RequestNewDatetimeModel: Adds a new datetime model of the type specified by the...

View source: R/Models.R

RequestNewDatetimeModelR Documentation

Adds a new datetime model of the type specified by the blueprint to a DataRobot project


This function requests the creation of a new datetime model in the DataRobot modeling project defined by the project parameter. The function also allows the user to specify alternatives to the project default for featurelist, samplePct, and scoringType. This function returns an integer modelJobId value, which can be used by the GetDatetimeModelFromJobId function to return the full model object.


  featurelist = NULL,
  trainingRowCount = NULL,
  trainingDuration = NULL,
  timeWindowSamplePct = NULL,
  monotonicIncreasingFeaturelistId = NULL,
  monotonicDecreasingFeaturelistId = NULL



character. Either (1) a character string giving the unique alphanumeric identifier for the project, or (2) a list containing the element projectId with this identifier.


list. A list with at least the following two elements: blueprintId and projectId. Note that the individual elements of the list returned by ListBlueprints are admissible values for this parameter.


list. A list that contains the element featurelistId that specifies the featurelist to be used in building the model; if not specified (i.e., for the default value NULL), the project default (Informative Features) is used.


integer. Optional, the number of rows of data that should be used to train the model. If specified, trainingDuration may not be specified.


character. String (optional) a duration string specifying what time range the data used to train the model should span. If specified, trainingRowCount may not be specified.


integer. Optional. May only be specified when the requested model is a time window (e.g. duration or start and end dates). An integer between 1 and 99 indicating the percentage to sample by within the window. The points kept are determined by a random uniform sample.


character. Optional. The id of the featurelist that defines the set of features with a monotonically increasing relationship to the target. If NULL (default), the default for the project will be used (if any). Note that currently there is no way to create a model without monotonic constraints if there was a project-level default set. If desired, the featurelist itself can also be passed as this parameter.


character. Optional. The id of the featurelist that defines the set of features with a monotonically decreasing relationship to the target. If NULL, the default for the project will be used (if any). If empty (i.e., ""), no such constraints are enforced. Also, if desired, the featurelist itself can be passed as this parameter.


Motivation for this function is the fact that some models - e.g., very complex machine learning models fit to large datasets - may take a long time to complete. Splitting the model creation request from model retrieval in these cases allows the user to perform other interactive R session tasks between the time the model creation/update request is made and the time the final model is available.


An integer value that can be used as the modelJobId parameter in subsequent calls to the GetDatetimeModelFromJobId function.


## Not run: 
  projectId <- "59a5af20c80891534e3c2bde"
  blueprints <- ListBlueprints(projectId)
  blueprint <- blueprints[[1]]
  RequestNewDatetimeModel(projectId, blueprint)

## End(Not run)

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.