ListPredictions: Fetch all computed predictions for a project.

View source: R/GetPredictions.R

ListPredictionsR Documentation

Fetch all computed predictions for a project.


This function itemizes the predictions available for a given project, model, and/or dataset. Note that this function does not actually return the predictions. Use GetPredictions(projectId, predictionId) to get the predictions for a particular set of predictions.


ListPredictions(project, modelId = NULL, datasetId = NULL)



character. Either (1) a character string giving the unique alphanumeric identifier for the project, or (2) a list containing the element projectId with this identifier.


numeric. Optional. Filter returned predictions to only be predictions made against the model specified by this model ID.


numeric. Optional. Filter returned predictions to only be predictions made against the prediction dataset specified by this dataset ID.


A data.frame specifying:

  • projectId character. The ID of the project the predictions were made in.

  • datasetId character. The dataset ID of the dataset used to make predictions

  • modelId character. The model ID of the model used to make predictions.

  • predictionId character. The unique ID corresponding to those predictions. Use GetPredictions(projectId, predictionId) to fetch the individual predictions.

  • includesPredictionIntervals logical. Whether or not the predictions include prediction intervals. See Predict for details.

  • predictionIntervalsSize integer. Optional. The size, in percent, of prediction intervals or NULL if there are no intervals. See Predict for details.


## Not run: 
  projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
  predictions <- ListPredictions(projectId)

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.