ListModels: Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot...

View source: R/Models.R

ListModelsR Documentation

Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot project


This function requests the model information for the DataRobot project specified by the project argument, described under Arguments. This parameter may be obtained in several ways, including: (1), from the projectId element of the list returned by ListProjects; (2), as the object returned by the GetProject function; or (3), as the list returned by the SetupProject function. The function returns an S3 object of class 'listOfModels'.


ListModels(project, orderBy = NULL, filter = NULL)



character. Either (1) a character string giving the unique alphanumeric identifier for the project, or (2) a list containing the element projectId with this identifier.


character. Optional. A vector of keys to order the list by. You can order by metric or samplePct. If the sort attribute is preceded by a hyphen, models will be sorted in descending order, otherwise in ascending order. Multiple sort attributes can be included as a comma-delimited string or in a vector.


list. Optional. A named list of parameters to search a model by, such as name, samplePct, or isStarred.


An S3 object of class listOfModels, which may be characterized using R's generic summary function or converted to a dataframe with the method.


## Not run: 
  projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
  ListModels(projectId, orderBy=c("samplePct", "-metric"))
  ListModels(projectId, filter=list("sample_pct__gt" = 64, "name" = "Ridge"))
  ListModels(projectId, filter=list("isStarred" = TRUE))

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.