
Defines functions plot_param_space explore_space

Documented in explore_space plot_param_space

#' Explore parameter space
#' The function is aimed at getting an idea of how the parameter space
#' of a model behaves, so that parameter identifiability problems and correlations
#' between parameters can be explored. Therefore, the function samples a large
#' number of parameter sets by randomly drawing from each parameter's 95%
#' confidence interval (generated by [lik_profile()]). It then
#' checks how many of the parameter sets are within acceptable limits by comparing
#' the likelihood ratio of a parameter set vs. the original parameter set against
#' a chi-square distribution as degrees of freedom (df) the total number of profile
#' parameters (outer rim) or one df (inner rim). If needed, the function resamples
#' until at least `nr_accept` parameters sets are within the inner rim
#' @param x a list of [caliset] objects
#' @param par best fit parameters from joined calibration
#' @param res output of 'lik_profile()' function
#' @param output character vector, name of output column of [simulate()] that
#'  is used in calibration
#' @param sample_size number of samples to draw from each parameter interval
#' @param max_runs max number of times to redraw samples (within a smaller space), and repeat the process
#' @param nr_accept threshold for number of points sampled within the inner circle
#' @param sample_factor multiplication factor for sampling (95% interval * sample factor)
#' @return a list containing a plot to explore the parameter space, and the `data.frame`
#' supporting it
#' @export
#' @global LLR_accept LLR_quality
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Example with Lemna model - physiological params
#' # Before applying the function, a model needs to be calibrated and its parameters profiled
#' # Inputs for likelihood profiling
#' # exposure - control run
#' exp <- Schmitt2013 %>%
#'   filter(ID == "T0") %>%
#'   select(time=t, conc)
#' # observations - control run
#' obs <- Schmitt2013 %>%
#'   filter(ID == "T0") %>%
#'   select(t, BM=obs)
#' # parameters after calibration
#' params <- c(
#'   k_phot_max = 5.663571,
#'   k_resp = 1.938689,
#'   Topt = 26.7
#' )
#' # set parameter boundaries (if different from defaults)
#' bounds <- list(
#'   k_resp = list(0, 10),
#'   k_phot_max = list(0, 30),
#'   Topt = list(20, 30)
#' )
#' # update metsulfuron
#' myscenario <- metsulfuron %>%
#'   set_init(c(BM = 5, E = 1, M_int = 0)) %>%
#'   set_param(list(
#'     k_0 = 5E-5,
#'     a_k = 0.25,
#'     BM50 = 17600,
#'     mass_per_frond = 0.1
#'   )) %>%
#'   set_exposure(exp) %>%
#'   set_param(params) %>%
#'   set_bounds(bounds)
#' # Likelihood profiling
#' res <- lik_profile(
#'   x = myscenario,
#'   data = obs,
#'   output = "BM",
#'   par = params,
#'   refit = FALSE,
#'   type = "fine",
#'   method = "Brent"
#' )
#' # plot
#' plot_lik_profile(res)
#' # parameter space explorer
#' set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
#' res_space <- explore_space(
#'   x = list(caliset(myscenario, obs)),
#'   par = params,
#'   res = res,
#'   output = "BM",
#'   sample_size = 1000,
#'   max_runs = 20,
#'   nr_accept = 100)
#' plot_param_space(res_space)
#' }
explore_space <- function(x,
                          sample_size = 1000,
                          max_runs = 30,
                          nr_accept = 100,
                          sample_factor = 1.2) {
  # some checks
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # check sensible use of function
  if(length(output) > 1){
    stop("Parameter `output` must have length of one")
  if (length(names(res)) <= 1) {
    stop("parameter space exploration only makes sense for 2 or more parameters")
  # check if the same output is used throughout
  #if(!(output %in% x[[1]]@scenario@endpoints)){
  #  stop("Specified output not present in scenario object (x)")
  if(!(output %in% colnames(x[[1]]@data))){
    stop("Specified output not present in data of scenario object (x)")
  # check if explored parameters are part of the model
  if (any(names(res) %in% names(x[[1]]@scenario@param) == "FALSE")) {
    stop("Profiled parameters (in res) are not part of the scenario object (x)")
  # check if boundaries for explored parameters are available
  if(any(names(res) %in% names(x[[1]]@scenario@param.bounds) == "FALSE")){
    stop("No parameter boundaries available for explored parameters, please set bounds in scenario object (x)")

  # calculate log likelihood with original model, for the profiled pars
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  pred_orig <- list()
  ll_orig <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    pred_orig[[i]] <- x[[i]]@scenario %>%
      set_times(x[[i]]@data[, 1]) %>% # time is the 1st column, mandatory that it is the 1st column
      set_param(par) %>% #use pars from calibration
    ll_orig[[i]] <- log_lik(
      npars = length(res),
      obs = x[[i]]@data[, 2], # observations are the 2nd column, mandatory that it is the 2nd column
      pred = pred_orig[[i]][, c(output)]
  ll_orig <- sum(unlist(ll_orig))

  # obtain a (random uniform) sample from each parameter's profile region,
  # and include the original param values
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  par_sample_list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(res)) {
    par_sample_list[[i]] <- c(
      res[[i]]$orig_par_value, # original par value is put first
        min = res[[i]]$prof_region[1] / sample_factor,
        max = res[[i]]$prof_region[2] * sample_factor
    names(par_sample_list)[[i]] <- names(res[i])
  par_sample <- data.frame(par_sample_list)

  # calculate LL, LLR for each parameter set
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  LL <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nrow(par_sample)) {
    LL_tmp <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(x)) {
      pred <- x[[j]]@scenario %>%
        set_param(param = par_sample[i, ]) %>%
        set_times(x[[j]]@data[, 1]) %>%
      LL_tmp[[j]] <- log_lik(
        npars = length(res),
        obs = x[[j]]@data[, 2],
        pred = pred[, output]
    LL <- c(LL, sum(unlist(LL_tmp)))
  # add likelihood to the dataframe
  par_sample$LL <- LL

  # calc likelihood ratio: -2*ln(likelihood ratio)
  par_sample$LLR <- -2 * (par_sample$LL - ll_orig) # matlab BYOM L. 704

  # X2 difference test to compare nested models
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # cutoffs for the Chi-square
  # these are the values from a standard chi-square distribution table, for df 1
  # to 10, at a alpha = 0.05 significance level,
  # these values are used in the chi-square test to determine if a fit is significantly
  # different from a previous one (i.e. larger than the cutoff given here)
  chi_table <- c(3.8415, 5.9915, 7.8147, 9.4877, 11.070, 12.592, 14.067, 15.507, 16.919, 18.307)
  chi_crit_j <- chi_table[length(res)] # cut-off for the 95% profile region
  chi_crit_s <- chi_table[1] # cut-off for single par. CI

  # clean dataset based on criteria
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  par_sample$LLR_accept <- ifelse(par_sample$LLR < chi_crit_j, "accept", "reject") # accept combinations within the profile region
  par_sample$LLR_quality <- ifelse(par_sample$LLR < chi_crit_s, "Inner", "Outer") # give preference to those with 95% CI inner rim
  # calculate nr of points within inner rim
  inner_ind <- which(par_sample$LLR_quality == "Inner") # remember which ones are in the inner rim (used/updated later in the while loop)
  inner_size <- nrow(par_sample[inner_ind, ])

  # Additional sampling (repeating steps above with slight modifications)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  sample_iter <- 1
  while (inner_size < nr_accept) { # number of accepted points should be >= nr_accept

    message("resampling parameter space, iteration: ", sample_iter)

    # obtain a (random normal) sample based on the previously "inner" rim samples
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    par_sample_list <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(res)) {
      par_sample_list[[i]] <- stats::rnorm(sample_size,
        mean = mean(par_sample[inner_ind, i]),
        sd = stats::sd(par_sample[inner_ind, i]) * 1.5
      names(par_sample_list)[[i]] <- names(res[i])
    par_sample_new <- data.frame(par_sample_list)

    # ensure that values are all within param bounds
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    for(i in 1:length(res)){ # for each parameter
      nm <- names(res)[i]
      too_small <- which(par_sample_new[, i] < x[[1]]@scenario@param.bounds[[nm]][1])
      too_large <- which(par_sample_new[, i] > x[[1]]@scenario@param.bounds[[nm]][2])
      if(length(c(too_small, too_large)) > 0){ # remove samples outside boundaries (if present)
        par_sample_new <- par_sample_new[-c(too_small, too_large), ]
        if (nrow(par_sample_new) == 0) {
          stop("all sampled parameter values out of bounds")

    # calculate LL, LLR for each parameter set
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    LL <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nrow(par_sample_new)) {
      LL_tmp <- list()
      for (j in seq_along(x)) {
        pred <- x[[j]]@scenario %>%
          set_param(param = par_sample_new[i, ]) %>%
          set_times(x[[j]]@data[, 1]) %>%
        LL_tmp[[j]] <- log_lik(
          npars = length(res),
          obs = x[[j]]@data[, 2],
          pred = pred[, output]
      LL <- c(LL, sum(unlist(LL_tmp)))
    # add likelihood to the dataframe
    par_sample_new$LL <- LL

    # calc likelihood ratio: -2*ln(likelihood ratio)
    par_sample_new$LLR <- -2 * (par_sample_new$LL - ll_orig) # matlab BYOM L. 704

    # clean dataset based on criteria
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    par_sample_new$LLR_accept <- ifelse(par_sample_new$LLR < chi_crit_j, "accept", "reject") # accept combinations within the profile region
    par_sample_new$LLR_quality <- ifelse(par_sample_new$LLR < chi_crit_s, "Inner", "Outer") # give preference to those with 95% CI inner rim

    # join with previous df
    par_sample <- rbind(par_sample, par_sample_new)

    # calculate nr of points within inner rim (and update inner_ind)
    inner_ind <- which(par_sample$LLR_quality == "Inner") # remember which ones are in the inner rim (used/updated later in the while loop)
    inner_size <- nrow(par_sample[inner_ind, ])

    sample_iter <- sample_iter + 1
    if (sample_iter >= max_runs) {
      message("max nr of iterations reached, increase 'max_runs'")
  } # end while loop

  # find best LLR value, and compare with original LLR (which is per definition = 0)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (min(par_sample$LLR) < 0) {
    message("better optimum found in space explorer")
    best_fit_ind <- which(par_sample$LLR == min(par_sample$LLR))
    par_sample$LLR_quality[best_fit_ind] <- "Best fit"
  par_sample[1, "LLR_quality"] <- "Original fit"

  # clean and return
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  output <- par_sample %>%
    dplyr::filter(LLR_accept == "accept") %>%

  class(output) <- c(class(output), "param_space")

#  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' Plot likelihood profiles or all profiled parameters
#' The function provides bivariate parameter space plots indicating
#' parameter draws (from the 95%confidence intervals per parameter obtained
#' through likelihood profiling) that fall within the inner rim (in green, i.e.
#' parameter sets which are not significantly different from the original, based
#' on a chi-square test). The original parameter set is also indicated (in orange),
#' and, if different from the original set, the best fit parameter set is indicated
#'  (in red)
#' @param x object of class param_space
#' @return plots
#' @global LL
#' @export
plot_param_space <- function(x){

  # make sure x is a param_space
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  stopifnot("param_space" %in% class(x))

  # find best LLR value, and compare with original LLR (which is per definition = 0)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (min(x$LLR) < 0) {
    plot_colors <- c("tomato", "orange", "#4DAC26",  "#0571B0")
    plot_size <- c(3, 3, 1.5, 1.5)
    index <- which(x$LLR_quality %in% c("Original fit", "Best fit"))
    x$LLR_quality <- as.factor(x$LLR_quality)
    x$LLR_quality <- factor(x$LLR_quality,
                            levels = c("Best fit", "Original fit", "Inner", "Outer"))
  } else {
    plot_colors <- c( "orange","#4DAC26", "#0571B0")
    plot_size <- c(3, 1.5, 1.5)
    index <- which(x$LLR_quality %in% "Original fit")
    x$LLR_quality <- as.factor(x$LLR_quality)
    x$LLR_quality <- factor(x$LLR_quality,
                            levels = c("Original fit", "Inner", "Outer"))

  # reorder so that the original and best fit are the last datapoints (and
  # thus are plotted on top)
  x_best <- x[index,]
  x_withoutbest <- x[-index,]
  x <- rbind(x_withoutbest, x_best)

  # plot of all correlations
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # dummy plot to get a legend
  p <- x %>%
        x = colnames(x)[1],
        y = LL,
        color = LLR_quality)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = plot_colors)
  leg <- GGally::grab_legend(p)

  # actual plot, complete
  full_plot <- x %>%
      columns = colnames(x)[-which(colnames(x) %in% c("LL", "LLR", "LLR_quality"))],
        color = LLR_quality,
        size = as.factor(LLR_quality)
      upper = list(continuous = "blank"),
      diag = list(continuous = "blankDiag"),
      title = "Parameter space",
      legend = leg
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = plot_colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = plot_size) +

  # function to modify ggpairs output (trim empty space)
  gpairs_lower <- function(g) {
    g$plots <- g$plots[-(1:g$nrow)]
    g$yAxisLabels <- g$yAxisLabels[-1]
    g$nrow <- g$nrow - 1

    g$plots <- g$plots[-(seq(g$ncol, length(g$plots), by = g$ncol))]
    g$xAxisLabels <- g$xAxisLabels[-g$ncol]
    g$ncol <- g$ncol - 1


  # modification of the plot
  full_plot <- gpairs_lower(full_plot)


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