
### ../DESCRIPTION -- Collate:  want setClass() and setGeneric() first
### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    --------

## as we have ./Classes.R  ./AllClass.R  before this,
## currently, many setGeneric()s are there

##' A  (generic!) Function with methods to replace the 'fullname' slot :
setGeneric("describeCop", function(x, kind = c("short", "very short", "long"),
                                   prefix = "", ...)
    standardGeneric("describeCop"), signature = c("x", "kind"))

## This could go back to ./dC-dc.R  if all "dCdu" methods also go there
##                       ~~~~~~~~~
setGeneric("dCdu", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("dCdu"))
setGeneric("dCdtheta", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("dCdtheta"))
setGeneric("dlogcdu", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("dlogcdu"))
setGeneric("dlogcdtheta", function(copula, u, ...) standardGeneric("dlogcdtheta"))

setGeneric("fitCopula", function(copula, data, ...) standardGeneric("fitCopula"))

setGeneric("gofCopula", function(copula, x, ...) standardGeneric("gofCopula"))

## parameter names of _free_ parameters:
setGeneric("paramNames", function(x) standardGeneric("paramNames"))
setMethod("paramNames", "Xcopula", function(x) paramNames(x@copula))

##' @title Setting the parameter in a copula/Copula
##' @param x (general) copula
##' @param value parameter value
##' @param na.ok logical indicating if NA values are ok for theta
##' @param noCheck logical indicating if parameter constraints should be checked
##' @return a copula of the same class as \code{x} with theta set to \code{value}
##' @author Martin Maechler
setGeneric("setTheta", function(x, value,
                                na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly=TRUE, ...)
    standardGeneric("setTheta"), signature = c("x", "value"))

setMethod("setTheta", "Xcopula", ## set parameter for  daughter copula
	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly=TRUE, ...) {
	      x@copula <- setTheta(x@copula, value, na.ok=na.ok, noCheck=noCheck,
                                   freeOnly=freeOnly, ...)

## get parameters
setGeneric("getTheta", function(copula, freeOnly = TRUE, attr = FALSE, named = attr)
    standardGeneric("getTheta"), signature = "copula")
## -- general methods --
setMethod("getTheta", "Xcopula", ## from  daughter copula
	  function(copula, freeOnly = TRUE, attr = FALSE, named = attr)
	      getTheta(copula@copula, freeOnly=freeOnly, attr=attr, named=named))
##' default methods [e.g. for khoudraj & indepCopula]: empty parameter
setMethod("getTheta", "parCopula", function(copula) numeric())

## assign free parameter *value*s:
## __NOT_exported__ <= "inconsistent" with 'fixedParam<-'
setGeneric("freeParam<-", function(copula, value) standardGeneric("freeParam<-"))
##                                          vvvvvvvvvv
## set or modify "fixedness" of parameters (TRUE/FALSE) __exported__
setGeneric("fixedParam<-", function(copula, value) standardGeneric("fixedParam<-"))
## logical vector indicating which parameters are free
setGeneric("isFree", function(copula) standardGeneric("isFree"))

## number of (all/free) parameters
setGeneric("nParam", function(copula, freeOnly = FALSE) standardGeneric("nParam"),
           signature = "copula")

##' default methods: empty parameter
setMethod("isFree",   "parCopula", function(copula) logical())
setMethod("nParam",   "parCopula", function(copula, freeOnly) 0L)

##' Get Initial Values / 'start' for the parameter(s) of a copula,
##' similarly as \pkg{stats}' \code{\link{getInitial}()}, also related to (non-exported)
##' \code{fitCopStart()}
##' @param copula
##' @param data
##' @return numeric vector of valid (admissible) free parameters, i.e., of
##' length and with \code{\link{names}} of \code{length(getTheta(copula, named=named))}.
setGeneric("getIniParam", function(copula, data, default=NULL, named=TRUE, ...)
    standardGeneric("getIniParam"), ##			^^^^^ (so can call methods w/o 'default'; bug in methods?)
    signature = "copula")

## "almost-default"       vvvvvvvvv  method :
setMethod("getIniParam", "parCopula", function(copula, data, default=NULL, named=TRUE, ...) {
    clc <- class(copula)
    if(is.null(default)) default <- rep(NA_real_, nParam(copula, freeOnly=TRUE))
    if(hasMethod("iTau", clc)) {
        getIni_itau(copula, data, default=default, classDef=getClass(clc), ...)
        ##========= --> ./fitCopula.R
    } else {
        warning(gettextf("no method to get initial parameter for copula of class \"%s\"", clc),

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copula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.