## Author: Daniel Sabanes Bove [sabanesd *a*t* roche *.* com]
## Project: crmPack
## Time-stamp: <[writeModel.R] by DSB Mon 05/01/2015 17:38>
## Description:
## This is the write.model functionality from R2WinBUGS. We only need this,
## therefore we do not want to require the whole package, which in turn would
## require WinBUGS installation.
## History:
## 08/12/2014 file creation
##' Creating a WinBUGS model file
##' Convert R function to a \pkg{WinBUGS} model file. BUGS models follow
##' closely S syntax. It is therefore possible to write most BUGS models as R
##' functions.
##' As a difference, BUGS syntax allows truncation specification like this:
##' \code{dnorm(...) I(...)} but this is illegal in R. To overcome this
##' incompatibility, use dummy operator \code{\%_\%} before \code{I(...)}:
##' \code{dnorm(...) \%_\% I(...)}. The dummy operator \code{\%_\%} will be
##' removed before the BUGS code is saved.
##' In S-PLUS, a warning is generated when the model function is defined if the
##' last statement in the model is an assignment. To avoid this warning, add the
##' line \code{invisible()} to the end of the model definition. This line will be
##' removed before the BUGS code is saved.
##' @param model R function containing the BUGS model in the BUGS
##' model language, for minor differences see Section Details.
##' @param con passed to \code{\link{writeLines}} which actually writes the
##' model file
##' @param digits number of significant digits used for \pkg{WinBUGS}
##' input, see \code{\link{formatC}}
##' @return Nothing, but as a side effect, the model file is written
##' @export
##' @author original idea by Jouni Kerman, modified by Uwe Ligges,
##' Daniel Sabanes Bove removed S-PLUS part
writeModel <- function(model, con = "model.bug", digits = 5)
model.text <- c(
replaceScientificNotationR(body(model), digits = digits)
model.text <- gsub("%_%", "", model.text)
writeLines(model.text, con = con)
##' @keywords internal
replaceScientificNotationR <- function(bmodel, digits = 5){
env <- new.env()
assign("rSNRidCounter", 0, envir=env)
replaceID <- function(bmodel, env, digits = 5){
for(i in seq_along(bmodel)){
if(length(bmodel[[i]]) == 1){
if(as.character(bmodel[[i]]) %in% c(":", "[", "[[")) return(bmodel)
if((typeof(bmodel[[i]]) %in% c("double", "integer")) && ((abs(bmodel[[i]]) < 1e-3) || (abs(bmodel[[i]]) > 1e+4))){
counter <- get("rSNRidCounter", envir=env) + 1
assign("rSNRidCounter", counter, envir=env)
id <- paste("rSNRid", counter, sep="")
assign(id, formatC(bmodel[[i]], digits=digits, format="E"), envir=env)
bmodel[[i]] <- id
} else {
bmodel[[i]] <- replaceID(bmodel[[i]], env, digits = digits)
bmodel <- deparse(replaceID(bmodel, env, digits = digits), control = NULL)
for(i in ls(env)){
bmodel <- gsub(paste('"', i, '"', sep=''), get(i, envir=env), bmodel, fixed=TRUE)
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