
Defines functions as.Distribution.matrix as.Distribution

Documented in as.Distribution as.Distribution.matrix

#' @title Coerce matrix to vector of WeightedDiscrete or Matrix Distribution
#' @description Coerces matrices to a [VectorDistribution] containing
#' [WeightedDiscrete] distributions or a [Matdist]. Number of distributions
#' are the number of rows in the matrix, number of `x` points are number of
#' columns in the matrix.
#' @param obj [matrix]. Column names correspond to `x` in [WeightedDiscrete],
#' so this method only works if all distributions (rows in the matrix) have the
#' same points to be evaluated on. Elements correspond to either the pdf
#' or cdf of the distribution (see below).
#' @param fun Either `"pdf"` or `"cdf"`, passed to [WeightedDiscrete] or [Matdist]
#' and tells the constructor if the elements in `obj` correspond to the pdf or
#' cdf of the distribution.
#' @param decorators Passed to [VectorDistribution] or [Matdist].
#' @param vector `(logical(1))` \cr If `TRUE` then constructs a
#' [VectorDistribution] of [WeightedDiscrete] distributions, otherwise (default)
#' constructs a [Matdist].
#' @return A [VectorDistribution] or [Matdist]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pdf <- runif(200)
#' mat <- matrix(pdf, 20, 10, FALSE, list(NULL, 1:10))
#' mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, function(x) x / sum(x)))
#' # coercion to matrix distribution
#' as.Distribution(mat, fun = "pdf")
#' # coercion to vector of weighted discrete distributions
#' as.Distribution(mat, fun = "pdf", vector = TRUE)
as.Distribution <- function(obj, fun, decorators = NULL, vector = FALSE) {

#' @rdname as.Distribution
#' @export
as.Distribution.matrix <- function(obj, fun, decorators = NULL, vector = FALSE) {
  if (!vector) {
    dstr("Matdist", pars = setNames(list(obj), fun), decorators = decorators)
  } else {
    if (is.null(colnames(obj))) {
      stop("'obj' must have column names")

    if (fun %nin% c("pdf", "cdf")) {
      stop("'fun' should be one of 'pdf', 'cdf'")

    x <- as.numeric(colnames(obj))
    obj <- apply(obj, 1, function(.x) {
      out <- list(fun = .x, x = x)
      names(out)[[1]] <- fun

      distribution = "WeightedDiscrete",
      params = obj,
      decorators = decorators

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