GetSeriesAccuracy: Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if...

View source: R/SeriesAccuracy.R

GetSeriesAccuracyR Documentation

Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed.


Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed.


GetSeriesAccuracy(model, maxWait = 600)



character. The model for which you want to compute Feature Impact, e.g. from the list of models returned by ListModels(project).


integer. How long (in seconds) to wait for series accuracy computation before raising a timeout error? Default 600.


data.frame with items:

  • multiseriesId character. The ID of the series.

  • rowCount integer. The number of rows in the series.

  • multiseriesValues character. The name of the series.

  • duration character. The duration of the series.

  • validationScore numeric. The validation score for the series.

  • backtestingScore numeric. The score on backtests for the series. See ScoreBacktests.

  • holdoutScore numeric. The score for the series on the holdout set.


## Not run: 
  projectId <- "5984b4d7100d2b31c1166529"
  modelId <- "5984b4d7100d2b31c1166529"
  model <- GetModel(projectId, modelId)
  seriesAccuracy <- GetSeriesAccuracy(model)

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.