#'@title Smoothing
#'@description Smoothing is a statistical technique used to reduce
#' the noise in a signal or a dataset by removing the high-frequency components.
#' The smoothing level is associated with the number of bins used.
#' There are alternative methods to establish the smoothing:
#' equal interval, equal frequency, and clustering.
#'@param n number of bins
#'@return returns an object of class `smoothing`
#'obj <- smoothing_inter(n = 2)
#'obj <- fit(obj, iris$Sepal.Length)
#' <- transform(obj, iris$Sepal.Length)
#'entro <- evaluate(obj, as.factor(names(, iris$Species)
smoothing <- function(n) {
obj <- dal_transform()
obj$n <- n
obj$tune <- function(obj, data) {
options <- obj$n
opt <- data.frame()
interval <- list()
for (i in options)
obj$n <- i
obj <- fit(obj, data)
vm <- transform(obj, data)
mse <- mean((data - vm)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
row <- c(mse , i)
opt <- rbind(opt, row)
curv <- fit_curvature_max()
res <- transform(curv, opt$mean)
obj$n <- res$x
class(obj) <- append("smoothing", class(obj))
fit.smoothing <- function(obj, data, ...) {
v <- data
interval <- obj$interval
names(interval) <- NULL
interval[1] <- min(v)
interval[length(interval)] <- max(v)
interval.adj <- interval
interval.adj[1] <- -.Machine$double.xmax
interval.adj[length(interval)] <- .Machine$double.xmax
obj$interval <- interval
obj$interval.adj <- interval.adj
transform.smoothing <- function(obj, data, ...) {
v <- data
interval.adj <- obj$interval.adj
vp <- cut(v, unique(interval.adj), FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
m <- tapply(v, vp, mean)
vm <- m[vp]
evaluate.smoothing <- function(obj, data, attribute, ...) {
x <- y <- q <- qtd <- e <- n <- 0
result <- list(data=as.factor(data), attribute=as.factor(attribute))
compute_entropy <- function(obj) {
value <- getOption("dplyr.summarise.inform")
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)
dataset <- data.frame(x = obj$data, y = obj$attribute)
tbl <- dataset |> dplyr::group_by(x, y) |> summarise(qtd=dplyr::n())
tbs <- dataset |> dplyr::group_by(x) |> summarise(t=dplyr::n())
tbl <- base::merge(x=tbl, y=tbs, by.x="x", by.y="x")
tbl$e <- -(tbl$qtd/tbl$t)*log(tbl$qtd/tbl$t,2)
tbl <- tbl |> dplyr::group_by(x) |> dplyr::summarise(ce=sum(e), qtd=sum(qtd))
tbl$ceg <- tbl$ce*tbl$qtd/length(obj$data)
obj$entropy_clusters <- tbl
obj$entropy <- sum(obj$entropy$ceg)
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = value)
result <- compute_entropy(result)
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