
### Process data points using the Positioning Method and draw the
### resulting direct labels. This is called for every panel with
### direct labels, every time the plot window is resized.
drawDetails.dlgrob <- function
### The dlgrob list object. x$method should be a Positioning Method
### list and x$data should be a data.frame with the following
### variables: \describe{
### \item{x,y}{numeric horizontal and vertical positions of direct
### labels, in native units. These are converted to cm units before
### applying the Positioning Method.}
### \item{groups}{factor that indices the different groups, and
### colour indicates the corresponding group colour.}
### \item{hjust and vjust}{(optional) numeric values usually in
### [0,1] that control the justification of the text label relative to
### the x,y position.}
### \item{rot}{(optional) numeric value in [0,360] that specifies
### the degrees which the text should be rotated.}
### \item{cex, alpha, fontface, fontfamily}{(optional) passed to
### gpar.}
### } Additionally, x$debug should be set to TRUE or
### FALSE, and x$axestonative should be a function that converts units
### shown on the axes to native units of x$data[,c("x","y")].
  ## calculate x and y position in cm --- by this time we should have
  ## done any preprocessing necessary to convert 1d data to 2d data!
  cm.data <- x$data
  cm.data$x <- convertX(unit(cm.data$x,"native"),"cm",valueOnly=TRUE)
  cm.data$y <- convertY(unit(cm.data$y,"native"),"cm",valueOnly=TRUE)
  cm.data$groups <- factor(cm.data$groups)
  ## save original levels for later in case Positioning Methods mess
  ## them up.
  levs <- unique(cm.data[,c("groups","colour")])
  code <- as.character(levs$colour)
  names(code) <- as.character(levs$groups)
  ## apply ignore.na function -- these points are not plotted
  cm.data <- ignore.na(cm.data)
    cm.data$label <- cm.data$groups
  cm.data <- apply.method(
  if(nrow(cm.data)==0)return()## empty data frames can cause many bugs
  ## Take col from colour or groups.
  colour <- cm.data[["colour"]]
  cm.data$col <- if(is.null(colour)){
  } else {
  ## defaults for grid parameter values:
  defaults <- list(hjust=0.5,vjust=0.5,rot=0)
  for(p in names(defaults)){
    if(!p %in% names(cm.data))cm.data[,p] <- NA
    cm.data[is.na(cm.data[,p]),p] <- defaults[[p]]
  cm.data <- unique(cm.data)
  gpargs <- c("cex","alpha","fontface","fontfamily","col")
  gp <- do.call(gpar,cm.data[names(cm.data)%in%gpargs])
  text.name <- paste0(
    "directlabels.text.", x$name)
  with(cm.data, grid.text(

### This environment holds an integer id that will be incremented to
### get a unique id for each dlgrob.
dl.env <- new.env()
dl.env$dlgrob.id <- 0L

dlgrob <- function
### Make a grid grob that will draw direct labels.
### Data frame including points to plot in native coordinates.
### Positioning Method.
  ## increment dlgrob.id to get a unique name because as explained on
  ## ?grid::gTree "Grob names need not be unique in general, but all
  ## children of a gTree must have different names."
  dl.env$dlgrob.id <- dl.env$dlgrob.id+1L
  mstr <- if(is.character(method))method[1] else "NA"
  name <- sprintf("GRID.dlgrob.%d.%s", dl.env$dlgrob.id, mstr)

direct.label <- structure(function # Direct labels for color decoding
### Add direct labels to a plot, and hide the color legend. Modern
### plotting packages like lattice and ggplot2 show automatic legends
### based on the variable specified for color, but these legends can
### be confusing if there are too many colors. Direct labels are a
### useful and clear alternative to a confusing legend in many common
### plots.
### The "trellis" or "ggplot" object with things drawn in different
### colors.
### Positioning Method, which determines the positions of the direct
### labels as a function of the plotted data. If NULL, we examine the
### plot p and try to choose an appropriate default. See
### \code{\link{apply.method}} for more information about Positioning
### Methods.
### Show debug output?
  ##alias<< directlabels
### A plot with direct labels and no color legend.
    ## Add direct labels to a ggplot2 scatterplot, making sure that each
    ## label is close to its point cloud, and doesn't overlap points or
    ## other labels.
    scatter <- qplot(jitter(hwy),jitter(cty),data=mpg,colour=class,
                     main="Fuel efficiency depends on car size")

  ## direct labels for lineplots that do not overlap and do not go off
  ## the plot.
  if(require(nlme) && require(lattice)){
    oldopt <- lattice.options(panel.error=NULL)
    ratplot <-
    ## Using the default Positioning Method (maxvar.qp), the labels are
    ## placed on the side which is most spread out, so in multipanel
    ## plots they sometimes end up on different sides.
    ## To put them on the same side, just manually specify the
    ## Positioning Method.

default.picker <- function
### Look at options() for a user-defined default Positioning Method
### picker, and use that (or the hard-coded default picker), with the
### calling environment to figure out a good default.
### Object class to look for (trellis or ggplot).
  varname <- paste("defaultpf.",f,sep="")
  p <- getOption(paste("directlabels.",varname,sep=""))
  if(is.null(p))p <- get(varname)

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directlabels documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:59 a.m.