
Defines functions gl.map.structure

Documented in gl.map.structure

#' @name gl.map.structure
#' @title Maps a STRUCTURE plot using a genlight object
#' @description
#' This function takes the output of plotstructure (the q matrix) and maps the
#' q-matrix across using the population centers from the genlight object that
#' was used to run the structure analysis via \code{\link{gl.run.structure}})
#' and plots the typical structure bar plots on a spatial map, providing a
#' barplot for each subpopulation. Therefore it requires coordinates from a
#'  genlight object. This kind of plots should support the interpretation of the
#'   spatial structure of a population, but in principle is not different from
#'   \code{\link{gl.plot.structure}}
#' @param qmat Q-matrix from a structure run followed by a clumpp run object
#' [from \code{\link{gl.run.structure}} and \code{\link{gl.plot.structure}}]
#'  [required].
#' @param x Name of the genlight object containing the coordinates in the
#'  \code{\@other$latlon} slot to calculate the population centers [required].
#' @param K The number for K to be plotted [required].
#' @param provider Provider	passed to leaflet. Check \link[leaflet]{providers}
#' for a list of possible backgrounds [default "Esri.NatGeoWorldMap"].
#' @param scalex Scaling factor to determine the size of the bars in x direction 
#' [default 1].
#' @param scaley Scaling factor to determine the size of the bars in y direction
#'  [default 1].
#' @param movepops A two-dimensional data frame that allows to move the center of
#' the barplots manually in case they overlap. Often if populations are
#' horizontally close to each other. This needs to be a data.frame of the
#' dimensions [rows=number of populations, columns = 2 (lon/lat)]. For each
#' population you have to specify the x and y (lon and lat) units you want to
#' move the center of the plot, (see example for details) [default NULL].
#' @param pop.labels Switch for population labels below the parplots 
#' [default TRUE].
#' @param pop.labels.cex Size of population labels [default 12].
#' @return An interactive map that shows the structure plots broken down by 
#' population.
#' @author Bernd Gruber (Post to \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr})
#' @details
#' Creates a mapped version of structure plots. For possible background maps
#' check as specified via the provider:
#' \url{http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/index.html}.
#' You may need to adjust scalex and scaley values [default 1], as the size
#' depends on the scale of the map and the position of the populations.
#' @return returns the map and a list of the qmat split into sorted matrices per
#'  population. This can be used to create your own map.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #bc <- bandicoot.gl[,1:100]
#' #sr <- gl.run.structure(bc, k.range = 2:5, num.k.rep = 3, exec = './structure.exe')
#' #ev <- gl.evanno(sr)
#' #ev
#' #qmat <- gl.plot.structure(sr, k=2:4)#' #head(qmat)
#' #gl.map.structure(qmat, bc,K=3)
#' #gl.map.structure(qmat, bc,K=4)
#' #move population 4 (out of 5) 0.5 degrees to the right and populations 1
#' #0.3 degree to the north of the map.
#' #mp <- data.frame(lon=c(0,0,0,0.5,0), lat=c(-0.3,0,0,0,0))
#' #gl.map.structure(qmat, bc,K=4, movepops=mp)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{gl.run.structure}},  \code{clumpp},
#' \code{\link{gl.plot.structure}}
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Pritchard, J.K., Stephens, M., Donnelly, P. (2000) Inference of
#' population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics 155, 945-959.
#' \item Archer, F. I., Adams, P. E. and Schneiders, B. B. (2016) strataG: An R
#'  package for manipulating, summarizing and analysing population genetic data.
#'   Mol Ecol Resour. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12559
#' \item Evanno, G., Regnaut, S., and J. Goudet. 2005. Detecting the number of
#' clusters of individuals using the software STRUCTURE: a simulation study.
#' Molecular Ecology 14:2611-2620.
#' \item Mattias Jakobsson and Noah A. Rosenberg. 2007. CLUMPP: a cluster
#' matching and permutation program for dealing with label switching and
#' multimodality in analysis of population structure. Bioinformatics
#' 23(14):1801-1806. Available at
#' \href{http://web.stanford.edu/group/rosenberglab/clumppDownload.html}{clumpp}
#' }

gl.map.structure <- function(qmat,
                             provider = "Esri.NatGeoWorldMap",
                             scalex = 1,
                             scaley = 1,
                             movepops = NULL,
                             pop.labels = TRUE,
                             pop.labels.cex = 12) {
    eq.k <- sapply(qmat, function(x) {
       ncol(x) - 4 == K
    if (sum(eq.k) == 0) {
            "No entries for K =", K, "found in 'qmat'.\n"
    qmat <- as.data.frame(qmat[eq.k][[1]])
    # ff <- qmat[, 4:(ncol(qmat))]
    ff <- qmat[,which(grepl("cluster", colnames(qmat)))]
    df <- x@other$latlon
    centers <-
        apply(df, 2, function(xx)
            tapply(xx, pop(x), mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (!is.null(movepops)) {
        if (nrow(movepops) != nrow(centers))
                    "The provided movepops data.frame has not the corret number of rows, please check. It needs to have the same numbers of rows as the number populations in your genlight object."
        centers[, 1] <- centers[, 1] + movepops[, 1]
        centers[, 2] <- centers[, 2] + movepops[, 2]
    sc <-
        match(rownames(centers), levels(factor(qmat$orig.pop)))
    if (any(is.na(sc)))
                "Population names (coordinates) in the genlight object do not match population in your q-matrix. Please check both."
    centers <- centers[sc, ]
    cx <- centers[, "lon"]
    cy <- centers[, "lat"]
    sx <- abs(diff(range(centers[, "lon"]))) / (100) * scalex
    sy <- 20 * sx * scaley
    qmat$orig.pop <- factor(qmat$orig.pop)
    npops <- length(levels(qmat$orig.pop))
    ll <- data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(qmat$orig.pop), ff))
    zz <- do.call(order, unname(as.list(ll)))
    bb <- qmat[zz, ]
    bb$orig.pop <- factor(bb$orig.pop)
    # ff <- bb[, 4:(ncol(bb))]
    ff <- bb[,which(grepl("cluster", colnames(bb)))]
    out <- list()
    m1 <- leaflet::leaflet() %>%
        leaflet::addProviderTiles(provider = provider)
    for (p in 1:npops) {
        qmi <- ff[bb$orig.pop == levels(bb$orig.pop)[p], ]
        out[[p]] <- bb[bb$orig.pop == levels(bb$orig.pop)[p], ]
        names(out)[p] <- levels(bb$orig.pop)[p]
        qmi1 <- cbind(rep(0, nrow(qmi)), qmi)
        for (xx in 1:nrow(qmi1))
            qmi1[xx, ] <- cumsum(as.numeric(qmi1[xx, ]))
        for (ii in 1:nrow(qmi1)) {
            for (i in 1:(ncol(qmi1) - 1)) {
                oo <- (ii - nrow(qmi) / 2) * sx
                m1 <- m1 %>%
                        cx[p] + oo,
                        cy[p] + qmi1[ii, i] * sy,
                        cx[p] + oo + sx,
                        cy[p] + qmi1[ii, i + 1] * sy,
                        opacity = 0,
                        color = rainbow(ncol(ff))[i],
                        fillOpacity = 0.8
    if (pop.labels)
        m1 <- m1 %>%
            lng = centers[, "lon"],
            lat = centers[, "lat"] - sy * 0.1,
            label = rownames(centers),
            labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(
                noHide = T,
                direction = "center",
                textOnly = T,
                textsize = paste0(pop.labels.cex, "px")
    # mapshot(m1, file='./Rplot.png', remove_controls = TRUE)
    # %>% addLegend(labels=paste('Group',1:ncol(ff)), colors=rainbow(ncol(ff)),position ='topright' )
    # if (save) mapshot(m1, file='./Rplot.png', remove_controls = TRUE)

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