
#' @title Conditional tour; a tour through sections in data space
#' @description Whereas \code{\link{ceplot}} allows the user to interactively
#'   choose sections to visualise, \code{condtour} allows the user to pre-select
#'   all sections to visualise, order them, and cycle through them one by one.
#'   ']' key advances the tour, and '[' key goes back. Can adjust
#'   \code{threshold} for the current section visualisation with ',' and '.'
#'   keys.
#' @param data A dataframe.
#' @param model A fitted model object, or a list of such objects.
#' @param path A dataframe, describing the sections to take. Basically a
#'   dataframe with its \code{colnames} being \code{conditionvars}.
#' @param response Character name of response variable in \code{data}.
#' @param sectionvars Character name(s) of variables in \code{data} on which to
#'   take sections.
#' @param conditionvars Character name(s) of variables in \code{data} on which
#'   to condition.
#' @param threshold Threshold distance. Observed data which are a distance
#'   greater than \code{threshold} from the current section are not visible.
#'   Passed to \code{\link{similarityweight}}.
#' @param lambda A constant to multiply by number of factor mismatches in
#'   constructing a general dissimilarity measure. If left \code{NULL}, behaves
#'   as though \code{lambda} is set greater than \code{threshold}, and so only
#'   observations whose factor levels match the current section are visible.
#'   Passed to \code{\link{similarityweight}}.
#' @param distance The type of distance measure to use, either
#'   \code{"euclidean"} (default) or \code{"maxnorm"}.
#' @param view3d Logical; if \code{TRUE}, plots a three-dimensional regression
#'   surface when possible.
#' @param Corder Character name for method of ordering conditioning variables.
#'   See \code{\link{arrangeC}}.
#' @param conf Logical; if \code{TRUE}, plots confidence bounds or equivalent
#'   when possible.
#' @param col Colour for observed data points.
#' @param pch Plot symbols for observed data points.
#' @param xsplotpar Plotting parameters for section visualisation as a list,
#'   passed to \code{\link{plotxs}}. Not used.
#' @param modelpar Plotting parameters for models as a list, passed to
#'   \code{\link{plotxs}}. Not used.
#' @param xcplotpar Plotting parameters for condition selector plots as a list,
#'   passed to \code{\link{plotxc}}. Can specify \code{cex.axis}, \code{cex.lab}
#'   , \code{tck}, \code{col} for highlighting current section, \code{cex}.
#' @return Produces a set of interactive plots. One device displays the current
#'   section. A second device shows the the current section in the space of the
#'   conditioning predictors given by \code{conditionvars}. A third device shows
#'   some simple diagnostic plots; one to show approximately how much data are
#'   visible on each section, and another to show what proportion of data are
#'   \emph{visited} by the tour.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceplot}}, \code{\link{similarityweight}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(powerplant)
#' library(e1071)
#' model <- svm(PE ~ ., data = powerplant)
#' path <- makepath(powerplant[-5], 25)
#' condtour(data = powerplant, model = model, path = path$path,
#'   sectionvars = "AT")
#' data(wine)
#' wine$Class <- as.factor(wine$Class)
#' library(e1071)
#' model5 <- list(svm(Class ~ ., data = wine))
#' conditionvars1 <- setdiff(colnames(wine), c("Class", "Hue", "Flavanoids"))
#' path <- makepath(wine[, conditionvars1], 50)
#' condtour(data = wine, model = model5, path = path$path, sectionvars = c("Hue"
#'   , "Flavanoids"), threshold = 3)

condtour <-
function(data, model, path, response = NULL, sectionvars = NULL, conditionvars =
  NULL, threshold = NULL, lambda = NULL, distance = c("euclidean", "maxnorm"),
  view3d = FALSE, Corder = "default", conf = FALSE, col = "black", pch = NULL,
  xsplotpar = NULL, modelpar = NULL, xcplotpar = NULL)
  ## Rename for internal

  S <- sectionvars
  C <- conditionvars
  sigma <- threshold

  ## Check for optional inputs

  cex.axis <- xcplotpar$cex.axis
  cex.lab <- xcplotpar$cex.lab
  tck <- xcplotpar$tck
  select.colour <- if (is.null(xcplotpar$col))
  else xcplotpar$col
  select.cex <- if (is.null(xcplotpar$select.cex))
  else xcplotpar$select.cex

  ## Set up interactive functions for mousemove, mouseclick and keystroke.

  xold <- NULL
  yold <- NULL
  mousemove <- function ()
    function (buttons, x, y)

      ## Rotate 3-D perspective plot from plotxs.

      if (all(findInterval(x, xscoords[1:2]) == 1, identical(
        xsplot$plot.type, "ccc"), xsplot$view3d, 0 %in% buttons)){
        if (!is.null(xold))
          xsplot <<- update(xsplot, theta3d = xsplot$theta3d + 1 * (xold > x)
            - 1 * (xold < x), phi3d = xsplot$phi3d + 1 * (yold > y) - 1 * (
            yold < y), xs.grid = xsplot$xs.grid, prednew = xsplot$prednew)
        xold <<- x
        yold <<- y
  mouseclick <- function ()
    function (buttons, x, y)
      if (0 %in% buttons){

        ## Clicking the mouse advances the tour by one.

        pathindex <<- max(min(pathindex + 1, max(pathindexrange)), min(
        applot <<- update(applot, pathindex = pathindex)
        xc.cond[, colnames(path)] <<- path[pathindex, , drop = FALSE]
        xsplot <<- update(xsplot, xc.cond = xc.cond, weights = k[pathindex, ])
        for (i in seq_along(C)){
          xcplots[[i]] <<- update(xcplots[[i]], xc.cond = path[pathindex,
        vw$sigma <<- threshold
  keystroke <- function ()
    function (key)

      ## 'q' key ends the interactive session.

      if (identical(key, "q")){
        cat("\nInteractive session ended.\n")

      ## Arrow keys rotate a 3-D perspective plot from plotxs.

      if (identical(xsplot$plot.type, "ccc") & xsplot$view3d &
        key %in% c("Up", "Down", "Left", "Right")){
        xsplot <<- update(xsplot, theta3d = xsplot$theta3d - 2 * (key == "Right"
          ) + 2 * (key == "Left"), phi3d = xsplot$phi3d - 2 * (key == "Up") + 2
          * (key == "Down"), xs.grid = xsplot$xs.grid, prednew = xsplot$prednew)

      ## '[' and ']' reverse and advance the tour respectively.

      if (key %in% c("[", "]")){
        pathindex <<- max(min(pathindex + 1 * (key == "]") - 1 * (key == "["),
          max(pathindexrange)), min(pathindexrange))
        applot <<- update(applot, pathindex = pathindex)
        xc.cond[, colnames(path)] <<- path[pathindex, , drop = FALSE]
        xsplot <<- update(xsplot, xc.cond = xc.cond, weights = k[pathindex, ])
        for (i in seq_along(C)){
          xcplots[[i]] <<- update(xcplots[[i]], xc.cond = path[pathindex,
        vw$sigma <<- threshold

      ## ',' and '.' decrease and increase the threshold distance used for
      ## similarity weight.

      if (key %in% c(",", ".")){
        sigma <- vw$sigma + 0.01 * vw$sigma * (key == ".") - 0.01 * vw$sigma *
          (key == ",")
        vw <<- vwfun(xc.cond = path[pathindex, ], sigma = sigma, distance =
          vw$distance, lambda = lambda)
        xsplot <<- update(xsplot, weights = vw$k, xs.grid = xsplot$xs.grid,
          newdata = xsplot$newdata, prednew = xsplot$prednew)

      ## Save a snapshot.

      if (key %in% c("s")){
        filename <- paste("snapshot_", gsub(":", ".", gsub(" ", "_",
          Sys.time())), c("-expectation.pdf", "-condition.pdf",
          "-diagnostics.pdf"), sep = "")

        ## Snapshot of section.

        pdf(filename[1], height = 6, width = 6)
        close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
        xsscreens <- if (plotlegend){
          split.screen(figs = matrix(c(0, 1 - legendwidth, 1 - legendwidth, 1, 0, 0, 1
            , 1), ncol = 4))
        } else split.screen()
        if (plotlegend){
          xslegend(data[, response], colnames(data)[response])
        par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
        xsplot <- plotxs(xs = data[, S, drop = FALSE], data[, response, drop =
          FALSE], xc.cond = xc.cond, model = model, weights = k[pathindex, ],
          col = col, view3d = view3d, conf = conf, pch = pch, model.colour =
          modelpar$col, model.lwd = modelpar$lwd, model.lty = modelpar$lty, main
          = xsplotpar$main, xlim = xsplotpar$xlim, ylim = xsplotpar$ylim)
        cat(paste("\nSnapshot saved: '", filename[1L],"'", sep = ""))

        ## Snapshot of condition plots.

        pdf(filename[2L], width = 2 * n.selector.cols, height = 2 *
        close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
        xcscreens <- split.screen(c(n.selector.rows, n.selector.cols))
        for (i in seq_along(C)){
          xcplots[[i]] <- plotxc(xc = data[, C[[i]]], xc.cond = path[pathindex,
            C[[i]]], name = C[[i]], select.colour = select.colour, hist2d =
          coords[i, ] <- par("fig")
        cat(paste("\nSnapshot saved: '", filename[2L],"'", sep = ""))

        ## Snapshot of diagnostic plots.

        pdf(filename[3L], width = 4, height = 6)
        close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
        diagscreens <- split.screen(c(2, 1))
        par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
        plotmaxk(apply(k, 2, max))
        par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
        plotap(k, pathindex = pathindex)
        cat(paste("\nSnapshot saved: '", filename[3L],"'", sep = ""))

  ## Set up variable default values etc.

  data <- na.omit(data)
  model <- if (!identical(class(model), "list"))
  else model
  model.name <- if (!is.null(names(model)))
  else NULL
  varnamestry <- try(getvarnames(model[[1]]), silent = TRUE)
  response <- if (is.null(response))
    if (class(varnamestry) != "try-error")
      which(colnames(data) == varnamestry$response[1])
    else stop("could not extract response from 'model'.")
  else if (is.character(response))
    which(colnames(data) == response)
    else response

  ## Set up conditioning predictors.

  ## Hierarchy for specifying C
  ##   1. If user supplies list, use that exactly (maybe chop length).
  ##   2. If user supplies vector, use that but order/group it.
  ##   3. If user supplies nothing, try to extract from model, then order.
  ##   4. Else bung in everything from the data that isn't 'response' or 'S' and
  ##        then try to order that and show the top 20.

  if (is.list(C)){
    C <- C[1:min(length(C), 20L)]
  } else if (is.vector(C)){
    C <- arrangeC(data[, setdiff(C, S), drop = FALSE], method = Corder)
  } else if (!inherits(varnamestry, "try-error")){
    possibleC <- unique(unlist(lapply(lapply(model, getvarnames), `[[`, 2)))
    C <- arrangeC(data[, setdiff(intersect(possibleC, colnames(data)), S), drop
      = FALSE], method = Corder)
  } else {
    C <- arrangeC(data[, setdiff(colnames(data), c(S, response)), drop = FALSE],
      method = Corder)
  C <- C[1:min(length(C), 20L)]
  uniqC <- unique(unlist(C))
  #C <- uniqC

  threshold <- if (is.null(threshold))
  else threshold

  ## Set up col so it is a vector with length equal to nrow(data). Default pch
  ## to 1, or 21 for using background colour to represent observed values.

  nr.data <- nrow(data)
  col <- rep(col, length.out = nr.data)
  pch <- if (is.null(pch)){
    if (identical(length(S), 2L))
      rep(21, nr.data)
    else rep(1, nr.data)
  } else rep(pch, length.out = nr.data)

  distance <- match.arg(distance)
  pathindex <- 1
  pathindexrange <- c(1, nrow(path))
  xc.cond <- data[, setdiff(colnames(data), c(S, response))]
  xc.cond[, colnames(path)] <- path[pathindex, , drop = FALSE]
  if (any(response %in% uniqC))
    stop("cannot have 'response' variable in 'C'")
  if (any(response %in% S))
    stop("cannot have 'response' variable in 'S'")
  if (!identical(length(intersect(S, uniqC)), 0L))
    stop("cannot have variables common to both 'S' and 'C'")
  xcplots <- list()
  coords <- matrix(ncol = 4L, nrow = length(C))
  plotlegend <- length(S) == 2
  n.selector.cols <- ceiling(length(C) / 4L)
  selector.colwidth <- 2
  height <- 8
  width <- height + 0.5 * plotlegend

  ## Calculate the similarity weights for the entire tour.

  vwfun <- .similarityweight(xc = data[, colnames(path), drop = FALSE])
  vw <- list(sigma = threshold, distance =
    distance, lambda = lambda)

  k <- matrix(nrow = nrow(path), ncol = nrow(data), dimnames = list(rownames(
    path), rownames(data)))
  for (i in 1:nrow(path)){
    k[i, ] <- do.call(vwfun, list(xc.cond = path[i, , drop = FALSE], sigma =
      threshold, distance = distance, lambda = lambda))$k

  ## Do section visualisation.

  opendev(width = width, height = height)
  devexp <- dev.cur()
  close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
  legendwidth <- 1.15 / height
  xsscreens <- if (plotlegend){
    split.screen(figs = matrix(c(0, 1 - legendwidth, 1 - legendwidth, 1, 0, 0, 1
      , 1), ncol = 4))
  } else split.screen()
  if (plotlegend){
    xslegend(data[, response], colnames(data)[response])
  par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
  xsplot <- plotxs(xs = data[, S, drop = FALSE], data[, response, drop = FALSE]
    , xc.cond = xc.cond, model = model, weights = k[pathindex, ], col = col,
    view3d = view3d, conf = conf, pch = pch, model.colour = modelpar$col,
    model.lwd = modelpar$lwd, model.lty = modelpar$lty, main = xsplotpar$main,
    xlim = xsplotpar$xlim, ylim = xsplotpar$ylim)
  xscoords <- par("fig")
    onMouseMove = mousemove(),
    onKeybd = keystroke())

  ## Do diagnostic plots.

  opendev(width = 4, height = 6)
  devdiag <- dev.cur()
  close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
  diagscreens <- split.screen(c(2, 1))
  par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
  plotmaxk(apply(k, 2, max))
  par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
  applot <- plotap(k)
    onMouseDown = mouseclick(),
    onKeybd = keystroke())

  ## Do condition plots, so we can see where we are in the data space.

  xcwidth <- selector.colwidth * n.selector.cols
  n.selector.rows <- ceiling(length(C) / n.selector.cols)
  xcheight <- selector.colwidth * n.selector.rows
  opendev(width = xcwidth, height = xcheight)
  devcond <- dev.cur()
  close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
  xcscreens <- split.screen(c(n.selector.rows, n.selector.cols))
  for (i in seq_along(C)){
    xcplots[[i]] <- plotxc(xc = data[, C[[i]]], xc.cond = path[pathindex,
      C[[i]]], name = C[[i]], select.colour = select.colour, hist2d =
    coords[i, ] <- par("fig")

    onMouseDown = mouseclick(),
    onKeybd = keystroke())

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condvis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.