
Defines functions dcast.data.table aggregate_funs value_vars deparse_formula check_formula dcast guess

Documented in dcast dcast.data.table

guess = function(x) {
  if ("value" %chin% names(x))
  if ("(all)" %chin% names(x))
  var = names(x)[ncol(x)]
  messagef("Using '%s' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override", var)

dcast <- function(
  data, formula, fun.aggregate = NULL, ..., margins = NULL,
  subset = NULL, fill = NULL, value.var = guess(data)
) {
  if (is.data.table(data)) UseMethod("dcast", data)
  # nocov start
  else {
    data_name = deparse(substitute(data))
    ns = tryCatch(getNamespace("reshape2"), error=function(e)
      stopf("The %1$s generic in data.table has been passed a %2$s, but data.table::%1$s currently only has a method for data.tables. Please confirm your input is a data.table, with setDT(%3$s) or as.data.table(%3$s). If you intend to use a method from reshape2, try installing that package first, but do note that reshape2 is superseded and is no longer actively developed.", "dcast", class(data)[1L], data_name))
    warningf("The %1$s generic in data.table has been passed a %2$s and will attempt to redirect to the relevant reshape2 method; please note that reshape2 is superseded and is no longer actively developed, and this redirection is now deprecated. Please do this redirection yourself like reshape2::%1$s(%3$s). In the next version, this warning will become an error.", "dcast", class(data)[1L], data_name)
    ns$dcast(data, formula, fun.aggregate = fun.aggregate, ..., margins = margins,
             subset = subset, fill = fill, value.var = value.var)
  # nocov end

check_formula = function(formula, varnames, valnames) {
  if (is.character(formula)) formula = as.formula(formula)
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula") || length(formula) != 3L)
    stopf("Invalid formula. Cast formula should be of the form LHS ~ RHS, for e.g., a + b ~ c.")  # nocov; couldn't find a way to construct a test formula with length!=3L
  vars = all.vars(formula)
  vars = vars[!vars %chin% c(".", "...")]
  allvars = c(vars, valnames)
  if (any(allvars %chin% varnames[duplicated(varnames)]))
    stopf('data.table to cast must have unique column names')
  deparse_formula(as.list(formula)[-1L], varnames, allvars)

deparse_formula = function(expr, varnames, allvars) {
  lvars = lapply(expr, function(this) {
    if (!is.language(this)) return(NULL)
    if (this %iscall% '+') return(unlist(deparse_formula(this[-1L], varnames, allvars)))
    if (is.name(this) && this == quote(`...`)) {
      subvars = setdiff(varnames, allvars)
      return(lapply(subvars, as.name))
  lvars = lapply(lvars, function(x) if (length(x) && !is.list(x)) list(x) else x)

value_vars = function(value.var, varnames) {
  if (is.character(value.var))
    value.var = list(value.var)
  value.var = lapply(value.var, unique)
  valnames = unique(unlist(value.var))
  iswrong = which(!valnames %chin% varnames)
  if (length(iswrong))
    stopf("value.var values %s are not found in 'data'.", brackify(value.var[iswrong]))

aggregate_funs = function(funs, vals, sep="_", ...) {
  if (funs %iscall% 'eval')
    funs = eval(funs[[2L]], parent.frame(2L), parent.frame(2L))
  if (funs %iscall% c('c', 'list')) {
    funs = lapply(as.list(funs)[-1L], function(x) {
      if (x %iscall% c('c', 'list')) as.list(x)[-1L] else x
  } else funs = eval(funs, parent.frame(2L), parent.frame(2L))
  if(is.function(funs)) funs = list(funs) # needed for cases as shown in test#1700.1
  if (length(funs) != length(vals)) {
    if (length(vals) == 1L)
      vals = replicate(length(funs), vals)
    else stopf("When 'fun.aggregate' and 'value.var' are both lists, 'value.var' must be either of length =1 or =length(fun.aggregate).")
  only_one_fun = length(unlist(funs)) == 1L
  dots = list(...)
  construct_funs = function(fun, nm, val) {
    ans = vector("list", length(fun)*length(val))
    nms = vector("character", length(ans))
    k = 1L
    for (i in fun) {
      for (j in val) {
        expr = list(i, as.name(j))
        if (length(dots))
          expr = c(expr, dots)
        ans[[k]] = as.call(expr)
        # changed order of arguments here, #1153
        nms[k] = if (only_one_fun) j else paste(j, nm, sep=sep)
        k = k+1L;
    setattr(ans, 'names', nms)
  ans = lapply(seq_along(funs), function(i) {
    nm = names(funs[i])
    if (is.null(nm) || !nzchar(nm)) {
      nm = all.names(funs[[i]], max.names=1L, functions=TRUE)
    if (!length(nm)) nm <- paste0("fun", i)
    construct_funs(funs[i], nm, vals[[i]])
  as.call(c(quote(list), unlist(ans)))

dcast.data.table = function(data, formula, fun.aggregate = NULL, sep = "_", ..., margins = NULL, subset = NULL, fill = NULL, drop = TRUE, value.var = guess(data), verbose = getOption("datatable.verbose")) {
  if (!is.data.table(data)) stopf("'data' must be a data.table.")
  drop = as.logical(rep(drop, length.out=2L))
  if (anyNA(drop)) stopf("'drop' must be logical TRUE/FALSE")
  # #2980 if explicitly providing fun.aggregate=length but not a value.var,
  #   just use the last column (as guess(data) would do) because length will be
  #   the same on all columns
  if (missing(value.var) && !missing(fun.aggregate) && identical(fun.aggregate, length))
    value.var = names(data)[ncol(data)]
  lvals = value_vars(value.var, names(data))
  valnames = unique(unlist(lvals))
  lvars = check_formula(formula, names(data), valnames)
  lvars = lapply(lvars, function(x) if (length(x)) x else quote(`.`))
  # tired of lapply and the way it handles environments!
  allcols = c(unlist(lvars), lapply(valnames, as.name))
  dat = vector("list", length(allcols))
  for (i in seq_along(allcols)) {
    x = allcols[[i]]
    dat[[i]] = if (identical(x, quote(`.`))) rep(".", nrow(data)) else eval(x, data, parent.frame())
    if (is.function(dat[[i]]))
      stopf("Column [%s] not found or of unknown type.", deparse(x))
  setattr(lvars, 'names', c("lhs", "rhs"))
  # Have to take care of duplicate names, and provide names for expression columns properly.
  varnames = make.unique(vapply_1c(unlist(lvars), all.vars, max.names=1L), sep=sep)
  dupidx = which(valnames %chin% varnames)
  if (length(dupidx)) {
    dups = valnames[dupidx]
    valnames = tail(make.unique(c(varnames, valnames)), -length(varnames))
    lvals = lapply(lvals, function(x) { x[x %chin% dups] = valnames[dupidx]; x })
  lhsnames = head(varnames, length(lvars$lhs))
  rhsnames = tail(varnames, -length(lvars$lhs))
  setattr(dat, 'names', c(varnames, valnames))
  if (any(vapply_1b(dat[varnames], is.list))) {
    stopf("Columns specified in formula can not be of type list")

  m = as.list(match.call()[-1L])
  subset = m[["subset"]][[2L]]
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (is.name(subset)) subset = as.call(list(quote(`(`), subset))
    idx = which(eval(subset, data, parent.frame())) # any advantage thro' secondary keys?
    dat = .Call(CsubsetDT, dat, idx, seq_along(dat))
  fun.call = m[["fun.aggregate"]]
  fill.default = NULL
  if (is.null(fun.call)) {
    oo = forderv(dat, by=varnames, retGrp=TRUE)
    if (attr(oo, 'maxgrpn', exact=TRUE) > 1L) {
      messagef("Aggregate function missing, defaulting to 'length'")
      fun.call = quote(length)
  if (!is.null(fun.call)) {
    fun.call = aggregate_funs(fun.call, lvals, sep, ...)
    errmsg = gettext("Aggregating function(s) should take vector inputs and return a single value (length=1). However, function(s) returns length!=1. This value will have to be used to fill any missing combinations, and therefore must be length=1. Either override by setting the 'fill' argument explicitly or modify your function to handle this case appropriately.")
    if (is.null(fill)) {
      fill.default = suppressWarnings(dat[0L][, eval(fun.call)])
      # tryCatch(fill.default <- dat[0L][, eval(fun.call)], error = function(x) stopf(errmsg))
      if (nrow(fill.default) != 1L) stopf(errmsg)
    dat = dat[, eval(fun.call), by=c(varnames)]
  order_ = function(x) {
    o = forderv(x, retGrp=TRUE, sort=TRUE)
    idx = attr(o, 'starts', exact=TRUE)
    if (!length(o)) o = seq_along(x)
    o[idx] # subsetVector retains attributes, using R's subset for now
  cj_uniq = function(DT) {
    do.call("CJ", lapply(DT, function(x)
      if (is.factor(x)) {
        xint = seq_along(levels(x))
        setattr(xint, 'levels', levels(x))
        setattr(xint, 'class', class(x))
      } else .Call(CsubsetVector, x, order_(x))
  valnames = setdiff(names(dat), varnames)
  # 'dat' != 'data'? then setkey to speed things up (slightly), else ad-hoc (for now). Still very fast!
  if (!is.null(fun.call) || !is.null(subset))
    setkeyv(dat, varnames)
  if (length(rhsnames)) {
    lhs = shallow(dat, lhsnames); rhs = shallow(dat, rhsnames); val = shallow(dat, valnames)
    # handle drop=TRUE/FALSE - Update: Logic moved to R, AND faster than previous version. Take that... old me :-).
    if (all(drop)) {
      map = setDT(lapply(list(lhsnames, rhsnames), function(cols) frankv(dat, cols=cols, ties.method="dense", na.last=FALSE))) # #2202 fix
      maporder = lapply(map, order_)
      mapunique = lapply(seq_along(map), function(i) .Call(CsubsetVector, map[[i]], maporder[[i]]))
      lhs = .Call(CsubsetDT, lhs, maporder[[1L]], seq_along(lhs))
      rhs = .Call(CsubsetDT, rhs, maporder[[2L]], seq_along(rhs))
    } else {
      lhs_ = if (!drop[1L]) cj_uniq(lhs) else setkey(unique(lhs, by=names(lhs)))
      rhs_ = if (!drop[2L]) cj_uniq(rhs) else setkey(unique(rhs, by=names(rhs)))
      map = vector("list", 2L)
      .Call(Csetlistelt, map, 1L, lhs_[lhs, which=TRUE])
      .Call(Csetlistelt, map, 2L, rhs_[rhs, which=TRUE])
      mapunique = vector("list", 2L)
      .Call(Csetlistelt, mapunique, 1L, seq_len(nrow(lhs_)))
      .Call(Csetlistelt, mapunique, 2L, seq_len(nrow(rhs_)))
      lhs = lhs_; rhs = rhs_
    maplen = vapply_1i(mapunique, length)
    idx = do.call("CJ", mapunique)[map, 'I' := .I][["I"]] # TO DO: move this to C and avoid materialising the Cross Join.
    ans = .Call(Cfcast, lhs, val, maplen[[1L]], maplen[[2L]], idx, fill, fill.default, is.null(fun.call))
    allcols = do.call("paste", c(rhs, sep=sep))
    if (length(valnames) > 1L)
      allcols = do.call("paste", if (identical(".", allcols)) list(valnames, sep=sep)
            else c(CJ(valnames, allcols, sorted=FALSE), sep=sep))
      # removed 'setcolorder()' here, #1153
    setattr(ans, 'names', c(lhsnames, allcols))
    setDT(ans); setattr(ans, 'sorted', lhsnames)
  } else stopf("Internal error -- empty rhsnames in dcast; please report") # nocov
  return (ans)

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data.table documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:06 a.m.