
Defines functions gl.test.heterozygosity

Documented in gl.test.heterozygosity

#' @name gl.test.heterozygosity
#' @title Tests the difference in heterozygosity between populations taken
#'  pairwise
#' @description
#' Calculates the expected heterozygosities for each population in a genlight
#' object, and uses re-randomization to test the statistical significance of
#' differences in heterozygosity between populations taken pairwise.
#' @param x A genlight object containing the SNP genotypes [required].
#' @param nreps Number of replications of the re-randomization [default 1,000].
#' @param alpha1 First significance level for comparison with diff=0 on plot
#' [default 0.05].
#' @param alpha2 Second significance level for comparison with diff=0 on plot
#' [default 0.01].
#' @param plot.out If TRUE, plots a sampling distribution of the differences for
#' each comparison [default TRUE].
#' @param max_plots Maximum number of plots to print per page [default 6].
#' @param plot_theme Theme for the plot. See Details for options
#'  [default theme_dartR()].
#' @param plot_colors List of two color names for the borders and fill of the
#'  plots [default two_colors].
#' @param save2tmp If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session
#' temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#' progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report
#' [default NULL, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity].
#' @details
#'\strong{ Function's output }
#' If plot.out = TRUE, plots are created showing the sampling distribution for
#' the difference between each pair of heterozygosities, marked with the
#' critical limits alpha1 and alpha2, the observed heterozygosity, and the zero
#' value (if in range).
#' Plots and table are saved to the temporal directory (tempdir) and can be
#' accessed with the function \code{\link{gl.print.reports}} and listed with the
#' function \code{\link{gl.list.reports}}. Note that they can be accessed only
#' in the current R session because tempdir is cleared each time that the R
#' session is closed.
#'  Examples of other themes that can be used can be consulted in \itemize{
#'  \item \url{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html} and \item
#'  \url{https://yutannihilation.github.io/allYourFigureAreBelongToUs/ggthemes/}
#'  }
#' @return A dataframe containing population labels, heterozygosities and sample
#'  sizes
#' @author Custodian: Luis Mijangos (Post to
#'  \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr})
#' @examples
#' out <- gl.test.heterozygosity(platypus.gl, nreps=1, verbose=3, plot.out=TRUE)
#' @family Genetic variation within populations
#' @import patchwork
#' @export

gl.test.heterozygosity <- function(x,
                                   nreps = 100,
                                   alpha1 = 0.05,
                                   alpha2 = 0.01,
                                   plot.out = TRUE,
                                   max_plots = 6,
                                   plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
                                   plot_colors = two_colors,
                                   save2tmp = FALSE,
                                   verbose = NULL) {
    funname <- match.call()[[1]]
    verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
    datatype <- utils.check.datatype(x, verbose = verbose)
    # Upper and lower significance boundaries
    if (alpha1 < 0 || alpha1 > 1) {
            "Warning: First alpha value should be between 0 and 1, set to 0.05\n"
        alpha1 <- 0.05
    if (alpha2 < 0 || alpha2 > 1) {
            "Warning: Second alpha value should be between 0 and 1, set to 0.01\n"
        alpha2 <- 0.01
    upper1 <- 1 - alpha1  # significance level #1
    upper2 <- 1 - alpha2  # significance level #2
    if (upper1 > upper2) {
        tmp <- upper2
        upper2 <- upper1
        upper1 <- tmp
    lower1 <- 1 - upper1
    lower2 <- 1 - upper2
    # Set a population if none is specified (such as if the genlight object has been generated manually)
    if (is.null(pop(x)) |
        is.na(length(pop(x))) | length(pop(x)) <= 0) {
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                    "  No population assignments detected,
                             individuals assigned to a single population labelled 'pop1'\n"
        pop(x) <- array("pop1", dim = nInd(x))
        pop(x) <- as.factor(pop(x))
    # Check for monomorphic loci
    if (x@other$loc.metrics.flags$monomorphs == FALSE) {
        if (verbose >= 1) {
                    "  Warning: genlight object contains monomorphic loci which will be factored into heterozygosity estimates\n"
    if (verbose >= 1) {
        if (verbose == 5) {
            cat(report("\n\nStarting", funname, "[ Build =", build, "]\n\n"))
        } else {
            cat(report("\n\nStarting", funname, "\n\n"))
    # DO THE JOB
    # Calculate a matrix of heterozygosities (He)
    out <- utils.het.pop(x)
    D <- outer(out, out, "-")
    # Simulate the distribution of differences in He by population, pairwise Initialize the data matrix to hold simulation results
    if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Calculating the sampling distributions for pairwise differences between populations by re-randomization\n"
        cat(important("  Please be patient .... go have a coffee\n"))
    mat <- array(data = NA, dim = c(nPop(x), nPop(x), nreps))
    n <- nLoc(x)
    for (i in 1:nreps) {
        # Sample the dataset
        x2 <- x[, sample(1:n, n, replace = T)]
        # Calculate Heterozygosity
        out <- utils.het.pop(x2)
        # Save difference values away
        mat[, , i] <- outer(out, out, "-")
    # Calculate the p values, significance for pairwise differences Dataframe to store output
    df <-
        data.frame(matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = (nPop(x) * nPop(x) - nPop(x)) / 2))
    colnames(df) <-
        c("pop1", "pop2", "diff", "significance", "pval")
    count <- 0
    if (plot.out) {
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Cycling through the",
                (nPop(x) * nPop(x) - nPop(x)) / 2,
                "pairs of populations\n"
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            cat(report("  Plotting sampling distributions\n"))
        # set the limit values for the x axis in the plots
        x_axis_limits_lots <- c(min(mat), max(mat))
        # count how many plots are going to be created
        total_number_plots <- choose(nPop(x), 2)
        # create list to contain plots
        p_list <- list()
        for (y in 1:(nPop(x) - 1)) {
            for (z in (y + 1):nPop(x)) {
                count <- count + 1
                # Prepare the parameters for the plot
                # Observed He
                obs <- D[y, z]
                # Upper and lower significance limits
                u1quantile <-
                    as.numeric(quantile(mat[y, z,], upper1))
                u2quantile <-
                    as.numeric(quantile(mat[y, z,], upper2))
                l1quantile <-
                    as.numeric(quantile(mat[y, z,], lower1))
                l2quantile <-
                    as.numeric(quantile(mat[y, z,], lower2))
                # Is zero within the range specified by the upper and lower limits
                if (0 < u2quantile && 0 > l2quantile) {
                    signif_res <- paste0("non-sig @", lower2)
                if (0 < u1quantile && 0 > l1quantile) {
                    signif_res <- paste0("non-sig @", lower1)
                if (0 > u1quantile || 0 < l1quantile) {
                    signif_res <- paste0("sig @", lower1)
                if (0 > u2quantile || 0 < l2quantile) {
                    signif_res <- paste0("sig @", lower2)
                # p value for zero
                values <- mat[y, z,]
                p <-
                    min(length(values[values > 0]), length(values[values <= 0])) / length(abs(values))
                p <- signif(p, digits = 6)
                # Store results in a df
                df$pop1[count] <- popNames(x)[y]
                df$pop2[count] <- popNames(x)[z]
                df$diff[count] <- obs
                df$significance[count] <- signif_res
                df$pval[count] <- p
                # Plot the histogram of pairwise differences
                # Construct the label
                title <-
                    paste0(popNames(x)[y], " vs ", popNames(x)[z])
                subtitle <- paste0(signif_res, " (p=", p, ")")
                plot_values <- as.data.frame(values)
                colnames(plot_values) <- "values"
                # these plots do not contain legends
                if (count < total_number_plots |
                    count != max_plots) {
                    # Add lines for the observed value of He, Zero, upper and lower levels of significance
                        p_temp <-
                            ggplot(plot_values, aes(x = values)) + geom_histogram(
                                bins = 50,
                                color = plot_colors[1],
                                fill = plot_colors[2]
                            ) +
                                xintercept = u1quantile,
                                color = "firebrick4",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = u2quantile,
                                color = "firebrick1",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = l1quantile,
                                color = "firebrick4",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = l2quantile,
                                color = "firebrick1",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = D[y, z],
                                color = "green",
                                size = 2
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = 0,
                                color = "blue",
                                size = 1
                            ) +
                            coord_cartesian(xlim = x_axis_limits_lots) + xlab("Difference") + ylab("Count") + plot_theme + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
                            labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle)
                    p_list[[count]] <- p_temp
                # this plot contains the plot legends. it is just created every max_plots and in the last plot
                if (count == total_number_plots |
                    (count %% max_plots) == 0) {
                        p_temp <-
                            ggplot(plot_values, aes(x = values)) + geom_histogram(
                                bins = 50,
                                color = plot_colors[1],
                                fill = plot_colors[2]
                            ) +
                            coord_cartesian(xlim = x_axis_limits_lots) + xlab("Difference") + ylab("Count") + plot_theme + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
                            labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle) + geom_vline(
                                aes(xintercept = u1quantile, color = "alpha1"),
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                aes(xintercept = u2quantile,
                                    color = "alpha2"),
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = l1quantile,
                                color = "firebrick4",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                xintercept = l2quantile,
                                color = "firebrick1",
                                size = 1
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                    xintercept = D[y, z],
                                    color = "Observed"
                                size = 2
                            ) + geom_vline(
                                aes(xintercept = 0,
                                    color = "Zero_value"),
                                size = 1
                            ) + scale_color_manual(
                                name = "Values",
                                values = c(
                                    Zero_value = "blue",
                                    Observed = "green",
                                    alpha1 = "firebrick4",
                                    alpha2 = "firebrick1"
                                labels = c(
                                    "Zero value",
                                    paste("Sig. ", alpha1),
                                    paste("Sig. ",
                            ) + guides(color = guide_legend(
                                override.aes = list(size = 5),
                                ncol = 2
                            )) + theme(
                                legend.position = "bottom",
                                legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
                                legend.text = element_text(size = 10)
                    p_list[[count]] <- suppressWarnings(p_temp)
        match_call <-
                   collapse = "_")
        # using package patchwork
        seq_1 <- seq(1, length(p_list), max_plots)
        seq_2 <- seq(1, length(p_list), max_plots) - 1
        seq_2 <- seq_2[-1]
        seq_2 <- c(seq_2, length(p_list))
        for (i in 1:ceiling((length(p_list) / max_plots))) {
            p_final <-
                suppressWarnings(wrap_plots(p_list[seq_1[i]:seq_2[i]], ncol = 2))
            if (save2tmp) {
                # creating temp file names
                temp_plot <-
                    tempfile(pattern = paste0("Plot_", seq_1[i], "_to_", seq_2[i]))
                # saving to tempdir
                suppressWarnings(saveRDS(list(match_call, p_final), file = temp_plot))
                if (verbose >= 2) {
                    cat(report("  Saving the ggplot to session tempfile\n"))
    if (save2tmp) {
        # creating temp file names
        temp_table <- tempfile(pattern = "Table_")
        match_call <-
                   collapse = "_")
        # saving to tempdir
        saveRDS(list(match_call, df), file = temp_table)
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            cat(report("  Saving tabulation to session tempfile\n"))
                    "  NOTE: Retrieve output files from tempdir using gl.list.reports() and gl.print.reports()\n"
    if (verbose >= 1) {
        cat(report("Completed:", funname, "\n"))
    # RETURN

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dartR documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:48 a.m.