
Defines functions .setBulk pseudobulk.fun.add.raw.counts pseudobulk.fun.add.cpm pseudobulk.fun.mean.cpm .cpmCalculate .createSEObject .generateBulkProfiles simBulkProfiles .generateSet6 .generateSet5 .generateSet4 .generateSet3 .generateSet2 .generateSet1 .generateExcludedTypes .adjustHundred .setHundredLimit .cellExcluder setCount .plotsQCSets .linesPlot .boxPlot .violinPlot generateBulkCellMatrix

Documented in generateBulkCellMatrix simBulkProfiles

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_violin geom_boxplot geom_line theme ggtitle element_text

####################### Generate cell composition matrix #######################

#' Generate training and test cell composition matrices
#' Generate training and test cell composition matrices for the simulation of
#' pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq samples with known cell composition using single-cell
#' expression profiles. The resulting \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}}
#' object contains a matrix that determines the proportion of the different cell
#' types that will compose the simulated pseudo-bulk samples. In addition, this
#' object also contains other information relevant for the process. This
#' function does not simulate pseudo-bulk samples, this task is performed by the
#' \code{\link{simBulkProfiles}} or \code{\link{trainDigitalDLSorterModel}}
#' functions (see Documentation).
#' First, the available single-cell profiles are split into training and test
#' subsets (2/3 for training and 1/3 for test by default (see
#' \code{train.freq.cells})) to avoid falsifying the results during model
#' evaluation. Next, \code{num.bulk.samples} bulk samples proportions are built
#' and the single-cell profiles to be used to simulate each pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq
#' sample are set, being 100 cells per bulk sample by default (see
#' \code{n.cells} argument). The proportions of training and test pseudo-bulk
#' samples are set by \code{train.freq.bulk} (2/3 for training and 1/3 for
#' testing by default). Finally, in order to avoid biases due to the composition
#' of the pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq samples, cell type proportions (\eqn{w_1,...,w_k},
#' where \eqn{k} is the number of cell types available in single-cell profiles)
#' are randomly generated by using six different approaches:
#' \enumerate{ \item Cell proportions are randomly sampled from a truncated
#' uniform distribution with predefined limits according to a priori knowledge
#' of the abundance of each cell type (see \code{prob.design} argument). This
#' information can be inferred from the single-cell experiment itself or from
#' the literature. \item A second set is generated by randomly permuting cell
#' type labels from a distribution generated by the previous method. \item Cell
#' proportions are randomly sampled as by method 1 without replacement. \item
#' Using the last method for generating proportions, cell types labels are
#' randomly sampled. \item Cell proportions are randomly sampled from a
#' Dirichlet distribution. \item Pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq samples composed of the
#' same cell type are generated in order to provide 'pure' pseudo-bulk samples.}
#' If you want to inspect the distribution of cell type proportions generated by
#' each method during the process, they can be visualized by the
#' \code{\link{showProbPlot}} function (see Documentation).
#' @param object \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object with
#'   \code{single.cell.real} slot and, optionally, with \code{single.cell.simul}
#'   slot.
#' @param cell.ID.column Name or column number corresponding to the cell names
#'   of expression matrix in cells metadata.
#' @param cell.type.column Name or column number corresponding to the cell type
#'   of each cell in cells metadata.
#' @param prob.design Data frame with the expected frequency ranges for each
#'   cell type present in the experiment. This information can be estimated from
#'   literature or from the single-cell experiment itself. This data frame must
#'   be constructed by three columns with specific headings (see examples):
#'   \itemize{ \item A cell type column with the same name of the cell type
#'   column in cells metadata (\code{cell.type.column}). If the name of the
#'   column is not the same, the function will return an error. All cell types
#'   must appear in the cells metadata. \item A second column called
#'   \code{'from'} with the start frequency for each cell type. \item A third
#'   column called \code{'to'} with the ending frequency for each cell type.}
#' @param num.bulk.samples Number of bulk RNA-Seq sample proportions (and thus
#'   simulated bulk RNA-Seq samples) to be generated taking into account
#'   training and test data. We recommend seting this value according to the
#'   number of single-cell profiles available in
#'   \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object avoiding an excesive
#'   re-sampling, but generating a large number of samples for better training.
#' @param n.cells Number of cells that will be aggregated in order to simulate
#'   one bulk RNA-Seq sample (100 by default).
#' @param train.freq.cells Proportion of cells used to simulate training
#'   pseudo-bulk samples (2/3 by default).
#' @param train.freq.bulk Proportion of bulk RNA-Seq samples to the total number
#'   (\code{num.bulk.samples}) used for the training set (2/3 by default).
#' @param proportions.train Vector of six integers that determines the
#'   proportions of bulk samples generated by the different methods (see Details
#'   and Torroja and Sanchez-Cabo, 2019. for more information). This vector
#'   represents proportions, so its entries must add up 100. By default, a
#'   majority of random samples will be generated without using predefined
#'   ranges.
#' @param proportions.test \code{proportions.train} for test samples.
#' @param prob.zero Probability of producing cell type proportions equal to
#'   zero. It is a vector of six elements corresponding to the six methods of
#'   producing cell type proportions (see \code{proportions.train} for more
#'   details).
#' @param balanced.type.cells Boolean indicating whether the training and test
#'   cells will be split in a balanced way considering the cell types
#'   (\code{FALSE} by default).
#' @param verbose Show informative messages during the execution (\code{TRUE} by
#'   default).
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object with
#'   \code{prob.cell.types} slot containing a \code{list} with two
#'   \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}} objects (training and test). For
#'   more information about the structure of this class, see
#'   \code{?\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{simBulkProfiles}}
#'   \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123) # reproducibility
#' # simulated data
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
#'   assays = list(
#'     counts = matrix(
#'       rpois(30, lambda = 5), nrow = 15, ncol = 10, 
#'       dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(15)), paste0("RHC", seq(10)))
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   colData = data.frame(
#'     Cell_ID = paste0("RHC", seq(10)),
#'     Cell_Type = sample(x = paste0("CellType", seq(2)), size = 10, 
#'                        replace = TRUE)
#'   ),
#'   rowData = data.frame(
#'     Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(15))
#'   )
#' )
#' DDLS <- loadSCProfiles(
#'   single.cell.data = sce,
#'   cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID",
#'   gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID"
#' )
#' probMatrixValid <- data.frame(
#'   Cell_Type = paste0("CellType", seq(2)),
#'   from = c(1, 30),
#'   to = c(15, 70)
#' )
#' DDLS <- generateBulkCellMatrix(
#'   object = DDLS,
#'   cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID",
#'   cell.type.column = "Cell_Type",
#'   prob.design = probMatrixValid,
#'   num.bulk.samples = 10,
#'   verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' @references Torroja, C. and Sánchez-Cabo, F. (2019). digitalDLSorter: A Deep
#'   Learning algorithm to quantify immune cell populations based on scRNA-Seq
#'   data. Frontiers in Genetics 10, 978. doi: \doi{10.3389/fgene.2019.00978}
generateBulkCellMatrix <- function(
  n.cells = 100,
  train.freq.cells = 2/3,
  train.freq.bulk = 2/3,
  proportions.train = c(10, 5, 20, 15, 35, 15),
  proportions.test = c(10, 5, 20, 15, 35, 15),
  prob.zero = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
  balanced.type.cells = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if (!is(object, "DigitalDLSorter")) {
    stop("The object provided is not of DigitalDLSorter class")
  } else if (is.null(single.cell.real(object))) {
    stop("'single.cell.real' slot is empty")
  } else if (!train.freq.cells <= 0.95 || !train.freq.cells >= 0.05) {
    stop("'train.seq.cells' argument must be less than or equal to 0.95 and ", 
         "greater than or equal to 0.05")
  } else if (!train.freq.bulk <= 0.95 || !train.freq.bulk >= 0.05) {
    stop("'train.seq.bulk' argument must be less than or equal to 0.95 and ", 
         "greater than or equal to 0.05")
  } else if (missing(cell.ID.column) || missing(cell.type.column) || 
             is.null(cell.ID.column) || is.null(cell.type.column)) {
    stop("'cell.ID.column' and 'cell.type.column' arguments are needed. Please, ", 
         "look at ?estimateZinbwaveParams") 
  } else if (!is.data.frame(prob.design)) {
      "prob.design must be a data frame with three column names:",
      paste("'cell.type.column': must be equal to 'cell.type.column' in",
            "cells metadata (colData slot of SingleCellExperiment objects)"),
      "'from': frequency from which the cell type can appear",
      "'to': frequency up to which the cell type can appear", 
      sep = "\n   - ")
  } else if (any(proportions.train < 0) || any(proportions.test < 0)) {
    stop("Proportions cannot be less than zero")
  } else if (sum(proportions.train) != 100 || sum(proportions.test) != 100) {
    stop("Proportions provided must add up to 100")
  } else if (length(proportions.train) != 6 || length(proportions.test) != 6) {
    stop("Proportions must be a vector of 6 elements")
  } else if (length(prob.zero) != 6) {
    stop("'prob.zero' must be a vector of 6 elements")
  } else if (any(prob.zero > 1) || any(prob.zero < 0)) {
    stop("'prob.zero' must be a vector whose elements must be between 0 and 1")
  } else if (missing(num.bulk.samples) || is.null(num.bulk.samples)) {
    stop("'num.bulk.samples' argument must be provided")
  if (!is.null(prob.cell.types(object)) || !length(prob.cell.types(object)) == 0) {
    warning("'prob.cell.types' slot already has probability matrices. ", 
            "Note that this object will be overwritten\n\n",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(X = list(proportions.train, proportions.test),
                         FUN = function(x) all(x == floor(x)))))) {
    stop("Proportions provided must be composed of integers")
  if (!is.null(single.cell.simul(object))) {
    # extract data from SCE to list
    list.metadata <- list(
      single.cell.real(object) %>% 
      single.cell.simul(object) %>% 
    # check if cell.type.column and cell.ID.column are correct
      X = list(list.metadata[[1]], list.metadata[[2]]),
      FUN = function(x) {
          function(y, z) {
              metadata = x,
              ID.column = y,
              type.metadata = "cells.metadata",
              arg = z
          c(cell.ID.column, cell.type.column),
          c("cell.ID.column", "cell.type.column")
    list.metadata[[1]]$Simulated <- FALSE
    list.metadata[[1]]$suffix <- ""
    cells.metadata <- S4Vectors::rbind(list.metadata[[1]], list.metadata[[2]])  
  } else {
    cells.metadata <- single.cell.real(object) %>% 
  # check if prob.design is correctly built
    X = c(cell.type.column, "from", "to"),
    FUN = function(x) {
        metadata = prob.design,
        ID.column = x,
        type.metadata = "prob.design",
        arg = ""
  if (any(duplicated(prob.design[, cell.type.column]))) {
    stop(paste("'prob.design' must not contain duplicated cell types in",
               cell.type.column, "column"))
  } else if (!all(prob.design[, cell.type.column] %in%
                  unique(cells.metadata[, cell.type.column]))) {
    stop("There are some cell types in 'prob.design' that do not appear in ", 
         "cells metadata. Check that the 'prob.design' matrix is correctly built")
  } else if (any(prob.design$from < 1) || any(prob.design$from > 99)) {
    stop("'from' column in 'prob.design' must be greater than or equal to 1 and ",
         "less than or equal to 99")
  } else if (any(prob.design$to <= 1) || any(prob.design$to > 100)) {
    stop("'to' column in 'prob.design' must be greater than or equal to 1 and ", 
         "less than or equal to 100")
  } else if (any(prob.design$from > prob.design$to)) {
    stop("'from' entries must be less than 'to' entries")
  } else if (any(abs(prob.design$from) + abs(prob.design$to) > 100)) {
    stop("The sum between the 'from' and 'to' entries must not be greater than", 
         " 100")
  # check if n.cells is invalid
  if (n.cells <= 0) {
    stop("'n.cells' must be greater than zero")
  } else if (n.cells < length(unique(cells.metadata[, cell.type.column]))) {
    stop("'n.cells' must be equal to or greater than the number of cell types in",
         " experiment. We recommend more than 100 cells per bulk sample")
  # check proportions --> avoid num.bulk.samples too low
  total.train <- ceiling(num.bulk.samples * train.freq.bulk)
  total.test <- num.bulk.samples - total.train
  if (total.test == 0) 
    stop("'num.bulk.samples' too low in relation to 'train.freq.bulk'")
  nums.train <- .setHundredLimit(
    ceiling((total.train * proportions.train) / 100),
    limit = total.train
  nums.test <- .setHundredLimit(
    ceiling((total.test * proportions.test) / 100),
    limit = total.test
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste("\n=== The number of bulk RNA-Seq samples that will be generated", 
                  "is equal to", num.bulk.samples))  
  # split data into training and test sets
  cells <- cells.metadata[, cell.ID.column]
  names(cells) <- cells.metadata[, cell.type.column]
  # train set: 
  # balanced.type.cells == TRUE --> same number of cells by cell types
  # balanced.type.cells == FALSE --> completely random
  if (!balanced.type.cells) {
    train.set <- sample(cells, size = round(nrow(cells.metadata) * train.freq.cells))
    # check if we have all cell types in train and test data
    test.set.tmp <- cells[!cells %in% train.set]
    if (length(unique(names(train.set))) != length(unique(names(cells))) ||
        length(unique(names(test.set.tmp))) != length(unique(names(cells)))) {
      train.set <- lapply(
        X = as.list(unique(names(cells))), 
        FUN = function(x, cells, train.freq.cells) {
            cells[names(cells) == x], 
            size = round(length(cells[names(cells) == x]) * train.freq.cells)
        }, cells = cells, train.freq.cells
      ) %>% unlist()  
  } else {
    train.set <- lapply(
      X = as.list(unique(names(cells))), 
      FUN = function(x, cells, train.freq.cells) {
          cells[names(cells) == x], 
          size = round(length(cells[names(cells) == x]) * train.freq.cells)
      }, cells = cells, train.freq.cells
    ) %>% unlist()
  train.types <- names(train.set)
  train.set.list <- list()
  # sort cell types in order to speed up reading times in HDF5 files --> 
  # same order as are stored simulated cells in HDF5 file (unnecessary)
  if (!is.null(zinb.params(object))) {
    model.cell.types <- grep(pattern = cell.type.column,
                             x = colnames(zinb.params(object)@zinbwave.model@X),
                             value = T)
    cell.type.names <- sub(pattern = cell.type.column,
                           replacement = "",
                           x = model.cell.types)
    if (any(levels(factor(train.types)) %in% cell.type.names)) {
      cell.type.names <- c(
        setdiff(levels(factor(train.types)), cell.type.names)
  } else {
    cell.type.names <- levels(factor(train.types))
  cell.type.train <- cell.type.names[cell.type.names %in% levels(factor(train.types))]
  for (ts in cell.type.train) {
    train.set.list[[ts]] <- train.set[train.types == ts]
  # test set
  test.set <- cells[!cells %in% train.set]
  test.types <- names(test.set)
  test.set.list <- list()
  cell.type.test <- cell.type.names[cell.type.names %in% levels(factor(test.types))]
  for (ts in cell.type.test) {
    test.set.list[[ts]] <- test.set[test.types == ts]
  # check if we have all the cell types in test data
  if (length(unique(names(test.set))) != length(unique(names(cells)))) {
        "Not all cell types considered in DigitalDLSorter object are in test",
        "data. digitalDLSorteR needs to have all cell types in both subsets",
        "(training and test). Please, provide a bigger single-cell experiment",
        "or consider simulate new single-cell profiles with", 
        "'estimateZinbwaveParams' and 'simSCProfiles' functions"
  # check if all cell types are present in train and test data
  if (verbose) {
    message("\n=== Training set cells by type:")
    tb <- unlist(lapply(train.set.list, length))
    message(paste0("    - ", names(tb), ": ", tb, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
    message("=== Test set cells by type:")
    tb <- unlist(lapply(test.set.list, length))
    message(paste0("    - ", names(tb), ": ", tb, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  # take prob.design
  prob.list <- lapply(
    split(prob.design, seq(nrow(prob.design))), 
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(seq(from = x[['from']], to = x[['to']]))
  names(prob.list) <- prob.design[, cell.type.column]
  n.cell.types <- length(unique(train.types))
  functions.list <- list(
    .generateSet1, .generateSet2, .generateSet3, 
    .generateSet4, .generateSet5, .generateSet6
  # TRAIN SETS #################################################################
  train.prob.matrix <- matrix(
    NA_real_, nrow = sum(nums.train), ncol = n.cell.types
  colnames(train.prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)
  train.plots <- list()
  n <- 1
  loc <- c(0, cumsum(nums.train))
  for (fun in functions.list) {
    if (nums.train[n] == 0) {
      n <- n + 1
    index.ex <- .generateExcludedTypes(
      num = nums.train[n],
      s.cells = total.train,
      n.cell.types = n.cell.types,
      prob.zero = prob.zero[n]
    train.probs <- fun(
      prob.list = prob.list,
      num = nums.train[n],
      s.cells = total.train,
      n.cell.types = n.cell.types,
      index.ex = index.ex
    train.prob.matrix[seq(loc[n] + 1, loc[n + 1]), ] <- train.probs
    train.plots[[n]] <- .plotsQCSets(
      probs = train.probs,
      prob.matrix = train.prob.matrix,
      n = n,
      set = "train"
    n <- n + 1
  # check if matrix is correctly built
  if (is.null(dim(train.prob.matrix))) 
    train.prob.matrix <- matrix(train.prob.matrix, nrow = 1)
  if (is.null(colnames(train.prob.matrix)))
    colnames(train.prob.matrix) <- prob.design[, cell.type.column]
  rownames(train.prob.matrix) <- paste("Bulk", seq(dim(train.prob.matrix)[1]),
                                       sep = "_")
  train.plots <- train.plots[!unlist(lapply(train.plots, is.null))]
  train.method <- unlist(
      FUN = function(name.method, num.samp) rep(name.method, num.samp), 
      name.method = paste("Method", seq(1, length(nums.train))), 
      num.samp = nums.train
  names(train.method) <- paste0("Bulk_", seq(sum(nums.train)))
  if (verbose) {
    message("=== Probability matrix for training data:")
    message(paste(c("    - Bulk RNA-Seq samples:", "    - Cell types:"),
                  collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  # TEST SETS ##################################################################
  test.prob.matrix <-matrix(NA_real_, nrow = sum(nums.test), ncol = n.cell.types)
  test.plots <- list()
  n <- 1
  # hardcoded because the last function cannot received prob.zero > 0
  prob.zero[length(prob.zero)] <- 0
  loc <- c(0, cumsum(nums.test))
  for (fun in functions.list) {
    if (nums.test[n] == 0) {
      n <- n + 1
    index.ex <- .generateExcludedTypes(
      num = nums.test[n],
      s.cells = total.test,
      n.cell.types = n.cell.types,
      prob.zero = prob.zero[n]
    test.probs <- fun(
      prob.list = prob.list,
      num = nums.test[n],
      s.cells = total.test,
      n.cell.types = n.cell.types,
      index.ex = index.ex
    test.prob.matrix[seq(loc[n] + 1, loc[n + 1]), ] <- test.probs
    test.plots[[n]] <- .plotsQCSets(
      probs = test.probs,
      prob.matrix = test.prob.matrix,
      n = n,
      set = "test"
    n <- n + 1
  # check if matrix is correctly built
  if (is.null(dim(test.prob.matrix))) 
    test.prob.matrix <- matrix(test.prob.matrix, nrow = 1)
  if (is.null(colnames(test.prob.matrix)))
    colnames(test.prob.matrix) <- prob.design[, cell.type.column]
  rownames(test.prob.matrix) <- paste("Bulk", seq(dim(test.prob.matrix)[1]),
                                      sep = "_")
  test.plots <- test.plots[!unlist(lapply(test.plots, is.null))]
  test.method <- unlist(
      FUN = function(name.method, num.samp) rep(name.method, num.samp), 
      name.method = paste("Method", seq(1, length(nums.test))) , 
      num.samp = nums.test
  names(test.method) <- paste0("Bulk_", seq(sum(nums.test)))
  if (verbose) {
    message("=== Probability matrix for test data:")
    message(paste(c("    - Bulk RNA-Seq samples:", "    - Cell types:"),
                  collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  train.prob.matrix.names <- t(apply(
    X = train.prob.matrix,
    MARGIN = 1,
    FUN = setCount,
    setList = train.set.list,
    sn = colnames(train.prob.matrix),
    n.cells = n.cells
  test.prob.matrix.names <- t(apply(
    X = test.prob.matrix,
    MARGIN = 1,
    FUN = setCount,
    setList = test.set.list,
    sn = colnames(test.prob.matrix),
    n.cells = n.cells

  # generate object of ProbMatrixCellTypes class
  train.prob.matrix.object <- new(
    Class = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
    prob.matrix = train.prob.matrix,
    cell.names = train.prob.matrix.names,
    set.list = train.set.list,
    set = train.set,
    method = train.method,
    plots = train.plots,
    type.data = "train"
  test.prob.matrix.object <- new(
    Class = "ProbMatrixCellTypes",
    prob.matrix = test.prob.matrix,
    cell.names = test.prob.matrix.names,
    set.list = test.set.list,
    set = test.set,
    method = test.method,
    plots = test.plots,
    type.data = "test"
  prob.cell.types(object) <- list(
    train = train.prob.matrix.object,
    test = test.prob.matrix.object
  if (verbose) message("DONE")

.violinPlot <- function(
  x = "CellType", 
  y = "Prob"
) {
  plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]])) +
    geom_violin() + ggtitle(title) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))

.boxPlot <- function(
  x = "CellType", 
  y = "Prob"
) {
  plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]])) +
    geom_boxplot() + ggtitle(title) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))

.linesPlot <- function(
  x = "CellType", 
  y = "Prob", 
  group = "Sample"
) {
  plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]],
                        group = .data[[group]])) +
    geom_line(colour = "grey60") + ggtitle(title) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))

.plotsQCSets <- function(
) {
  title <- paste0("Bulk Probability Dist. Set ", n, " (", set, ")")
  n.samples <- paste("# samples:", dim(probs)[1])
  plots.functions <- list(.violinPlot, .boxPlot, .linesPlot)
  df <- reshape2::melt(probs)
  colnames(df) <- c("Sample", "CellType", "Prob")
  # first three plots
  plot.list <- lapply(plots.functions, function(f) f(df, paste(title, n.samples)))
  # final plots
  dummy <- t(apply(as.matrix(stats::na.omit(prob.matrix)), 1, sort, decreasing = T))
  df <- reshape2::melt(dummy)
  colnames(df) <- c("Sample", "nCellTypes", "Prob")
  df$nCellTypes <- factor(df$nCellTypes)
  plot.list[[4]] <- .boxPlot(df = df, x = "nCellTypes", title = title)
  names(plot.list) <- c("violinplot", "boxplot", "linesplot", "ncelltypes")

# there is something wrong
setCount <- function(
) {
  names(x) <- sn
  sc <- c()
  x.set <- .setHundredLimit(x = (x * n.cells) / 100, limit = n.cells)
  for (cType in names(x)) {
    n <- ceiling(x.set[cType]) # n <- ceiling(x[cType])
    if (n > 0) {
      if (is.null(setList[[cType]]))
      repl <- ifelse(test = n > length(setList[[cType]]), yes = TRUE, no = FALSE)
      sc <- c(sc, sample(setList[[cType]], size = n, replace = repl))

# introduce zeros in selected proportions. when these samples will be 
# simulated, they will have zero values in these cell types
.cellExcluder <- function(vec, index.ex) {
  # sel <- sample(x = index.ex, size = length(index.ex)) # -1
  vec[index.ex] <- 0
  return(list(vec, index.ex))

# recursive implementation
# this function take 1 cell type from the available cell types (without 
# using index.ex cell types) and add up or subtract depending what is needed
.setHundredLimit <- function(
  index.ex = NULL, 
  limit = 100
) {
  if (sum(x) > limit) {
    while (TRUE) {
      if (is.null(index.ex)) {
        sel <- sample(x = seq(length(x)), size = 1)
      } else {
        if (length(index.ex) != length(x) - 1) {
          sel <- sample(x = which(x != 0), size = 1)
        } else {
          sel <- sample(x = seq(length(x))[-index.ex], size = 1) 
      res <- x[sel] - abs(sum(x) - limit)
      if (res < 0) res <- x[sel] - sample(x = x[sel], size = 1)
      if (res >= 0) break
    x[sel] <- res
  } else if (sum(x) < limit) {
    while (TRUE) {
      if (is.null(index.ex)) {
        sel <- sample(x = seq(length(x)), size = 1)
      } else {
        sel <- sample(x = seq(length(x))[-index.ex], size = 1)
      res <- x[sel] + abs(sum(x) - limit)
      if (res <= limit) break
    x[sel] <- res
  if (sum(x) != limit) 
    return(.setHundredLimit(x = x, index.ex = index.ex, limit = limit))

# This function is not intended to deal with index.ex, so I'm going to avoid
# it. Proportions will be corrected by .setHundredLimit. The idea is to 
# distribute the proportions equally between the different cell types
.adjustHundred <- function(
  index.ex = NULL,
  sampling = TRUE
) {
  w <- unlist(lapply(prob.list, sample, 1))
  # remove cell types if needed
  if (!is.null(index.ex)) {
    x.list <- .cellExcluder(vec = x, index.ex = index.ex)
    x <- x.list[[1]]
    # w[x.list[[2]]] <- 0
    # # this sentence is in order to avoid that there is only one sample when they
    # # should be two
    # if (any(w[-x.list[[2]]] == 0)) {
    #   no.zero <- setdiff(seq_along(w), x.list)
    #   w[no.zero[w[no.zero] == 0]] <- 1
    # }
  d <- abs(sum(x) - 100)
  if (sum(x) > 100) {
    div.w <- (w / sum(w)) * d
    while (!all(x >= div.w)) {
      index <- which(!x >= div.w)
      w[index] <- 0
      div.w <- (w / sum(w)) * d
    x <- round(x - div.w)
    x <- .setHundredLimit(x = x, index.ex = index.ex)
  } else if (sum(x) < 100) {
    div.w <- (w / sum(w)) * d
    while (!all(100 - div.w > x)) {
      index <- which(!100 - div.w > x)
      w[index] <- 0
      div.w <- (w / sum(w)) * d
    x <- round(x + div.w)
    x <- .setHundredLimit(x = x, index.ex = index.ex)

# generate index.ex variable for each sample using prob.zero
.generateExcludedTypes <- function(
) {
  if (prob.zero > 1 || prob.zero < 0)
    stop("'prob.zero' must be an integer between 0 and 1")
  prob.zero <- 1 - prob.zero
  # number of cell types equal to zero have the same probability: only changes
  # the probability of having 0 zeros. Maybe this could be improvable
  random.zeros <- function(prob.zero) {
    num.zero <- sample(
      seq(0, n.cell.types - 1), size = 1,
      prob = c(prob.zero, rep((1 - prob.zero) / (n.cell.types - 1), n.cell.types - 1))
    # num.zero <- sample(x = seq(1, n.cell.types - 1), size = 1)
    if (num.zero == 0) {
    } else {
      res <- sample(seq(n.cell.types), size = num.zero)
      if (length(res) == n.cell.types) 
        res <- res[-sample(x = n.cell.types, size = 1)]
      n = num,
      expr = random.zeros(prob.zero = prob.zero)

# cell proportions are randomly sampled from a truncated uniform distribution 
# with predefined limits according to the a priori knowledge of the abundance 
# of each cell type
.generateSet1 <- function(
) {
  sampling <- function(prob.list, ex.cells) {
        vec = unlist(lapply(X = prob.list, FUN = sample, 1)),
        index.ex = ex.cells
  # preallocate matrix in order to avoid memory problems
  prob.matrix <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = num, ncol = n.cell.types)
  c <- 1
  while (c <= num) {
    prob.matrix[c,] <- sampling(prob.list = prob.list, ex.cells = index.ex[[c]])
    c <- c + 1
  prob.matrix <- round(prob.matrix * 100 / rowSums(prob.matrix))
  prob.matrix <- do.call(
    what = rbind, 
    args = lapply(
      X = seq(nrow(prob.matrix)), 
      FUN = function(x) {
        .setHundredLimit(x = prob.matrix[x, ], index.ex = index.ex[[x]])
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

# generated by randomly permuting cell type labels on the previous proportions
# (.generateSet1)
.generateSet2 <- function(
) {
  # First, I correct proportions: cell types with zero are not going to be 
  # changed, but in the next line I resample labels
  prob.matrix <- .generateSet1(
    prob.list = prob.list,
    num = num,
    s.cells = s.cells,
    n.cell.types = n.cell.types,
    index.ex = index.ex
  prob.matrix <- t(apply(X = prob.matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sample))
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

.generateSet3 <- function(
) {
  # preallocate matrix in order to avoid memory problems
  prob.matrix <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = num, ncol = n.cell.types)
  c <- 1
  while (c <= num) {
    p <- rep(0, n.cell.types)
    # To avoid a bias with first cell types, I use sample
    i <- sample(
      x = setdiff(x = seq(n.cell.types), y = index.ex[[c]]),
      size = 1
    while (sum(p) < 100) {
      p[i] <- p[i] + sample(x = seq((100 - sum(p))), size = 1) #  / n.cell.types
      i <- sample(
        x = setdiff(x = seq(n.cell.types), y = index.ex[[c]]), # c(index.ex[[c]], i)
        size = 1
    p <- round(p * 100 / sum(p))
    p <- .adjustHundred(x = p, prob.list = prob.list, index.ex = index.ex[[c]])
    prob.matrix[c, ] <- p
    # counter
    c <- c + 1
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

.generateSet4 <- function(
) {
  prob.matrix <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = num, ncol = n.cell.types)
  c <- 1
  while(c <= num) {
    p <- rep(0, n.cell.types)
    names(p) <- names(prob.list)
    i <- sample(
      x = setdiff(x = seq(n.cell.types), y = index.ex[[c]]), 
      size = 1
    while (sum(p) < 100) {
      dp <- 101
      while (dp > max(prob.list[[i]])) {
        dp <- sample(x = prob.list[[i]], size = 1)
      p[i] <- p[i] + dp
      i <- sample(
        x = setdiff(x = seq(n.cell.types), y = index.ex[[c]]), 
        size = 1
    prob.matrix[c, ] <- p
    c <- c + 1
  prob.matrix <- round(prob.matrix * 100 / rowSums(prob.matrix))
  prob.matrix <- do.call(
    what = rbind, 
    args = lapply(
      X = seq(nrow(prob.matrix)), 
      FUN = function(x) {
        p <- .adjustHundred(
          x = prob.matrix[x, ], prob.list = prob.list, index.ex = index.ex[[x]]
  # p <- .adjustHundred(x = p, prob.list = prob.list, index.ex = index.ex[[c]])
  # p <- sample(p)
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

.generateSet5 <- function(
) {
  prob.matrix <- do.call(
    what = rbind, 
    args = lapply(
      X = seq(num), 
      FUN = function(x) {
        p <- gtools::rdirichlet(
          n = 1,
          alpha = .cellExcluder(
            rep(1, n.cell.types), index.ex = index.ex[[x]]
        p <- round(p * 100 / sum(p))
        return(.setHundredLimit(x = p, index.ex = index.ex[[x]]))
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

# generate pseudo-bulk samples consisted of only 1 cell type
.generateSet6 <- function(
) {
  prob.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = num, ncol = n.cell.types)
  num.set <- .setHundredLimit(
    x = rep(ceiling(num / n.cell.types), n.cell.types), limit = num
  num.index <- c(0, cumsum(num.set))
  # which(num.set != 0) because may be cell types without pseudo-bulk --> error
  for (i in which(num.set != 0)) {
    prob.matrix[seq(num.index[i] + 1, num.index[i + 1]), i] <- 100
  colnames(prob.matrix) <- names(prob.list)

######################## Simulate bulk RNA-Seq samples #########################

#' Simulate training and test pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq profiles
#' Simulate training and test pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq profiles using the cell
#' composition matrices generated by the \code{\link{generateBulkCellMatrix}}
#' function. The samples are generated under the assumption that the expression
#' level of the \eqn{i} gene in the \eqn{j} bulk sample is given by the sum of
#' the expression levels of the cell types \eqn{X_{ijk}} that make them up
#' weighted by the proportions of these \eqn{k} cell types in each sample. In
#' practice, as described in Torroja and Sanchez-Cabo, 2019, these profiles are
#' generated by summing a number of cells of different cell types determined by
#' proportions from a matrix of known cell composition. The number of simulated
#' pseudo-bulk RNA-Seq samples and the number of cells composing each sample are
#' determined by \code{\link{generateBulkCellMatrix}} (see Documentation)
#' \strong{Note:} this step can be avoided by using the \code{on.the.fly}
#' argument in the \code{\link{trainDigitalDLSorterModel}} function. See
#' Documentation for more information.
#' \pkg{digitalDLSorteR} allows the use of HDF5 files as back-end to store the
#' resulting data using the \pkg{DelayedArray} and \pkg{HDF5Array} packages.
#' This functionality allows to work without keeping the data loaded into RAM,
#' which could be of vital importance during some computationally heavy steps
#' such as neural network training on RAM-limited machines. You must provide a
#' valid file path in the \code{file.backend} argument to store the resulting
#' file with the '.h5' extension. The data will be accessible from R without
#' being loaded into memory. This option slightly slows down execution times, as
#' subsequent transformations of the data will be done in blocks rather than
#' using all the data. We recommend this option according to the computational
#' resources available and the number of pseudo-bulk samples to be generated.
#' Note that if you use the \code{file.backend} argument with
#' \code{block.processing = FALSE}, all pseudo-bulk profiles will be simulated
#' in one step and, therefore, loaded into RAM. Then, the data will be written
#' to an HDF5 file. To avoid the RAM collapse, pseudo-bulk profiles can be
#' simulated and written to HDF5 files in blocks of \code{block.size} size by
#' setting \code{block.processing = TRUE}.
#' It is possible to avoid this step by using the \code{on.the.fly} argument in
#' the \code{\link{trainDigitalDLSorterModel}} function. In this way, data is
#' generated 'on the fly' during the neural network training. For more details,
#' see \code{?\link{trainDigitalDLSorterModel}}.
#' @param object \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object with
#'   \code{single.cell.real}/\code{single.cell.simul} and \code{prob.cell.types}
#'   slots.
#' @param type.data Type of data to generate between \code{'train'},
#'   \code{'test'} or \code{'both'} (the last by default).
#' @param pseudobulk.function Function used to build pseudo-bulk samples. It may
#'   be: \itemize{ \item \code{"MeanCPM"}: single-cell profiles (raw counts) are
#'   transformed into CPMs and cross-cell averages are calculated. Then,
#'   \code{log2(CPM + 1)} is calculated. \item \code{"AddCPM"}: single-cell
#'   profiles (raw counts) are transformed into CPMs and are added up across
#'   cells. Then, log-CPMs are calculated. \item \code{"AddRawCount"}:
#'   single-cell profiles (raw counts) are added up across cells. Then, log-CPMs
#'   are calculated.}
#' @param file.backend Valid file path to store the simulated single-cell
#'   expression profiles as an HDF5 file (\code{NULL} by default). If provided,
#'   the data is stored in HDF5 files used as back-end by using the
#'   \pkg{DelayedArray}, \pkg{HDF5Array} and \pkg{rhdf5} packages instead of
#'   loading all data into RAM memory. This is suitable for situations where you
#'   have large amounts of data that cannot be loaded into memory. Note that
#'   operations on this data will be performed in blocks (i.e subsets of
#'   determined size) which may result in longer execution times.
#' @param compression.level The compression level used if \code{file.backend} is
#'   provided. It is an integer value between 0 (no compression) and 9 (highest
#'   and slowest compression). See
#'   \code{?\link[HDF5Array]{getHDF5DumpCompressionLevel}} from the
#'   \pkg{HDF5Array} package for more information.
#' @param block.processing Boolean indicating whether the data should be
#'   simulated in blocks (only if \code{file.backend} is used, \code{FALSE} by
#'   default). This functionality is suitable for cases where is not possible to
#'   load all data into memory and it leads to larger execution times.
#' @param block.size Only if \code{block.processing = TRUE}. Number of
#'   pseudo-bulk expression profiles that will be simulated in each iteration
#'   during the process. Larger numbers result in higher memory usage but
#'   shorter execution times. Set according to available computational resources
#'   (1000 by default).
#' @param chunk.dims Specifies the dimensions that HDF5 chunk will have. If
#'   \code{NULL}, the default value is a vector of two items: the number of
#'   genes considered by \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object during the
#'   simulation, and a single sample to reduce read times in the following
#'   steps. A larger number of columns written in each chunk can lead to longer
#'   read times.
#' @param threads Number of threads used during the simulation of pseudo-bulk
#'   samples (1 by default). Set according to computational resources and avoid
#'   it if \code{block.size} will be used.
#' @param verbose Show informative messages during the execution (\code{TRUE} by
#'   default).
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{DigitalDLSorter}} object with \code{bulk.simul}
#'   slot containing a list with one or two entries (depending on selected
#'   \code{type.data} argument): \code{'train'} and \code{'test'}. Each entry
#'   contains a \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment}} object
#'   with simulated bulk samples in the \code{assay} slot, sample names in the
#'   \code{colData} slot and feature names in the \code{rowData} slot.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateBulkCellMatrix}}
#'   \code{\linkS4class{ProbMatrixCellTypes}}
#'   \code{\link{trainDigitalDLSorterModel}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123) # reproducibility
#' # simulated data
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
#'   assays = list(
#'     counts = matrix(
#'       rpois(30, lambda = 5), nrow = 15, ncol = 10,
#'       dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(15)), paste0("RHC", seq(10)))
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   colData = data.frame(
#'     Cell_ID = paste0("RHC", seq(10)),
#'     Cell_Type = sample(x = paste0("CellType", seq(2)), size = 10,
#'                        replace = TRUE)
#'   ),
#'   rowData = data.frame(
#'     Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(15))
#'   )
#' )
#' DDLS <- loadSCProfiles(
#'   single.cell.data = sce,
#'   cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID",
#'   gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID"
#' )
#' probMatrixValid <- data.frame(
#'   Cell_Type = paste0("CellType", seq(2)),
#'   from = c(1, 30),
#'   to = c(15, 70)
#' )
#' DDLS <- generateBulkCellMatrix(
#'   object = DDLS,
#'   cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID",
#'   cell.type.column = "Cell_Type",
#'   prob.design = probMatrixValid,
#'   num.bulk.samples = 10,
#'   verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' DDLS <- simBulkProfiles(DDLS, verbose = TRUE)
#' @references Fischer B, Smith M and Pau, G (2020). rhdf5: R Interface to HDF5.
#'   R package version 2.34.0.
#'   Pagès H, Hickey P and Lun A (2020). DelayedArray: A unified framework for
#'   working transparently with on-disk and in-memory array-like datasets. R
#'   package version 0.16.0.
#'   Pagès H (2020). HDF5Array: HDF5 backend for DelayedArray objects. R package
#'   version 1.18.0.
simBulkProfiles <- function(
  type.data = "both",
  pseudobulk.function = "MeanCPM",
  file.backend = NULL,
  compression.level = NULL,
  block.processing = FALSE,
  block.size = 1000,
  chunk.dims = NULL,
  threads = 1,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if (!is(object, "DigitalDLSorter")) {
    stop("The object provided is not of DigitalDLSorter class")
  } else if (is.null(single.cell.real(object))) {
    stop("There are no real single-cell profiles in DigitalDLSorter object")
  } else if (is.null(prob.cell.types(object))) {
    stop("'prob.cell.types' slot is empty")
  } else if (!any(type.data == c("train", "test", "both"))) {
    stop("'type.data' argument must be one of the following options: 'train', 'test' or 'both'")
  if (!pseudobulk.function %in% c("MeanCPM", "AddCPM", "AddRawCount")) {
    stop("'pseudobulk.function' must be one of the following options: 'MeanCPM', 'AddCPM', 'AddRawCount'")
  } else {
    if (pseudobulk.function == "MeanCPM") {
      .pseudobulk.fun <- pseudobulk.fun.mean.cpm
    } else if (pseudobulk.function == "AddCPM") {
      .pseudobulk.fun <- pseudobulk.fun.add.cpm
    } else if (pseudobulk.function == "AddRawCount") {
      .pseudobulk.fun <- pseudobulk.fun.add.raw.counts
  if (!is.null(file.backend)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("DelayedArray", quietly = TRUE) || 
        !requireNamespace("HDF5Array", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("digitalDLSorteR provides the possibility of using HDF5 files as back-end
         when data are too big to be located in RAM. It uses DelayedArray, 
         HDF5Array and rhdf5 to do it. Please install both packages to 
         use this functionality")
    if (file.exists(file.backend)) {
      stop("'file.backend' already exists. Please provide a correct file path")
    if (is.null(compression.level)) {
      compression.level <- HDF5Array::getHDF5DumpCompressionLevel()
    } else {
      if (compression.level < 0 || compression.level > 9) {
        stop("'compression.level' must be an integer between 0 (no compression) ",
             "and 9 (highest and slowest compression). ")
  if (threads <= 0) threads <- 1
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste("=== Setting parallel environment to", threads, "thread(s)"))
  if (type.data == "both") {
    if (!is.null(object@bulk.simul)) {
      warning("'bulk.simul' slot will be overwritten\n\n",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    bulk.counts <- lapply(
      X = c("train", "test"),
      FUN = function(x) {
        if (verbose) {
          message(paste("\n=== Generating", x, "bulk samples:"))
          object = object,
          type.data = x,
          fun.pseudobulk = .pseudobulk.fun,
          unit = pseudobulk.function,
          file.backend = file.backend,
          compression.level = compression.level,
          block.processing = block.processing,
          block.size = block.size,
          chunk.dims = chunk.dims,
          threads = threads,
          verbose = verbose
    names(bulk.counts) <- c("train", "test")
    object@bulk.simul <- bulk.counts
  } else {
    if (!is.null(bulk.simul(object)) && type.data %in% names(bulk.simul(object))) {
      warning(paste(type.data, "data in 'bulk.simul' slot will be overwritten", 
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste("\n=== Generating", type.data, "bulk samples:"))
    bulk.counts <- .generateBulkProfiles(
      object = object,
      type.data = type.data,
      fun.pseudobulk = .pseudobulk.fun,
      unit = pseudobulk.function,
      file.backend = file.backend,
      compression.level = compression.level,
      block.processing = block.processing,
      block.size = block.size,
      chunk.dims = chunk.dims,
      threads = threads,
      verbose = verbose
    if (!is.null(bulk.simul(object))) {
      if (type.data %in% names(bulk.simul(object))) {
        bulk.simul(object, type.data) <- NULL
      bulk.simul(object) <- c(bulk.simul(object), type.data = bulk.counts)
    } else {
      bulk.simul(object) <- list(bulk.counts)
      names(bulk.simul(object)) <- type.data
  if (verbose) message("\nDONE")

.generateBulkProfiles <- function(
) {
  sel.bulk.cells <- prob.cell.types(object, type.data) %>% cell.names()
  sel.bulk.cells <- sel.bulk.cells[sample(nrow(sel.bulk.cells)), ]
  if (!is.null(single.cell.simul(object))) {
    suffix.names <- unique(colData(single.cell.simul(object))$suffix)
  } else {
    suffix.names <- "_Simul"
  pattern <- suffix.names
  if (!verbose) pbo <- pbapply::pboptions(type = "none")
  if (block.processing && is.null(file.backend)) {
    stop("'block.processing' is only compatible to the use of HDF5 files ", 
         "as back-end ('file.backend' argument)")
  } else if (block.processing && !is.null(file.backend)) {
    n <- nrow(sel.bulk.cells)
    J <- nrow(assay(single.cell.real(object)))
    if (n < block.size) {
      block.size <- n
      warning("The number of simulated samples is less than 'block.size'. ",
              "A single block will be performed.", 
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    if (is.null(chunk.dims) || length(chunk.dims) != 2) chunk.dims <- c(J, 1)
    if (!file.exists(file.backend)) rhdf5::h5createFile(file.backend)
      file.backend, type.data, 
      dims = c(J, block.size), 
      maxdims = c(J, n), 
      chunk = chunk.dims,
      storage.mode = "double"
    r.i <- 0
    # iteration over cells 
    for (iter in seq(ceiling(n / block.size))) {
      if (verbose) message(paste("   - Writing block", iter))
      if ((block.size * iter) - n > 0) {
        dif <- block.size
        dif.2 <- (block.size * iter) - n
        block.size <- block.size - dif.2
      } else {
        dif <- block.size
      sub.i <- seq(from = r.i + 1, to = r.i + block.size)
      r.i <- r.i + block.size
      bulk.samples <- pbapply::pbapply(
        X = sel.bulk.cells[sub.i, , drop = FALSE],
        MARGIN = 1,
        FUN = .setBulk,
        object = object,
        pattern = pattern,
        fun.pseudobulk = fun.pseudobulk,
        cl = threads
      if (iter == 1) {
          obj = bulk.samples, file = file.backend, 
          name = type.data, level = compression.level
      } else {
        # check number of cells in the next loop
        rhdf5::h5set_extent(file.backend, type.data, dims = c(J, n))
          obj = bulk.samples, 
          file = file.backend, name = type.data, 
          index = list(seq(J), seq((dif * (iter - 1)) + 1, 
                                   (dif * (iter - 1)) + ncol(bulk.samples))),
          level = compression.level
    # HDF5Array object for SingleCellExperiment class
    bulk.samples <- HDF5Array::HDF5Array(file = file.backend, name = type.data)
    dimnames(bulk.samples) <- list(rownames(assay(single.cell.real(object))), 
  } else if (!block.processing) {
    bulk.samples <- pbapply::pbapply(
      X = sel.bulk.cells,
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = .setBulk,
      object = object,
      pattern = pattern,
      fun.pseudobulk = fun.pseudobulk,
      cl = threads
  if (!verbose) on.exit(pbapply::pboptions(pbo))
      counts = bulk.samples,
      samples.metadata = prob.cell.types(object, type.data)@prob.matrix[rownames(sel.bulk.cells), ],
      genes.metadata = rownames(assay(single.cell.real(object))),
      file.backend = file.backend,
      compression.level = compression.level,
      block.processing = block.processing,
      type.data = type.data,
      verbose = verbose

.createSEObject <- function(
) {
  # could be a check of counts class -> if (is(counts, "HDF5Array"))
  if (!is.null(file.backend) && !block.processing) {
    counts <- .useH5backend(
      counts = counts,
      file.backend = file.backend,
      compression.level = compression.level,
      group = type.data,
      sparse = FALSE,
      verbose = verbose
      assays = list(counts = counts),
      colData = samples.metadata,
      rowData = genes.metadata

## functions to calculate pseudo-bulk samples
.cpmCalculate <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(dim(x))) return((x / sum(x)) * 1e6)
  else return(apply(X = x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) (x / sum(x)) * 1e6))

pseudobulk.fun.mean.cpm <- function(x) {
  rowMeans(log2(.cpmCalculate(x = x + 1)))

pseudobulk.fun.add.cpm <- function(x) {
  .cpmCalculate(x = rowSums(log2(.cpmCalculate(x = x + 1))))

pseudobulk.fun.add.raw.counts <- function(x) {
  log2(.cpmCalculate(x = rowSums(x) + 1))

.setBulk <- function(x, object, pattern, fun.pseudobulk) {
  sep.b <- grepl(pattern = pattern, x = x)
  if (any(sep.b)) {
    cols.sim <- match(
      x = x[sep.b], table = colnames(single.cell.simul(object))
    ) %>% sort()
    cols.real <- match(
      x = x[!sep.b], table = colnames(single.cell.real(object))
    ) %>% sort()
    sim.counts <- as.matrix(assay(single.cell.simul(object))[, cols.sim, drop = FALSE])
    real.counts <- as.matrix(assay(single.cell.real(object))[, cols.real, drop = FALSE])
    counts <- .mergeMatrices(x = real.counts, y = sim.counts) # merge matrices
  } else if (all(sep.b)) {
    cols <- sort(match(x = x[sep.b], table = colnames(single.cell.simul(object)))) 
    counts <- as.matrix(assay(single.cell.simul(object))[, cols, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    cols <- match(x = x, table = colnames(single.cell.real(object))) %>% sort()
    counts <- as.matrix(assay(single.cell.real(object))[, cols, drop = FALSE])
  return(fun.pseudobulk(x = counts))

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digitalDLSorteR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.