
Defines functions binCalcICC

Documented in binCalcICC

#' BinCalcICC: calculate ICC values for data from CRTs with binary outcomes.
#' @param data A dataframe of the sort generated
#' by \code{cps.binary()} or \code{cps.ma.binary()}; can be generate by
#' using \code{all.sim.data = TRUE}.
#' @param method The method to be used to compute ICC. A single or multiple
#' methods can be used at a time. By default, all 16 methods will be used. See
#' Details for more information.
#' @param ci.type	 The type of confidence interval to be computed. By default all 5
#' types will be reported. See Details for more information.
#' @param alpha	The significance level to be used while computing the confidence
#' interval. Default value is 0.05.
#' @param kappa	Value of Kappa to be used in computing Stabilized ICC when the
#' method stab is chosen. Default value is 0.45.
#' @param nAGQ	An integer, as in glmer function of package lme4, denoting the
#' number of points per axis for evaluating the adaptive Gauss-Hermite approximation
#' to the log-likelihood. Used when the method lin is chosen. Default value is 1.
#' @param sim.min	Optional, integer. The number of the first simulation for which ICC will be calculated.
#' Default is 1.
#' @param sim.max	Optional, integer. The number of the last simulation for which ICC
#' will be calculated. Default is \code{nsim}.
#' @param nsim Number of Monte Carlo replicates used in ICC computation method.
#' \code{sim}. Default is 1000.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{estimate}{A dataframe containing the name of methods used and
#'   corresponding estimates of Intracluster Correlation coefficients}
#'   \item{confidence.intervals}{A dataframe containing names of
#'   confidence interval types and corresponding estimated confidence
#'   intervals}	}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bin.ma.rct.unbal <- cps.ma.binary(nsim = 3,
#'                             nsubjects = list(rep(200, times=15),
#'                             rep(150, times=15),
#'                             rep(170, times=15)),
#'                             narms = 3,
#'                             nclusters = 15,
#'                             probs = c(0.15, 0.23, 0.22),
#'                             sigma_b_sq = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
#'                             alpha = 0.05, allSimData = TRUE,
#'                             seed = 123, cores="all")
#' binCalcICC(data = bin.ma.rct.unbal, nsim = 1000)
#' }
#' binary.sim = cps.binary(nsim = 100, nsubjects = 20,
#'   nclusters = 10, p1 = 0.8,
#'   p2 = 0.5, sigma_b_sq = 1,
#'   sigma_b_sq2 = 1.2, alpha = 0.05,
#'   method = 'glmm', allSimData = TRUE)
#' binCalcICC(data = binary.sim, nsim = 1000)
#' }
#' @author Alexandria C. Sakrejda (\email{acbro0@@umass.edu}) and Ken Kleinman (\email{ken.kleinman@@gmail.com})
#' @export
binCalcICC <-
  function(data = NULL,
           method = c(
           ci.type = c("aov", "wal", "fc", "peq", "rm"),
           alpha = 0.05,
           kappa = 0.45,
           nAGQ = 1,
           sim.min = 1,
           sim.max = 100,
           nsim = 1000) {
    clust <- NULL
    #First, here's Akhtar Hossain's and Hirshikesh Chakraborty's iccbin function definition
    iccbin <-
      function(cid = cid,
               y = y,
               data = data,
               method = method,
               ci.type = ci.type,
               alpha = alpha,
               kappa = kappa,
               nAGQ = nAGQ,
               M = nsim)
        CALL <- match.call()
        ic <- list(cid = substitute(cid), y = substitute(y))
        if (is.character(ic$y)) {
          if (missing(data))
              "Supply either the unqouted name of an object containing 'y' or supply both 'data' and then 'y' as an unquoted column name to 'data'"
          ic$y <- eval(as.name(y), data, parent.frame())
        if (is.name(ic$y))
          ic$y <- eval(ic$y, data, parent.frame())
        if (is.call(ic$y))
          ic$y <- eval(ic$y, data, parent.frame())
        if (is.character(ic$y))
          ic$y <- eval(as.name(ic$y), data, parent.frame())
        if (is.character(ic$cid)) {
          if (missing(data))
              "Supply either the unquoted name of an object containing 'cid' or supply both 'data' and then 'cid' as an unquoted column name to 'data'"
          icall$cid <- eval(as.name(cid), data, parent.frame())
        if (is.name(ic$cid))
          ic$cid <- eval(ic$cid, data, parent.frame())
        if (is.call(ic$cid))
          ic$cid <- eval(ic$cid, data, parent.frame())
        if (is.character(ic$cid) && length(ic$cid) == 1)
          ic$cid <- eval(as.name(ic$cid), data, parent.frame())
        dt <- data.frame(ic)
        dt <- na.omit(dt)
        k <- length(unique(dt$cid))
        if (!is.null(attributes(dt)$na.action)) {
            "NAs removed from data rows:\n",
        if (!is.factor(dt$cid)) {
          warning("'cid' has been coerced to a factor")
          dt$cid <- as.factor(dt$cid)
        else {
          if (length(levels(dt$cid)) > k) {
            dt$x <- factor(as.character(dt$cid), levels = unique(dt$cid))
            warning("Missing levels of 'cid' have been removed")
        zalpha <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = F)
        square <- function(z) {
          z ^ 2
        cid <- dt$cid
        y <- dt$y
        k <- length(unique(cid))
        ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
        N <- sum(ni)
        meth <- c()
        est <- c()
        ci.typ <- c()
        uci <- c()
        lci <- c()
        n0 <- (1 / (k - 1)) * (N - sum((ni ^ 2) / N))
        yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
        yisq <- yi ^ 2
        msb <-
          (1 / (k - 1)) * (sum(yisq / ni) - (1 / N) * (sum(yi)) ^ 2)
        msw <- (1 / (N - k)) * (sum(yi) - sum(yisq / ni))
        rho.aov <- (msb - msw) / (msb + (n0 - 1) * msw)
        if ("aov" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "ANOVA Estimate")
          if (rho.aov < 0 | rho.aov > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC not estimable by 'ANOVA' method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.aov)
        if ("aov" %in% ci.type) {
          ci.typ <- c(ci.typ, "Smith's Large Sample Confidence Interval")
          if (rho.aov < 0 | rho.aov > 1) {
            lci <- c(lci, "-")
            uci <- c(uci, "-")
            warning("Smith's Large Sample Confidence Interval for ICC is Not Estimable")
          else {
            st0 <- 2 * square(1 - rho.aov) / square(n0)
            st1 <- square(1 + rho.aov * (n0 - 1)) / (N - k)
            st2 <- ((k - 1) * (1 - rho.aov) * (1 + rho.aov *
                                                 (2 * n0 - 1)) + square(rho.aov) * (sum(ni ^
                                                                                          2) -
                                                                                      (2 /
                                                                                         N) * sum(ni ^ 3) + (1 / N ^ 2) * square(sum(ni ^ 2)))
            ) / square(k -
            var.smith.rho.aov <- st0 * (st1 + st2)
            ci.smith.rho.aov <-
                rho.aov - zalpha * sqrt(var.smith.rho.aov),
                rho.aov + zalpha * sqrt(var.smith.rho.aov)
            lci <- c(lci,
                     ifelse(ci.smith.rho.aov[1] < 0, 0,
            uci <- c(uci,
                     ifelse(ci.smith.rho.aov[2] > 1, 1,
            if (ci.smith.rho.aov[1] < 0 | ci.smith.rho.aov[2] >
                1) {
              warning("One or Both of 'Smith's' Confidence Limits Fell Outside of [0, 1]")
        if ("wal" %in% ci.type) {
          ci.typ <-
              "Zou and Donner's Modified Wald Confidence Interval")
          if (rho.aov < 0 | rho.aov > 1) {
            lci <- c(lci, "-")
            uci <- c(uci, "-")
            warning("Zou and Donner's Modified Wald Confidence for ICC is Not Estimable")
          else {
            piio <- sum(yi) / N
            lambda <- (N - k) * (N - 1 - n0 * (k - 1)) * rho.aov +
              N * (k - 1) * (n0 - 1)
            t0.zd <- (((k - 1) * n0 * N * (N - k)) ^ 2) / lambda ^ 4
            t1.zd <-
              2 * k + (1 / (piio * (1 - piio)) - 6) * sum(1 / ni)
            t2.zd <- ((1 / (piio * (1 - piio)) - 6) * sum(1 / ni) -
                        2 * N + 7 * k - (8 * (k ^ 2)) / N - (2 * k * (1 -
                                                                        k / N)) /
                        (piio * (1 - piio)) + (1 / (piio * (1 - piio)) -
                                                 3) * sum(ni ^
                                                            2)) * rho.aov
            t3.zd <-
              ((N ^ 2 - k ^ 2) / (piio * (1 - piio)) - 2 * N -
                 k + (4 * (k ^ 2)) / N + (7 - 8 * k / N - (2 * (1 -
                                                                  k / N)) /
                                            (piio * (1 - piio))) * sum(ni ^ 2)) * rho.aov ^ 2
            t4.zd <-
              (1 / (piio * (1 - piio)) - 4) * (((N - k) / N) ^ 2) *
              (sum(ni ^ 2) - N) * rho.aov ^ 3
            var.zd.rho.aov <- t0.zd * (t1.zd + t2.zd + t3.zd +
            ci.zd.rho.aov <- c(
              rho.aov - zalpha * sqrt(var.zd.rho.aov),
              rho.aov + zalpha * sqrt(var.zd.rho.aov)
            lci <-
              c(lci, ifelse(ci.zd.rho.aov[1] < 0, 0, ci.zd.rho.aov[1]))
            uci <-
              c(uci, ifelse(ci.zd.rho.aov[2] > 1, 1, ci.zd.rho.aov[2]))
            if (ci.zd.rho.aov[1] < 0 | ci.zd.rho.aov[2] > 1) {
                "One or Both of 'Zou and Donner's Modified Wald' Confidence Limits Fell Outside of [0, 1]"
        if ("aovs" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Modified ANOVA Estimate")
          n0 <- (1 / (k - 1)) * (N - sum((ni ^ 2) / N))
          yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
          yisq <- yi ^ 2
          msbs <-
            (1 / (k)) * (sum(yisq / ni) - (1 / N) * (sum(yi)) ^ 2)
          msw <- (1 / (N - k)) * (sum(yi) - sum(yisq / ni))
          rho.aovs <- (msbs - msw) / (msbs + (n0 - 1) * msw)
          if (rho.aovs < 0 | rho.aovs > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Modified ANOVA' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.aovs)
        pii <- yi / ni
        wi <- rep(1 / k, k)
        piw <- sum(wi * pii)
        sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
        if ("keq" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Moment Estimate with Equal Weights")
          pii <- yi / ni
          wi <- rep(1 / k, k)
          piw <- sum(wi * pii)
          sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
          rho.keq <-
            (sw - piw * (1 - piw) * sum(wi * (1 - wi) / ni)) / (piw *
                                                                  (1 - piw) * (sum(wi * (1 - wi))) - sum(wi * (1 -
                                                                                                                 wi) /
          if (rho.keq < 0 | rho.keq > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Moment with Equal Weights' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.keq)
        if ("kpr" %in% method) {
          meth <-
              "Moment Estimate with Weights Proportional to Cluster Size")
          pii <- yi / ni
          wi <- ni / N
          piw <- sum(wi * pii)
          sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
          rho.kpr <-
            (sw - piw * (1 - piw) * sum(wi * (1 - wi) / ni)) / (piw *
                                                                  (1 - piw) * (sum(wi * (1 - wi))) - sum(wi * (1 -
                                                                                                                 wi) /
          if (rho.kpr < 0 | rho.kpr > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Moment with Weights Proportional to Cluster Size' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.kpr)
        if ("keqs" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Modified Moment Estimate with Equal Weights")
          pii <- yi / ni
          wi <- rep(1 / k, k)
          piw <- sum(wi * pii)
          sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
          swn <- (k - 1) * sw / k
          rho.keqs <-
            (swn - piw * (1 - piw) * sum(wi * (1 - wi) / ni)) / (piw *
                                                                   (1 - piw) * (sum(wi * (1 - wi))) - sum(wi * (1 -
                                                                                                                  wi) /
          if (rho.keqs < 0 | rho.keqs > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Modified Moment with Equal Weights' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.keqs)
        if ("kprs" %in% method) {
          meth <-
              "Modified Moment Estimate with Weights Proportional to Cluster Size")
          pii <- yi / ni
          wi <- ni / N
          piw <- sum(wi * pii)
          sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
          swn <- (k - 1) * sw / k
          rho.kprs <-
            (swn - piw * (1 - piw) * sum(wi * (1 - wi) / ni)) / (piw *
                                                                   (1 - piw) * (sum(wi * (1 - wi))) - sum(wi * (1 -
                                                                                                                  wi) /
          if (rho.kprs < 0 | rho.kprs > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
              "ICC Not Estimable by 'Modified Moment with Weights Proportional to Cluster Size' Method"
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.kprs)
        if ("stab" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Stabilized Moment Estimate")
          n0 <- (1 / (k - 1)) * (N - sum((ni ^ 2) / N))
          kappa = 0.45
          p <- sum(yi) / sum(ni)
          wi <- ni / N
          sw <- sum(wi * (pii - piw) ^ 2)
          rho.stab <-
            (1 / (n0 - 1)) * ((N * sw) / ((k - 1) * p * (1 -
                                                           p)) + kappa - 1)
          if (rho.stab < 0 | rho.stab > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Stabilized Moment' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.stab)
        if ("ub" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Moment Estimate from Unbiased Estimating Equation")
          n0 <- (1 / (k - 1)) * (N - sum((ni ^ 2) / N))
          yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
          yisq <- yi ^ 2
          msw <- (1 / (N - k)) * (sum(yi) - sum(yisq / ni))
          rho.ub <- 1 - (N * n0 * (k - 1) * msw) / (sum(yi) * (n0 *
                                                                 (k - 1) - sum(yi)) + sum(yisq))
          if (rho.ub < 0 | rho.ub > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Unbiased Estimating Equation' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.ub)
        yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
        ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
        piio <- sum(yi) / sum(ni)
        rho.fc <- 1 - (1 / ((N - k) * piio * (1 - piio))) * sum(yi *
                                                                  (ni - yi) /
        if ("fc" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Fleiss-Cuzick Kappa Type Estimate")
          if (rho.fc < 0 | rho.fc > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Fleiss-Cuzick's Kappa' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.fc)
        if ("fc" %in% ci.type) {
          ci.typ <- c(ci.typ, "Fleiss-Cuzick Confidence Interval")
          if (rho.fc < 0 | rho.fc > 1) {
            lci <- c(lci, "-")
            uci <- c(uci, "-")
            warning("Fleiss-Cuzick Confidence Interval for ICC is Not Estimable")
          else {
            t0.fc <- 1 - rho.fc
            t1.fc <-
              (1 / (piio * (1 - piio)) - 6) * (sum(1 / ni) / (N -
                                                                k) ^ 2) + (2 * N + 4 * k - (k /
                                                                                              (piio * (1 - piio)))) *
              (k / (N * (N - k) ^ 2)) + (sum(ni ^ 2) / (N ^ 2 * piio *
                                                          (1 - piio)) - ((3 * N - 2 * k) * (N - 2 * k) *
                                                                           sum(ni ^
                                                                                 2)) / (N ^ 2 * (N - k) ^ 2) - (2 * N - k) / (N -
                                                                                                                                k) ^
                                           2) * rho.fc
            t2.fc <-
              ((4 - 1 / (piio * (1 - piio))) * ((sum(ni ^ 2)) / N ^ 2)) *
              rho.fc ^ 2
            var.rho.fc <- t0.fc * (t1.fc + t2.fc)
            ci.rho.fc <- c(rho.fc - zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.fc),
                           rho.fc + zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.fc))
            lci <- c(lci, ifelse(ci.rho.fc[1] < 0, 0, ci.rho.fc[1]))
            uci <- c(uci, ifelse(ci.rho.fc[2] > 1, 1, ci.rho.fc[2]))
            if (ci.rho.fc[1] < 0 | ci.rho.fc[2] > 1) {
              warning("One or Both of 'Fleiss-Cuzick' Confidence Limits Fell Outside of [0, 1]")
        if ("mak" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Mak's Unweighted Average Estimate")
          yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
          yisq <- yi ^ 2
          ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
          rho.mak <-
            1 - (k - 1) * sum((yi * (ni - yi)) / (ni * (ni -
                                                          1))) / (sum(yisq /
                                                                        ni ^ 2) + sum(yi / ni) * (k - 1 - sum(yi / ni)))
          if (rho.mak < 0 | rho.mak > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Mak's Unweighted' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.mak)
        yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
        ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
        mu.peq <- sum((ni - 1) * yi) / sum((ni - 1) * ni)
        rho.peq <- (1 / (mu.peq * (1 - mu.peq))) * (sum(yi * (yi -
                                                                1)) / sum(ni * (ni - 1)) - mu.peq ^
        if ("peq" %in% method) {
          meth <-
              "Correlation Estimate with Equal Weight to Every Pair of Observations")
          if (rho.peq < 0 | rho.peq > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
              "ICC not Estimable by 'Correlation Method with Weight to Every Pair of Observations'"
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.peq)
        if ("peq" %in% ci.type) {
          ci.typ <- c(ci.typ, "Pearson Correlation Type Confidence Interval")
          if (rho.peq < 0 | rho.peq > 1) {
            lci <- c(lci, "-")
            uci <- c(uci, "-")
            warning("Pearson Correlation Type Confidence Interval for ICC is Not Estimable")
          else {
            t0.peq <- (1 - rho.peq) / sum(ni * (ni - 1)) ^ 2
            t1.peq <- 2 * sum(ni * (ni - 1)) + ((1 / (piio * (1 -
                                                                piio)) - 3) * sum(ni ^
                                                                                    2 * (ni - 1) ^ 2)) * rho.peq
            t2.peq <- ((4 - 1 / (piio * (1 - piio))) * (sum(ni *
                                                              (ni - 1) ^ 3))) * rho.peq ^
            var.rho.peq <- t0.peq * (t1.peq + t2.peq)
            ci.rho.peq <- c(rho.peq - zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.peq),
                            rho.peq + zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.peq))
            lci <-
              c(lci, ifelse(ci.rho.peq[1] < 0, 0, ci.rho.peq[1]))
            uci <-
              c(uci, ifelse(ci.rho.peq[2] > 1, 1, ci.rho.peq[2]))
            if (ci.rho.peq[1] < 0 | ci.rho.peq[2] > 1) {
                "One or Both of 'Pearson Correlation Type' Confidence Limits Fell Outside of [0, 1]"
        if ("pgp" %in% method) {
          meth <-
              "Correlation Estimate with Equal Weight to Each Cluster Irrespective of Size")
          yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
          ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
          mu.pgp <- sum(yi / ni) / k
          rho.pgp <-
            (1 / (mu.pgp * (1 - mu.pgp))) * (sum((yi * (yi -
                                                          1)) / (ni * (ni - 1))) /
                                               k - mu.pgp ^ 2)
          if (rho.pgp < 0 | rho.pgp > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
              "ICC Not Estimable by 'Correlation Method with Equal Weight to Each Cluster Irrespective of Size'"
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.pgp)
        if ("ppr" %in% method) {
          meth <-
              "Correlation Estimate with Weighting Each Pair According to Number of Pairs individuals Appear"
          yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
          ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
          mu.ppr <- sum(yi) / N
          rho.ppr <- (1 / (mu.ppr * (1 - mu.ppr))) * (sum(yi * (yi -
                                                                  1) / (ni - 1)) /
                                                        N - mu.ppr ^ 2)
          if (rho.ppr < 0 | rho.ppr > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
              "ICC Not Estimable by 'Correlation Method with Weighting Each Pair According to Number of Pairs individuals Appear'"
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.ppr)
        yi <- aggregate(y, by = list(cid), sum)[, 2]
        ni <- as.vector(table(cid))
        n <- sum(ni)
        u1 <- sum(yi) / N
        alp <- u1
        ucid <- sort(unique(cid))
        nw11 <- 0
        nw10 <- 0
        nw01 <- 0
        nw00 <- 0
        for (i in 1:k) {
          dti <- dt[cid == ucid[i], ]
          wsamp1 <- c()
          wsamp2 <- c()
          for (m in 1:(nrow(dti) - 1)) {
            wsamp1 <- c(wsamp1, rep(dti$y[m], length((m + 1):nrow(dti))))
            wsamp2 <- c(wsamp2, dti$y[(m + 1):nrow(dti)])
          wsamp <- rbind(wsamp1, wsamp2)
          for (j in 1:ncol(wsamp)) {
            if (all(wsamp[, j] == c(0, 0)) == TRUE) {
              nw00 <- nw00 + 1
            else if (all(wsamp[, j] == c(0, 1)) == TRUE) {
              nw01 <- nw01 + 1
            else if (all(wsamp[, j] == c(1, 0)) == TRUE) {
              nw10 <- nw10 + 1
            else {
              nw11 <- nw11 + 1
        nw11n <- nw11 * 2
        nw00n <- nw00 * 2
        nw10n <- nw10 + nw01
        nw01n <- nw01 + nw10
        uw11 <- nw11n / sum(ni * (ni - 1))
        uw10 <- nw10n / sum(ni * (ni - 1))
        uw01 <- nw01n / sum(ni * (ni - 1))
        uw00 <- nw00n / sum(ni * (ni - 1))
        tw <- uw11 + uw00 - uw10 - uw01
        nb11 <- 0
        nb10 <- 0
        nb01 <- 0
        nb00 <- 0
        for (i in 1:(k - 1)) {
          dti <- dt[cid == ucid[i], ]
          for (m in (i + 1):k) {
            dtm <- dt[cid == ucid[m], ]
            bsamp1 <- rep(dti$y, each = nrow(dtm))
            bsamp2 <- rep(dtm$y, times = nrow(dti))
            bsamp <- rbind(bsamp1, bsamp2)
            for (j in 1:ncol(bsamp)) {
              if (all(bsamp[, j] == c(0, 0)) == TRUE) {
                nb00 <- nb00 + 1
              else if (all(bsamp[, j] == c(0, 1)) == TRUE) {
                nb01 <- nb01 + 1
              else if (all(bsamp[, j] == c(1, 0)) == TRUE) {
                nb10 <- nb10 + 1
              else {
                nb11 <- nb11 + 1
        nb11n <- nb11 * 2
        nb00n <- nb00 * 2
        nb10n <- nb10 + nb01
        nb01n <- nb01 + nb10
        ub11 <- nb11n / (N * (N - 1) - sum(ni * (ni - 1)))
        ub10 <- nb10n / (N * (N - 1) - sum(ni * (ni - 1)))
        ub01 <- nb01n / (N * (N - 1) - sum(ni * (ni - 1)))
        ub00 <- nb00n / (N * (N - 1) - sum(ni * (ni - 1)))
        tb <- ub11 + ub00 - ub10 - ub01
        rho.rm <- (tw - tb) / (4 * u1 * (1 - u1))
        if ("rm" %in% method) {
          meth <- c(meth, "Resampling Estimate")
          if (rho.rm < 0 | rho.rm > 1) {
            est <- c(est, "-")
            warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Resampling' Method")
          else {
            est <- c(est, rho.rm)
        if ("rm" %in% ci.type) {
          ci.typ <- c(ci.typ, "Resampling Based Confidence Interval")
          if (rho.rm < 0 | rho.rm > 1) {
            lci <- c(lci, "-")
            uci <- c(uci, "-")
            warning("Resampling Based Confidence Interval for ICC is Not Estimable")
          else {
            t0.rm <- 1 / (16 * n * square(u1) * square(1 - u1))
            t1.rm <-
              1 / (n ^ 2 - sum(ni ^ 2)) + square(2 * alp * (1 -
                                                              alp) + 1)
            t2.rm <- (alp * (1 - alp) / (sum(ni ^ 2) - n)) * ((1 +
                                                                 alp - rho.rm * alp) * (alp + rho.rm * (1 - alp)) +
                                                                (1 - alp + rho.rm * alp) * (2 - alp - rho.rm *
                                                                                              (1 - alp)) + 2 * (1 + rho.rm) * (1 - alp *
                                                                                                                                 (1 - alp) * (1 + rho.rm))
            t3.rm <-
              ((alp * (1 - alp) * square(tw - tb) * square(1 -
                                                             2 * u1)) /
                 (square(u1 * (1 - u1)))) * (1 / n + (rho.rm / n ^ 2) *
                                               sum(ni * (1 - ni)))
            var.rho.rm <- t0.rm * (t1.rm + t2.rm + t3.rm)
            ci.rho.rm <- c(rho.rm - zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.rm),
                           rho.rm + zalpha * sqrt(var.rho.rm))
            lci <- c(lci, ifelse(ci.rho.rm[1] < 0, 0, ci.rho.rm[1]))
            uci <- c(uci, ifelse(ci.rho.rm[2] > 1, 1, ci.rho.rm[2]))
            if (ci.rho.rm[1] < 0 | ci.rho.rm[2] > 1) {
              warning("One or Both of 'Resampling Based' Confidence Limits Fell Outside of [0, 1]")
        if ("lin" %in% method | "sim" %in% method) {
          if (!requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package 'lme4' is needed for methods 'lin' and 'sim'. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          mmod <- lme4::glmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | cid),
                              family = binomial,
                              data = dt,
                              nAGQ = nAGQ)
          fint <- lme4::fixef(mmod)
          re_var <- as.vector(lme4::VarCorr(mmod)[[1]])
          if ("lin" %in% method) {
            meth <- c(meth, "First-order Model Linearized Estimate")
            pr <- exp(fint) / (1 + exp(fint))
            sig1 <- pr * (1 - pr)
            sig2 <- re_var * pr ^ 2 * (1 + exp(fint)) ^ (-2)
            rho.lin <- sig2 / (sig1 + sig2)
            if (rho.lin < 0 | rho.lin > 1) {
              est <- c(est, "-")
              warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Model Linearization' Method")
            else {
              est <- c(est, rho.lin)
          if ("sim" %in% method) {
            meth <- c(meth, "Monte Carlo Simulation Estimate")
            z <- rnorm(n = M,
                       mean = 0,
                       sd = sqrt(re_var))
            pr <- exp(fint + z) / (1 + exp(fint + z))
            sig1 <- mean(pr * (1 - pr))
            sig2 <- var(pr)
            rho.sim <- sig2 / (sig1 + sig2)
            if (rho.sim < 0 | rho.sim > 1) {
              est <- c(est, "-")
              warning("ICC Not Estimable by 'Monte Carlo Simulation' Method")
            else {
              est <- c(est, rho.sim)
        estimates <- data.frame(Methods = meth, ICC = est)
        row.names(estimates) <- NULL
        ci <- data.frame(Type = ci.typ,
                         LowerCI = lci,
                         UpperCI = uci)
        row.names(ci) <- NULL
        list(estimates = estimates, ci = ci)
    # apply iccbin to the simulated data
    if (data[["nsim"]] < sim.max) {
      message(paste0("The number of datasets provided is < sim.max. Setting sim.max to ", 
                     data[["nsim"]], "."))
      sim.max <- data[["nsim"]]
    holder <- list()
    simnum <- sim.max - sim.min + 1
    # if data is a list
    if (!is.data.frame(data$sim.data)) {
      narms <- 2
      for (j in (sim.min:sim.max)) {
        holder[[j]] <- list()
        temp <- data$sim.data[[j]]
        if (length(unique(temp$y)) > 2) {
          stop("Data ('y') is not binary.")
        for (k in 1:2) {
          holder[[j]][[k]] <- list()
          o2 <- temp[as.numeric(temp[, "trt"]) == k,]
          o2$clust <- as.factor(as.numeric(o2[, "clust"]))
          y <- o2["y"]
          options(warn = -1)
          if (simnum > 1 && j == 1 && k == 1) {
            start.time = Sys.time()
          holder[[j]][[k]] <- iccbin(
            cid = clust,
            y = y,
            data = o2,
            method = method,
            ci.type = ci.type,
            alpha = alpha,
            kappa = kappa,
            nAGQ = nAGQ,
            M = nsim
          if (simnum > 1 && j == 1 && k == 1) {
            atime <- difftime(Sys.time(), start.time)
            est <-
              round(as.numeric(atime) * (narms * simnum) / 60, 2)
            print(paste0("Estimated time to completion: ", est,  " minutes."))
          options(warn = 0)
    } else {
      o <- data$sim.data
      narms <- max(as.numeric(o[, 1]))
      for (j in (sim.min:sim.max)) {
        holder[[j]] <- list()
        temp <- data.frame("arm" = o[, 1],
                           "cluster" = o[, 2],
                           "y" = as.numeric(levels(o[, j + 2]))[o[, j + 2]])
        if (length(unique(temp$y)) > 2) {
          stop("Data ('y') is not binary.")
        for (k in 1:narms) {
          holder[[j]][[k]] <- list()
          o2 <- temp[temp[, 1] == k,]
          o2$cluster <- as.factor(as.numeric(o2[, 2]))
          options(warn = -1)
          if (simnum > 1 && j == 1 && k == 1) {
            start.time = Sys.time()
          holder[[j]][[k]] <- iccbin(
            cid = "cluster",
            y = y,
            data = o2,
            method = method,
            ci.type = ci.type,
            alpha = alpha,
            kappa = kappa,
            nAGQ = nAGQ,
            M = nsim
          if (simnum > 1 && j == 1 && k == 1) {
            atime <- difftime(Sys.time(), start.time)
            est <- round(as.numeric(atime) * (narms * simnum) / 60, 2)
            print(paste0("Estimated time to completion: ", est,  " minutes."))
          options(warn = 0)
    armname <- vector(mode = "character", length = narms)
    armname <- paste0("arm", 1:narms)
    simname <- paste0("simulation", 1:simnum)
    names(holder) <- simname
    for (i in 1:simnum) {
      names(holder[[i]]) <- armname

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clusterPower documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 1:06 a.m.