
Defines functions plotOptimals2D plotOptimals3D computeADL canonicalOptimalColors sectionOptimalColors probeOptimalColors computeADL.colorSpec plotOptimals2D.colorSpec plotOptimals3D.colorSpec windingNumber expandcanonical plotfunctional canonicalOptimalColors.colorSpec sectionOptimalColors.colorSpec probeOptimalColors.colorSpec

Documented in canonicalOptimalColors canonicalOptimalColors.colorSpec computeADL computeADL.colorSpec plotOptimals2D plotOptimals2D.colorSpec plotOptimals3D plotOptimals3D.colorSpec probeOptimalColors probeOptimalColors.colorSpec sectionOptimalColors sectionOptimalColors.colorSpec

#   x           a colorSpec object, with type "responsivity.material".  The number of spectra must be 3.
#   gray        vector of numbers in (0,1) that define neutral gray on segment from black to white
#               this neutral gray point is the base of the probe ray
#   direction   a non-zero 3-vector defining the ray, or a matrix with 3 columns defining multiple rays
#   tol         convergence tolerance. Iterations continue until root-finding error < .tol.  
#   aux         return auxiliary performance data
#   spectral    return a colorSpec object with extradata()
#   return value
#   data.frame with a row for each direction and these columns:
#       gray        input
#       direction   input
#       s           position along the ray that intersects boundary
#       optimal     the optimal color on the boundary, where the ray intersects boundary
#       lambda      lambda.1 and lambda.2 of the ideal material producing the optimal color
#                       lambda.1 < lambda.2 => bandpass
#                       lambda.1 > lambda.2 => bandstop
#       dol         delta and omega, the Logvinenko parameters - analogous to latitude and longitude, plus lambda corresponding to omega
#   in case of ERROR returns NULL

probeOptimalColors.colorSpec <- function( x, gray, direction, aux=FALSE, spectral=FALSE, tol=1.e-6 )
    theName = deparse(substitute(x))
    spectra = numSpectra(x)
    ok  = spectra %in% 2L:3L
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(%s) = %d is invalid.", theName, spectra )     

    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )        
    ok  = is.numeric(gray)  &&  0<length(gray)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "Argument 'gray' is not a numeric vector with positive length." )
    mask    =  0<gray & gray<1 
    if( ! all(mask) )
        log_string( ERROR, "gray = %g is invalid.", gray[ which(!mask)[1] ] )
    direction   = prepareNxM( direction, M=spectra )
    if( is.null(direction) )    return(NULL)
    #   compute matrix W for zonotopes
    #   do not bother to optimize for regular wavelength sequence
    wave    = wavelength(x)
    #   n       = length(wave)    
    bslist  = breakandstep( wave )    
    step    = bslist$stepvec
    #step    = diff( wave, lag=2 ) / 2
    #step    = c( wave[2]-wave[1], step, wave[n]-wave[n-1] )     #; print(step)
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    white   = colSums( W )
    #   funlist = makeReparamFunctionList( x, theName, 'equalize' )
    #    if( is.null(funlist) ) return(NULL)

    #   step.wl = step.wl(x)
    if( spectra == 3 )
        zono    = zonohedron( W )
    else if( spectra == 2 )
        zono    = zonogon( W )          #;   print( zono )

    if( is.null(zono) )  return(NULL)    

    out = NULL
    for( k in 1:length(gray) )
        base    = gray[k] * white
        df      = raytrace( zono, base, direction )     # this does all the real work        
        if( is.null(df) )  return(NULL)

        #   add gray as initial column
        df  = cbind( gray=gray[k], df )
        #   append to bottom
        out = rbind( out, df )
    # print( df )        

    #   compute the optimal spectra
    #   these spectra are all 0-1,
    #   except for a single alpha in 1D, and a pair of alphas in 2D
    spectramat = invertboundary( zono, out$boundary, out )$source     #; print( str(spectramat) )
    if( is.null(spectramat) )   return(NULL)        
    lambda  = matrix( NA_real_, nrow(spectramat), 2 )    
    for( i in 1:nrow(spectramat) )
        # lambda[i, ]  = compute_lambdas( spectramat[i, ], wave, step )        
        lambdamat   = lambdasFromSpectrum( spectramat[i, ], wave, bslist )
        if( ! is.null(lambdamat)  &&  nrow(lambdamat)==1 )
            lambda[i, ] = lambdamat
    out$lambda  = lambda
    #   remove columns no longer needed: 'base',  'sign' 
    out$base    = NULL          
    out$sign    = NULL
    out$idx     = NULL   
    if( ! aux )
        #   remove even more columns
        out$alpha       = NULL         
        out$timetrace   = NULL      
        out$faces       = NULL   
        out$tested      = NULL        
    cnames  = colnames(out)
    #   rename 'tmax' to 's'
    k   = which( cnames == 'tmax' )
    if( length(k) == 1 )    colnames(out)[k] = 's'
    #   rename 'boundary' to 'optimal'
    k   = which( cnames == 'boundary' )
    if( length(k) == 1 )    colnames(out)[k] = 'optimal'
    #   rename 'faces' to 'parallelograms'
    k   = which( cnames == 'faces' )
    if( length(k) == 1 )    colnames(out)[k] = 'parallelograms'
    #   add column dol. 
    #   funlist uses splinefun() with 'monoH.FC', which does not handle NAs properly
    funlist         = makeReparamFunctionList( x, theName, 'equalize' )
    valid           = is.finite( out$lambda[ ,1]  )
    omega1          = funlist$omega.from.lambda( out$lambda[valid,1] )
    omega2          = funlist$omega.from.lambda( out$lambda[valid,2] )
    bp              = omega1 < omega2       # BandPass
    dol             = matrix( NA_real_, nrow(out), 3 )
    colnames(dol)   = c( 'delta', 'omega', 'lambda' )
    dol[valid,1]    = ifelse( bp, omega2-omega1, 1 - (omega1-omega2) )
    dol[valid,2]    = ifelse( bp, 0.5*(omega1+omega2), ( 0.5*(omega1+omega2) + 0.5 ) %% 1 )
    dol[valid,3]    = funlist$lambda.from.omega( dol[valid,2] )
    out$dol         = dol

    if( FALSE )
        time_elapsed    = as.double( Sys.time() ) - time_start
        log_string( INFO, "Processed %d rays in %g sec  (%g sec per rays)",
                            rays, time_elapsed, time_elapsed/rays ) 

        failures    = sum( is.na( out$s ) )
        if( 0 < failures )
            log_string( WARN, "There were %d failures out of %d rays.\n", failures, nrow(out) )
        if( aux )
            out = cbind( out, df.aux )
    if( spectral )
        extra   = out
        specnames   = as.character( 1:nrow(extra) )
        out = colorSpec( t(spectramat), wavelength=wavelength(x), quantity='reflectance', organization='df.row', specnames=specnames )
        extradata(out)  = extra
sectionOptimalColors.colorSpec <- function( x, normal, beta )
    theName = deparse(substitute(x))
    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )        
    ok  = is.numeric(normal)   &&   (length(normal) %in% 2L:3L )  &&  all( is.finite(normal) )  &&   ! all( normal==0 )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument 'normal' is not numeric, with length 2 or 3. Or else it is zero."  )     
    dim(normal) = NULL

    if( numSpectra(x) != length(normal) )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(x) = %d  !=  %d = length(normal).", numSpectra(x), length(normal) )
    ok  = is.numeric(beta)   &&   0<length(beta)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "argument 'beta' is not numeric, with positive length."  )
    dim(beta) = NULL
    x   = linearize(x)    
    #   compute matrix W for zonotopes
    #   do not bother to optimize for regular wavelength sequence
    wave    = wavelength(x)
    #   n       = length(wave)    
    step    = breakandstep(wave)$stepvec
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    white   = colSums( W )
    #   funlist = makeReparamFunctionList( x, theName, 'equalize' )
    #    if( is.null(funlist) ) return(NULL)

    #   step.wl = step.wl(x)
    if( length(normal) == 3 )
        zono    = zonohedron( W )
    else if( length(normal) == 2 )
        zono    = zonogon( W )          #;   print( zono )

    if( is.null(zono) )  return(NULL)   

    names(normal)   = specnames(x)  #; print( names(normal) )

    out = section( zono, normal, beta )
    if( is.null(out) )  return(NULL)

    return( invisible(out) )
#   x           a colorSpec object with type "responsivity.material"
#   lambda      Mx2 matrix of wavelengths of x, each row defines a parallelogram on the boundary of the zonohedron
#   spectral    logical, whether to return just a data.frame, or a colorSpec object of type "material"
#               the spectra take value 1/2 at the 2 given wavelengths, and 0 or 1 elsewhere
canonicalOptimalColors.colorSpec <- function( x, lambda, spectral=FALSE )
    theName = deparse(substitute(x))
    ok  = (numSpectra(x) == 3L)
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(%s) = %d  != 3.", theName, numSpectra(x) )     

    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )        
    lambda  = prepareNxM( lambda, M=2 )
    if( is.null(lambda) )   return(NULL)
    wave    = wavelength(x)                
    mask    = lambda %in% wave
    ok  = all( mask )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( ERROR, "In argument lambda, %d of %d wavelengths are not in the wavelength sequence of '%s'.", 
                        sum(!mask), length(lambda), theName )     
    x   = linearize(x)    

    #   compute matrix W for zonotopes
    #   do not bother to optimize for regular wavelength sequence

    step    = breakandstep(wave)$stepvec
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    #   white   = colSums( W )
    #   the tolerance here is for collinearity, which can be larger than the face normal differences
    condlist    = condenseGenerators( W, tol=5.e-7 )
    if( is.null(condlist) )    return(NULL)
    ncond   = nrow(condlist$Wcond)    
    if( ncond < 3 )
        log_string( ERROR, "Invalid number of condensed generators = %d < 3.", ncond )
    n       = nrow(W)
    m       = nrow(lambda)
    #   optimal             = matrix( NA_real_, m, 3 )
    #   colnames(optimal)   = specnames(x)
    spectra     = matrix( NA_real_, m, n )
    transitions = rep( NA_integer_, m )
    tol2    = 5.e-10
    for( i in 1:m )
        #   find the row indexes in W
        idxpair = match( lambda[i, ], wave )    
        if( any(is.na(idxpair)) )
            log_string( FATAL, "bad logic for lambda=%g,%g.", lambda[i,1], lambda[i,2] )
        #   print( idxpair ) ; print( condlist$groupidx[ idxpair ]  )
        #   find the row indexes in Wcond, in increasing order        
        kdxpair = sort( condlist$groupidx[ idxpair ],  na.last=TRUE )  
        if( any(is.na(kdxpair)) )
            #   the responsivity at one of these wavelengths is 0, so the parallelogram is degenerate
        if( kdxpair[1] == kdxpair[2] )
            #   indexes are equal, so the parallelogram is degenerate

        #   print( kdxpair )
        #   collinear generators in W have already been identified, 
        #   so the parallelogram is non-degenerate and the normal is non-zero
        normal  = crossproduct( condlist$Wcond[kdxpair[1], ],  condlist$Wcond[kdxpair[2], ] )
        normal  = normal / sqrt( sum(normal*normal) )   # unitize
        #   print( normal )
        functional          = as.numeric( condlist$Wcond %*% normal )
        names(functional)   = rownames(condlist$Wcond)
        #   make useful logical masks
        between = kdxpair[1]<(1:ncond)  &  (1:ncond)<kdxpair[2]
        outside = ! between
        outside[ kdxpair ]  = FALSE
        #   coplanar generators certainly include kdxpair[1] and kdxpair[2], but maybe others
        coplanar    = abs(functional) < tol2
        #   all values in pcube are 0,1, or 1/2
        pcube   = (sign(functional) + 1)/2
        pcube[ kdxpair ] = 0.5  # override
        # print( pcube )
        if( sum(between) < sum(outside) )
            #   count the number of 0s and 1s outside the band
            mask    = outside  &  !coplanar
            zeros   = sum( pcube[mask] == 0 )
            ones    = sum( pcube[mask] == 1 )
            bandstop    = (zeros < ones)    # this means that pcube is more like bandstop than a bandpass
            #   count the number of 0s and 1s between the wavelengths (inside the band)
            mask    = between  &  !coplanar
            zeros   = sum( pcube[mask] == 0 )
            ones    = sum( pcube[mask] == 1 )
            bandstop    = (ones < zeros)    # this means that pcube is more like bandstop than a bandpass
        if( bandstop )  
            # flip it so the spectrum is more like a bandpass
            pcube = 1 - pcube
        #   change the coplanars outside to 0
        pcube[ coplanar & outside ] = 0
        #   change the coplanars between to 1
        pcube[ coplanar & between ] = 1
        if( lambda[i,2] < lambda[i,1] )
            #   change bandpass to bandstop
            pcube   = 1 - pcube
        #   only 2 values in pcube are 1/2, and the rest are 0 or 1
        #  print( pcube )
        spectra[i, ]    = expandcanonical( condlist, idxpair, pcube  )
        transitions[i]  = counttransitions( spectra[i, ] )
    rnames  = rownames(lambda)
    if( is.null(rnames) )   rnames = 1:m
    df  = data.frame( row.names=rnames )
    df$lambda       = lambda
    df$optimal      = spectra %*% W
    df$transitions  = transitions
    if( spectral )
        out = colorSpec( t(spectra), wavelength=wave, quantity='transmittance', organization='df.row', specnames=rownames(df) )
        extradata(out)  = df
        out = df
    count   = sum( is.na(transitions) )
    if( 0 < count )
        log_string( WARN, "%d of %d colors could not be computed, because the pair of wavelengths is invalid.",
                            count, length(transitions) )

#   x           a colorSpec object with type "responsivity.material"
#   lambda      2 wavelengths from x
plotfunctional <- function( x, lambda, gamma )
    wave        = wavelength(x)                
    idxpair   = match( lambda, wave )
    if( length(lambda)!=2  ||  any( is.na(idxpair) ) )
        log_string( ERROR, "lambda='%s' is invalid.", as.character(lambda) )
    #   compute matrix W for zonotopes
    #   do not bother to optimize for regular wavelength sequence

    step    = breakandstep(wave)$stepvec
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    #   white   = colSums( W )
    #   the tolerance here is for collinearity, which can be larger than the face normal differences
    condlist    = condenseGenerators( W, tol=5.e-7 )
    if( is.null(condlist) )    return(FALSE)
    ncond   = nrow(condlist$Wcond)    
    if( ncond < 3 )
        log_string( ERROR, "Invalid number of condensed generators = %d < 3.", ncond )

    kdxpair = sort( condlist$groupidx[ idxpair ],  na.last=TRUE )  
    if( any(is.na(kdxpair)) )
        #   the responsivity at one of these wavelengths is 0, so the parallelogram is degenerate
    if( kdxpair[1] == kdxpair[2] )
        #   indexes are equal, so the parallelogram is degenerate

    #   print( kdxpair )
    #   collinear generators in W have already been identified, 
    #   so the parallelogram is non-degenerate and the normal is non-zero
    normal  = crossproduct( condlist$Wcond[kdxpair[1], ],  condlist$Wcond[kdxpair[2], ] )
    normal  = normal / sqrt( sum(normal*normal) )   # unitize
    #   print( normal )
    functional  = as.numeric( condlist$Wcond %*% normal )
    functional[kdxpair] = 0     # make near 0 exactly 0
    if( nrow(condlist$Wcond) < nrow(W) )
        #   expand functional
        funsaved    = functional
        functional  = rep( NA_real_, nrow(W) )
        for( k in 1:length(funsaved) )
            group   = condlist$group[[k]]
            functional[ group ]   = funsaved[k]        
    names(functional)   = as.character(wave)
    # print( functional )
    #   ready to plot
    y   = powodd(functional,1/gamma)
    xlim    = range(wave)
    ylim    = range(y,na.rm=TRUE)
    ylab    = sprintf( "functional^(1/%g)", gamma )
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', xlab="wavelength (nm)", ylab=ylab )
    grid( lty=1 )
    abline( h=0 )
    points( wave, y )
    points( wave[idxpair], y[idxpair], pch=20 )
#   condlist    a list with W, Wcond, group, groupidx
#   idxpair     defining canonical optimal, idxpair[1] != idxpair[2] 
#   pcube       point in the condensed cube, thought of as a reflectance spectrum
#               all values are 0 or 1, except at condlist$groupidx[ idxpair ] where the value is 0.5

expandcanonical <- function( condlist, idxpair, pcube )
    if( length(pcube) != nrow(condlist$Wcond) )
        log_string( FATAL, "mismatch %d != %d", length(pcube), nrow(condlist$Wcond) )
    n   = nrow(condlist$W)  #; print(n)
    if( nrow(condlist$Wcond) == n )    return( pcube )     # no condensation

    #   1<= kdxpair[1] < kdxpair[2] <= nrow(Wcond)        
    kdxpair = condlist$groupidx[ idxpair ]

    pdrop   = pcube[ -kdxpair ] 
    ok  = all( pdrop==0  |  pdrop==1 )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( FATAL, "pcube is invalid, because values not at %d and %d are not 0 or 1.", 
                                kdxpair[1], kdxpair[2] )
    ok  = all( pcube[kdxpair] == 0.5 )
    if( ! ok )
        log_string( FATAL, "pcube is invalid, because values at %d and %d are not 1/2.", 
                                kdxpair[1], kdxpair[2] )

    knext   = c( 2:length(pcube), 1 )
    kprev   = c( length(pcube), 1:(length(pcube)-1) )
    out = numeric( n )
    #   examine the non-trivial groups
    for( k in 1:length(pcube) )
        group   = condlist$group[[k]]
        alpha   = pcube[k]        
        if( length(group)==1  ||  alpha==0  ||  alpha==1 )
            #   trivial cases
            out[ group ]   = alpha
        #   condlist$group[[k]] is a nontrivial splitting
        #   and since alpha is neither 0 nor 1, k should be one of kdxpair[1] or kdxpair[2]
        #   check this
        j   = match( k, kdxpair )
        if( is.na(j) )
            log_string( FATAL, "k=%d is not in the pair (%d,%d).", k, kdxpair[1], kdxpair[2] )
        #   another check
        ok  = idxpair[j] %in% group
        if( ! ok )
            log_string( FATAL, "idxpair[%d]=%d is not in the proper group '%s'.", 
                                    j, idxpair[j], paste( group, collapse=' ' ) )
        m           = length(group)        
        alphasplit  = numeric(m)            
        alphasplit[ group == idxpair[j] ]    = 0.5
        #   choose output form to minimize the number of transitions
        if( pcube[kprev[k]]  >  pcube[knext[k]] )
            #   output form is 1111...1/2...00000...
            alphasplit[ group < idxpair[j] ]    = 1
            #   output form is 0000...1/2....11111...            
            alphasplit[ idxpair[j] < group ]  = 1            
        #   print( alphasplit )
        out[ group ]    = alphasplit
    #    now examine the 0-generators.  
    #   They can be assigned any coefficient, but assign to minimize # of transitions.
    idx     = which( is.na(condlist$groupidx) )
    inext   = c( 2:n, 1 )
    iprev   = c( n, 1:(n-1) )
    for( i in idx )
        if( out[iprev[i]]==1  ||  out[inext[i]]==1 )
            out[i]  = 1
    #   print( out )

    return( out )
windingNumber <- function( iPoint, iX, iY )
    n = length(iX)  #;    assert( length(iY)==n )
    #   look for intersections of edges with ray from iPoint
    x = iPoint[1]
    y = iPoint[2]
    winding = 0
    for( i in 1:n )
        i_next = (i %% n) + 1

        y_diff = iY[i] - y
        y_diff_next = iY[i_next] - y
        if( 0 <= y_diff * y_diff_next ) next
        #  find intersection of edge and horizontal line through iPoint
        t = (y - iY[i]) / (iY[i_next] - iY[i])
        x_int = iX[i] + t * (iX[i_next] - iX[i])
        if( x < x_int )
            winding = winding + sign(y_diff_next)

plotOptimals3D.colorSpec <- function( x, size=50, type='w', both=TRUE )
    theName = deparse( substitute(x) )
    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )
    if( numSpectra(x) != 3 )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(%s) = %d != 3", theName, numSpectra(x) )
    typefull    = c( 'w', 'p' )
    idx = pmatch( type, typefull )
    if( is.na(idx) )
        log_string( ERROR, "type='%s' is invalid", type )
    type    = typefull[idx]
    if( is.finite(size) &&  0<size )
        waverange    = range( wavelength(x) )
        x   = resample( x, wavelength = seq( waverange[1], waverange[2], len=size ) )
    wave    = wavelength(x)
    step    = breakandstep(wave)$stepvec
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    zono    = zonohedron( W )
    if( is.null(zono) ) return(FALSE)
    plot( zono, type=type, both=both )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )

plotOptimals2D.colorSpec <- function( x  )
    theName = deparse( substitute(x) )
    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )
    if( numSpectra(x) != 2 )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(%s) = %d != 2", theName, numSpectra(x) )
    wave    = wavelength(x)
    step    = breakandstep(wave)$stepvec
    W       = step * as.matrix( x )  #;  print(W)    # step   is replicated to all columns of as.matrix(x)

    zono    = zonogon( W )
    if( is.null(zono) ) return(FALSE)
    plot( zono )
    title( main=theName )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )

computeADL.colorSpec <- function( x, response )
    theName = deparse( substitute(x) )
    if( type(x) != "responsivity.material" )
        log_string( ERROR, "type(%s) = '%s' != 'responsivity.material'", theName, type(x) )
    if( numSpectra(x) != 3 )
        log_string( ERROR, "numSpectra(%s) = %d != 3", theName, numSpectra(x) )
    response    = prepareNxM( response, M=3 )
    if( is.null(response) ) return(NULL)
    stepvec = breakandstep( wavelength(x) )$stepvec
    response.white  = colSums( stepvec * as.matrix(x) )     # vector stepvec is replicated to all columns
    gray    = 0.5 * response.white  #;    print(gray)
    direction   = response - matrix( gray, nrow(response), 3, byrow=T )
    data    = probeOptimalColors( x, 0.5, direction )
    if( is.null(data) ) return(NULL)
    ADL = cbind( 1/data$s, data$dol[ ,1], data$dol[ ,3] )
    rownames(ADL)   = NULL
    colnames(ADL)   = c('alpha','delta','lambda')
    #   class(ADL)      = "model.matrix"    
    colnames(response)  = toupper( specnames(x) )
    #   class(response)     = "model.matrix"
    rnames  = rownames(response)
    if( is.null(rnames) )   rnames = 1:nrow(response)
    out             = data.frame( row.names=rnames ) 
    out$response    = response
    out$ADL         = ADL
    out$omega       = data$dol[ ,2]
    out$lambda      = data$lambda
    #   out = data.frame( response=response, ADL=ADL, omega=data$dol[ ,2], lambda=data$lambda, row.names=rownames(response) )  # as.data.frame.model.matrix
    return( out )
#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#            
probeOptimalColors <- function( x, gray, direction, aux=FALSE, spectral=FALSE, tol=1.e-6  )
sectionOptimalColors <- function( x, normal, beta )
canonicalOptimalColors <- function( x, lambda, spectral=FALSE )
computeADL <- function( x, response )
plotOptimals3D <- function( x, size=50, type='s', both=TRUE )
plotOptimals2D <- function( x )

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colorSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6 a.m.