
Defines functions selector marquee lasso

Documented in lasso marquee

# polygon lasso selector
lasso <- function(object,...) { selector(object,tool="lasso",...) }

# rectangular marquee selector
marquee <- function(object,...) { selector(object,tool="marquee",...) }

# shared code
selector <- function(object,tool,...)
  object <- listify(object)
  SCALE <- get('x.scale',pos=plot.env) # get units of base plot

      message("Click to place vertices and press [ESC] when done.")
      #SP <- terra::draw("polygon",col='black')
      message("Left-click to place vertices and right-click for menu when done.")
    SP <- raster::drawPoly(sp=FALSE,col='black')
  else if(tool=='marquee')
    message("Click opposite corners.")
    #{ SP <- terra::draw("extent",col='black') }
    { SP <- raster::drawExtent(col='black') }

    SP <- rbind( c(SP@xmin,SP@ymin), c(SP@xmax,SP@ymin), c(SP@xmax,SP@ymax), c(SP@xmin,SP@ymax) )
  SP <- SCALE * SP # convert to SI units
  SP <- lapply(object,function(o){ as.logical( sp::point.in.polygon(o$x,o$y,SP[,1],SP[,2]) ) })

  IN <- list()
  OUT <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(object))
    IN[[i]] <- object[[i]][SP[[i]],]
    OUT[[i]] <- object[[i]][!SP[[i]],]
  names(IN) <- paste("interior",names(object))
  names(OUT) <- paste("exterior",names(object))

  ## replace with generic points() function ##
  # set units of OUT (for plot only)
  # highlight selected points
  #PIN <- lapply(IN,function(O){ unit.telemetry(O,length=SCALE) })
  plot(IN,col='red',add=TRUE,...) #!!!

  # return everything
  return( c(IN,OUT) )

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ctmm documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 1:06 a.m.