
Defines functions plotRejectionRegions plotFeasible rejectionRegions varypPlot carstenCPonly findDifferences

#### The functions below were used to create tables and plots for published 2-arm paper.

# library(gridExtra)
# library(grid)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(ggthemes)
# library(xtable)
# library(rpact)

#### FIGURE 2: ####

findDifferences <- function(loss.df, designs.df){
  min.loss <-  aggregate(loss.df, list(designs.df$design), min)
  name <- min.loss[,1]
  min.loss <- t(min.loss[,-1])
  colnames(min.loss) <- name
  min.loss <- as.data.frame(min.loss)

  # find differences:
  min.loss$block2_block8 <- min.loss$block2 - min.loss$block8
  min.loss$block2_carsten <- min.loss$block2 - min.loss$carsten
  min.loss$block2_chen <- min.loss$block2 - min.loss$chen
  min.loss$block2_jung <- min.loss$block2 - min.loss$jung

  min.loss$block8_carsten <- min.loss$block8 - min.loss$carsten
  min.loss$block8_chen <- min.loss$block8 - min.loss$chen
  min.loss$block8_jung <- min.loss$block8 - min.loss$jung

  min.loss$carsten_chen <- min.loss$carsten - min.loss$chen
  min.loss$carsten_jung <- min.loss$carsten - min.loss$jung

  min.loss$chen_jung <- min.loss$chen - min.loss$jung

#################### SECTION 3.2: MISSPECIFICATION OF RESPONSE RATES -- FIGS 3 AND 4 ################

# plotPower <- function(x, power.ss="power"){
#   thelabel <- switch(power.ss, "power" = round(rejectH0, 2), "ss" = round(ss,1))
#   theplot <- ggplot(x, aes_string("true.pt", "true.pc")) +
#     theme_tufte() +
#     geom_raster(aes(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = rejectH0, "ss" = ss))) +
#     scale_fill_gradient2(low="yellow", high="red", guide="colorbar") +
#     geom_text(aes_string("true.pt", "true.pc", label=thelabel), color = "black", size = 5) +
#     labs(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = "P(reject H0)", "ss" = "ESS"),
#          y=expression("True p"[C]),
#          x=expression("True p"[T])) +
#     theme(axis.text=element_text(size=rel(1.25)),
#           axis.title=element_text(size=rel(1.5)))
#   theplot
# }
# plotPowerBoth <- function(x, power.ss="power"){
#   thelabel <- switch(power.ss, "power" = round(rejectH0, 2), "ss" = round(ss,1))
#   theplot <- ggplot(x, aes_string("true.pt", "true.pc")) +
#     theme_tufte() +
#     ggtitle(bquote(paste("P(reject H"[0], "), H"[0], "-optimal design for p"[0], "=",.(x$pc[1]), ", p"[1], "=", .(x$pt[1])))) +
#     geom_raster(aes(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = rejectH0, "ss" = ss))) +
#     scale_fill_gradient2(low="yellow", high="red", guide="colorbar") +
#     geom_text(aes(true.pt, true.pc,
#                   label=thelabel),
#               color = "black",
#               size = rel(4)) +
#     labs(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = expression("P(reject H"[0],")"), "ss" = "ESS"),
#          y=expression("True p"[C]),
#          x=expression("True p"[T])) +
#     theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
#           axis.text=element_text(size=rel(1.25)),
#           axis.title=element_text(size=rel(1.25)),
#           strip.text = element_text(size=rel(1.25))
#     )+
#     facet_grid(. ~ design)
#   theplot
# }

# Write a program that will find the sample size using our design and Carsten's design, for a given set of data #

# for p0=0.1, p1=0.3, alpha=0.15, power=0.8, h0-optimal designs are:
# Carsten:
# n1=7; n=16; r1=1; r2=3
# This design should have the following OCs:
# Type I error: 0.148, Power: 0.809, EssH0: 21.27400, EssH1: 19.44200
# Our design (not strictly H0-optimal, but is within 0.5 of optimal wrt EssH0 and has N=31, vs N=71 for the actual H0-optimal):
# n=31; r2=3; thetaF=0.1277766; thetaE=0.9300000

# This function, varypPlot, requires others:
######################## FUNCTION TO FIND BASIC CP MATRIX (CP=0/1/neither) FOR CARSTEN ##################
carstenCPonly <- function(n1, n, r1, r, pair=FALSE){
  cpmat <- matrix(0.5, ncol=2*n, nrow=r+1)
  rownames(cpmat) <- 0:(nrow(cpmat)-1)
  cpmat[r+1, (2*r):(2*n)] <- 1 # Success is a PAIR of results s.t. Xt-Xc=1
  cpmat[1:r,2*n] <- 0 # Fail at end
  pat.cols <- seq(from=(2*n)-2, to=2, by=-2)
  for(i in nrow(cpmat):1){
    for(j in pat.cols){  # Only look every C patients (no need to look at final col)
      if(i-1<=j/2){ # Condition: number of successes must be <= pairs of patients so far
        # IF success is not possible (i.e. [total no. of failures] > n1-r1+1 at stage 1 or [total no. of failures] > n-r+1), THEN set CP to zero:
        if((i<=r1 & j/2 - (i-1) >= n1-r1+1) | (j/2-(i-1) >= n-r+1)){
          cpmat[i,j] <- 0
      } else{
        cpmat[i,j] <- NA # impossible to have more successes than pairs

    cpmat <- cpmat[, seq(2, ncol(cpmat), by=2)]

varypPlot <- function(h0=TRUE, n, r, thetaF=NULL, thetaE=NULL, pc, pt, true.pc, true.pt,
                      runs, seed=sample(1:1e5, 1), method){

  #### Simulate data:
  max.n <- max(unlist(n))
  h1.dat <- matrix(runif(max.n*runs), ncol=max.n, byrow=TRUE)
  # Matrix of successes (0, 1 or 2 successes in each pair):
    true.pt <- true.pc

  true.qc <- 1-true.pc
  true.qt <- 1-true.pt

  # Find CPs for block and Carsten designs:
    block.mat <- findBlockCP(n=n, r=r, pc=pc, pt=pt, thetaF=thetaF, thetaE=thetaE)

  # Find lower and upper stopping boundaries for block and Carsten designs:
    lower <- rep(-Inf, ncol(block.mat)/2)
    upper <- rep(Inf, ncol(block.mat)/2)
    looks <- seq(2, ncol(block.mat), by=2)
    for(j in 1:length(looks)){
      if(any(block.mat[,looks[j]]==0, na.rm = T)){
        lower[j] <- max(which(block.mat[,looks[j]]==0))-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]
      if(any(block.mat[,looks[j]]==1, na.rm = T)){
        upper[j] <- which.max(block.mat[,looks[j]])-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]

    block.success.mat <- matrix(rep(0, max.n*runs), ncol=max.n)
    block.success.mat[h1.dat < true.pt*true.qc] <- 2
    block.success.mat[h1.dat >= true.pt*true.qc & h1.dat < true.pt*true.qc + true.pt*true.pc + true.qt*true.qc] <- 1
    # Cumulative successes:
    block.success.mat.cum <- t(apply(block.success.mat, 1, cumsum))

    #### Note where a boundary is reached for each simulation, for block and Carsten designs -- this is the number of pairs observed before stopping, i.e. the sample size:
    block.ss.arm <- apply(block.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x <= lower | x >= upper))
    block.ss.mean <- 2*sum(block.ss.arm)/runs

    block.lower.match <- apply(block.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x <= lower, nomatch=1e5))
    block.upper.match <- apply(block.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x >= upper, nomatch=1e5))
    block.prob.reject.h0 <- sum(block.upper.match < block.lower.match)/runs
    block.se <- sqrt(block.prob.reject.h0*(1-block.prob.reject.h0))/runs

    ss <- block.ss.mean
    rejectH0 <- block.prob.reject.h0

    carsten.mat <- carstenCPonly(n1=n[[1]], n=n[[2]], r1=r[[1]], r=r[[2]], pair=F)
    lower.carsten <- rep(-Inf, ncol(carsten.mat)/2)
    upper.carsten <- rep(Inf, ncol(carsten.mat)/2)
    looks.carsten <- seq(2, ncol(carsten.mat), by=2)
    for(j in 1:length(looks.carsten)){
      if(any(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==0, na.rm = T)){
        lower.carsten[j] <- max(which(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==0))-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]
      if(any(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==1, na.rm = T)){
        upper.carsten[j] <- which.max(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]])-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]
    # Matrix of successes for Carsten:
    carsten.success.mat <- matrix(rep(0, max.n*runs), ncol=max.n)
    carsten.success.mat[h1.dat < true.pt*true.qc] <- 1

    # Cumulative successes:
    carsten.success.mat.cum <- t(apply(carsten.success.mat, 1, cumsum))

    #### Note where a boundary is reached for each simulation, for block and Carsten designs -- this is the number of pairs observed before stopping, i.e. the sample size:
    carsten.ss.arm <- apply(carsten.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x <= lower.carsten | x >= upper.carsten))

    carsten.ss.mean <- 2*sum(carsten.ss.arm)/runs

    carsten.lower.match <- apply(carsten.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x <= lower.carsten, nomatch=1e5))
    carsten.upper.match <- apply(carsten.success.mat.cum, 1, function(x) match(TRUE, x >= upper.carsten, nomatch=1e5))
    carsten.prob.reject.h0 <- sum(carsten.upper.match < carsten.lower.match)/runs
    carsten.se <- sqrt(carsten.prob.reject.h0*(1-carsten.prob.reject.h0))/runs

    ss <- carsten.ss.mean
    rejectH0 <- carsten.prob.reject.h0

  output <- data.frame(ss=ss, rejectH0=rejectH0, pc=pc, pt=pt, true.pc=true.pc, true.pt=true.pt)
} # END OF FUNCTION varypPlot

# varypPowerSS <- function(method, n, r, pc, pt, thetaF=NULL, thetaE=NULL, p.range, runs, lower.triangle=TRUE,
#                          seed=sample(1:1e5, 1), power.ss="power", title.text=FALSE, plot=TRUE){
#   df <- data.frame(expand.grid(seq(p.range[1], p.range[2], by=0.1), seq(p.range[1], p.range[2], by=0.1)))
#   names(df) <- c("true.pt", "true.pc")
#   if(lower.triangle==TRUE){
#     df <- df[df$true.pt >= df$true.pc, ]
#   }
#   x <- apply(df, 1, function(x) varypPlot(h0=FALSE, n=n, r=r, pc=pc, pt=pt, true.pc=x["true.pc"], true.pt=x["true.pt"], thetaF=thetaF, thetaE=thetaE, runs=runs, seed=seed, method=method))
#   x <- do.call(rbind, x)
#   thelabel <- switch(power.ss, "power" = round(rejectH0, 2), "ss" = round(ss,1))
#   theplot <- ggplot(x, aes_string("true.pt", "true.pc")) +
#     geom_raster(aes(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = rejectH0, "ss" = ss))) +
#     scale_fill_gradient2(low="yellow", high="red", guide="colorbar") +
#     geom_text(aes_string("true.pt", "true.pc", label=thelabel), color = "black", size = 5) +
#     labs(fill = switch(power.ss, "power" = "P(reject H0)", "ss" = "ESS"),
#          y=expression("True p"[C]),
#          x=expression("True p"[T])) +
#     theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.7),
#           axis.text=element_text(size=rel(1.25)),
#           axis.title=element_text(size=rel(1.5)))
#   if(title.text==TRUE){
#     if(method=="carsten"){
#       theplot <- theplot +
#         labs(title = paste("Carsten design: n1=", n[[1]], ", n=", n[[2]], ", r1=", r[[1]], ", r=", r[[2]], ". pc=", pc, ", pt=", pt, sep=""))
#     }
#     if(method=="block"){
#       theplot <- theplot +
#         labs(title = paste("Block design: n=", n, ", r=", r, ", thetaF=", round(thetaF,3), ", thetaE=", round(thetaE,3),  ". pc=", pc, ", pt=", pt, sep=""))
#     }
#   }
#   if(plot==TRUE){
#     return(theplot)
#   } else {
#     return(x)
#   }
# } # END OF FUNCTION varypPowerSS

# Write a program that will find the sample size using our design and Carsten's design, for a given set of data #

# for p0=0.1, p1=0.3, alpha=0.15, power=0.8, h0-optimal designs are:
# Carsten:
# n1=7; n=16; r1=1; r2=3
# This design should have the following OCs:
# Type I error: 0.148, Power: 0.809, EssH0: 21.27400, EssH1: 19.44200
# Our design (not strictly H0-optimal, but is within 0.5 of optimal wrt EssH0 and has N=31, vs N=71 for the actual H0-optimal):
# n=31; r2=3; thetaF=0.1277766; thetaE=0.9300000

rejectionRegions <- function(n, r, thetaF=NULL, thetaE=NULL, pc, pt, method=NULL){
  m <- successes <- outcome <- NULL
  #### Find CPs for block and Carsten designs:
    block.mat <- findBlockCP(n=n, r=r, pc=pc, pt=pt, thetaF=thetaF, thetaE=thetaE)
    #### Find lower and upper stopping boundaries for block and Carsten designs:
    lower <- rep(-Inf, ncol(block.mat)/2)
    upper <- rep(Inf, ncol(block.mat)/2)
    looks <- seq(2, ncol(block.mat), by=2)
    for(j in 1:length(looks)){
      if(any(block.mat[,looks[j]]==0, na.rm = T)){
        lower[j] <- max(which(block.mat[,looks[j]]==0))-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]
      if(any(block.mat[,looks[j]]==1, na.rm = T)){
        upper[j] <- which.max(block.mat[,looks[j]])-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]

    m.list <- vector("list", max(looks))
    for(i in 1:length(looks)){
      m.list[[i]] <- data.frame(m=looks[i], successes=0:max(looks), outcome=NA)
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes <= lower[i]] <- "NOGO"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes >= lower[i]+1 & m.list[[i]]$successes <= upper[i]-1] <- "Continue"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes >= upper[i] & m.list[[i]]$successes <= looks[i]] <- "GO"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes > looks[i]] <- NA

    carsten.mat <- carstenCPonly(n1=n[[1]], n=n[[2]], r1=r[[1]], r=r[[2]], pair=F)
    #### Find lower and upper stopping boundaries for block and Carsten designs:
    lower.carsten <- rep(-Inf, ncol(carsten.mat)/2)
    upper.carsten <- rep(Inf, ncol(carsten.mat)/2)
    looks.carsten <- seq(2, ncol(carsten.mat), by=2)
    for(j in 1:length(looks.carsten)){
      if(any(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==0, na.rm = T)){
        lower.carsten[j] <- max(which(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==0))-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]
      if(any(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]]==1, na.rm = T)){
        upper.carsten[j] <- which.max(carsten.mat[,looks.carsten[j]])-1 # Minus 1 to account for row i == [number of responses-1]

    looks <- looks.carsten
    lower <- lower.carsten
    upper <- upper.carsten


    m.list <- vector("list", max(looks))
    for(i in 1:length(looks)){
      m.list[[i]] <- data.frame(m=looks[i], successes=0:(max(looks)/2), outcome=NA)
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes <= lower[i]] <- "NOGO"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes >= lower[i]+1 & m.list[[i]]$successes <= upper[i]-1] <- "Continue"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes >= upper[i] & m.list[[i]]$successes <= looks[i]/2] <- "GO"
      m.list[[i]]$outcome[m.list[[i]]$successes > looks[i]/2] <- NA


  m.df <- do.call(rbind, m.list)

  ggplot(m.df, aes(m, successes)) +
    geom_raster(aes(fill = outcome)) +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.7))

##################### END OF SECTION 3.2 ###################

# Plot thetaE, thetaF of all feasible designs ####
plotFeasible <- function(df, criterion=0){
  theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 20)) # Increase font size and set theme for plots.
  plt <- ggplot(data=df,
                aes_string(x="thetaF", y="thetaE"))
    main.text <- expression(paste(theta[F], ", ", theta[E], " and ESS(", p[0], ", ", p[0], ") for all feasible designs"))
    legend.text <- expression(paste("ESS(", p[0], ", ", p[0], ")"))
    plt <- plt + geom_point(aes_string(color="EssH0"), size=3)
    main.text <- expression(paste(theta[F], ", ", theta[E], " and ESS(", p[0], ", ", p[1], ") for all feasible designs"))
    legend.text <- expression(paste("ESS(", p[0], ", ", p[1], ")"))
    plt <- plt + geom_point(aes_string(color="Ess"), size=3)
  plt <- plt +

# Plot rejection regions for proposed design and Carsten design: ####
plotRejectionRegions <- function(data.f, method){
  theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 20))# Increase font size and set theme for plots.
  rejection.plot <- ggplot(data.f, aes_string("m", "successes")) +
    geom_raster(aes_string(fill = "outcome")) +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8))+
    rejection.plot <- rejection.plot +
      labs(title="Decision space for Carsten design",
           x="Participants (total)",
           y="Successes (pairs)")
    rejection.plot <- rejection.plot +
      labs(title="Decision space for block size two",
           x="Participants (total)",
           y="Successes (total)")

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