
Defines functions collapse collapsedf changedv changed copy.attributes find.names v rup roundup

Documented in changed copy.attributes find.names roundup v

# Other Functions ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Rounds numbers up
#' @description A function that rounds positive numbers up when the last digit
#' is a 5.  For negative numbers ending in 5, the function actually rounds down.
#' "Round away from zero" is the most accurate description of this function.
#' @param x A vector of values to round.  Also accepts a data frame. In the
#' case of a data frame, the function will round all numeric columns.
#' @param digits A number of decimal places to round to. Default is zero.
#' @returns The rounded data vector.
#' @examples
#' # Round to even
#' round(2.4)   # 2
#' round(2.5)   # 2
#' round(-2.5)  # -2
#' round(2.6)   # 3
#' # Round up
#' roundup(2.4)  # 2
#' roundup(2.5)  # 3
#' roundup(-2.5) # -3
#' roundup(2.6)  # 3
#' @export
roundup <- function(x, digits = 0) {

  if (any(class(x) %in% "data.frame")) {

    ret <- x

    for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {

      if (is.numeric(ret[[i]]) & is.factor(ret[[i]]) == FALSE)
        ret[[i]] <- rup(ret[[i]], digits)

  } else {

    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
      stop("Input value must be numeric.")

    ret <- rup(x, digits)


rup <- function(x, digits = 0) {

  posneg = sign(x)
  z = abs(x)*10^digits
  z = z + 0.5 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  z = trunc(z)
  z = z/10^digits
  ret <- z*posneg



#' @title Combine unquoted values
#' @description A function to quote and combine unquoted values.
#' The function will return a vector of quoted values.  This function
#' allows you to use non-standard evaluation for any parameter
#' that accepts a string or vector of strings.
#' @param ... One or more unquoted values.
#' @returns A vector of quoted values.
#' @examples
#' # Combine unquoted values
#' v(var1, var2, var3)
#' # [1] "var1" "var2" "var3"
#' # Data frame subset
#' dat <- mtcars[1:5, v(mpg, cyl, disp)]
#' dat
#' #                    mpg cyl disp
#' # Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160
#' # Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160
#' # Datsun 710        22.8   4  108
#' # Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258
#' # Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360
#' # Data frame sort
#' dat2 <- sort(dat, by = v(cyl, mpg))
#' dat2
#' #                    mpg cyl disp
#' # Datsun 710        22.8   4  108
#' # Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160
#' # Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160
#' # Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258
#' # Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360
#' @export
v <- function(...) {

  # Determine if it is a vector or not.  "language" is a vector.
  # if (typeof(substitute(..., env = environment())) == "language")
  #   vars <- substitute(..., env = environment())
  # else
    vars <- substitute(list(...), env = environment())

  # Turn each item into a character
  vars_c <- c()
  if (length(vars) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:length(vars)) {
      vars_c[[length(vars_c) + 1]] <- paste0(deparse(vars[[i]]), combine = "")


  # Convert list to vector
  vars_c <- unlist(vars_c)

  nms <- names(vars)
  if (!is.null(nms) & length(nms) - 1 == length(vars_c)) {

    # Add names if available
    names(vars_c) <- names(vars)[seq(2, length(vars))]




#' @title Search for names
#' @description A function to search for variable names in a data.frame or tibble.
#' The function features wild card pattern matching, start and end
#' boundaries, and names to exclude.
#' @param x A data frame or tibble whose names to search.  Parameter also
#' accepts a character vector of names.
#' @param pattern A vector of patterns to search for. The asterisk (*)
#' and question mark (?) characters may be used to indicate partial matches.
#' @param exclude A vector of patterns to exclude from the search results.
#' The asterisk (*)
#' and question mark (?) characters may be used to indicate partial matches.
#' @param start A variable name or position to start the search. Default is 1.
#' @param end A variable name or position to end the search. Default is the
#' length of the name vector.
#' @param ignore.case Whether to perform a case sensitive or insensitive
#' search.  Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is TRUE.
#' @returns A vector of variable names that met the search criteria.
#' @examples
#' # Show all names for reference
#' names(mtcars)
#' #  [1] "mpg"  "cyl"  "disp" "hp"   "drat" "wt"   "qsec" "vs"   "am"   "gear" "carb"
#' # Names that start with "c"
#' find.names(mtcars, "c*")
#' # [1] "cyl"  "carb"
#' # Names that start with "c" or "d"
#' find.names(mtcars, c("c*", "d*"))
#' # [1] "cyl"  "carb" "disp" "drat"
#' # Names between "disp" and "qsec"
#' find.names(mtcars, start = "disp", end = "qsec")
#' # [1] "disp" "hp"   "drat" "wt"   "qsec"
#' # Names that start with "c" or "d" after position 5
#' find.names(mtcars, c("c*", "d*"), start = 5)
#' # [1] "carb" "drat"
#' # Names between "disp" and "qsec" excluding "wt"
#' find.names(mtcars, start = "disp", end = "qsec", exclude = "wt")
#' # [1] "disp" "hp"   "drat" "qsec"
#' @export
find.names <- function(x, pattern = NULL, exclude = NULL,
                       start = NULL, end = NULL, ignore.case = TRUE) {

  if ("data.frame" %in% class(x))
    ret <- names(x)
  else if ("character" %in% class(x))
    ret <- x
    stop("Input parameter x must be a data.frame or character vector")

  sp <- 1
  ep <- length(ret)

  # Assign start if passed
  if (!is.null(start)) {
    if (is.character(start)) {
      sp <- match(start, ret, nomatch = 1)
    } else {

      sp <- start

  # Assign end if passed
  if (!is.null(end)) {
    if (is.character(end)) {
      ep <- match(end, ret, nomatch = length(ret))
    } else {

      ep <- end

  # Subset start and end
  ret <- ret[seq(sp, ep)]

  if (!is.null(ret) & !is.null(pattern)) {

    srch <- glob2rx(pattern)

    tmp2 <- c()
    for (sr in srch) {
      tmp1 <- ret[grepl(sr, ret, ignore.case = ignore.case)]
      tmp2 <- append(tmp2, tmp1)
    ret <- tmp2


  if (!is.null(ret) & !is.null(exclude)) {

    excl <- glob2rx(exclude)

    for (ex in excl) {
      ret <- ret[!grepl(ex, ret, ignore.case = ignore.case)]


  if (length(ret) == 0)
    ret <- NULL


#' @title Copy attributes between two data frames
#' @description A function to copy column attributes from one
#' data frame to another.  The function will copy all attributes attached
#' to each column.  The column order does not matter, and the data frames
#' do not need identical structures. The matching occurs by column name,
#' not position.  Any existing attributes on the target data frame
#' that do not match the source data frame will be retained unaltered.
#' @param source A data frame to copy attributes from.
#' @param target A data frame to copy attributes to.
#' @returns The data frame in the \code{target} parameter, with updated
#' attributes from \code{source}.
#' @family overrides
#' @examples
#' # Prepare data
#' dat1 <- mtcars
#' dat2 <- mtcars
#' # Set labels for dat1
#' labels(dat1) <- list(mpg = "Miles Per Gallon",
#'                      cyl = "Cylinders",
#'                      disp = "Displacement")
#' # Copy labels from dat1 to dat2
#' dat2 <- copy.attributes(dat1, dat2)
#' # View results
#' labels(dat2)
#' # $mpg
#' # [1] "Miles Per Gallon"
#' #
#' # $cyl
#' # [1] "Cylinders"
#' #
#' # $disp
#' # [1] "Displacement"
#' @export
copy.attributes <- function(source, target) {

  if (is.null(source)) {

    stop("Parameter 'source' cannot be null.")

  if (is.null(target)) {

    stop("Parameter 'target' cannot be null.")

  if (!"data.frame" %in% class(source)) {

    stop("Object 'source' must be a data.frame.")


  if (!"data.frame" %in% class(target)) {

    stop("Object 'target' must be a data.frame.")


  if (!ncol(source) > 0) {
    stop("Object 'source' must have at least one column.")


  if (!ncol(target) > 0) {
    stop("Object 'target' must have at least one column.")


  ret <- target

  for (nm in names(target)) {

    att <- attributes(source[[nm]])
    if (!is.null(att)) {

      for (at in names(att)) {

        # Don't break factors
        if ("factor" %in% class(ret[[nm]]) & at == "levels") {

          if (length(att[[at]]) ==  length(attr(ret[[nm]], at)))
            attr(ret[[nm]], at) <- att[[at]]

        } else {

          attr(ret[[nm]], at) <- att[[at]]


# Changed Functions -------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Identify changed values
#' @description The \code{changed} function identifies changes in a vector or
#' data frame.  The function is used to locate grouping boundaries. It will
#' return a TRUE each time the current value is different from the previous
#' value.  The \code{changed} function is similar to the Base R \code{duplicated}
#' function, except the \code{changed} function will return TRUE even if
#' the changed value is not unique.
#' @details
#' For a data frame,
#' by default, the function will return another data frame with an equal
#' number of change indicator columns. The column names
#' will be the original column names, with a ".changed" suffix.
#' To collapse
#' the multiple change indicators into one vector, use the "simplify" option.
#' In this case, the returned vector will essentially be an "or" operation
#' across all columns.
#' @param x A vector of values in which to identify changed values.
#' Also accepts a data frame. In the case of a data frame, the function
#' will use all columns. Input data can be any data type.
#' @param reverse Reverse the direction of the scan to identify the last
#' value in a group instead of the first.
#' @param simplify If the input data to the function is a data frame,
#' the simplify option will return a single vector of indicator values
#' instead of a data frame of indicator values.
#' @returns A vector of TRUE or FALSE values indicating the grouping boundaries
#' of the vector or data frame.  If the input data is a data frame and the
#' "simplify" parameter is FALSE, the return value will be a data frame
#' of logical vectors describing changed values for each column.
#' @examples
#' # Create sample vector
#' v1 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1)
#' # Identify changed values
#' res1 <- changed(v1)
#' # View results
#' res1
#' # Create sample data frame
#' v2 <- c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B")
#' dat <- data.frame(v1, v2)
#' # View original data frame
#' dat
#' #    v1 v2
#' # 1   1  A
#' # 2   1  A
#' # 3   1  A
#' # 4   2  A
#' # 5   2  A
#' # 6   3  A
#' # 7   3  B
#' # 8   3  B
#' # 9   1  B
#' # 10  1  B
#' # Get changed values for each column
#' res2 <- changed(dat)
#' # View results
#' res2
#' #    v1.changed v2.changed
#' # 1        TRUE       TRUE
#' # 2       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 3       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 4        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 5       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 6        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 7       FALSE       TRUE
#' # 8       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 9        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 10      FALSE      FALSE
#' # Get changed values for all columns
#' res3 <- changed(dat, simplify = TRUE)
#' # View results
#' res3
#' # Get last items in each group instead of first
#' res4 <- changed(dat, reverse = TRUE)
#' # View results
#' res4
#' #    v1.changed v2.changed
#' # 1       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 2       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 3        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 4       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 5        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 6       FALSE       TRUE
#' # 7       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 8        TRUE      FALSE
#' # 9       FALSE      FALSE
#' # 10       TRUE       TRUE
#' @export
changed <- function(x, reverse = FALSE, simplify = FALSE) {

  ret <- NULL

  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (is.data.frame(x)) {

      retv <- list()

      for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {

        retv[[i]] <- changedv(x[[i]], reverse)

      ret <- as.data.frame(retv)
      names(ret) <- paste0(names(x), ".changed")

      if (simplify) {
        ret <- collapsedf(ret)

    } else {

      ret <- changedv(x, reverse)



# Vector version
changedv <- function(x, reverse = FALSE) {

  vect <- x
  if (reverse == TRUE) {

    vect <- rev(x)

  # Create lag vector
  if (length(vect) > 1) {
    vect_lag <- c(NA, vect[seq(1, length(vect) - 1)])
  } else {
    vect_lag <- c(NA)

  # Identify changes
  ret<- ifelse(compint(vect, vect_lag), FALSE, TRUE)

  ret[1] <- TRUE

  if (reverse == TRUE) {

    ret <- rev(ret)


compint <- Vectorize(function(x, y) {

  ret <- FALSE

  if (all(is.na(x) & is.na(y))) {
    ret <- TRUE
  } else if (all(is.na(x) | is.na(y))) {

    ret <- FALSE

  } else if (all(x == y)) {

    ret <- TRUE



collapsedf <- function(df) {

  ret <- df

  if (!is.null(df)) {

    if (length(df) > 1) {

      ret <- df[[1]]
      for (i in seq(2, length(df))) {

        ret <- collapse(ret, df[[i]])




collapse <- function(x, y) {

  ret <- x | y



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