#' Manage Corpus Data and Encode CWB Corpus.
#' See the [CWB Encoding
#' Tutorial]( on
#' characters allowed for encoding attributes: "By convention, all attribute
#' names must be lowercase (more precisely, they may only contain the characters
#' a-z, 0-9, -, and _, and may not start with a digit). Therefore, the names of
#' XML elements to be included in the CWB corpus must not contain any non-ASCII
#' or uppercase letters." (section 2)
#' @param x A single filename, a character vector of filenames, or a directory
#' with XML files.
#' @param body An xpath expression defining the body of the XML document.
#' @param verbose A logical value, whether to be verbose.
#' @param progress A logical value, whether to show progress bar.
#' @param meta A named character vector with XPath expressions.
#' @param mc A numeric/integer value, number of cores to use.
#' @param compress A logical value, whether to compress corpus.
#' @param encoding Encoding/charset of the CWB corpus.
#' @param registry_dir Corpus registry, the directory where registry files are
#' stored.
#' @param corpus The name of the CWB corpus.
#' @param p_attributes Positional attributes.
#' @param s_attributes Columns that will be encoded as structural attributes.
#' @param data_dir Directory where to create directory for indexed corpus files.
#' @param method Either "R" or "CWB".
#' @param filenames A vector of files to process.
#' @param replacements A list of length-two character vectors with regular
#' expressions and replacements.
#' @param ... Arguments that are passed into `tokenizers::tokenize_words()`.
#' @field chunktable A `data.table` with column "id" (unique values),
#' columns with metadata, and a column with text chunks.
#' @field tokenstream A `data.table` with a column "cpos" (corpus position), and
#' columns with positional attributes, such as "word", "lemma", "pos", "stem".
#' @field metadata A `data.table` with a column "id", to link data with
#' chunks/tokenstream, columns with document-level metadata, and a column
#' "cpos_left" and "cpos_right", which can be generated using method
#' `$add_corpus_positions()`.
#' @field sentences A `data.table`.
#' @field named_entities A `data.table`.
#' @export CorpusData
#' @importFrom data.table setnames rbindlist .GRP .SD := fread fwrite setorderv
#' data.table
#' @importFrom data.table uniqueN setkeyv
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml xml_attrs xml_find_all xml_find_first xml_name
#' xml_parents xml_text
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply timerProgressBar setTimerProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom stringi stri_detect_regex
#' @rdname CorpusData
#' @name CorpusData
#' @examples
#' library(RcppCWB)
#' library(data.table)
#' # this example relies on the R method to write data to disk, there is also a method "CWB"
#' # that relies on CWB tools to generate the indexed corpus. The CWB can downloaded
#' # and installed within the package by calling cwb_install()
#' # create temporary registry file so that data in RcppCWB package can be used
#' registry_rcppcwb <- system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "cwb", "registry")
#' registry_tmp <- fs::path(tempdir(), "registry")
#' if (!dir.exists(registry_tmp)) dir.create(registry_tmp)
#' r <- registry_file_parse("REUTERS", registry_dir = registry_rcppcwb)
#' r[["home"]] <- system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "cwb", "indexed_corpora", "reuters")
#' registry_file_write(r, corpus = "REUTERS", registry_dir = registry_tmp)
#' # decode structural attribute 'places'
#' s_attrs_places <- RcppCWB::s_attribute_decode(
#' corpus = "REUTERS",
#' data_dir = system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "cwb", "indexed_corpora", "reuters"),
#' s_attribute = "places", method = "R"
#' )
#' s_attrs_places[["id"]] <- 1L:nrow(s_attrs_places)
#' setnames(s_attrs_places, old = "value", new = "places")
#' # decode positional attribute 'word'
#' tokens <- apply(s_attrs_places, 1, function(row){
#' ids <- cl_cpos2id(
#' corpus = "REUTERS", cpos = row[1]:row[2],
#' p_attribute = "word", registry = registry_tmp
#' )
#' cl_id2str(corpus = "REUTERS", id = ids, p_attribute = "word", registry = registry_tmp)
#' })
#' tokenstream <- rbindlist(
#' lapply(
#' 1L:length(tokens),
#' function(i) data.table(id = i, word = tokens[[i]]))
#' )
#' tokenstream[["cpos"]] <- 0L:(nrow(tokenstream) - 1L)
#' # create CorpusData object (see vignette for further explanation)
#' CD <- CorpusData$new()
#' CD$tokenstream <-
#' CD$metadata <-
#' # Remove temporary registry with home dir still pointing to RcppCWB data dir
#' # to prevent data from being deleted
#' file.remove(fs::path(registry_tmp, "reuters"))
#' file.remove(registry_tmp)
#' # create temporary directories (registry directory and one for indexed corpora)
#' registry_tmp <- fs::path(tempdir(), "registry")
#' data_dir_tmp <- fs::path(tempdir(), "data_dir")
#' if (!dir.exists(registry_tmp)) dir.create(registry_tmp)
#' if (!dir.exists(data_dir_tmp)) dir.create(data_dir_tmp)
#' CD$encode(
#' corpus = "REUTERS", encoding = "utf8",
#' p_attributes = "word", s_attributes = "places",
#' registry_dir = registry_tmp, data_dir = data_dir_tmp,
#' method = "R"
#' )
#' reg <- registry_data(name = "REUTERS", id = "REUTERS", home = data_dir_tmp, p_attributes = "word")
#' registry_file_write(data = reg, corpus = "REUTERS", registry_dir = registry_tmp)
#' # see whether it works
#' cl_cpos2id(corpus = "REUTERS", p_attribute = "word", cpos = 0L:4049L, registry = registry_tmp)
CorpusData <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "CorpusData",
public = list(
chunktable = NULL, # a data.table
tokenstream = NULL, # a data.table
metadata = NULL, # a data.table
sentences = NULL, # a data.table
named_entities = NULL, # a data.table
#' @description
#' Initialize a new instance of class \code{CorpusData}.
#' @return A class \code{CorpusData} object.
initialize = function(){
#' @description
#' Print summary of `CorpusData` object.
print = function(){
if (is.null(self$chunktable)){
cat("chunktable: NULL\n")
} else {
cat(sprintf("chunktable: %d columns / %d rows\n", ncol(self$chunktable), nrow(self$chunktable)))
if (is.null(self$tokenstream)){
cat("tokenstream: NULL\n")
} else {
cat(sprintf("tokenstream: %d columns / %d rows\n", ncol(self$tokenstream), nrow(self$tokenstream)))
if (is.null(self$metadata)){
cat("metadata: NULL\n")
} else {
cat(sprintf("metadata: %d columns / %d rows\n", ncol(self$metadata), nrow(self$metadata)))
#' @description
#' Simple tokenization of text in chunktable.
tokenize = function(..., verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE){
if (requireNamespace("tokenizers", quietly = TRUE)){
if (!inherits(self$chunktable, "data.table"))
stop("the chunktable needs to be a data. table")
if (progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = uniqueN(self$chunktable[["id"]]), style = 3)
.tokenize <- function(.SD, .GRP){
if (progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = .GRP)
tokenizers::tokenize_words(.SD[["text"]], ...)
self$tokenstream <- self$chunktable[, .tokenize(.SD, .GRP), by = "id"]
if (progress) close(pb)
} else {
self$tokenstream <- self$chunktable[,{strsplit(.SD[["text"]], split = "(\\s|[\\.:;\\?!])")[[1]]}, by = "id"]
setnames(self$tokenstream, old = "V1", new = "word")
self$add_corpus_positions(verbose = verbose)
#' @details
#' Import XML files.
#' @return The \code{CorpusData} object is returned invisibly.
import_xml = function(filenames, body = "//body", meta = NULL, mc = NULL, progress = TRUE){
.xml_reader <- function(x){
doc <- xml2::read_xml(x)
textnodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc, xpath = sprintf("%s//text()", body))
.get_parents_attributes <- function(textnode){
meta <- lapply(
sattrs <- xml2::xml_attrs(ancestor)
if (length(sattrs) > 0){
names(sattrs) <- paste(xml2::xml_name(ancestor), names(sattrs), sep = "_")
return( sattrs )
} else {
return( setNames(TRUE, xml2::xml_name(ancestor)) )
data <- as.list(unlist(meta))
dt <- rbindlist(lapply(textnodes, .get_parents_attributes), fill = TRUE)
if (!is.null(meta)){
for (x in names(meta)){
dt[, eval(x) := xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(doc, meta[x])), with = TRUE]
y <- list(
text = data.table(
id = 1L:length(textnodes),
text = sapply(textnodes, xml2::xml_text)
metadata = dt
if (!all(file.exists(filenames)))
stop("all files provided by x need to exist (not fulfilled)")
if (is.null(mc) || mc == 1L){
data <- if (progress)
pblapply(filenames, .xml_reader) else lapply(filenames, .xml_reader)
} else if (is.numeric(mc)){
data <- if (progress).pblapply(filenames, .xml_reader, cl = mc)
mclapply(filenames, .xml_reader, mc.cores = mc)
} else {
stop("If argument 'mc' is not NULL nor 1, it is required to be an integer value.")
self$chunktable <- rbindlist(lapply(data, function(x) x[["text"]]))
self$chunktable[["id"]] <- 1L:nrow(self$chunktable)
self$metadata <- rbindlist(lapply(data, function(x) x[["metadata"]]), fill = TRUE)
self$metadata[["id"]] <- 1L:nrow(self$metadata)
#' @description
#' Add column 'cpos' to tokenstream and columns 'cpos_left' and
#' 'cpos_right' to metadata.
add_corpus_positions = function(verbose = TRUE){
if (!"id" %in% colnames(self$metadata)) stop("id column required")
self$tokenstream[, "cpos" := 0L:(nrow(self$tokenstream) - 1L)]
if (verbose) cli_alert_info("adding corpus positions to table 'metadata'")
grpn <- uniqueN(self$tokenstream[["id"]])
if (interactive()) pb <- timerProgressBar(min = 0, max = grpn, width = getOption("pboptions")[["txt.width"]])
.fn <- function(.SD, .GRP){
if (interactive()) setTimerProgressBar(pb, .GRP);
list(cpos_left = min(.SD[["cpos"]]), cpos_right = max(.SD[["cpos"]]))
cpos_dt <- self$tokenstream[, .fn(.SD, .GRP), by = "id"]
if (interactive()) close(pb)
setkeyv(cpos_dt, cols = "id")
setkeyv(self$metadata, cols = "id")
self$metadata <- self$metadata[cpos_dt]
#' @description
#' Remove patterns from chunkdata that are known to cause problems. This is
#' done most efficiently at the chunkdata level of data preparation as the
#' length of the character vector to handle is much smaller than when
#' tokenization/annotation has been performed.
purge = function(replacements = list(c("^\\s*<.*?>\\s*$", ""), c("\u2019", "'"))){
for (i in 1L:length(replacements)){
if (verbose)
"checking for presence of regex: {replacements[[i]][1]}"
matches <- stri_detect_regex(str = self$chunkdata[["text"]], pattern = replacements[[i]][1])
if (any(matches)){
self$chunkdata[["text"]] <- stri_replace_all(
str = self$chunkdata[["text"]],
regex = replacements[[i]][1],
replacement = replacements[[i]][2]
#' @description
#' Encode corpus. If the corpus already exists, it will be removed.
#' @param reload A `logical` value, whether to reload corpus.
#' @param quietly A `logical` value passed into `RcppCWB::cwb_makeall()`,
#' `RcppCWB::cwb_huffcode()` and `RcppCWB::cwb_compress_rdx` to control
#' verbosity of these functions.
#' @importFrom RcppCWB cl_delete_corpus cl_attribute_size cqp_load_corpus
#' corpus_s_attributes corpus_p_attributes cl_find_corpus
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_step cli_progress_done
encode = function(
p_attributes = "word",
s_attributes = NULL,
registry_dir = Sys.getenv("CORPUS_REGISTRY"),
data_dir = NULL,
method = c("R", "CWB"),
verbose = TRUE,
compress = FALSE,
reload = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE
if (verbose) cli_rule("Prepare encoding corpus {corpus}")
if (file.exists(registry_dir))
if ([["isdir"]] != TRUE)
stop("registry_dir is not a directory")
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info("registry directory: {.path {registry_dir}}")
registry_file <- fs::path(registry_dir, tolower(corpus))
if (file.exists(registry_file)){
"registry file for corpus {.val {corpus}} already exists"
corpus_remove(corpus = corpus, registry_dir = registry_dir)
if (is.null(data_dir)){
super_dir <- dirname(registry_dir)
potential_data_dir <- grep(
value = TRUE,
perl = TRUE
if (length(potential_data_dir) != 1)
stop("no data_dir provided, no candidate found")
data_dir <- fs::path(super_dir, potential_data_dir, tolower(corpus))
if (verbose)
cli_alert_info("data directory suggested_ {.path {data_dir}}")
feedback <- readline(
prompt = "Use this data directory? (type 'Y' to confirm)"
if (feedback != "Y") stop("aborting")
if (!file.exists(data_dir)) dir.create(data_dir)
} else {
if (!file.exists(data_dir)) dir.create(data_dir)
if (verbose) cli_alert_info("data directory: {.path {data_dir}}")
if (!encoding %in% c("ascii", paste("latin", 1:9, sep = ""), "utf8")){
"encoding is required to be either ascii, latin1 to latin9, or utf8"
if (verbose) cli_alert_info("encoding: {.val {encoding}}")
if (verbose) cli_rule("encode p-attribute {.val word}")
token_stream = self$tokenstream[["word"]],
corpus = corpus,
encoding = encoding,
registry_dir = registry_dir,
data_dir = data_dir,
method = method,
verbose = verbose,
compress = compress,
quietly = quietly
# add other p-attributes than 'word'
if (length(p_attributes) > 1L){
for (p_attr in p_attributes[which(p_attributes != "word")]){
if (verbose) cli_rule("encode p-attribute {.val {p_attr}}")
token_stream = self$tokenstream[[p_attr]],
corpus = corpus,
p_attribute = p_attr,
encoding = encoding,
registry_dir = registry_dir,
data_dir = data_dir,
method = method,
verbose = FALSE,
compress = compress,
quietly = quietly
if (verbose) cli_rule("Encode s-attributes")
for (s_attr in s_attributes){
if (verbose) cli_alert_info("encode s-attribute {.val {s_attr}}")
values = self$metadata[[s_attr]],
corpus = corpus,
s_attribute = s_attr,
region_matrix = as.matrix(
self$metadata[,c("cpos_left", "cpos_right")]
data_dir = data_dir,
registry_dir = registry_dir,
encoding = encoding,
method = method,
verbose = FALSE
if (verbose) cli_rule("Prepare registry file")
if (verbose) cli_progress_step("write registry file")
reg_data <- registry_data(
name = toupper(corpus),
id = tolower(corpus),
home = path.expand(data_dir),
properties = c(charset = encoding),
p_attributes = p_attributes,
s_attributes = s_attributes
data = reg_data,
corpus = tolower(corpus),
registry_dir = registry_dir
if (verbose) cli_progress_done()
if (verbose) cli_rule("Check result")
if (isTRUE(reload))
corpus_reload(corpus = corpus, registry = registry_dir)
p_attrs <- corpus_p_attributes(corpus = corpus, registry = registry_dir)
if (all(p_attributes %in% p_attrs)){
if (verbose) cli_alert_success("all p-attributes are available")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("not all p-attributes available")
s_attrs <- corpus_s_attributes(corpus = corpus, registry = registry_dir)
if (all(s_attributes %in% s_attrs)){
if (verbose) cli_alert_success("all s-attributes are available")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("not all s-attributes available")
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