
Defines functions .onLoad .allSlotsNull .zinbModelShow .finalShow .bulkShow .sceShow .selectSome

#' @importFrom methods setClass setOldClass setClassUnion
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @import SingleCellExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @importFrom keras keras_model_sequential layer_dense layer_batch_normalization layer_activation layer_dropout get_output_shape_at compile optimizer_adam fit_generator evaluate_generator predict_generator model_from_json set_weights model_to_json get_weights load_model_hdf5 save_model_hdf5

setOldClass(Classes = 'package_version')
setClass("keras_training_history") # TODO: error with setOldClass, check what is going on
setOldClass(Classes = "keras.engine.sequential.Sequential")

setClassUnion(name = "MatrixOrNULL", members = c("matrix", "NULL"))
setClassUnion(name = "ListOrNULL", members = c("list", "NULL"))
setClassUnion(name = "ListNumericOrNULL", members = c("list", "numeric", "NULL"))
setClassUnion(name = "CharacterOrNULL", members = c("character", "NULL"))
setClassUnion(name = "SingleCellExperimentOrNULL", 
              members = c("SingleCellExperiment", "NULL"))
setClassUnion(name = "KerasOrList", 
              members = c("keras.engine.sequential.Sequential", "list"))
setClassUnion(name = "KerasTrainOrNULL", 
              members = c("keras_training_history", "NULL"))

######################## Wrapper class for ZinbModel ###########################

#' The Class ZinbParametersModel
#' The ZinbParametersModel class is a wrapper class of the
#' \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} class from zinbwave package.
#' This is a wrapper class of the \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} class. It
#' consists of only one slot (\code{zinbwave.mode}) that contains the
#' \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} object.
#' @slot zinbwave.model A valid \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} object.
#' @references Risso, D., Perraudeau, F., Gribkova, S. et al. (2018). A general
#'   and flexible method for signal extraction from single-cell RNA-seq data.
#'   Nat Commun 9, 284. doi: \doi{10.1038/s41467-017-02554-5}.
#' @export ZinbParametersModel
ZinbParametersModel <- setClass(
  Class = "ZinbParametersModel",
  slots = c(zinbwave.model = "ANY")

  f = "initialize", 
  signature = "ZinbParametersModel",
  definition = function(
    zinbwave.model = NULL
  ) {
    .Object@zinbwave.model <- zinbwave.model

  Class = "ZinbParametersModel",
  method = function(object) {
    if (object@zinbwave.model != "ZinbModel") {
    } else {

  f = "show",
  signature = "ZinbParametersModel",
  definition = function(object) {
    if (is.null(object@zinbwave.model)) {
      cat("ZinbParametersModel object empty")
    } else {
      .zinbModelShow(object@zinbwave.model) # TODO: doesn't work, implement a show function

setClassUnion(name = "ZinbParametersModelOrNULL", members = c("ZinbParametersModel", "NULL"))

######################### ProbMatrixCellTypes class ############################

#' The Class ProbMatrixCellTypes
#' The ProbMatrixCellTypes class is a data storage class that contains
#' information related to the cell composition matrices used for the simulation
#' of pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq samples. The matrix is stored in the
#' \code{prob.matrix} slot. The other of slots contain additional information
#' generated during the process and required in subsequent steps.
#' As described in Torroja and Sanchez-Cabo, 2019, the proportions are
#' constructed using six different methods in order to avoid biases due to the
#' composition of the simulated bulk samples. In \code{plots} slot, plots are
#' stored that visually represent the distribution of these probabilities in
#' order to provide a way to monitor the different sets of samples generated.
#' These plots can be shown using the \code{\link{showProbPlot}} function (see
#' \code{?\link{showProbPlot}} for more details).
#' @slot prob.matrix Matrix of cell proportions generated for the simulation of
#'   bulk samples. Rows correspond to the bulk samples to be generated
#'   (\eqn{i}), columns are the cell types present in the provided single-cell
#'   data (\eqn{j}) and each entry is the proportion of \eqn{j} cell type in
#'   \eqn{i} sample.
#' @slot cell.names Matrix containing the names of the cells that will make up
#'   each simulated pseudo-bulk sample.
#' @slot set.list List of cells sorted according to the cell type they
#'   belong to.
#' @slot set Vector containing the cell names present in the object.
#' @slot plots List of lists with plots showing the distribution of the cell
#'   proportions generated by each method during the process. In each list,
#'   \code{boxplot}, \code{violinplot}, \code{linesplot} or \code{ncelltypes}
#'   can be found. Please see \code{\link{showProbPlot}} for more details.
#' @slot type.data Character with the type of data contained: training or test.
#' @references Torroja, C. and Sánchez-Cabo, F. (2019). digitalDLSorter: A Deep
#'   Learning algorithm to quantify immune cell populations based on scRNA-Seq
#'   data. Frontiers in Genetics 10, 978. doi: \doi{10.3389/fgene.2019.00978}
#' @export ProbMatrixCellTypes
ProbMatrixCellTypes <- setClass(
  Class = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
  slots = c(
    prob.matrix = "MatrixOrNULL",
    cell.names = "MatrixOrNULL",
    set.list = "ListOrNULL",
    set = "CharacterOrNULL",
    method = "CharacterOrNULL",
    plots = "ListOrNULL",
    type.data = "CharacterOrNULL"

  f = "initialize", 
  signature = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
  definition = function(
    prob.matrix = NULL,
    cell.names = NULL,
    set.list = NULL,
    set = NULL,
    method = NULL,
    plots = NULL,
    type.data = NULL
  ) {
    .Object@prob.matrix <- prob.matrix
    .Object@cell.names <- cell.names
    .Object@set.list <- set.list
    .Object@set <- set
    .Object@method <- method
    .Object@plots <- plots
    .Object@type.data <- type.data

  Class = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
  method = function(object) {
    if (all(object@type.data != c("train", "test"))) {
    } else {

  f = "show",
  signature = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
  definition = function(object) {
    # cat("An object of class", class(object), "\n")
    if (is.null(object@prob.matrix)) {
      cat("ProbMatrixCellTypes object empty")
    } else {
      cat(paste0("  Cell type matrix for ", object@type.data, "data: "))
                c("bulk samples and", "cell types"), collapse = " "))

######################### DigitalDLSorterDNN class #############################

#' The DigitalDLSorterDNN Class
#' The DigitalDLSorterDNN object stores all the information related to Deep
#' Neural Network models. It contains the trained model, the training history
#' and the results of prediction on test data. After running
#' \code{\link{calculateEvalMetrics}}, it is possible to find the performance
#' evaluation of the model on test data (see \code{?\link{calculateEvalMetrics}}
#' for details).
#' The steps related to Deep Learning are carried out using the \pkg{keras}
#' package which uses the R6 classes system. If you want to save the object as
#' an RDS file, \code{digitalDLSorteR} provides a \code{saveRDS} generic
#' function that transforms the model stored as an R6 object into a native valid
#' R object. Specifically, the model is converted into a list with the
#' architecture of the network and the weights learned during training. That is
#' the minimum information needed to use the model as predictor. If you want to
#' keep the optimizer state, see \code{?\link{saveTrainedModelAsH5}}. If you
#' want to store \code{\link{DigitalDLSorter}} object on disk as an RDA file,
#' see \code{?\link{preparingToSave}}.
#' @slot model Trained Deep Neural Network. This slot can contain an R6
#'   \code{keras.engine.sequential.Sequential} object or a list with two
#'   elements: the architecture of the model and the resulting weights after
#'   training.
#' @slot training.history List with the evolution of the selected metrics during
#'   training.
#' @slot test.metrics Performance of the model on test data.
#' @slot test.pred Deconvolution results on test data. Columns are cell types,
#'   rows are samples and each entry corresponds to the proportion of this cell
#'   type in this sample.
#' @slot cell.types Vector with cell types to deconvolute.
#' @slot features Vector with the features used during training. These features
#'   will be used in subsequent predictions (the nomenclature used in new bulk
#'   RNA-Seq samples must be the same).
#' @slot test.deconv.metrics Performance of the model on each sample of test
#'   data compared to known cell proportions. This slot is used after
#'   \code{\link{calculateEvalMetrics}} (see \code{?\link{calculateEvalMetrics}}
#'   for more details).
#' @export DigitalDLSorterDNN
DigitalDLSorterDNN <- setClass(
  Class = "DigitalDLSorterDNN",
  slots = c(
    model = "KerasOrList",
    training.history = "KerasTrainOrNULL",
    test.metrics = "ListNumericOrNULL",
    test.pred = "MatrixOrNULL",
    cell.types = "character",
    features = "character",
    test.deconv.metrics = "ListOrNULL"

  f = "initialize", 
  signature = "DigitalDLSorterDNN",
  definition = function(
    model = list(),
    training.history = NULL,
    test.metrics = NULL,
    test.pred = NULL,
    cell.types = "-",
    features = "-",
    test.deconv.metrics = NULL
  ) {
    .Object@model <- model
    .Object@training.history <- training.history
    .Object@test.metrics <- test.metrics
    .Object@test.pred <- test.pred
    .Object@cell.types <- cell.types
    .Object@features <- features
    .Object@test.deconv.metrics <- test.deconv.metrics

  f = "show",
  signature = "DigitalDLSorterDNN",
  definition = function(object) {
    # cat("An object of class", class(object), "\n")
    if (is.null(object@model)) {
      cat("DigitalDLSorterDNN object empty")
    } else {
      cat(paste("Trained model:", object@training.history$params$epochs,
      train.metrics <- lapply(object@training.history$metrics,
                              function(x) x[length(x)])
      cat("  Training metrics (last epoch):\n")
      cat(paste0("    ", names(train.metrics), ": ",
                 lapply(train.metrics, round, 4),
                 collapse = "\n"))
      cat("\n  Evaluation metrics on test data:\n")
      cat(paste0("    ", names(object@test.metrics), ": ",
                 lapply(object@test.metrics, round, 4),
                 collapse = "\n"))
      if (!is.null(test.deconv.metrics(object)) ||
          length(test.deconv.metrics(object)) > 0) {
        cat("\n  Performance evaluation over each sample: ")
        cat(paste(names(test.deconv.metrics(object)[[2]]), collapse = " "))

setClassUnion("DigitalDLSorterDNNOrNULL", c("DigitalDLSorterDNN", "NULL"))

########################### DigitalDLSorter class ##############################

#' The DigitalDLSorter Class
#' The DigitalDLSorter object is the core of \code{digitalDLSorteR}. This object
#' stores different intermediate data resulting from the creation of new
#' context-specific deconvolution models from single-cell data. It is only used
#' in the case of building new deconvolution models. To deconvolute bulk samples
#' using pre-trained models, see \code{\link{deconvDigitalDLSorter}} function
#' and the package \pkg{digitalDLSorteRdata}.
#' This object uses other classes to store the different types of data produced
#' during the process: \itemize{ \item \code{\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' class for single-cell RNA-Seq data, using sparse matrix from the \pkg{Matrix}
#' package (\code{\linkS4class{dgCMatrix}} class) or \code{HDF5Array} class in
#' the case of using HDF5 files as back-end (see below for more information).
#' \item \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} class with estimated parameters for the
#' simulation of new single-cell profiles. \item
#' \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} class for large bulk RNA-Seq data
#' storage. \item \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}} class for the
#' compositional cell matrices constructed during the process. See
#' \code{?\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}} for details. \item
#' \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorterDNN}} class to store the information
#' related to Deep Neural Network models. This step is performed using
#' \code{keras}. See \code{?\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorterDNN}} for details. }
#' \pkg{digitalDLSorteR} can be used in two ways: to build new deconvolution
#' models from single-cell RNA-Seq data or to deconvolute bulk RNA-Seq samples
#' using pre-trained models available at \pkg{digitalDLSorteRdata} package. If
#' you want to build new models, see \code{\link{loadSCProfiles}} function. On
#' the other hand, if you want to use pre-trained models, see
#' \code{\link{deconvDigitalDLSorter}} function.
#' In order to provide a way to work with large amounts of data on
#' RAM-constrained machines, we provide the possibility to use HDF5 files as
#' back-end to store count matrices of both real/simulated single-cell and bulk
#' RNA-Seq profiles. For this, the package uses the \code{HDF5Array} and
#' \code{DelayedArray} classes from the homonymous packages.
#' Once the Deep Neural Network model has been trained trained, it is possible
#' to save it as RDS or HDF5 files. Please see
#' \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorterDNN}} for more details.
#' @slot single.cell.real Real single-cell data stored in a
#'   \code{SingleCellExperiment} object. The count matrix is stored as
#'   \code{\linkS4class{dgCMatrix}} or \code{HDF5Array} objects.
#' @slot zinb.params \code{\linkS4class{ZinbModel}} object with estimated
#'   parameters for the simulation of new single-cell expression profiles.
#' @slot single.cell.simul Simulated single-cell expression profiles from the
#'   ZINB-WaVE model.
#' @slot prob.cell.types \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}} class with
#'   cell composition matrices built for the simulation of pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq
#'   profiles with known cell composition.
#' @slot bulk.simul A list of simulated train and test bulk RNA-Seq samples.
#'   Each entry is a \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} object. The count
#'   matrices can be stored as \code{HDF5Array} files using HDF5 files as
#'   back-end in case of RAM limitations.
#' @slot trained.model \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorterDNN}} object with all
#'   the information related to the trained model. See
#'   \code{?\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorterDNN}} for more details.
#' @slot deconv.data List of \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} objects
#'   where it is possible to store new bulk RNA-Seq experiments for
#'   deconvolution. The name of the entries corresponds to the name of the data
#'   provided. See \code{\link{deconvDigitalDLSorterObj}} for details.
#' @slot deconv.results Slot containing the deconvolution results of applying
#'   the deconvolution model to the data present in the
#'   \code{\link{deconv.data}} slot. It is a list in which the names corresponds
#'   to the data from which they come.
#' @slot project Name of the project.
#' @slot version Version of DigitalDLSorteR this object was built under.
#' @exportClass DigitalDLSorter
#' @export DigitalDLSorter
DigitalDLSorter <- setClass(
  Class = "DigitalDLSorter",
  slots = c(
    single.cell.real = "SingleCellExperimentOrNULL",
    zinb.params = "ZinbParametersModelOrNULL",
    single.cell.simul = "SingleCellExperimentOrNULL",
    prob.cell.types = "ListOrNULL",
    bulk.simul = "ListOrNULL",
    trained.model = "DigitalDLSorterDNNOrNULL",
    deconv.data = "ListOrNULL",
    deconv.results = "ListOrNULL",
    project = "character",
    version = "package_version"

  f = "initialize", 
  signature = "DigitalDLSorter",
  definition = function(
    single.cell.real = NULL,
    zinb.params = NULL,
    single.cell.simul = NULL,
    prob.cell.types = NULL,
    bulk.simul = NULL,
    trained.model = NULL,
    deconv.data = NULL,
    deconv.results = NULL,
    project = "DigitalDLSorterProject",
    version = packageVersion(pkg = "digitalDLSorteR")
  ) {
    .Object@single.cell.real <- single.cell.real
    .Object@zinb.params <- zinb.params
    .Object@single.cell.simul <- single.cell.simul
    .Object@prob.cell.types <- prob.cell.types
    .Object@bulk.simul <- bulk.simul
    .Object@trained.model <- trained.model
    .Object@deconv.data <- deconv.data
    .Object@deconv.results <- deconv.results
    .Object@project <- project
    .Object@version <- version

.selectSome <- function(vec, num) {
  if (length(vec) < 6)
    namesSel <- sample(length(vec), size = 6, replace = TRUE)    
    namesSel <- sample(length(vec), size = 6)    
      paste(vec[namesSel[1:3]], collapse = " "), "...", 
      paste(vec[namesSel[3:6]], collapse = " ")

.sceShow <- function(sce) {
  cat(" ", dim(sce)[1], "features and", dim(sce)[2], "cells\n")
  if (is.null(rownames(sce))) rownames.sce <- "---"
  else rownames.sce <- .selectSome(vec = rownames(sce), num = 6)
  if (identical(colnames(sce), character(0))) colnames.sce <- "---"
  else colnames.sce <- .selectSome(vec = colnames(sce), num = 6)
  cat("  rownames:", rownames.sce, "\n")
  cat("  colnames:", colnames.sce, "\n")

.bulkShow <- function(se) {
  cat("   ", dim(se)[1], "features and", dim(se)[2], "samples\n")
  if (dim(rowData(se))[2] == 0) rownames.se <- "---" 
  else rownames.se <- .selectSome(vec = rownames(rowData(se)), num = 6)
  if (identical(colnames(se), character(0))) colnames.se <- "---"
  else colnames.se <- .selectSome(vec = rownames(colData(se)), num = 6)
  cat("    rownames:", rownames.se, "\n")
  cat("    colnames:", colnames.se, "\n")

.finalShow <- function(se) {
  cat("   ", dim(se)[2], "features and", dim(se)[1], "samples: ")
  n.bulk <- sum(grepl("Bulk\\.*", rowData(se)[[1]]))
  n.sc <- abs(n.bulk - dim(se)[1])
  cat(n.bulk, "bulk profiles and", n.sc, "single-cell profiles\n")

.zinbModelShow <- function(zinb.model) {
      "ZinbModel object:\n",
      "  ", zinbwave::nSamples(zinb.model), " samples; ",
      "  ", zinbwave::nFeatures(zinb.model), " genes.\n",
      "  ", NCOL(zinbwave::getX_mu(zinb.model)),
      " sample-level covariate(s) (mu); ",
      "  ", NCOL(zinbwave::getX_pi(zinb.model)),
      " sample-level covariate(s) (pi);\n",
      "  ", NCOL(zinbwave::getV_mu(zinb.model)),
      " gene-level covariate(s) (mu); ",
      "  ", NCOL(zinbwave::getV_pi(zinb.model)),
      " gene-level covariate(s) (pi);\n",
      "  ", zinbwave::nFactors(zinb.model), " latent factor(s).\n"

.allSlotsNull <- function(object) {
  list.slots <- list(
    "single.cell.real", "zinb.params", "single.cell.simul", "prob.cell.types",
    "bulk.simul", "trained.model", "deconv.data", "deconv.results"
  res <- all(
      lapply(list.slots, function(x) is.null(do.call("@", list(object, x))))
  if (res) return(TRUE)
  else return(FALSE)

  f = "show",
  signature = "DigitalDLSorter",
  definition = function(object) {
    if (.allSlotsNull(object)) {
      cat("An empty object of class", class(object), "\n")
      opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    } else {
      cat("An object of class", class(object), "\n")
    if (!is.null(object@single.cell.real)) {
      cat("Real single-cell profiles:\n")
    } else {
      cat("Real single-cell profiles:\n")
    if (!is.null(object@zinb.params)) {
    if (!is.null(object@single.cell.simul)) {
      cat("Simulated single-cell profiles:\n")
    if (!is.null(object@prob.cell.types)) {
      cat("Cell type composition matrices:\n")
      lapply(X = c("train", "test"), FUN = function(x) {
        if (x %in% names(object@prob.cell.types)) {
          cat(show(object@prob.cell.types[[x]]), "\n")
    if (!is.null(object@bulk.simul)) {
      cat("Simulated bulk samples:\n")
        X = c("train", "test"), FUN = function(x) {
          if (x %in% names(object@bulk.simul)) {
            cat(paste(" ", x, "bulk samples:\n"))
    if (!is.null(object@trained.model)) {
      cat(show(object@trained.model), "\n")
    if (!is.null(object@deconv.data)) {
      cat("Bulk samples to deconvolute:\n")
        X = names(object@deconv.data), FUN = function(x) {
          if (x %in% names(object@deconv.data)) {
            cat(paste(" ", x, "bulk samples:\n"))
    if (!is.null(object@deconv.results)) {
      cat("Results (estimated cell proportions):\n")
        X = names(object@deconv.results), FUN = function(x) {
          if (x %in% names(object@deconv.results)) {
            cat(paste("  Results of", x, "bulk samples\n"))
    cat("Project:", object@project, "\n")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # make github digitalDLSorteRmodels repo available (data package)
  repos = getOption("repos")
  repos["github"] = "https://diegommcc.github.io/digitalDLSorteRmodelsRepo/"
  options(repos = repos)
  # set conda environment for tensorflow
  if (.isConda()) {
      expr = reticulate::use_condaenv("digitaldlsorter-env", required = TRUE),
      error = function(e) NULL
  Sys.setenv(TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL = 2)

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digitalDLSorteR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.