## ========================================================================
## General functions of deSolve
## ========================================================================
timestep <- function (prev = TRUE) {
out <- .Call("getTimestep", PACKAGE = "deSolve")
if (prev)
## ========================================================================
## Check solver input - livermore solvers and rk
## ========================================================================
checkInput <- function(y, times, func, rtol, atol,
jacfunc, tcrit, hmin, hmax, hini, dllname, jacname = "jacfunc")
if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("`y' must be numeric")
n <- length(y)
if (! is.null(times) && !is.numeric(times))
stop("`times' must be NULL or numeric")
if (!is.function(func) && !is.character(func))
stop("`func' must be a function or character vector")
if (is.character(func) && (is.null(dllname) || !is.character(dllname)))
stop("specify the name of the dll or shared library where func can be found (without extension)")
if (!is.numeric(rtol)) stop("`rtol' must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(atol)) stop("`atol' must be numeric")
if (!is.null(tcrit) & !is.numeric(tcrit)) stop("`tcrit' must be numeric")
if (!is.null(jacfunc) && !(is.function(jacfunc) || is.character(jacfunc)))
stop(paste(jacname," must be a function or character vector"))
if (length(atol) > 1 && length(atol) != n)
stop("`atol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (length(rtol) > 1 && length(rtol) != n)
stop("`rtol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (!is.numeric(hmin)) stop("`hmin' must be numeric")
if (hmin < 0) stop("`hmin' must be a non-negative value")
if (is.null(hmax))
hmax <- if (is.null(times)) 0 else max(abs(diff(times)))
if (!is.numeric(hmax)) stop("`hmax' must be numeric")
if (hmax < 0) stop("`hmax' must be a non-negative value")
if (hmax == Inf) hmax <- 0
if (!is.null(hini))
if(hini < 0) stop("`hini' must be a non-negative value")
## ========================================================================
## Check solver input - euler and rk4
## ========================================================================
checkInputEuler <- function (y, times, func, dllname) {
if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("`y' must be numeric")
n <- length(y)
if (! is.null(times) && !is.numeric(times))
stop("`times' must be NULL or numeric")
if (!is.function(func) && !is.character(func))
stop("`func' must be a function or character vector")
if (is.character(func) && (is.null(dllname) || !is.character(dllname)))
stop("You need to specify the name of the dll or shared library where func can be found (without extension)")
## ========================================================================
## Check ode function call - livermore solvers
## ========================================================================
checkFunc<- function (Func2, times, y, rho) {
## Call func once to figure out whether and how many "global"
## results it wants to return and some other safety checks
tmp <- eval(Func2(times[1], y), rho)
if (!is.list(tmp))
stop("Model function must return a list\n")
if (length(tmp[[1]]) != length(y))
stop(paste("The number of derivatives returned by func() (",
") must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (",
length(y), ")", sep = ""))
## use "unlist" here because some output variables are vectors/arrays
Nglobal <- if (length(tmp) > 1)
length(unlist(tmp[-1])) else 0
## Karline: changed this:
## Nmtot is now a list with names, dimensions,... for 1-D, 2-D vars
Nmtot <- list()
Nmtot$colnames <- attr(unlist(tmp[-1]), "names")
Nmtot$lengthvar <- unlist(lapply(tmp, length))
if (length(Nmtot$lengthvar) < Nglobal+1){
Nmtot$dimvar <- lapply(tmp[-1], dim)
return(list(Nglobal = Nglobal, Nmtot = Nmtot))
## ========================================================================
## Check event function calls
## ========================================================================
checkEventFunc<- function (Func, times, y, rho) {
## Call func once
tmp <- eval(Func(times[1], y), rho)
if (length(tmp) != length(y))
stop(paste("The number of values returned by events$func() (",
") must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (",
length(y), ")", sep = ""))
if (!is.vector(tmp))
stop("The event function 'events$func' must return a vector\n")
## ========================================================================
## Check ode function call - euler and rk solvers
## ========================================================================
checkFuncEuler<- function (Func, times, y, parms, rho, Nstates) {
## Call func once to figure out whether and how many "global"
## results it wants to return and some other safety checks
tmp <- eval(Func(times[1], y, parms), rho)
if (!is.list(tmp)) stop("Model function must return a list\n")
if (length(tmp[[1]]) != Nstates)
stop(paste("The number of derivatives returned by func() (",
"must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (",
Nstates, ")", sep=""))
## use "unlist" because output variables can be vectors/arrays
Nglobal <- if (length(tmp) > 1)
length(unlist(tmp[-1])) else 0
Nmtot <- list()
Nmtot$colnames <- attr(unlist(tmp[-1]), "names")
Nmtot$lengthvar <- unlist(lapply(tmp, length))
if (length(Nmtot$lengthvar) < Nglobal+1){
Nmtot$dimvar <- lapply(tmp[-1], dim)
return(list(Nglobal = Nglobal, Nmtot = Nmtot))
## ========================================================================
## check ode DLL input
## ========================================================================
checkDLL <- function (func, jacfunc, dllname,
initfunc, verbose, nout, outnames, JT = 1) {
if (sum(duplicated (c(func, initfunc, jacfunc))) > 0)
stop("func, initfunc, or jacfunc cannot be the same")
ModelInit <- NA
if (! is.null(initfunc)) # to allow absence of initfunc
if (inherits (initfunc, "CFunc"))
ModelInit <- body(initfunc)[[2]]
else if (is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname, type = "") ||
is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname, type = "Fortran")) {
ModelInit <- getNativeSymbolInfo(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else if (initfunc != dllname && ! is.null(initfunc))
stop(paste("'initfunc' not loaded ", initfunc))
## Easier to deal with NA in C-code
if (is.null(initfunc)) ModelInit <- NA
## copy value of func to funcname
## check to make sure it describes a function in a loaded dll
funcname <- func
## get the pointer and put it in func
if (inherits (func, "CFunc"))
Func <- body(func)[[2]]
else if(is.loaded(funcname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
Func <- getNativeSymbolInfo(funcname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else stop(paste("dyn function 'func' not loaded", funcname))
## Finally, is there a Jacobian?
if (!is.null(jacfunc)) {
if (!is.character(jacfunc))
switch (JT,
stop("If 'func' is dynloaded, so must 'jacfunc' be"),
stop("If 'func' is dynloaded, so must 'jacvec' be")
jacfuncname <- jacfunc
if (inherits (jacfunc, "CFunc"))
JacFunc <- body(jacfunc)[[2]]
else if(is.loaded(jacfuncname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
JacFunc <- getNativeSymbolInfo(jacfuncname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else stop(paste("cannot integrate: jac function not loaded ", jacfunc))
} else JacFunc <- NULL
Nglobal <- nout
Nmtot <- list()
if (is.null(outnames))
{ Nmtot$colnames <- NULL} else
if (length(outnames) == nout)
{ Nmtot$colnames <- outnames} else
if (length(outnames) > nout)
Nmtot$colnames <- outnames[1:nout] else
Nmtot$colnames <- c(outnames,(length(outnames)+1):nout)
cnames <- outnames
unames <- unique(outnames)
if (length(cnames) > length(unames))
Nmtot$lengthvar <- c(NA,
sapply (unames, FUN = function(x) length(which(cnames == x))))
## thpe: set extra class to be checked by solvers
ret <- list(ModelInit = ModelInit, Func = Func, JacFunc = JacFunc,
Nglobal = Nglobal, Nmtot = Nmtot)
class(ret) <- c("deSolve.symbols", "list")
## =============================================================================
## print integration task
## =============================================================================
printtask <- function(itask, func, jacfunc) {
printM("Time settings")
if (itask==1) printM(" Normal computation of output values of y(t) at t = TOUT") else
if (itask==2) printM(" Take one step only and return.") else
if (itask==3) printM(" istop at the first internal mesh point at or beyond t = TOUT and return. ") else
if (itask==4) printM(" Normal computation of output values of y(t) at t = TOUT but without overshooting t = TCRIT.") else
if (itask==5) printM(" Take one step, without passing TCRIT, and return.")
printM("Integration settings")
if (is.character(func)) printM(paste(" Model function a DLL: ", func)) else
printM(" Model function an R-function: ")
if (is.character(jacfunc)) printM(paste (" Jacobian specified as a DLL: ", jacfunc)) else
if (!is.null(jacfunc)) printM(" Jacobian specified as an R-function: ") else
printM(" Jacobian not specified")
## =============================================================================
## Make Istate vector similar for all solvers.
## =============================================================================
setIstate <- function(istate, iin, iout)
IstateOut <- rep(NA, 21)
IstateOut[iout] <- istate[iin]
## =============================================================================
## Output cleanup - for the Livermore solvers
## =============================================================================
saveOut <- function (out, y, n, Nglobal, Nmtot, func, Func2,
iin, iout, nr = 4) {
troot <- attr(out, "troot")
istate <- attr(out, "istate")
istate <- setIstate(istate,iin,iout)
valroot <- attr(out, "valroot")
indroot <- attr(out, "indroot")
Rstate <- attr(out, "rstate")
rstate <- rep(NA,5)
rstate[1:nr] <- Rstate[1:nr]
nm <- c("time",
if (!is.null(attr(y, "names"))) names(y) else as.character(1:n))
if (Nglobal > 0) {
nm <- c(nm,
if (!is.null(Nmtot$colnames))
Nmtot$colnames else as.character((n+1) : (n + Nglobal)))
attr(out,"istate") <- istate
attr(out, "rstate") <- rstate
if (! is.null(Nmtot$lengthvar))
if ($lengthvar[1]))Nmtot$lengthvar[1] <- length(y)
attr(out, "lengthvar") <- Nmtot$lengthvar
if (! is.null(troot)) attr(out, "troot") <- troot
if (! is.null(valroot)) attr(out, "valroot") <- matrix(nrow = n, valroot)
if (! is.null(indroot)) attr(out, "indroot") <- indroot
ii <- if (is.null(Nmtot$dimvar))
NULL else !(unlist(lapply(Nmtot$dimvar, is.null))) # variables with dimension
if (sum(ii) >0)
attr(out, "dimvar") <- Nmtot$dimvar[ii] # dimensions that are not null
class(out) <- c("deSolve", "matrix") # a differential equation
dimnames(out) <- list(nm, NULL)
return (t(out))
## =============================================================================
## Output cleanup - for the Runge-Kutta solvers
## =============================================================================
saveOutrk <- function(out, y, n, Nglobal, Nmtot, iin, iout, transpose = FALSE) {
## Names for the outputs
nm <- c("time",
if (!is.null(attr(y, "names"))) names(y) else as.character(1:n)
## Global outputs
if (Nglobal > 0) {
nm <- c(nm,
if (!is.null(Nmtot$colnames))
Nmtot$colnames else as.character((n + 1) : (n + Nglobal))
## Column names and state information
dimnames(out) <- list(NULL, nm)
istate <- attr(out, "istate")
istate <- setIstate(istate, iin, iout)
attr(out,"istate") <- istate
if (! is.null(Nmtot$lengthvar))
if ($lengthvar[1])) Nmtot$lengthvar[1] <- length(y)
attr(out, "lengthvar") <- Nmtot$lengthvar
ii <- if (is.null(Nmtot$dimvar))
NULL else !(unlist(lapply(Nmtot$dimvar, is.null))) # variables with dimension
if (sum(ii) >0)
attr(out, "dimvar") <- Nmtot$dimvar[ii] # only those which are not null
class(out) <- c("deSolve", "matrix") # output of a differential equation
if (transpose)
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