#' @name detectGlasso
#' @title Change point detection using Graphical lasso as in Cribben et al. (2012)
#' @description This function implements the Dynamic Connectivity Regression (DCR) algorithm proposed by Cribben el al. (2012) to locate changepoints.
#' @param Y Input data of dimension length*dim (T times d)
#' @param Del Delta away from the boundary restriction
#' @param p Gep(p) distribution controls the size of stationary bootstrap. The mean block length is 1/p
#' @param lambda two selections possible for optimal parameter of lambda. "bic" finds lambda from bic criteria, or user can directly input the penalty value
#' @param nboot the number of bootstrap sample for p-value. Default is 100.
#' @param number of cores in parallel computing. The default is (machine cores - 1)
#' @param bound bound of bic search in "bic" rule. Default is (.001, 1)
#' @param gridTF minimum bic is found by grid search. Default is FALSE
#' @param plotTF Draw plot to see test statistic
#' @return A list with component
#' @return \strong{br} The estimated breakpoints including boundary (0, T)
#' @return \strong{brhist} The sequence of breakpoints found from binary splitting
#' @return \strong{diffhist} The history of BIC reduction on each step
#' @return \strong{W} The estimated vectorized autocovariance on each regime.
#' @return \strong{WI} The estimated vectorized precision matrix on each regime.
#' @return \strong{lambda} The penalty parameter estimated on each regime.
#' @return \strong{pvalhist} The empirical p-values on each binary splitting.
#' @return \strong{fitzero} Detailed output at first stage. Useful in producing plot.
#' @examples \donttest{out1= detectGlasso(changesim, p=.2,}
#' @export
detectGlasso <- function(Y, Del, p, lambda = "bic", nboot = 100,, bound = c(.001, 1), gridTF=FALSE, plotTF=TRUE) {
# y: Input data of dimension length*dim (T times d)
# Del: Delta away from the boundary restriction
# p : Gep(p) distribution controls the size of stationary bootstrap. The mean block length
# is 1/p
# lambda: two selections possible for optimal parameter of lambda. "bic" finds lambda
# from bic criteria, or user can directly input the penalty value
# nboot: the number of bootstrap sample for pvalue. Default is 100.
# number of cores in parallel computing. The default is (machine cores - 1)
# bound: bound of bic search in "bic" rule. Default is (.001, 1)
# gridTF: whether rho from BIC is found by grid search
# debiasTF: whether debiasing from graphical lasso estimates
if (missing( { <- parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE) - 1
if (missing(p)) {
p <- .2
if (missing(Del)) {
Del <- 40
## Data dimension is Tt*q
### Auxilary functions
glasso.bic <- function(Y, khat, lambda, bound, debiasTF) {
st <- khat[1]
end <- khat[2]
id <- seq(st, end, by = 1)
tj <- length(id)
cy <- stats::cov(Y[id, ])
n <- nrow(Y);
if (lambda == "bic") {
bic.rho <- function(rho, cy, tj) {
B <- 0
out <- glasso::glasso(cy, rho, maxit=400)
ell1 <- 1 * (out$wi != 0)
diag(ell1) <- rep(0, nrow(out$wi))
## tj is replacec by tj-1 by comparing result in the below.
dwi <- sum(log(svd(out$wi)$d))
B <- sum(diag((tj - 1) * cy %*% out$wi)) - tj * dwi + sum(ell1) * (log(tj))/2;
## Grid search?? Most stable..
sqrho = seq(bound[1], bound[2], length=20);
est = lapply(sqrho, bic.rho, cy = cy, tj=tj);
id = which.min(unlist(est)); rho = sqrho[id];
} else{
est <- stats::optim(par = .2, fn = bic.rho, cy = cy, tj = tj, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bound[1], upper = bound[2], control = list(maxit = 400, factr = 1e2, lmm = 4))
rho <- est$par
} else {
rho <- lambda
} ## Fixed constant
out <- glasso::glasso(cy, rho, maxit=400)
idz <- which(out$wi == 0)
## If close to singular, do not debias
if(det(out$w) < 1e-6){ debiasTF=FALSE; }
if ((length(idz) > 0)*debiasTF) {
## Re-estimate precision matrix by imposing zero constraints
## It only valid when there is zero estimates in out()
## This takes quite a bit of time if dimension is high and close to singluar
q <- dim(out$wi)[1]
I <- matrix(rep(1:q, each = q), byrow = TRUE, ncol = q)
J <- matrix(rep(1:q, each = q), ncol = q)
zeroid <- cbind(I[idz], J[idz]) <- glasso::glasso(cy, 0, zero = zeroid, trace = FALSE, maxit=100)
ell1 <- 1 * ($wi != 0)
diag(ell1) <- rep(0, nrow($wi))
det.value <- sum(log(svd($wi)$d));$nlik <- sum(diag((tj-1)*cy%*$wi)) - tj*det.value ;
B <-$nlik + sum(ell1)*(log(n))/2;$BIC <- B;
## log(n) is used for the sum of two BICs
} else {
ell1 <- 1 * (out$wi != 0)
diag(ell1) <- rep(0, nrow(out$wi))
det.value <- sum(log(svd(out$wi)$d));
out$nlik <- sum(diag((tj-1)*cy%*%out$wi)) - tj*det.value;
out$BIC <- out$nlik + sum(ell1)*(log(n))/2 <- out;
}$debiasTF= debiasTF;$rho <- rho
boot.Cribben2 <- function(zz, tcp, p, rhos,, bound, nboot) {
T <- dim(zz)[1]
q <- dim(zz)[2]
# building a stationary bootstrap sample
if (missing(p)) {
p <- .2
# similar but for Cribben et al
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(
Bstat <- foreach::foreach(b = 1:nboot, .combine = c, .export = c("glasso.bic"), .packages = "glasso") %dopar% {
# building a stationary bootstrap sample
size <- 0
z_b <- NULL
while (size < T) {
b <- 1 + stats::rgeom(1, p)
i <- sample(1:T, 1)
if (i + b - 1 <= T) {
z_b <- rbind(z_b, zz[i:(i + b - 1), ])
} else {
z_b <- rbind(z_b, zz[i:T, ], zz[(1:min(i - 1, i + b - T)), ])
size <- size + b
z_b <- z_b[(1:T), ]
# Use the same rho to save time
out <- glasso.bic(z_b, khat = c(1, T), lambda = rhos[1], bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
out1 <- glasso.bic(z_b, khat = c(1, tcp), lambda = rhos[2], bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
out2 <- glasso.bic(z_b, khat = c(tcp + 1, T), lambda = rhos[3], bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
dif <- out$BIC - out1$BIC - out2$BIC
glasso.break <- function(Y, Del, lambda,, bound) {
## Input data is Tt*q
if (missing(Del)) {
Del <- 40
nn <- dim(Y)[1]
step0 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(1, nn), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
grid <- seq(Del + 1, nn - Del, by = 1)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(
BIC <- foreach::foreach(b = 1:length(grid), .combine = rbind, .export = c("glasso.bic"), .packages = "glasso") %dopar% {
out1 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(1, grid[b]), lambda = step0$rho, bound = bound, debiasTF=FALSE)
out2 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(grid[b] + 1, nn), lambda = step0$rho, bound = bound, debiasTF=FALSE)
c(out1$nlik + out2$nlik, out1$BIC + out2$BIC)
id = which.min(BIC[,1]); newkhat <- grid[id];
step1 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(1, newkhat), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
step2 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(newkhat+1, nn), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
bicnew = step1$BIC + step2$BIC;
return(list(BIC = BIC[,1], khat = newkhat, time.seq = grid, bic0 = step0$BIC, bicnew = bicnew))
### Main function starts here
n <- dim(Y)[1]
out <- list()
br <- newbr <- brhist <- c(0, n)
st <- 1
TF <- 1
diffhist <- NULL
nmax <- 1
maxK = floor(log2(n/(2*Del)))+2;
while (st > 0 && nmax < maxK) {
newTF <- NULL
for (i in 1:(length(br) - 1)) {
if (TF[i] > 0 && br[i + 1] - br[i] > 2 * Del) {
id <- seq(from = br[i] + 1, to = br[i + 1], by = 1)
zz <- Y[id, ]
fit <- glasso.break(zz, Del, lambda = lambda, =, bound = bound)
if( nmax == 1 && i == 1){ fitzero = fit; }
khat <- fit$khat
bicdiff <- fit$bicnew - fit$bic0
newk <- khat + br[i]
if (bicdiff < 0 && khat > Del && (br[i + 1] - newk) > Del) {
newbr <- c(newbr, newk)
newTF <- c(newTF, 1, 1)
brhist <- c(brhist, newk)
diffhist <- rbind(diffhist, bicdiff)
} else {
newTF <- c(newTF, 0)
} else {
newTF <- c(newTF, 0)
br <- unique(newbr)
br <- sort(br)
TF <- newTF
newbr <- br
st <- sum(TF)
nmax <- nmax + 1
## Final tuning stage (Appendix 1 steps 7-9)
cdiff <- 1
pvalhist <- NULL
while (cdiff > 0 & length(br) > 2) {
cdiff <- 0
finalbr <- NULL
for (j in 1:(length(br) - 2)) {
fit0 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(br[j] + 1, br[j + 2]), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
fit1 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(br[j] + 1, br[j + 1]), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
fit2 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(br[j + 1] + 1, br[j + 2]), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
diff <- fit0$BIC - (fit1$BIC + fit2$BIC)
rhos <- c(fit0$rho, fit1$rho, fit2$rho)
idx <- ((br[j] + 1):br[j + 2])
zz <- Y[idx, ]
bsample <- boot.Cribben2(zz, tcp = br[j + 1] - br[j], p, rhos = rhos, =, bound = bound, nboot = nboot)
pval <- sum(bsample >= diff) / length(bsample)
pvalhist <- c(pvalhist, pval)
cdiff <- cdiff + 1 * (pval >= .05)
if (pval <= 0.05) {
finalbr <- c(finalbr, br[j + 1])
br <- c(0, finalbr, n)
## Get the estimates of final breaks
W <- WI <- R <- NULL
for (j in 1:(length(br) - 1)) {
fit1 <- glasso.bic(Y, khat = c(br[j] + 1, br[j + 1]), lambda = lambda, bound = bound, debiasTF=TRUE)
W <- rbind(W, as.vector(fit1$w))
WI <- rbind(WI, as.vector(fit1$wi))
R <- c(R, fit1$rho)
plot(fitzero$time.seq, fitzero$BIC, type = "l", ylab = "Negative log-likelihood", xlab = "Time")
graphics::abline(v = br, col = "blue")
out = list()
out$br <- br
out$brhist <- brhist
out$diffhist <- diffhist
out$W <- W
out$WI <- WI
out$lambda <- R
out$pvalhist <- pvalhist
out$fitzero = fitzero;
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