
Defines functions lnorm_params gamma_params dirichlet_params beta_params rdirichlet gen_psa_samp

Documented in beta_params dirichlet_params gamma_params gen_psa_samp lnorm_params rdirichlet

#' Generate PSA Sample
#' @description \code{gen_psa_samp} generates a data.frame of sampled parameter values from
#' user-specified distributions
#' to be used in a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA)

#' @details
#' Length of vectors \code{params}, \code{dists}, \code{parameterization_types}, and list \code{dists_params} must all
#' be the same.
#' The nth element of \code{dists}, \code{parameterization_types}, and \code{dists_params}
#' all define the distribution that will be
#' used to draw samples of the corresponding nth element of the \code{params} vector.
#' For a given element of \code{params}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{dists == "normal"}, \code{parameterization_types} can only be \code{"mean, sd"},
#' and the corresponding element of list \code{dists_params} must be the the vector \code{c(mean, sd)}
#' \item If \code{dists == "log-normal"}, \code{parameterization_types} can be either \code{"mean, sd"} or
#' \code{"meanlog, sdlog"}, and the corresponding element of list \code{dists_params} must be either
#' the the vector \code{c(mean, sd)} or \code{c(meanlog, sdlog)}. Use \code{"mean, sd"} if you have
#' sample mean and sample standard deviation of an empirical sample of the random variable, and use
#' \code{"meanlog, sdlog"} if you want to directly specify the parameters of the log-normal distribution
#' as specified by \code{\link{rlnorm}}
#' \item If \code{dists == "truncated-normal"}, \code{parameterization_types} can only be \code{"mean, sd, ll, ul"},
#' and \code{dists_params} must be the vector \code{c(mean, sd, ll, ul)}, where \code{ll} is
#' the lower limit of the distribution and \code{ul}
#' is the upper limit of the distribution. If either the lower limit or the upper
#' limit does not exist, simply specify \code{NA} in
#' the corresponding position of the dists_params vector.
#' \item If \code{dists == "beta"}, \code{parameterization_types} can be \code{"mean, sd"} or \code{"a, b"}
#' and the corresponding element of list \code{dists_params} must be the the vector \code{c(mean, sd)}
#' or \code{c(a, b)}, respectively.
#' \item If \code{dists == "gamma"}, \code{parameterization_types} can be \code{"mean, sd"} or \code{"shape, scale"}
#' and the corresponding element of list \code{dists_params} must be the the vector \code{c(mean, sd)}
#' or \code{c(shape, scale)}, respectively.
#' \item If \code{dists == "dirichlet"}, \code{parameterization_types} can be \code{"value, mean_prop, sd"},
#' \code{"value, n"}, or \code{"value, alpha"}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{parameterization_types == "value, mean_prop, sd"},
#' then the corresponding element of list \code{dists_params} must be a data.frame where the first column
#' is a string vector of the the different multinomial outcomes. These multinomial outcomes will become column names
#' in the data.frame returned by \code{gen_psa_samp}, and therefore the strings in this column should correspond to
#' variable names used in \code{FUN} for \code{\link{run_psa}}. The second and
#' third columns of this \code{dists_params}
#' should be numerical vectors containing the sample means and sample standard errors for
#' each of the multinomial outcomes.
#' \item If \code{parameterization_types == "value, n"}, then \code{dists_params} must be a
#' data.frame with the first column
#' being a string vector of the multinomial outcomes, and the second column being a
#' vector of the observed number of each
#' multinomial outcome in a sample.
#' \item If \code{parameterization_types == "value, alpha"}, then \code{dists_params} must be a data.frame with
#' the first column being a string vector of the multinomial outcomes, and
#'  the second column must be a numerical vector
#' of the alpha parameter values for each multinomial outcome in the dirichlet distribution.
#' }
#' \item If \code{dists == "bootstrap"}, \code{parameterization_types} can only be
#'  \code{"value, weight"}, and \code{dists_params}
#' must be a data.frame with the first column being a numerical vector
#' containing all of the bootstrap sample values, and
#' the second column being an integer vector designating the
#' sampling weights of each bootstrap sample value.  For example,
#' the number of rows in the \code{dists_params} data.frame
#' is the number of individuals in the population to be sampled
#' from (with replacement) or the number of values an
#' empirical distribution (e.g. a histogram). If each individual value in the
#' sample is unique and should be weighted equally,
#' set each weight to 1. If the sample distribution resembles a histogram,
#' the weights should be equal to the number of
#' observations for each unique value in the empirical distribution.
#' \item If \code{dists == "constant"}, \code{parameterization_types} can only be \code{"val"},
#' and \code{dists_params} must be a single numerical value.
#' }
#' @param params string vector with the names of parameters to be generated by \code{gen_psa_samp}
#' and used by a user-defined function in \code{run_psa} to calculate outcomes.
#' @param dists string vector with the distributions from which \code{params} will be drawn.
#' @param parameterization_types string vector with parameterization types for each \code{dists}
#' @param dists_params list of input parameters required to
#'  by specific \code{dists} and \code{parameterization_types}
#' to fully describe distribution and generate parameter samples.
#' @param nsamp number of sets of parameter values to be generated
#' @return
#' A dataframe with samples of parameters for a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{run_psa}}
#' @examples
#' #define parameter names
#' params <- c("normal_param", "lognorm_param", "truncnorm_param", "beta_param",
#'             "gamma_param", "dirichlet_param", "bootstrap_param")
#' #indicate parent distribution types for each parameter
#' dists <- c("normal", "log-normal", "truncated-normal", "beta", "gamma", "dirichlet", "bootstrap")
#' #indicate which type of parameterization is used for each parent distribution
#' parameterization_types <- c("mean, sd", "mean, sd", "mean, sd, ll, ul", "mean, sd", "mean, sd",
#'                           "value, mean_prop, sd", "value, weight")
#' #provide distribution parameters that fully define each parent distribution, and
#' #ensure that these distribution parameters match the form expected by each combination of dists
#' #and parameterization_types
#' dists_params <- list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 0.1, NA, 1), c(.5, .2), c(100, 1),
#'                    data.frame(value = c("level1", "level2", "level3"),
#'                               mean_prop = c(.1, .4, .5), sd = c(.05, .01, .1)),
#'                    data.frame(value = c(1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8),
#'                               weight = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4)))
#' #generate 100 samples of parameter values to be used in a probabilistic sensitivity analysis
#' gen_psa_samp(params = params,
#'              dists = dists,
#'              parameterization_types = parameterization_types,
#'              dists_params = dists_params,
#'              nsamp = 100)
#' @importFrom stats rbeta rgamma rlnorm rnorm
#' @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @importFrom triangle rtriangle
#' @export
gen_psa_samp <- function(params = NULL,
                         dists = c("normal", "log-normal", "truncated-normal", "beta", "gamma",
                                  "dirichlet", "bootstrap", "constant", "triangle"),
                         parameterization_types = c("mean, sd", "a, b", "shape, scale",
                                                   "value, mean_prop, sd", "value, n",
                                                   "value, alpha", "mean, sd, ll, ul", "val",
                                                   "meanlog, sdlog", "ll, ul, mode"),
                         dists_params = NULL,
                         nsamp = 100) {

  dists <- match.arg(dists, several.ok = TRUE)
  parameterization_types <- match.arg(parameterization_types, several.ok = TRUE)

  n_params <- length(params)
  params_df <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_params)

  for (i in 1:n_params) {
    if (dists[i] == "normal") {
      params_df[[i]] <- data.frame(param_val = rnorm(nsamp, mean = dists_params[[i]][1],
                                                     sd = dists_params[[i]][2]))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    #log normal
    if (dists[i] == "log-normal") {
      if (parameterization_types[i] == "mean, sd") {
        mu <- lnorm_params(dists_params[[i]][1], (dists_params[[i]][2]) ^ 2)[[1]]
        sd <- lnorm_params(dists_params[[i]][1], (dists_params[[i]][2]) ^ 2)[[2]]
      } else if (parameterization_types[i] == "meanlog, sdlog") {
        mu <- dists_params[[i]][1]
        sd <- dists_params[[i]][2]

      params_df[[i]] <- data.frame(param_val = rlnorm(nsamp, meanlog = mu, sdlog = sd))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    #truncated normal
    if (dists[i] == "truncated-normal") {
      sample_mean <- dists_params[[i]][1]
      sample_sd <- dists_params[[i]][2]
      lowerbound <- ifelse(!is.na(dists_params[[i]][3]), dists_params[[i]][3], -Inf)
      upperbound <- ifelse(!is.na(dists_params[[i]][4]), dists_params[[i]][4], Inf)
      params_df[[i]] <- data.frame(param_val = rtruncnorm(nsamp, a = lowerbound,
                                                          b = upperbound, mean = sample_mean,
                                                          sd = sample_sd))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])
    if (dists[i] == "beta") {
      if (parameterization_types[i] == "mean, sd") {
        a <- beta_params(dists_params[[i]][1], dists_params[[i]][2])[[1]]
        b <- beta_params(dists_params[[i]][1], dists_params[[i]][2])[[2]]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rbeta(nsamp, a, b))
      } else if (parameterization_types[i] == "a, b") {
        a <- dists_params[[i]][1]
        b <- dists_params[[i]][2]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rbeta(nsamp, a, b))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    if (dists[i] == "gamma") {
      if (parameterization_types[i] == "mean, sd") {
        shape <- gamma_params(dists_params[[i]][1], dists_params[[i]][2], scale = TRUE)[[1]]
        scale <- gamma_params(dists_params[[i]][1], dists_params[[i]][2], scale = TRUE)[[2]]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rgamma(nsamp, shape = shape, scale = scale))
      } else if (parameterization_types[i] == "shape, scale") {
        shape <- dists_params[[i]][1]
        scale <- dists_params[[i]][2]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rgamma(nsamp, shape = shape, scale = scale))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    if (dists[i] == "dirichlet") {
      if (parameterization_types[i] == "value, mean_prop, sd") {
        alpha <- dirichlet_params(dists_params[[i]][, 2], dists_params[[i]][, 3])
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rdirichlet(nsamp, alpha))
      } else if (parameterization_types[i] == "value, n") {
        val_n <- as.data.frame(dists_params[[i]])
        total <- sum(val_n[, 2])
        p_mean <- val_n[, 2] / total
        sd <- sqrt((p_mean * (1 - p_mean)) / total)
        alpha <- dirichlet_params(p_mean, sd)
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rdirichlet(nsamp, alpha))
        } else if (parameterization_types[i] == "value, alpha") {
        alpha <- dists_params[[i]][, 2]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rdirichlet(nsamp, alpha))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(dists_params[[i]][, 1])

    if (dists[i] == "bootstrap") {
      samp_vec <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nsamp)
      for (k in 1:nsamp) {
        samp_vec[k] <- mean(sample(x = dists_params[[i]][, 1],
                                   size = sum(dists_params[[i]][, 2]),
                                   replace = TRUE,
                                   prob = dists_params[[i]][, 2]))
      params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(samp_vec)
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    if (dists[i] == "triangle") {
      if (parameterization_types[i] == "ll, ul, mode") {
        a <- dists_params[[i]][1]
        b <- dists_params[[i]][2]
        c <- dists_params[[i]][3]
        params_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(rtriangle(n = nsamp, a = a, b = b, c = c))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])

    if (dists[i] == "constant") {
      val <- dists_params[[i]]
      params_df[[i]] <- data.frame(param_val = rep(val, nsamp))
      names(params_df[[i]]) <- paste0(params[i])


  params_df <- do.call(cbind, params_df)
  nsamp <- 1:nsamp
  params_df <- cbind(nsamp, params_df)

#' Random number generation for the Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector alpha.
#' @param n number of observations
#' @param alpha vector of parameters defining Dirichlet distribution
#'  @importFrom stats rgamma
#'  @return A vector random values sampled from a dirichlet distribution
#'  @export
rdirichlet <- function(n, alpha) {
    k <- length(alpha)
    out <- matrix(rgamma(n * k, shape = alpha), n, k, byrow = TRUE)
    out <- out / rowSums(out)

#' Calculate alpha and beta parameters of beta distribution.
#' Function to calculate the alpha and beta parameters of the beta distribution
#' based on the method of moments using the mean \eqn{\mu} and standard
#' deviation \eqn{\sigma} of the random variable of interest.
#' @param mean mean of the random variable.
#' @param sigma standard deviation of the random variable (i.e., standard error).
#' @keywords beta distribution; methods of moments
#' @section Details:
#' Based on methods of moments. If \eqn{\mu} is the mean and
#' \eqn{\sigma} is the standard deviation of the random variable, then
#' \deqn{\alpha = (\frac{1-\mu}{\sigma^2} - \frac{1}{\mu}) \mu^2}
#' and
#' \deqn{\beta = \alpha (\frac{1}{\mu} -1)}
#' @return a list containing the following:
#' @return alpha The method-of-moments estimate for the alpha parameter of the beta distribution
#' @return beta The method-of-moments estimate for the beta parameter of the beta distribution
#' @export
beta_params <- function(mean, sigma) {
  alpha <- ((1 - mean) / sigma ^ 2 - 1 / mean) * mean ^ 2
  beta  <- alpha * (1 / mean - 1)
  params <- list(alpha = alpha, beta = beta)

#' Calculate alpha parameters of Dirichlet distribution.
#' Function to calculate the \eqn{\alpha} parameters of the Dirichlet distribution
#' based on the method of moments (MoM) using the mean \eqn{\mu} and standard
#' deviation \eqn{\sigma} of the random variables of interest.
#' @param p.mean Vector of means of the random variables.
#' @param sigma Vector of standard deviation of the random variables
#' (i.e., standard error).
#' @keywords dirichlet distribution; method of moments
#' @section Details:
#' Based on methods of moments. If \eqn{\mu} is a vector of means and
#' \eqn{\sigma} is a vector of standard deviations of the random variables, then
#' the second moment \eqn{X_2} is defined by \eqn{\sigma^2 + \mu^2}. Using the
#' mean and the second moment, the \eqn{J} alpha parameters are computed as follows
#' \deqn{\alpha_i = \frac{(\mu_1-X_{2_{1}})\mu_i}{X_{2_{1}}-\mu_1^2}}
#' for \eqn{i = 1, \ldots, J-1}, and
#' \deqn{\alpha_J = \frac{(\mu_1-X_{2_{1}})(1-\sum_{i=1}^{J-1}{\mu_i})}{X_{2_{1}}-\mu_1^2}}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Fielitz BD, Myers BL. Estimation of parameters in the beta distribution.
#' Dec Sci. 1975;6(1):1–13.
#' \item Narayanan A. A note on parameter estimation in the multivariate beta
#' distribution. Comput Math with Appl. 1992;24(10):11–7.
#' }
#' @return numeric vector of method-of-moment estimates for the alpha parameters of the
#'  dirichlet distribution
#' @examples
#' p.mean <- c(0.5, 0.15, 0.35)
#' p.se   <- c(0.035, 0.025, 0.034)
#' dirichlet_params(p.mean, p.se)
#' @export
dirichlet_params <- function(p.mean, sigma) {
  n.params <- length(p.mean)
  if (n.params != length(sigma)) {
    stop("Length of mean different from length of sigma")

  # Compute second moment
  p.2 <- sigma ^ 2 + p.mean ^ 2
  # Initialize alpha vector
  alpha <- numeric(n.params)
  for (i in 1:(n.params - 1)) {
    alpha[i] <- (p.mean[1] - p.2[1]) * p.mean[i] / (p.2[1] - p.mean[1] ^ 2)
  alpha[n.params] <- (p.mean[1] - p.2[1]) * (1 - sum(p.mean[- n.params])) / (p.2[1] - p.mean[1] ^ 2)

#' Calculate shape and scale (or rate) parameters of a gamma distribution.
#' Function to calculate the shape, \eqn{\alpha}, and scale, \eqn{\theta}, (or rate, \eqn{\beta})
#' parameters of a gamma distribution based on the method of moments (MoM)
#' using the mean \eqn{\mu} and standard deviation \eqn{\sigma} of the random
#' variable of interest.
#' @param mu scalar with the mean of the random variable.
#' @param sigma scalar with the standard deviation of the random variable.
#' @param scale logical variable indicating scale parameterization of the gamma distribution
#' (Default is TRUE). If FALSE, rate parameterization is retrieved
#' @keywords gamma distribution; method of moments
#' @section Details:
#' Based on method of moments. If \eqn{\mu} is the mean and
#' \eqn{\sigma} is the standard deviation of the random variable, then the
#' the shape, \eqn{\alpha}, scale, \eqn{\theta}, and rate, \eqn{\beta}, parameters are computed
#' as follows
#' \deqn{\alpha=\frac{\mu^2}{\sigma^2},}
#' \deqn{\theta = \frac{\sigma^2}{\mu}}
#' and
#' \deqn{\beta = \frac{\mu}{\sigma^2}}
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Gamma distribution. (2018, February 7). In Wikipedia, The Free
#' Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:23, February 11, 2018,
#' from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gamma_distribution&oldid=824541785
#' }
#' @return A list contianing the following:
#' @return shape Shape parameter of gamma distribution
#' @return scale Scale parameter of gamma distribution (If scale=TRUE)
#' @return rate Rate parameter of gamma distribution (If scale=FALSE)
#' @examples
#' mu    <- 2
#' sigma <- 1
#' # Scale specification
#' gamma_params(mu, sigma)
#' # Rate specification
#' gamma_params(mu, sigma, scale = FALSE)
#' @export
gamma_params <- function(mu, sigma, scale = TRUE) {
  if (scale) {
    shape <- (mu ^ 2) / (sigma ^ 2)
    scale <- (sigma ^ 2) / mu
    params <- list(shape = shape,
                   scale = scale)
  } else {
    shape <- (mu ^ 2) / (sigma ^ 2)
    rate  <- mu / (sigma ^ 2)
    params <- list(shape = shape,
                   rate  = rate)

#' Calculate location and scale parameters of a log-normal distribution.
#' Function to calculate the location, \eqn{\mu}, and scale, \eqn{\sigma},
#' parameteres of a log-normal distribution based on the method of moments (MoM)
#' using the mean \eqn{m} and variance \eqn{v} of the non-logarithmized random
#' variable of interest.
#' @param m Scalar with the mean of the random variable.
#' @param v Scalar with the variance of the random variable.
#' (i.e., squared standar error).
#' @keywords log-normal distribution; method of moments
#' @section Details:
#' Based on method of moments. If \eqn{m} is the mean and
#' \eqn{v} is the variance of the random variable, then the
#' the location, \eqn{\mu}, and scale, \eqn{\sigma}, parameteres are computed
#' as follows
#' \deqn{\mu = \ln{(\frac{m}{\sqrt{(1 + \frac{v}{m^2})}})}}
#' and
#' \deqn{\sigma = \sqrt{\ln{( 1 + \frac{v}{m^2})}}}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Ginos BF. Parameter Estimation for the Lognormal Distribution.
#' Brigham Young University; 2009.
#' \item Log-normal distribution. (2017, April 20). In Wikipedia, The Free
#' Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:47, April 23, 2017,
#' from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Log-normal_distribution&oldid=776357974
#' }
#' @return A list containing the following:
#' @return mu Location parameter of log-normal distribution
#' @return sigma Scale parameter of log-normal distribution
#' @examples
#' m <- 3
#' v <- 0.01
#' lnorm_params(m, v)
#' # True values: 100, 30, 70
#' @export
lnorm_params <- function(m = 1, v = 1) {
  ### Sanity checkd
  if (m <= 0) {
    stop("'m' needs to be greater than 0")
  if (v <= 0) {
    stop("'v' needs to be greater than 0")
  mu <- log(m / sqrt(1 + v / m ^ 2))
  sigma <- sqrt(log(1 + v / m ^ 2))
  return(list(mu = mu,
              sigma = sigma))

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