
Defines functions isoweekyear parse_break_units generateDateCutLabels extend_seq generateCatdates generateNumCutLabels

Documented in generateNumCutLabels

#' Cut a numeric Crunch variable
#' `crunch::cut()` is equivalent to `base::cut()` except that it operates on
#' Crunch variables instead of in-memory R objects. The function takes a numeric
#' variable and derives a new categorical variable from it based on the `breaks`
#' argument. You can either break the variable into evenly spaced categories by
#' specifying the number of breaks, or specify a numeric vector identifying
#' the start and end point of each category. For example, specifying
#' `breaks = 5` will break the numeric data into five evenly spaced portions
#' while `breaks = c(1, 5, 10)` will recode the data into two groups based on
#' whether the numeric vector falls between 1 and 5 or 5 and 10.
#' @param x A Crunch `NumericVariable`
#' @param breaks Either a numeric vector of two or more unique cut points
#' or a single number giving the number of intervals into which `x` is to be
#' cut. If specifying cut points, values that are less than the smallest value
#' in `breaks` or greater than the largest value in `breaks` will be marked
#' missing in the resulting categorical variable.
#' @param labels A character vector representing the labels for the levels of
#' the resulting categories. The length of the labels argument should be the
#' same as the number of categories, which is one fewer than the number of
#' breaks. If not specified, labels are constructed using interval notation.
#' For example, `[1, 5)` indicates that the category goes from 1 to 5. The
#' bracket shape indicates whether the boundary value is included in the
#' category, i.e. whether it is "closed". `[1, 5)` indicates that the interval
#' includes (is closed on) 1 but does not include (is open on) 5.
#' If labels = FALSE, simple integer codes are returned instead of a factor.
#' @param name The name of the resulting Crunch variable as a character string.
#' @param include.lowest logical, indicating if an `x[i]` equal to the lowest
#' (or highest, for right = FALSE) `breaks` value should be included.
#' @param right logical, indicating if the intervals should be closed on the
#' right (and open on the left) or vice versa.
#' @param dig.lab integer which is used when labels are not given.
#' It determines the number of digits used in formatting the break numbers.
#' @param ordered_result	Ignored.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to [makeCaseVariable]
#' @return a Crunch [`VariableDefinition`]. Assign it into the dataset to create
#' it as a derived variable on the server.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ds <- loadDataset("mtcars")
#' ds$cat_var <- cut(ds$mpg,
#'     breaks = c(10, 15, 20),
#'     labels = c("small", "medium"), name = "Fuel efficiency"
#' )
#' ds$age <- sample(1:100, 32)
#' ds$age4 <- cut(df$age, c(0, 30, 45, 65, 200),
#'     c("Youth", "Adult", "Middle-aged", "Elderly"),
#'     name = "Age (4 category)"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
setMethod("cut", "NumericVariable", function(x,
                                             labels = NULL,
                                             include.lowest = FALSE,
                                             right = TRUE,
                                             dig.lab = 3,
                                             ordered_result = FALSE, ...) {
    if (missing(name)) {
        halt("Must provide the name for the new variable")
    if (length(breaks) == 1L) {
        if (is.na(breaks) || breaks < 2L) {
            halt("invalid number of breaks")
        nb <- as.integer(breaks + 1) # one more than the number of breaks
        rx <- c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        dx <- diff(rx)
        if (dx == 0) {
            dx <- abs(rx[1L])
            breaks <- seq.int(rx[1L] - dx / 1000, rx[2L] + dx / 1000,
                length.out = nb
        } else {
            breaks <- seq.int(rx[1L], rx[2L], length.out = nb)
            breaks[c(1L, nb)] <- c(rx[1L] - dx / 1000, rx[2L] + dx / 1000)
    } else {
        breaks <- sort.int(as.double(breaks))
        nb <- length(breaks)
    if (anyDuplicated(breaks)) {
        halt(sQuote("breaks"), " must be unique")
    # Autogenerate labels if not supplied
    if (is.null(labels)) {
        labels <- generateNumCutLabels(dig.lab, breaks, nb, right, include.lowest)
    } else if (length(labels) != nb - 1L) {
            "There are ",
            nb - 1,
            " resulting categories but you only supplied ",
            " labels. Change number of breaks or the number of labels."
    if (right) {
        `%c1%` <- function(x, y) x <= y
        `%c2%` <- function(x, z) x > z
    } else {
        `%c1%` <- function(x, y) x < y
        `%c2%` <- function(x, z) x >= z

    cases <- vector("list", length = length(breaks) - 1)

    for (i in 2:length(breaks)) {
        cases[[i - 1]] <- x %c2% breaks[i - 1] & x %c1% breaks[i]
    case_list <- lapply(
        function(x) list(expression = cases[[x]], name = labels[x])
    makeCaseVariable(cases = case_list, name = name, ...)

#' Generate Labels for the cut function
#' A convenience function to generate labels for the cut function. This
#' function is extracted from [base::cut()] and is broken out to make it easier
#' to test. It is not meant to be called on its own.
#' @param dig.lab see `cut()`
#' @param breaks see `cut()`
#' @param nb The number of breaks, equal to the small of 2 or the number of breaks
#' @param right  see `cut()`
#' @param include.lowest see`cut()`
#' @return
#' A character vector of labels
#' @keywords internal
generateNumCutLabels <- function(dig.lab, breaks, nb, right, include.lowest) {
    for (dig in dig.lab:max(12L, dig.lab)) {
        ## 0+ avoids printing signed zeros as "-0"
        ch.br <- formatC(0 + breaks, digits = dig, width = 1L)
        ok <- all(ch.br[-1L] != ch.br[-nb])
        if (ok) break
    labels <- if (ok) {
            ifelse(right, "(", "["),
            ch.br[-nb], ",", ch.br[-1L],
            ifelse(right, "]", ")")
    } else {
        paste("Range", seq_len(nb - 1L), sep = "_")
    if (ok && include.lowest) {
        if (right) {
            substr(labels[1L], 1L, 1L) <- "[" # was "("
        } else {
                labels[nb - 1L],
                nchar(labels[nb - 1L], "c")
            ) <- "]" # was ")"

#' Cut a Datetime Crunch variable
#' `crunch::cut()` is equivalent to `base::cut()` except that it operates on
#' Crunch variables instead of in-memory R objects. The function takes a Datetime
#' variable and derives a new categorical variable from it based on the `breaks`
#' argument. You can either break the variable into evenly spaced categories by
#' specifying an interval using a string that defines a period or a vector containing
#' the start and end point of each category. For example, specifying
#' `breaks = "2 weeks"` will break the datetime data into 2 week size bins
#' while `breaks = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-15" "2020-02-01"))`
#' will recode the data into two groups based on
#' whether the numeric vector falls between January 1 and 14 or January 15 and 31
#' @param x A Crunch `DatetimeVariable`
#' @param breaks Either a numeric vector of two or more unique cut point datetimes
#' or a single string giving the interval size into which `x` is to be
#' cut with a number optionally at the beginning nd "day", "weeks", "months",
#' a "quarters" or "years". If specifying cut points, values that are less than
#' the smallest value in `breaks` or greater than the largest value in `breaks`
#' will be marked missing in the resulting categorical variable.
#' @param labels A character vector representing the labels for the levels of
#' the resulting categories. The length of the labels argument should be the
#' same as the number of categories, which is one fewer than the number of
#' breaks. If not specified, labels are constructed with a formatting like
#'  "YYYY/MM/DD - YYYY/MM/DD" (for example ("2020/01/01 - 2020/01/14"))
#' @param dates (Optionally) A character vector with the date strings that should
#' be associated with the resulting categories. These dates can have the form
#' "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", "YYYY", "YYYY-WXX" (where "XX" is the ISO week number) or
#' "YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD". If left `NULL`, it will be created from the categories.
#' @param name The name of the resulting Crunch variable as a character string.
#' @param right logical, indicating if the intervals should be closed on the
#' right (and open on the left) or vice versa. This only applies if giving a
#' vector of break points.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to [makeCaseVariable]
#' @return a Crunch [`VariableDefinition`]. Assign it into the dataset to create
#' it as a derived variable on the server.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ds <- loadDataset("example")
#' ds$month_cat <- cut(ds$date, breaks = "month", name = "monthly")
#' ds$four_weeks_cat <- cut(ds$date, breaks = "4 weeks", name = "four week categorical date")
#' ds$wave_cat <- cut(
#'     ds$date,
#'     as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-02-15", "2020-04-01", "2020-05-15")),
#'     labels = c("wave1", "wave2", "wave3"),
#'     name = "wave var"
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
setMethod("cut", "DatetimeVariable", function(
    labels = NULL,
    dates = NULL,
    right = FALSE,
) {
    if (length(breaks) == 1 && is.numeric(breaks)) {
            "breaks must be a vector of cutpoints or a string interval specification, ",
            "cutting into a number of intervals is not supported for crunch DatetimeVariables."
    if (is.character(breaks)) {
        break_points <- as.Date(levels(cut(
            c(as.Date(min(x, na.rm = TRUE)), as.Date(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))),
            breaks = breaks
        break_points <- extend_seq(break_points, breaks)
    } else {
        break_points <- breaks

    if (is.null(dates)) dates <- generateCatdates(breaks, break_points)
    if (is.null(labels)) labels <- generateDateCutLabels(breaks, break_points)

    # the brekas are set up in a way that they are left-oriented
    if (right && !is.character(breaks)) {
        `%c1%` <- function(x, y) x <= y
        `%c2%` <- function(x, z) x > z
    } else {
        `%c1%` <- function(x, y) x < y
        `%c2%` <- function(x, z) x >= z

    cases <- vector("list", length = length(break_points) - 1)

    for (i in 2:length(break_points)) {
        cases[[i - 1]] <- x %c2% break_points[i - 1] & x %c1% break_points[i]
    case_list <- lapply(
        function(x) list(expression = cases[[x]], name = labels[x], date = dates[x])
    makeCaseVariable(cases = case_list, name = name, ...)

generateCatdates <- function(breaks, break_points) {
    if (is.character(breaks)) {
        break_spec <- parse_break_units(breaks)

        if (break_spec$quantity == 1) {
            catdate_string_formatter <- switch(
                "day" = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                "DSTday" = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                "week" = isoweekyear,
                "month" = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m"),
                "year" = function(x) format(x, "%Y"),
                halt("Unexpected break unit: ", dQuote(break_spec$unit))

            catdates <- catdate_string_formatter(break_points)
        } else {
            starts <- break_points
            ends <- extend_seq(break_points[-1], breaks) - as.difftime(1, units = "days")
            catdates <- paste(format(starts, "%Y-%m-%d"), format(ends, "%Y-%m-%d"), sep = ",")
    } else {
        catdates <- paste(
            format(break_points[-length(break_points)], "%Y-%m-%d"),
            format(break_points[-1] - as.difftime(1, units = "days"), "%Y-%m-%d"),
            sep = ","

extend_seq <- function(x, by) {
    c(x[-length(x)], seq(x[length(x)], by = by, length.out = 2))

generateDateCutLabels <- function(breaks, break_points) {
    if (is.character(breaks)) {
        starts <- break_points
        ends <- c(
            break_points[c(-1, -length(break_points))],
            seq(break_points[length(break_points)], by = breaks, length.out = 2)
        ) - as.difftime(1, units = "days")
        labels <- paste(format(starts, "%Y/%m/%d"), format(ends, "%Y/%m/%d"), sep = " - ")
    } else {
        labels <- paste(
            format(break_points[-length(break_points)], "%Y/%m/%d"),
            format(break_points[-1] - as.difftime(1, units = "days"), "%Y/%m/%d"),
            sep = " - "

parse_break_units <- function(x) {
    split <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
    if (length(split) == 1) {
        out <- list(quantity = 1, unit = split)
    } else {
        out <- list(quantity = as.numeric(split[1]), unit = split[2])
    out$unit <- gsub("s$", "", out$unit)

isoweekyear <- function(x) {
    year <- as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
    isoweek <- as.numeric(format(x, "%V"))
    month <- as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))

    wrong_year_low <- isoweek > 51 & month == 1
    wrong_year_high <- isoweek == 1 & month == 12

    year[wrong_year_low] <- year[wrong_year_low] - 1
    year[wrong_year_high] <- year[wrong_year_high] + 1

    paste0(year, "-W", sprintf("%02d", isoweek))

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.