which.min(slopes)[1]
    adm[istart+imin] = 1
    istart = istart+imin
  # this gives an error if minimax design is also optimal
  # example ph2simon(0.8, 0.95, 0.05, 0.2)
  if (nopt == 1) { # when minimal is also optimal
    xout = xout[c(1, nopt),]
    xout = cbind(xout, c(0, 0), c(1, 1))
  } else {
    xout = xout[1:nopt, ][adm == 1, ]
    # find weight probability at which each rule is admissible
    dmss = diff(xout[, 4])
    dess = diff(xout[, 5])
    qwt = round(dess/(dess - dmss), 3)
    # admissible designs
    xout = cbind(xout, c(qwt, 0), c(1, qwt))
  colnames(xout)[7:8] = c("qLo", "qHi")
  rownames(xout) = c("Minimax", rep("Admissible", nrow(xout)-2), "Optimal")

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