
Defines functions print.CTLpermute getPermuteThresholds print.CTLscan print.CTLobject

Documented in getPermuteThresholds print.CTLobject print.CTLpermute print.CTLscan

# ctl.print.R
# copyright (c) 2010-2012 - GBIC, Danny Arends, Bruno Tesson and Ritsert C. Jansen
# last modified Oct, 2012
# first written Oct, 2011
# Print routines for CTL analysis

print.CTLobject <- function(x, ...){
  cat("CTLobject summary\n\n")
  cat("- Number of scanned phenotypes:", length(x), "\n")

print.CTLscan <- function(x, ...){
  if(missing(x)) stop("argument 'x' is missing, with no default")
  cat("CTLscan summary",attr(x$ctl,"name"),"\n\n")
  cat("- Number of background phenotypes:",  dim(x$ctl)[2], "\n")
  cat("- Number of markers:", dim(x$ctl)[1], "\n")
  cat("- Number of permutations:", length(unlist(x$p)), "\n")

getPermuteThresholds <-function(x, significance = c(.05,.01,.001), ..., verbose = FALSE){
  sorted <- sort(unlist(x))
  l <- length(sorted)
  values <- NULL
  valnames <- NULL
  for(x in significance){
    if(1/(x) < length(sorted)){
      v <- sorted[l*(1-(x))]
      values <- c(values,v)
      valnames <- c(valnames,paste(x*100,"%"))
      if(verbose) cat(x*100,"%\t",v,"\n")
      values <- c(values,NaN)
      valnames <- c(valnames,paste(x*100,"%"))
      if(verbose) cat(x*100,"%\t",NaN,"\n")
  names(values) <- valnames

print.CTLpermute <- function(x, ...){
  getPermuteThresholds(x, ..., verbose=TRUE)

# end of ctl.print.R

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