
Defines functions isCqConverged getCqLongLabs getCqFit getCqParams getCqTerms getCqVars summariseCqChain getCqChain getCqHist createConQuestProject findConQuestExe transformPvs searchConQuestSys zapSystemMissing zapNulls readCharSafe

Documented in createConQuestProject findConQuestExe getCqChain getCqFit getCqHist getCqLongLabs getCqParams getCqTerms getCqVars isCqConverged readCharSafe searchConQuestSys summariseCqChain transformPvs zapNulls zapSystemMissing

# required helper functions

#' @title readCharSafe
#' @description reads `n` bytes as raw from a binary connection.
#'     Removes any embedded nuls, replacing them with `replace`.
#' @param con A file connection - usually a binary file.
#' @param n The number of bytes to read.
#' @param replace a character to replace embedded nulls with.
#' @return character vector.
#' @keywords internal
readCharSafe <- function(con, n, replace = " ") {
    tS <- readBin(con = con, what = "raw", n = n)
    if (any(tS == as.raw(0))) {
        tS <- charToRaw(paste0(rep(replace, n), collapse = ""))
    tS <- rawToChar(tS)

#' @title zapNulls
#' @description Zaps NULL values embedded in ConQuest data objects.
#' @param x a data frame.
#' @return x.
#' @keywords internal
zapNulls <- function(x) {
  x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA

#' @title zapSystemMissing
#' @description Coerce ConQuest system missing values to NA. Note this is very slow and users should use the internal 
#'   function conquestr::replaceInDataFrame where possible.
#' @param x a data frame.
#' @return x
#' @keywords internal
zapSystemMissing <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
    stop("x must be a data.frame")
  } else {
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {

      # if column is not numeric
      if (!inherits(x[[i]], "numeric")) {
      } else {
        for (j in seq_along(x[[i]])) {
          # this is the required level of precision to get this to return true, -1.797693e+308 will return FALSE
          if (all.equal(x[[i]][j], -1.7976931348e+308) == TRUE) {
            x[[i]][j] <- NA
          } else {

#' @title searchConQuestSys
#' @description Search for object names within a ConQuest System file object.
#' @param searchString A string to search within the names of mySys.
#' @param mySys An 'ACER ConQuest' system file object created using the conquestr::ConQuestSys function.
#' @param value Should searchConQuestSys return the name of the object or its index.
#' @param ignore.case Should searchConQuestSys ignore the case of the search term.
#' @return a string including object names mathching the search term
searchConQuestSys <- function(searchString, mySys, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE) {

  if (!("conQuestSysFile" %in% class(mySys))) {
    stop("mySys must be an 'ACER ConQuest' system file object created using the conquestr::ConQuestSys function")
  } else {
    x <- grep(searchString, names(mySys), value = value, ignore.case = ignore.case)

#' @title transformPvs
#' @description Helper function to Transform PVs onto a new metric
#'     (e.g., PISA Mean = 500, SD = 100).
#'     Uses the method described in the PISA 2012 technical manual.
#' @param x A concatenated vector of varnames in data, PV1, PV2, ..., PVm.
#' @param mT The desired mean of the PVs
#' @param sdT The desired sd of the PVs
#' @param weights The name of the weight variable in 'data' used to
#'     caulculate the mean and SD accross the PVs
#' @param data The data frame that contains the PVs and weights.
#' @param addToDf A Boolean, if TRUE, the transformed PVs are coerced
#'     into the DF, data, with name data$x_T (not yet implmented).
#' @param debug A temporary flag to spit-out objects to global env for chekcing.
#'     Will be removed when pushed to CRAN
#' @return a List of transofrmed PVs with as many elements as PVs were listed in 'x'.
transformPvs <- function(x, mT = 0, sdT = 1, weights, data, addToDf = FALSE, debug = TRUE) {
  # setup
  results <- list()
  pvDataList <- list()
  weightDataList <- list()
  m <- length(x)
  dataName <- deparse(substitute(data)) # name of data frame

  # put the PVs and weights in a list to calculate the pooled mean and var
  i <- 1
  for (pv in x) {
    # add cehcking that i is less than m
    pvDataList[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0(dataName, "$", pv)))
    weightDataList[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0(dataName, "$", weights)))
    pvData <- unlist(pvDataList)
    pvWeights <- unlist(weightDataList)
    i <- i + 1

  if (debug == TRUE) {
    # tmpCheckMe<<- pvDataList
    print("object tmpCheckMe added to global envrionemt for debugging")

  # calc mean and var pooled over PVs
  pvM <- stats::weighted.mean(pvData, pvWeights)
  pvVar <- (sum(pvWeights) / (sum(pvWeights)^2 - sum(pvWeights^2))) * sum(pvWeights * (pvData - pvM)^2)
  pvSd <- sqrt(pvVar)

  # use values to create tranformed PVs in results
  # such that PV_Ti = A × PV_Ui + B, where T = transformed, U = untransofrmed,PV = verctor of all PVs combined
  # SD = desired SD
  # M = desired mean
  # A = SD/sd(PV), B = M - A*mean(PV_U)
  myA <- sdT/pvSd
  myB <- mT - myA* pvM
  i <- 1
  for (pv in x) {
    results[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0(myA, "*", dataName, "$", pv, "+", myB)))
    i <- i + 1

  # results["pvM"] <- pvM
  # results["pvVar"] <- pvVar
  # results["pvSd"] <- pvSd


#' @title findConQuestExe
#' @description Searches in common insall paths to find ConQuest executable.
#' This is called by `ConQuestCall` when no executable is passed explicitly.
#' @return Char with path to ConQuest executable.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' findConQuestExe()
#' }
findConQuestExe <- function() {
  message("no path to ConQuest Executable provided: searching common install locations.")
  # FIRST we look for a folder (not recursive) that has the string ConQuest in it in commonInstallLocs
  # then we loop through each and is we find a possible folder, we search recusrively for a file called
  #  ConQuest and see if it is an exe
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    commonInstallLocs <- c(
      # normalizePath(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "..", "Desktop")),

  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
    commonInstallLocs <- c(
        file.path("", "Applications"),
        file.path("~", "Applications"),
        file.path("~", "Desktop"),
        file.path("~", "Downloads")

  } else {
    commonInstallLocs <- c("/") # placeholder for Linux
  for (path1 in commonInstallLocs) {
    mytmp <- list.dirs(path1, recursive = FALSE)
    mytmp <- mytmp[grep("conquest", mytmp, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if (length(mytmp) == 0) {
      message(paste0("searched in ", path1, ". No ConQuest directory found"))
    } else {
      for (dir in mytmp) {
        myFiles <- list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "ConQuest",  full.names=TRUE)
        if (length(myFiles) == 0) {
          message(paste0("searched in ", dir, ". No ConQuest executable found"))
        } else {
          for (myFile in myFiles) {
            if (file.access(myFile, 1) == 0) { # file.access, mode = 1 (execute), 0 = TRUE, -1 FAIL
                  "found executable ", normalizePath(myFile, mustWork = FALSE), 
                  ". This will be used to try to call ACER ConQuest"
              if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") myFile <- normalizePath(myFile, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
          message(paste0("searched in", dir, ". No ConQuest executable found"))
  stop("No executable found: you must specify where the ConQuest executable is. This error is fatal")

#' @title createConQuestProject
#' @description creates a standard folder structure to work with 'ACER ConQuest' Projects.
#' @param prefix a valid file path where to create project folders.
#' @param ... optional params, including "setDebug"
#' @return Boolean TRUE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createConQuestProject()
#' }
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
createConQuestProject <- function(prefix = getwd(), ...) {
  # debug
  myDebug <- FALSE
  setDebug <- FALSE
  if (hasArg(setDebug)) {
    myArgs <- c(...) # have to get the optional arguments first!
    myDebug <- myArgs["setDebug"]

  if (is.null(prefix)) stop("prefix must be a valid dir") # mostly in case getwd() returns NULL (e.g.., if you delete your wd)

  # print message
  message(paste("creating project folders in ", prefix))

  # create alist of file paths to create
  myFilePathsList <- list()

  myFilePathsVec <- c(
    file.path("syntax", "R"),
    file.path("syntax", "cq"),
    file.path("input", "labels"),
    file.path("input", "params"),
    file.path("input", "params", "xsi"),
    file.path("input", "params", "tau"),
    file.path("input", "params", "sigma"),
    file.path("input", "params", "beta"),
    file.path("output", "show"),
    file.path("output", "itanal"),
    file.path("output", "plot"),
    file.path("output", "params"),
    file.path("output", "params", "xsi"),
    file.path("output", "params", "tau"),
    file.path("output", "params", "sigma"),
    file.path("output", "params", "beta"),
    file.path("output", "cases"),
    file.path("output", "log"),
    file.path("output", "resdiuals"),
    file.path("output", "history"),

  if (prefix == getwd()) {
    # put paths in a list
    for (myFilePath in myFilePathsVec) {
      if (myDebug) print(myFilePath)
      myFilePathsList[[myFilePath]] <- myFilePath
  } else {
    # put paths in a list with the prefix in front
    for (myFilePath in myFilePathsVec) {
      tmpPath <- file.path(prefix, myFilePath)
      myFilePathsList[[myFilePath]] <- tmpPath

  # create dirs
  for (i in seq_along(myFilePathsList)) {
    if (myDebug) {
    dir.create(myFilePathsList[[i]], recursive = TRUE)



#' @title getCqHist
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the iteration history for all parameters.
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqHist(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqHist <- function(myCqs) {

  IterHistTmp <- data.frame(
    RunNo = unlist(myCqs$gHistory$RunNo),
    Iter = unlist(myCqs$gHistory$Iter),
    Likelihood = unlist(myCqs$gHistory$Likelihood)

  IterHistTmp <- replaceInDataFrame(IterHistTmp, -1.797693e+308, NA)

# todo - clear NA liklihoods for JML

  ParamTypesTmp <- c("Beta", "Variance", "Xsi", "Tau", "RanTermVariance")
  histList <- list()
  history <- list()
  history[["Liklihood"]] <- IterHistTmp

  # iterate over each param type and unlist into a named list
  for (paramType in ParamTypesTmp) {
    # which lists in gHistory are we working with?
    whichParam <- as.logical(match(names(myCqs$gHistory), paramType, nomatch = 0)) 
    # Deal with "Xsi" , "Tau", "RanTermVariance"
    # beta is special case, 1 row per dim, var is special case, 
    # (1,1); (1,2), ... , (1,gNDim), ... , (2, 1), ... (gNDim, gNDim)
    if (paramType != "Beta" & paramType != "Variance")
      histList[[paramType]] <- unlist(myCqs$gHistory[whichParam])
      history[[paramType]] <- as.data.frame(
          nrow = length(IterHistTmp$Iter),
          byrow = TRUE
      names(history[[paramType]]) <- paste0(paramType, 1:ncol(history[[paramType]])) # add names based on param type
    # Deal with Betas
    if (paramType == "Beta") # beta is special case, each entry has 1 row per dim
      myIter <- length(IterHistTmp$Iter) # length because iters may recycle over RunNo
      for (iter in seq(myIter))
        myBetaIter <- unlist(myCqs$gHistory[[paramType]][[iter]])
        myBetaVec <- vector()
        for (i in seq(myCqs$gNDim))
          for (j in seq(myCqs$gNReg))
            myBetaVec <- c(myBetaVec, myBetaIter[i,j])
        if (iter == 1)
          myBetaMatrix <- myBetaVec
        } else
          myBetaMatrix <- rbind(myBetaMatrix, myBetaVec)
      history[[paramType]] <- as.data.frame(myBetaMatrix)
      # add names based on param type
      names(history[[paramType]]) <- paste0(paramType, "_Est", 1:myCqs$gNReg, "_D", rep(1:myCqs$gNDim, each = myCqs$gNReg)) 
    # Deal with Variance
    # var is special case, (1,1); (1,2), ... , (1,gNDim), ... , (2, 1), ... (gNDim, gNDim)
    if (paramType == "Variance")
      myIter <- length(IterHistTmp$Iter) # length because iters may recycle over RunNo
      for (iter in seq(myIter))
        myVarIter <- unlist(myCqs$gHistory[[paramType]][[iter]])
        # get Variances
        myVariances <- diag(myVarIter)
        # get covars (only use in length myCovars > 0)
        myCovars <- myVarIter[lower.tri(myVarIter)]
        myVarIter <- c(myVariances, myCovars)
        if (iter == 1)
          myVarMatrix <- myVarIter
        } else
          myVarMatrix <- rbind(myVarMatrix, myVarIter)
      history[[paramType]] <- as.data.frame(myVarMatrix)
      myVarNames <- paste0(paramType, "_D", 1:myCqs$gNDim)
      if (length(myCovars) > 0)
        # if there are covariances, lets use the indices of the var-covar matrix as names
        tmpMat <- unlist(myCqs$gHistory[[paramType]][[1]]) # grab the first var-covar matrix
        myCovarInd <- matrix(which(lower.tri(tmpMat), arr.ind=T), ncol = 2)
        myCovarInd <- myCovarInd[order(myCovarInd[ , 1]) , ]
        if (!is.null(nrow(myCovarInd))) # is there more than 1 covariance?
          myCovarIndTxt <- apply(myCovarInd,1,paste,collapse="")
        } else
          myCovarIndTxt <- paste(myCovarInd,collapse="")
        myCovarNames <- paste0("Co", tolower(paramType), myCovarIndTxt)
        myVarNames <- c(myVarNames, myCovarNames)
      names(history[[paramType]])<- myVarNames # add names based on param type
    history[[paramType]] <- replaceInDataFrame(history[[paramType]], -1.797693e+308, NA)
  # concat list into single DF
  myHistoryDf <- Reduce(cbind, history)
  row.names(myHistoryDf) <- NULL

#' @title getCqChain
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the estimation chain from an MCMC model.
#' The burn is discarded and only the unskipped itterations in MCMC chain are retained.
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqChain(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqChain <- function(myCqs) {
  if (!myCqs$gIntegrationMethod %in% c(7:8)) stop("getCqHist is for models using MCMC integration only, try getCqHist instead")
  tmpHist <- getCqHist(myCqs)
  tmpBurn <- myCqs$gBurn
  if (tmpBurn > 0)
    # "myHist$Iter[1] == 0" checks that iter 1 is the first burn iteration,
    # and that this function hasnt been called multiple times
    tmpBurn <- tmpBurn+1 # note that gBurn is 1-offset, and iter is 0-offset
    if (tmpHist$Iter[1] == 0) tmpHist <- tmpHist[ -c(1:tmpBurn), ]
  tmpHist <- tmpHist[ , -c(grep("^Iter", names(tmpHist))) ]

#' @title summariseCqChain
#' @description takes a data frame created by getCqChain and returns a list reporting the mean and variaince for each parameter
#' @param myChain A data frame returned from getCqChain.
#' @return A list.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' summariseCqChain(getCqChain(ConQuestSys()))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats var
summariseCqChain <- function(myChain)
  mySummary <- list()

  tmp <- as.data.frame(colMeans(myChain))
  names(tmp)<- c("est")
  mySummary[["mean"]] <- tmp

  tmp <- as.data.frame(sapply(myChain, var)) # manual alg. (sum(myHist$Xsi1^2) - (sum(myHist$Xsi1)^2) / length(myHist$Xsi1)) / (length(myHist$Xsi1) - 1)
  names(tmp)<- c("est")
  mySummary[["var"]] <- tmp


#' @title getCqVars
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the variables in the model statement.
#'     Note that steps are not variables.
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqVars(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqVars <- function(myCqs) {
  myVars <- data.frame(
    VariableType = c(rep("E", length(myCqs$gModelVariables[[1]])), rep("I", length(myCqs$gModelVariables[[2]]))),
    VariableNumber = unlist(myCqs$gModelVariables),
    VariableLevels = unlist(myCqs$gLevel),
    row.names = NULL

#' @title getCqTerms
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the terms of the model statement, including interactions.
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqTerms(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqTerms <- function(myCqs) {
  termList <- list()
  tmpVars <- getCqVars(myCqs)

  for (term in seq_len(length(myCqs$gTerms))) {
    stepInvolved <- any(unlist(myCqs$gTerms[[term]][c("VariableNumber", "VariableType")]) == 2) # does this term involve steps?
    thisVarType <- unlist(myCqs$gTerms[[term]][c("VariableType")])
    termList[[term]] <-data.frame(
      # what variables are involved in this term matrix(unlist(myGroupSys$gTerms[[4]][c("VariableNumber", "VariableType")]), ncol = 2)
      VariableNumber = unlist(myCqs$gTerms[[term]][c("VariableNumber")]),
      VariableType = ifelse (thisVarType == 0, "I", ifelse(thisVarType == 1, "E", "S")),
      TermNumber = term,
      TermSign = unlist(myCqs$gTerms[[term]]["Sign"]),
      TermLabel = unlist(myCqs$gTerms[[term]]["Label"]),
      TermStepInvolved = stepInvolved,
      row.names = NULL

  termDf <- do.call("rbind", termList)
  # termDf <- merge(termDf, tmpVars, by.x = c("VariableNumber", "VariableType"), by.y = c("VariableNumber", "VariableType"), all.x = TRUE)

#' @title getCqParams
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the parameters of the model, 
#'   including both estimated, constrained, and anchored parameters.
#' @param sysFile An ACER ConQuest system file read into R using conquestr::ConQuestSys.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqParams(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqParams <- function(sysFile) {

  isDebug <- FALSE
  # check sysfile is okay
  defaultSys <- FALSE
  if (missing(sysFile)) {
    sysFile <- conquestr::ConQuestSys()
    defaultSys <- TRUE
  sysFileOk(sysFile, defaultSys)

  # checks
  if (sysFile$gPairWise) stop("pairwise is not yet supported") # actually don't know if this will work
  isFit <- sysFile$gIFit # is fit available?
  isSe <- sysFile$gStdError < 3 # bool SE is calculated, 3 = none

  # get terms, and params associated with each term
  tmpNames <- c("ParamNumber", "ParamType")
  for (i in seq_along(sysFile$gTerms)) {
    tmp1 <- sysFile$gTerms[[i]]
    tmpParamNo <- unlist(tmp1$ParamNumber)
    tmpParamtype <- unlist(tmp1$ParamType)
    tmpResult <- as.data.frame(
      cbind(tmpParamNo, tmpParamtype)
    tmpResultL <- nrow(tmpResult)
    if (tmpResultL > 0) {
      names(tmpResult) <- tmpNames
      tmpResult$label <- tmp1$Label
      # there is a var type for each variable involved in the term
      tmpResult$variable_type <- paste0(unlist(tmp1$VariableType), collapse = ",")
      tmpResult$variable_number <- paste0(unlist(tmp1$VariableNumber), collapse = ",")
      if (i == 1) {
        tempTerms <- tmpResult
      } else
        tempTerms <- rbind(tempTerms, tmpResult)
    } else {
          " is defined in model statement but no parameters are associated with it"

  # See https://github.com/acerorg/ACER-ConQuest/issues/10
  tmpFlag <- length(unlist(sysFile$gParam)) %% 3
  if (tmpFlag > 0) {
    tmpDim <- 4
    tmpTrimReq <- TRUE
  } else {
    tmpDim <- 3
    tmpTrimReq <- FALSE

  if (isDebug) {
    print("got terms, and params associated with each term")
  # get param est values and associated info
  tmpNames <- c("gin_no", "step_involved", "sign") #, "constrained", "anchor")
  # est params or anchors
  tmpParams <- as.data.frame(
    matrix(unlist(sysFile$gParam), ncol = tmpDim, byrow = TRUE)
  if (tmpTrimReq) tmpParams <- tmpParams[ , 2:tmpDim]
  names(tmpParams) <- tmpNames
  tmpParams$constrained <- FALSE
  tmpParams$anchor <- unlist(sysFile$gXsiAnchor)
  tmpParams$xsi <- as.vector(unlist(sysFile$gXsi))
  tmpParams$se <- rep(NA, length(tmpParams$xsi))
  tmpCounter <- 1
  tmpErrVar <- as.vector(diag(sysFile$gDeriv2nd))
  if(length(tmpParams$xsi) == sysFile$gNXsiAnchors) {
    # nothing to do, all xsi anchored (no xsi params in model - no vars estimated either)
  } else {
    for (i in seq_along(unlist(sysFile$gXsiAnchor))) {
      if(!unlist(sysFile$gXsiAnchor)[i]) {
        tmpParams$se[i] <- tmpErrVar[tmpCounter]
        tmpCounter <- tmpCounter + 1
  tmpParams$se <- sqrt(tmpParams$se)

  if (length(sysFile$gParamConstrained) > 0) {
    tmpParamsCons <- as.data.frame(
      matrix(unlist(sysFile$gParamConstrained), ncol = tmpDim, byrow = TRUE)
    if (tmpTrimReq) tmpParamsCons <- tmpParamsCons[ , 2:tmpDim]
    names(tmpParamsCons) <- tmpNames
    tmpParamsCons$constrained <- TRUE
    tmpParamsCons$anchor <- FALSE
    tmpParamsCons$xsi <- NA
    tmpParamsCons$se <- NA
  } else {
   tmpParamsCons <- data.frame(
    gin_no = NULL,
    step_involved = NULL,
    sign = NULL,
    constrained = NULL,
    anchor = NULL,
    xsi = NULL,
    se = NULL

  # put params in same order as tempTerms
  tmpCount1 <- 1 # which unconstrained param to get
  tmpCount2 <- 1 # which constrained param to get

  myParams <- list()
  for (i in seq(length(tempTerms$ParamNumber))) {
    if (tempTerms$ParamType[i] == 0) { # unconstrained
      myParams[[i]] <- tmpParams[tmpCount1 , ]
      tmpCount1 <- tmpCount1 + 1
    } else if (tempTerms$ParamType[i] == 1) { # constrained
      myParams[[i]] <- tmpParamsCons[tmpCount2 , ]
      tmpCount2 <- tmpCount2 + 1
    } else
      stop("unknown param type encountered")

  for (i in seq(length(myParams))) {
    if (i == 1) {
      myParamsDf <- myParams[[i]]
    } else
      myParamsDf <- rbind(myParamsDf, myParams[[i]])

  myResult <- cbind(tempTerms, myParamsDf)


#' @title getCqFit
#' @description creates a data frame representation of the fit of parameters in the item reponse model
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqFit(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqFit <- function(myCqs) {
  if (!myCqs$gIFit) stop("fit has not been estimated")
  myTempNames <- data.frame(fitName = matrix(unlist(myCqs$gFitStatistics[[1]]), ncol = 1))
  myTempFits <-  matrix(unlist(myCqs$gFitStatistics[[2]]), nrow = length(myCqs$gFitStatistics[[2]]), byrow = TRUE)
  myTempFits <- data.frame(myTempFits)
  names(myTempFits)<- names(myCqs$gFitStatistics$Value[[1]])

  myFit <- cbind(myTempNames, myTempFits)

#' @title getCqLongLabs
#' @description returns a vector of long gin labels returns vector of length 0
#'  if there are no labels used (see command labels in conquest)
#' @param sysFile An ACER ConQuest system file read into R using conquestr::ConQuestSys.
#' @return A vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCqLongLabs(ConQuestSys())
#' }
getCqLongLabs <- function(sysFile) {
  # check sysfile is okay
  defaultSys <- FALSE
  if (missing(sysFile)) {
    sysFile <- conquestr::ConQuestSys()
    defaultSys <- TRUE
  sysFileOk(sysFile, defaultSys)


#' @title isCqConverged
#' @description returns true is the ConQuest model has converged normally (system file).
#' @param myCqs A system file.
#' @return A boolean.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' isCqConverged(ConQuestSys())
#' }
isCqConverged <- function(myCqs) {
  if (!"conQuestSysFile" %in% class(myCqs))
    stop("'mySys' must be a ConQuest system file object created by 'conquestr::ConQuestSys'")

  modConverged <- FALSE
  tmpHist <- getCqHist(myCqs)
  lastIter <- length(tmpHist$Iter)
  paramCriterion <- myCqs$gParameterConvCriterion
  devCriterion <- myCqs$gDevianceConvCriterion

  # Params
  lastParams <- tmpHist[lastIter, grep("^Lik", names(tmpHist))]
  lastParams <- lastParams[!is.na(lastParams)]
  prevParams <- tmpHist[lastIter - 1, grep("^Lik", names(tmpHist))]
  prevParams <- prevParams[!is.na(prevParams)]
  paramsConv <- all(abs(lastParams - prevParams) < paramCriterion)
  # Dev
  lastDev <- tmpHist[lastIter, grep("^Lik", names(tmpHist))]
  lastDev <- lastDev[!is.na(lastDev)]
  prevDev <- tmpHist[lastIter - 1, grep("^Lik", names(tmpHist))]
  prevDev <- prevDev[!is.na(prevDev)]
  devConv <- all(abs(lastDev - prevDev) < devCriterion)

  if (all(c(paramsConv, devConv))) modConverged <- TRUE


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conquestr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:02 p.m.