
## ----loadlib, echo=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
output = coi5p_pipe(example_nt_string)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#see the available components
#retrieve only the amino acid sequence from the object

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ex_table_to_use = which_trans_table("Scyliorhinidae")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
output = coi5p_pipe(example_nt_string, trans_table = ex_table_to_use)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #build the coi5p object
  dat = coi5p(example_nt_string, name = "example_sequence_1")
  #frame the sequence
  dat = frame(dat)
  #since we determined the genetic code above, we can use
  #the proper translation table as opposed to conducting 
  #the default censored translation
  dat = translate(dat, trans_table = 2)
  #check to see if an insertion or deletion is likely
  dat = indel_check(dat)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#this is the example data set
# to look at the full dataframe:
# example_barcode_data

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

example_barcode_data$coi_output = lapply(1:length(example_barcode_data$id), function(i){
             name = example_barcode_data$id[i], 
             trans_table = example_barcode_data$genetic_code[i])

example_barcode_data$coi_output[[1]] #example of the first output

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
example_barcode_data$framed_seq = unlist(lapply(example_barcode_data$coi_output, 

#has coi5p trimmed characters?
nchar(example_barcode_data$framed_seq[[5]]) < nchar(example_barcode_data$sequence[[5]])

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#extract only a single column
col_df = flatten_coi5p(example_barcode_data$coi_output, keep_cols = 'aaSeq')
#extract multiple columns
multi_df = flatten_coi5p(example_barcode_data$coi_output, keep_cols = c('framed','aaSeq'))
#extract all columns
full_coi5p_df = flatten_coi5p(example_barcode_data$coi_output)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
full_coi5p_df = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 9, nrow = 0),stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
colnames(full_coi5p_df) = c("name", "raw", "framed", "was_trimmed", "align_report",
                            "aaSeq", "aaScore", "indel_likely", "stop_codons")

for(i in 1:length(example_barcode_data$id)){
	out_data = coi5p_pipe(example_barcode_data$sequence[i], 
							name = example_barcode_data$id[i], 
							trans_table = example_barcode_data$genetic_code[i])
  #for extreme memory conservation - could write each line of output to a .csv
	#instead of binding it to an output dataframe.
	full_coi5p_df = rbind(full_coi5p_df, flatten_coi5p(list(out_data)))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dna_vector = strsplit(example_nt_string, "")[[1]]
#three dashes added to the sequence because the example_nt_string starts at codon 2
dna_vector = c("-", "-", "-", dna_vector) 
dna_336_subset = paste(dna_vector[336:635], collapse="")

#deleted a base pair from the sequence, simulating an indel error
dna_336_subset_indel = paste(c(dna_vector[336:358]  ,dna_vector[360:635]), collapse="")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
false_pos = coi5p_pipe(dna_336_subset)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#want to start at position 337 and cover 300bp
nt_start = 337
nt_end = 636

#Get the corresponding amino acid start and end points
#the start and end positions are different than the nucleotide numbers, 
#because 3bp make one amino acid
# ceiling is used because 337/3 = 112.333, i.e. the first base pair of amino acid 113
aa_start = ceiling(nt_start/3) 
aa_end = ceiling(nt_end/3)
meta_nt_phmm = subsetPHMM(nt_coi_PHMM, start = nt_start, end = nt_end)
meta_aa_phmm = subsetPHMM(aa_coi_PHMM, start = aa_start, end = aa_end)

#Addendum to note IMPORTANT NOTE:
#This function can be used to check your start is the first bp of a codon:
first_bp_of_codon = function(x){
 if(((x-1)%%3) == 0){


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pass the dna sequence fragment with no error, and also subset the nt and aa PHMMs
subset_no_error_output = coi5p_pipe(dna_336_subset, 
                                    nt_PHMM = meta_nt_phmm, 
                                    aa_PHMM = meta_aa_phmm)

#see the full output

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
subset_has_error_outpt = coi5p_pipe(dna_336_subset_indel, 
                                    nt_PHMM = meta_nt_phmm, 
                                    aa_PHMM = meta_aa_phmm)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# load the example fasta file included with coil
# included in the file's header line:
# the name of the sample, its genetic code, taxonomic designation and some notes
ex_fasta_file = system.file("extdata/example_barcode_data.fasta", package = "coil")

#read in the example fasta file using seqinr
ex_data = seqinr::read.fasta(ex_fasta_file, as.string = TRUE)

#here is what the output from read.fasta looks like

#parse the data in the header line by splitting the name on the | character
parsed_names_data = lapply(1:length(ex_data), function(i){

# subset the components of the header line and build these and the sequence 
# into a dataframe matching the style used in the coi5p batch example
example_barcode_data_from_scratch = data.frame(
  id = sapply(parsed_names_data, function(x) x[[1]]),
  genetic_code = sapply(parsed_names_data, function(x) x[[2]]),
  taxa = sapply(parsed_names_data, function(x) x[[3]]),
  sequence = unname(unlist(ex_data)),
  notes = sapply(parsed_names_data, function(x) x[[4]])

#uncomment the following line to see result

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coil documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:51 a.m.