
Defines functions key clear_counters count new_counter

Documented in clear_counters count key new_counter

#' trace each call with a srcref attribute
#' This function calls itself recursively so it can properly traverse the AST.
#' @param x the call
#' @param parent_functions the functions which this call is a child of.
#' @param parent_ref argument used to set the srcref of the current call during
#'   the recursion.
#' @seealso <http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Expressions.html>
#' @return a modified expression with count calls inserted before each previous
#' call.
#' @keywords internal
trace_calls <- function (x, parent_functions = NULL, parent_ref = NULL) {

  # Construct the calls by hand to avoid a NOTE from R CMD check
  count <- function(key, val) {
    call("if", TRUE,
        as.call(list(call(":::", as.symbol("covr"), as.symbol("count")), key)),

  if (is.null(parent_functions)) {
    parent_functions <- deparse(substitute(x))
  recurse <- function(y) {
    lapply(y, trace_calls, parent_functions = parent_functions)

  if (is.atomic(x) || is.name(x) || is.null(x)) {
    if (is.null(parent_ref)) {
    else {
      if (is_na(x) || is_brace(x)) {
      } else {
        key <- new_counter(parent_ref, parent_functions) # nolint
        count(key, x)
  else if (is.call(x)) {
    src_ref <- attr(x, "srcref") %||% impute_srcref(x, parent_ref)
    if ((identical(x[[1]], as.name("<-")) || identical(x[[1]], as.name("="))) && # nolint
      (is.call(x[[3]]) && identical(x[[3]][[1]], as.name("function")))) {
      parent_functions <- c(parent_functions, as.character(x[[2]]))

    # do not try to trace curly curly
    if (identical(x[[1]], as.name("{")) && length(x) == 2 && is.call(x[[2]]) && identical(x[[2]][[1]], as.name("{"))) {
    } else if (!is.null(src_ref)) {
      as.call(Map(trace_calls, x, src_ref, MoreArgs = list(parent_functions = parent_functions)))
    } else if (!is.null(parent_ref)) {
      key <- new_counter(parent_ref, parent_functions)
      count(key, as.call(recurse(x)))
    } else {
  else if (is.function(x)) {

    # We cannot trace primitive functions
    if (is.primitive(x)) {

    fun_body <- body(x)

    if (!is.null(attr(x, "srcref")) &&
       (is.symbol(fun_body) || !identical(fun_body[[1]], as.name("{")))) {
      src_ref <- attr(x, "srcref")
      key <- new_counter(src_ref, parent_functions)
      fun_body <- count(key, trace_calls(fun_body, parent_functions))
    } else {
      fun_body <- trace_calls(fun_body, parent_functions)

    new_formals <- trace_calls(formals(x), parent_functions)
    if (is.null(new_formals)) new_formals <- list()
    formals(x) <- new_formals
    body(x) <- fun_body
  else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
  else if (is.expression(x)) {
  else if (is.list(x)) {
  else {
    message("Unknown language class: ", paste(class(x), collapse = "/"),
      call. = FALSE)

.counters <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.current_test <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' initialize a new counter
#' @param src_ref a [base::srcref()]
#' @param parent_functions the functions that this srcref is contained in.
#' @keywords internal
new_counter <- function(src_ref, parent_functions) {
  key <- key(src_ref)
  .counters[[key]]$value <- 0
  .counters[[key]]$srcref <- src_ref
  .counters[[key]]$functions <- parent_functions
  if (isTRUE(getOption("covr.record_tests", FALSE))) new_test_counter(key)

#' increment a given counter
#' @param key generated with [key()]
#' @keywords internal
count <- function(key) {
  .counters[[key]]$value <- .counters[[key]]$value + 1L
  if (isTRUE(.current_test$record)) count_test(key)

#' clear all previous counters
#' @keywords internal
clear_counters <- function() {
  rm(envir = .counters, list = ls(envir = .counters))
  rm(envir = .current_test, list = ls(envir = .current_test))
  .current_test$record <- isTRUE(getOption("covr.record_tests", FALSE))

#' Generate a key for a  call
#' @param x the srcref of the call to create a key for
#' @keywords internal
key <- function(x) {
  paste(collapse = ":", c(get_source_filename(x), x))

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covr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 9:07 a.m.