GetComplianceDocTemplate: Get a compliance doc template.

View source: R/ComplianceDocumentation.R

GetComplianceDocTemplateR Documentation

Get a compliance doc template.


A custom compliance doc template can be retrieved using templateId. Default compliance doc templates that are built-in to DataRobot can be retrieved by using the type parameter. A type of NULL or "normal" will retrieve the default template. A type of "timeSeries" can be used to retrieve the default time series template.


GetComplianceDocTemplate(templateId = NULL, type = NULL)



character. Optional. The ID of the template to use in generating custom model documentation.


character. Optional. The type of compliance doc to get. Can be "normal" to retrieve the default template or "timeSeries" to get the default time series template.


An S3 object of class 'dataRobotComplianceDocTemplate' that contains:

  • name character. The name of the compliance doc template.

  • creatorUsername character. The name of the user who created the compliance doc template.

  • orgId character. The ID of the organization of the creator user.

  • creatorId character. The ID of the creator user.

  • sections list. The list of sections that define the template.

  • id character. The ID of the template.


## Not run: 
  GetComplianceDocTemplate()  # get the default template
  GetComplianceDocTemplate(type = "normal")  # get the default template
  GetComplianceDocTemplate(type = "timeSeries")  # get the default time series template
  templateId <- "5cf85080d9436e5c310c796d"
  GetComplianceDocTemplate(templateId) # Get a custom template for a specific ID.

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.