### ctrdata package
#' Get identifiers of deduplicated trial records
#' Records for a clinical trial can be loaded from more than one
#' register into a collection. This function returns deduplicated
#' identifiers for all trials in the collection, respecting the
#' register(s) preferred by the user. All registers are recording
#' identifiers also from other registers, which are used by this
#' function to provide a vector of identifiers of deduplicated trials.
#' Note that the content of records may differ between registers
#' (and, for "EUCTR", between records for different Member States).
#' Such differences are not considered by this function.
#' @param preferregister A vector of the order of preference for
#' registers from which to generate unique _id's, default
#' \code{c("EUCTR", "CTGOV", "CTGOV2", "ISRCTN", "CTIS")}
#' @param prefermemberstate Code of single EU Member State for which records
#' should returned. If not available, a record for DE or lacking this, any
#' random Member State's record for the trial will be returned.
#' For a list of codes of EU Member States, please see vector
#' \code{countriesEUCTR}. Specifying "3RD" will return the Third Country
#' record of trials, where available.
#' @param include3rdcountrytrials A logical value if trials should be retained
#' that are conducted exclusively in third countries, that is, outside
#' the European Union. Ignored if \code{prefermemberstate} is set to "3RD".
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, prints out the fields of registers used to
#' find corresponding trial records
#' @importFrom nodbi docdb_query
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @inheritParams ctrDb
#' @return A named vector with strings of keys (field "_id") of
#' records in the collection that represent unique trials, where
#' names correspond to the register of the record.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(
#' dbname = system.file("extdata", "demo.sqlite", package = "ctrdata"),
#' collection = "my_trials"
#' )
#' dbFindIdsUniqueTrials(con = dbc)
dbFindIdsUniqueTrials <- function(
preferregister = c("EUCTR", "CTGOV", "CTGOV2", "ISRCTN", "CTIS"),
prefermemberstate = "DE",
include3rdcountrytrials = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE) {
# parameter checks
if (!all(preferregister %in% registerList)) {
stop("'preferregister' unknown: ", preferregister, call. = FALSE)
if (length(prefermemberstate) != 1L ||
!any(prefermemberstate == countriesEUCTR)) {
stop("'prefermemberstate' unknown: ", prefermemberstate, call. = FALSE)
# complete if preferregister does not have all
preferregister <- unique(preferregister)
preferregister <- union(preferregister, registerList)
# objective: create a vector of database record identifiers (_id)
# that represent unique records of clinical trials, based on user's
# preferences for selecting the preferred from any multiple records
## check database connection
if (is.null(con$ctrDb)) con <- ctrDb(con = con)
# inform user
message("Searching for duplicate trials... ")
# fields for database query
fields <- c(
# euctr
# ctgov
# isrctn
# ctis
# ctgov2
# check if cache environment has entry for the database
listofIds <- ctrCache(
xname = paste0("listofids_", con$db, "/", con$collection),
verbose = FALSE
# get cache reference value
cacheRef <- as.character(rev(unlist(try(nodbi::docdb_query(
src = con, key = con$collection, query = '{"_id": "meta-info"}',
fields = '{"queries.query-timestamp": 1}'
), silent = TRUE)))[1])
# cache validity
cacheOutdated <- is.null(listofIds) || (cacheRef != ctrCache(
xname = paste0("listofids_", con$db, "/", con$collection, "_timestamp"),
verbose = FALSE
# inform user
message("- Getting all trial identifiers...", appendLF = FALSE)
# cache outdated
if (cacheOutdated) {
# inform user
message("\b\b\b (may take some time)...", appendLF = FALSE)
# get identifiers
listofIds <- try(
fields = fields,
con = con,
verbose = FALSE
silent = TRUE
# error check
if (inherits(listofIds, "try-error") ||
!length(listofIds) || !nrow(listofIds)) {
stop("No records found, check collection '", con$collection, "'",
call. = FALSE
# write cache entries
xname = paste0("listofids_", con$db, "/", con$collection),
xvalue = listofIds, verbose = FALSE
xname = paste0("listofids_", con$db, "/", con$collection, "_timestamp"),
xvalue = cacheRef, verbose = FALSE
} # if outdated
# inform user
message("\b\b\b, ", nrow(listofIds), " found in collection")
# copy attributes
attribsids <- attributes(listofIds)
# target fields for adding cols for mangling below
fields <- c(
# euctr
# ctgov
# isrctn
# ctis
# ctgov2
if (verbose) {
"\nFields used for finding corresponding register records of trials: ",
"\n\n", paste0(fields, collapse = ", "), "\n"
# add any missing columns
missFields <- setdiff(fields, names(listofIds))
if (length(missFields)) {
missCols <- matrix(nrow = nrow(listofIds), ncol = length(missFields))
missCols <- data.frame(missCols)
names(missCols) <- missFields
listofIds <- cbind(listofIds, missCols)
# replicate columns to make data frame fit subsequent steps
listofIds <- listofIds[, fields, drop = FALSE]
# rename columns for content mangling, needs to
# correspond to columns and sequence in "fields"
# for mapping identifiers across registers
names(listofIds) <- c(
"_id", "ctrname",
# euctr
"euctr.1", "ctgov.1a", "ctgov.1b", "ctgov2.1a", "ctgov2.1b", "isrctn.1a", "isrctn.1b", "sponsor.1",
# ctgov
"euctr.2a", "euctr.2b", "ctgov.2a", "ctgov2.2", "ctgov.2b", "isrctn.2",
"sponsor.2a", "sponsor.2b",
# isrctn
"euctr.3", "ctgov.3", "ctgov2.3", "isrctn.3", "sponsor.3",
# ctis
"ctis.1", "euctr.4", "ctgov.4", "ctgov2.4",
# ctgov2
"ctgov2.5", "ctgov.5a", "euctr.5", "sponsor.4a", "ctgov.5b", "sponsor.4b"
# keep only relevant content
# - in certain raw value columns
colsToMangle <- list(
c("ctgov.1a", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.1b", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.2a", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.2b", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.3", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.4", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.5a", regCtgov),
c("ctgov.5b", regCtgov),
c("ctgov2.1", regCtgov2),
c("ctgov2.2", regCtgov2),
c("ctgov2.3", regCtgov2),
c("ctgov2.4", regCtgov2),
c("ctgov2.5", regCtgov2),
c("isrctn.1a", regIsrctn),
c("isrctn.1b", regIsrctn),
c("isrctn.2", regIsrctn),
c("isrctn.3", regIsrctn),
c("euctr.1", regEuctr),
c("euctr.2a", regEuctr),
c("euctr.2b", regEuctr),
c("euctr.3", regEuctr),
c("euctr.4", regEuctr),
c("euctr.5", regEuctr),
c("ctis.1", regCtis)
# - inconsistency:
# isrctn.3 = 12345678, but isrctn.1a
# and isrctn.1b have ISRCTN12345678
listofIds["isrctn.1a"] <- sub("^ISRCTN", "", listofIds[["isrctn.1a"]])
listofIds["isrctn.1b"] <- sub("^ISRCTN", "", listofIds[["isrctn.1b"]])
# - do mangling; prerequisite is
# that each of the columns holds
# a single character vector,
# possibly collapsed with " / "
function(ctm) {
colMangled <- regmatches(
regexec(ctm[[2]], listofIds[[ctm[[1]]]])
colMangled[!lengths(colMangled)] <- ""
listofIds[[ctm[[1]]]] <<- unlist(colMangled)
# - merge columns for register ids and sponsor ids
for (reg in c(registerList, "SPONSOR")) {
listofIds[[reg]] <- apply(
, grepl(paste0("^", reg, "[.][0-9]"), names(listofIds), = TRUE
drop = FALSE
function(r) {
"^ ?/ | / ?$", "",
paste0(na.omit(unique(r)), collapse = " / ")
# - delete raw columns
listofIds <- listofIds[
, c("_id", "ctrname", registerList, "SPONSOR"),
drop = FALSE
# inform user
message("- Finding duplicates among registers' and sponsor ids...")
# find duplicates
colsToCheck <- match(c(preferregister, "SPONSOR"), names(listofIds))
outSet <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(preferregister)) {
# to be added
tmp <- listofIds[
listofIds[["ctrname"]] == preferregister[i], ,
drop = FALSE
row.names(tmp) <- NULL
# check if second etc. set has identifiers
# in the previously rbind'ed sets
if (i > 1L && nrow(tmp)) {
# check for duplicates
dupes <- mapply(
function(c1, c2) {
tmpIs <- intersect(
unlist(strsplit(c1, " / ")),
unlist(strsplit(c2, " / "))
if (length(tmpIs)) {
# map found intersecting names back
# to the rows of the input data frame
grepl(paste0(tmpIs, collapse = "|"), c1)
} else {
rep(FALSE, times = length(c1))
tmp[, colsToCheck, drop = FALSE],
outSet[, colsToCheck, drop = FALSE],
# mangle dupes for marginal cases, e.g. one record
dupes <-, dupes)
dupes <-
# keep uniques
tmp <- tmp[rowSums(dupes) == 0L, , drop = FALSE]
# add to output set
outSet <- rbind(outSet, tmp,
make.row.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# keep necessary columns
listofIds <- outSet[, c("_id", "EUCTR", "ctrname")]
names(listofIds)[2] <- "a2_eudract_number"
# find unique, preferred country version of euctr
listofIds <- dfFindUniqueEuctrRecord(
df = listofIds,
prefermemberstate = prefermemberstate,
include3rdcountrytrials = include3rdcountrytrials
# prepare output
listofIds <- setNames(
object = listofIds[["_id"]],
nm = listofIds[["ctrname"]]
listofIds <- sort(listofIds)
# count
countIds <- table(names(listofIds))
# sort by user's input
countIds <- countIds[preferregister]
countIds[] <- 0L
countIds <- setNames(countIds, preferregister)
# append attributes
attributes(listofIds) <- c(
attribsids[startsWith(names(attribsids), "ctrdata-")]
# avoid returning list() if none found
if (length(listofIds) == 0) listofIds <- character()
# inform user
"- Keeping ", paste0(countIds, collapse = " / "), " records",
" from ", paste0(names(countIds), collapse = " / ")
"= Returning keys (_id) of ", length(listofIds),
" records in collection \"", con$collection, "\""
# return
# end dbFindIdsUniqueTrials
#' Select a single trial record from records of different EU Member States
#' The EUCTR provides one record per trial per EU Member State in which the
#' trial is conducted. For all trials conducted in more than one Member State,
#' this function returns only one record per trial.
#' Note: To deduplicate trials from different registers,
#' please first use function \link{dbFindIdsUniqueTrials}.
#' @param df A data frame created from the database collection that includes
#' the columns "_id" and "a2_eudract_number", for example created with
#' function dbGetFieldsIntoDf(c("_id", "a2_eudract_number")).
#' @inheritParams dfFindIdsUniqueTrials
#' @return A data frame as subset of \code{df} corresponding to the sought
#' records.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
dfFindUniqueEuctrRecord <- function(
df = NULL,
prefermemberstate = "DE",
include3rdcountrytrials = TRUE) {
# check parameters
if (!any(class(df) %in% "data.frame")) {
stop("Parameter df is not a data frame.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(df[["_id"]]) ||
is.null(df[["a2_eudract_number"]])) {
stop('Data frame does not include "_id"',
' and "a2_eudract_number" columns.',
call. = FALSE
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
stop("Data frame does not contain records (0 rows).",
call. = FALSE
if (!(prefermemberstate %in% countriesEUCTR)) {
stop("Value specified for prefermemberstate does not match",
" one of the recognised codes: ",
paste(sort(countriesEUCTR), collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE
# notify it mismatching parameters
if (prefermemberstate == "3RD" && !include3rdcountrytrials) {
warning("Preferred EUCTR version set to 3RD country trials, but ",
"'include3rdcountrytrials' was FALSE, setting it to TRUE.",
call. = FALSE,
noBreaks. = FALSE,
immediate. = FALSE
include3rdcountrytrials <- TRUE
# count total
totalEuctr <- unique(df[["a2_eudract_number"]])
totalEuctr <- na.omit(totalEuctr[totalEuctr != ""])
totalEuctr <- length(totalEuctr)
# as a first step, handle 3rd country trials e.g. 2010-022945-52-3RD
# if retained, these trials would count as record for a trial
if (!include3rdcountrytrials) {
df <- df[!grepl("-3RD", df[["_id"]]), , drop = FALSE]
# count number of records by eudract number
tbl <- table(df[["_id"]], df[["a2_eudract_number"]])
tbl <- as.matrix(tbl)
# nms has names of all records
nms <- dimnames(tbl)[[1]]
# nrs has eudract numbers for which is there more than 1 record
nrs <- colSums(tbl)
nrs <- nrs[nrs > 1]
nrs <- names(nrs)
# nst is a list of nrs trials of a logical vector along nms
# that indicates if the indexed record belongs to the trial
nms2 <- substr(nms, 1, 14)
nst <- lapply(nrs, function(x) nms2 %in% x)
# helper function to find the Member State version
removeMSversions <- function(indexofrecords) {
# given a vector of records (nnnn-nnnnnnn-nn-MS) of a single trial, this
# returns all those _ids of records that do not correspond to the preferred
# Member State record, based on the user's choices and defaults.
# Function uses prefermemberstate, nms from the caller environment
recordnames <- nms[indexofrecords]
# fnd should be only a single string, may need to be checked
if (sum(fnd <- grepl(prefermemberstate, recordnames)) != 0) {
result <- recordnames[!fnd]
if (sum(fnd <- grepl("DE", recordnames)) != 0) {
result <- recordnames[!fnd]
# default is to list all but first record
# the listed records are the duplicates
# 3RD country trials would be listed first
# hence selected, which is not desirable
# unless chosen as prefermemberstate
# finds per trial the desired record;
# uses prefermemberstate and nms
result <- lapply(
function(x) removeMSversions(x)
result <- unlist(result, use.names = FALSE)
# eleminate the unwanted EUCTR records
df <- df[!(df[["_id"]] %in% result), , drop = FALSE]
# also eliminate the meta-info record
df <- df[!(df[["_id"]] == "meta-info"), , drop = FALSE]
# inform user about changes to data frame
if (length(nms) > (tmp <- length(result))) {
"- ", tmp,
" EUCTR _id were not preferred EU Member State record for ",
totalEuctr, " trials"
# return
# end dfFindUniqueEuctrRecord
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